Dope documentary about the Haitian Revolution


May 2, 2012
The Bronx
:childplease: he slaughtered the oppressors who wanted nothing more than to continue to subjugate, torture, and oppress the people of the island.

Women and children. What does a 1 year old know about oppressing blacks smh. Than he went on and pretty much enslaved his own black people for his own gain and eventually got killed and no one gave a fukk. Lol no wonder that country will forever be :flabbynsick:

Lol at a Haitian documentary to be proud of. Nothing proud about that corrupt place.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Women and children. What does a 1 year old know about oppressing blacks smh.

It's funny you show empathy for the whites who died during the revolution, but ignore the hundreds of thousands of black men, women, and children who were killed during Haitian slavery. As I stated, Louverture told the French the revolution would end if they agreed to treat the Africans better and they said no and decided to go to war. They then captured Louverture, and Napoleon wanted to reinstitute slavery on the island because he didn't believe a black nation should be allowed to be independent. It wasn't until they tried to reenslave the Haitians (for the 3rd time) that Dessalines decided to kill every white person on the island. Why? Because they were a threat to the very freedom of every African who was there.

Than he went on and pretty much enslaved his own black people for his own gain and eventually got killed and no one gave a fukk. Lol no wonder that country will forever be :flabbynsick:

Lol at a Haitian documentary to be proud of. Nothing proud about that corrupt place.

The bolded shows you really don't know shyt about the history of Haiti. The reason the French, British, and Spanish were fighting for Haiti was because it was one of the richest colonies on the planet because of it's sugar cane and coffee exports. After they won their Revolution, Haiti still had access to all of those same exports and was still one of the richest places on earth.

Haiti became what it was because the US, Britain, France, Spain, and other European countries who profited from slavery didn't want talks of a Black nation taking it's independence to cause black rebellions to pop off around the world. It had nothing to do with the leadership of the country and everything to do with the European countries not wanting a black nation to be known throughout Europe and the Americas. They had congressional hearings in the US discussing the problem that Haitian revolution would possibly present to the slavery in the US, and started actively refusing white Haitians entry into the country because they feared word would continue to spread about what the Haitians did.

Just read quotes of what whites had to say about Haiti to see how they felt. They even used Haiti as proof that blacks were inherently violent and needed to be subjugated because they took their freedom, even though 28 years prior the US had violently taken their independence from the British
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Women and children. What does a 1 year old know about oppressing blacks smh..

They'd known plenty if they were allowed to live. What you think the White oppressors just sprung forth as evil adults?:heh: When you are at war for your liberty, you show NO mercy. You think the white oppressors gave a shyt about only enslaving, subjugating, and humiliating Black men?:what: They were just oh so kind to the black women and children...fukk outta here. Every single white individual who gained and benefited from the oppression of the blacks deserved to die. Every single one, the men the women and the children.


May 2, 2012
The Bronx
They'd known plenty if they were allowed to live. What you think the JEWS oppressors just sprung forth as evil adults?:heh: When you are at war for your liberty, you show NO mercy. You think the JEW oppressors gave a shyt about only enslaving, subjugating, and humiliating THE
ARYAN RACE?:what: They were just oh so kind to the ARYAN RACE women and children...fukk outta here. Every single JEW who gained and benefited from the oppression of the GERMEN ARYAN RACE deserved to die. Every single one, the men the women and the children.

EDIT to give HITLER his speech back


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
They'd known plenty if they were allowed to live. What you think the White oppressors just sprung forth as evil adults?:heh: When you are at war for your liberty, you show NO mercy. You think the white oppressors gave a shyt about only enslaving, subjugating, and humiliating Black men?:what: They were just oh so kind to the black women and children...fukk outta here. Every single white individual who gained and benefited from the oppression of the blacks deserved to die. Every single one, the men the women and the children.

That fukk boy acting like Dessalines just decided to kill people just because. They defeated the 1st Napoleon who wanted to reenslave them. Then they defeated the British who wanted to take the colony and reenslave them. Then they defeated the Spanish who wanted to take the colony and reenslave them. Then Napoleon Bonaparte came and wanted reenslave the Haitians again. How many times should the Haitians sit back and allow the whites on that island to try to take away their freedom?

That's like saying someone keep breaking into your house, killing you family, raping your wife, then wanna get mad when you put a hot one in his ass.


May 2, 2012
The Bronx
Lol you guys support ethnic cleansings smh. If we put it your way than Rafael Trujillo should of never stopped at the borders when they was cleaning the Haitians out of DR. they should of went city by city kill all the Haitians and open those jobs to our own people. Better yet Honestly they could of just invaded Haiti and take the entire island for our own people and kill every last one of those Haitian and unite the island under the Dominican flag. Of course I don't support that I thought he was fukked up what he did but by the sounds of it I'm sure if Trujillo was Haitian and he did that to the Dominicans u idiots would call him a hero lol.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
EDIT to give HITLER his speech back

The proper context would be the Jews rising up and killing their GERMAN OPPRESSORS. If the Jews of the Warshaw Ghetto Uprising had been successful and killed every single German possible, they would be well within their rights in seeking their own liberty. Liberty is NOT something you barter, pray for, or debate. It's something you DEMAND and something you TAKE, violently if necessary. The white oppressors and everyone who gained from the subjugation of the blacks in Haiti deserved to die. You don't allow " innocent" women and children who view you as little more than cattle to be worked until death to live. You kill them, for they are the enemy of your liberation.

May 7, 2012
EDIT to give HITLER his speech back

Hitler was at war for his freedom? :what:

I haven't watched the doc and am not well versed on the revolution, but your chides seem to be based solely on the ugly side of war. War is cruel. War is unfair. War is fukked up. But sometimes, war is necessary.:ld:


Sep 10, 2012
That fukk boy acting like Dessalines just decided to kill people just because. They defeated the 1st Napoleon who wanted to reenslave them. Then they defeated the British who wanted to take the colony and reenslave them. Then they defeated the Spanish who wanted to take the colony and reenslave them. Then Napoleon Bonaparte came and wanted reenslave the Haitians again. How many times should the Haitians sit back and allow the whites on that island to try to take away their freedom?

That's like saying someone keep breaking into your house, killing you family, raping your wife, then wanna get mad when you put a hot one in his ass.

To be honest with you I appreciate his honesty, I think most white people share his sentiments. Whenever Haiti is in in the news and there is a rehash of its history you can feel the racial under tones as if they want to say look at Haiti they overthrew their white masters and look at where it got them. He is historically correct about Dessaline being a tough ruler, but as you pointed out Haiti was isolated and forced into horrible positions.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Lol you guys support ethnic cleansings smh

Your logic is faulty. The taking of and defense of your own right to freedom is the farthest thing from "ethnic cleansing" you idiot:wtb: Ethnic cleansing is the systematic slaughter of an entire culture of people based upon race. (I.e. The Jewish Holocaust) Were the Haitians planning on conquering every white land and exterminating the white folk? Or were they an ENSLAVED culture of people fighting for their liberation? The Whites were their oppressors, their enemies, who viewed them as work dogs to be used in whatever humiliating manner they saw fit. This wasn't the arena for a goddamn Nelsen Mandela:childplease: this was the time for a revolution. The White oppressors EVERY single one who gained and benefited from the forced enslavement of blacks, deserved death. Why? Because every white who benefited is a White who believed that slavery was correct. You do NOT allow even a SINGLE individual who believes that enslaving you is the correct course of action to live.



I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Lol you guys support ethnic cleansings smh. If we put it your way than Rafael Trujillo should of never stopped at the borders when they was cleaning the Haitians out of DR. they should of went city by city kill all the Haitians and open those jobs to our own people. Better yet Honestly they could of just invaded Haiti and take the entire island for our own people and kill every last one of those Haitian and unite the island under the Dominican flag. Of course I don't support that I thought he was fukked up what he did but by the sounds of it I'm sure if Trujillo was Haitian and he did that to the Dominicans u idiots would call him a hero lol.

Did the Dominicans enslave the Haitians? No. But what did happens was the Spanish committed genocide against the aboriginal people of the island of Hispanola:

Hundreds of thousands Tainos living on the island were enslaved to work in gold mines. As a consequence of oppression, forced labor, hunger, disease, and mass killings, by 1535, only 60,000 were still alive.

In your imaginary mind Dessalines committed genocide by murdering the group of people who constantly tried to reenslave him and the other Africans on the island. But the atrocities of the now extinct Tainos people, as well as the murder, rape, torture, and abuse of African slaves for hundreds of years you haven't said anything negative about.

To be honest with you I appreciate his honesty, I think most white people share his sentiments. Whenever Haiti is in in the news and there is a rehash of its history you can feel the racial under tones as if they want to say look at Haiti they overthrew their white masters and look at where it got them. He is historically correct about Dessaline being a tough ruler, but as you pointed out Haiti was isolated and forced into horrible positions.

I already know how cacs feel about anything progressive when it comes to black history, but honestly fukk em. Haiti wasn't just isolated. They were strategically crippled because 1) Europeans wholeheartedly believed that Africans were sub human and 2) They did not want rebellions to happen in other countries. Haiti was the first country in history to outlaw slavery permanently. They were also the first nation to say that any slave who made it to it's shores were automatically a citizen and free. That was extremely dangerous to white supremacy.


May 2, 2012
The Bronx
Lol funny how guy killed all the whites and than probably told his own people "well slaves keep doing what you doing and ummm work harder BUT BUT don't worry white devils are gone we are FREE" Let not act like he didn't oppress his own people for his own gain
And used the mass killings of whites as an excuse for all bad in the country lol.

Idiots probably fell for that shyt also. No wonder he eventually got killed by his own people

I guess whites are only good after major earthquakes and that shyt corrupt place called Haiti can't support it's own people as it never ever did no matter who's in control White or black