Dr. Fauci: dont think we will be Back to 100% Normal by March 2022

May 22, 2012
Let me ask you something. Why is Dr. Fauci's opinion the only opinion we should follow. Other doctors and scientists disagree with him and they're called quacks or are censored. Many doctors have said the lockdowns don't work and we need a different strategy but Fauci is the guy to listen too. Any ya I know Dr. Fauci never supported lockdowns.
He’s not the only person you should follow... but he is the person who has access to the most information available due to his role in the White House. He’s speaking from the most informed point of view. Doesn’t mean his assessments are always correct because he’s human, but he is most likely always going to be the most informed.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Again. None of this changes my point. You want me to not understand something that I completely understand. None of that changes the fact that if more variants develop before we get the original strain under control (which we seemed to be on the brink of doing) we will be left to handle more of the complex and difficult to control variants, counteracting our progress.

The fact that it’ll be more difficult to control than the flu has little to do with my point. Different viruses are going to have different degrees of dangerousness. Fine. But the principle of how to get them under control does not change in the early stages, regardless of the varying degrees of efficacy based on how quickly these viruses mutate.

Edit: I am not the person you originally quoted expecting COVID to be “done.” I agree COVID is NOT going to disappear. I originally quoted you because I think from the way we generally deal with viruses, done doesn’t necessarily mean, gone... instead it just means that it becomes a minimal threat and we can handle the changes to come every year through things like mutations. I think COVID is probably here to stay for a while. But what we do now determines how much it affects our lives in the years to come.


What are the affects of the flu vs Covid. See, if it still doesn't change your point after that? I will help you a bit. One makes antibodies within the human body, the other does not, and has to be biochemically engineered! That is the whole crux of the matter with Covid and why it's so dangerous. The sub-strands don't look like the original, as is the case with the flu. And these are just the first strands. So we agree on these things.

To keep comparing it to the flu is ridiculous and also a very dangerous rhetoric, that's where I can't agree with you.
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Let me ask you something. Why is Dr. Fauci's opinion the only opinion we should follow. Other doctors and scientists disagree with him and they're called quacks or are censored. Many doctors have said the lockdowns don't work and we need a different strategy but Fauci is the guy to listen too. Any ya I know Dr. Fauci never supported lockdowns.

I assume because he's in charge and because it is advised by the World Health Care Organization, perhaps even enforced?
May 22, 2012

What are the effects of the flu vs Covid. See, and if it still doesn't change your point after that? I will help you a bit. ONE MAKES ANTIBODIES WITHIN THE HUMAN BODY, THE OTHER DOES NOT, and has to be biochemically engineered! That is the whole crux of the matter with the Covid and why it's so dangerous. The sub-strands don't look like the original, as is the case with the flu. And these are just the first strands.

To keep comparing it to the flu is ridiculous and also a very dangerous rhetoric, that's the point I am making.
My God bruh... you’re so blinded by your argument that you don’t even see that I’m not disagreeing with you. You’re not even arguing against the same thing that I am talking about.

My comment was PURELY about how to try to get a handle on the virus and how vaccinations influence that, not the intricacies of how difficult it is and what makes it difficult or how the makeup and structures of the two viruses differ.

Let’s do it this way...

How do you propose we handle this virus going forward in order to reduce the rate of death and/or contraction?

Do you think if we vaccinate a large enough portion of the population while also attempting to prevent the spread of the existing strains will make it easier to deal with the virus going forward?

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
My God bruh... you’re so blinded by your argument that you don’t even see that I’m not disagreeing with you. You’re not even arguing against the same thing that I am talking about.

My comment was PURELY about how to try to get a handle on the virus and how vaccinations influence that, not the intricacies of how difficult it is and what makes it difficult or how the makeup and structures of the two viruses differ.

Let’s do it this way...

How do you propose we handle this virus going forward in order to reduce the rate of death and/or contraction?

Do you think if we vaccinate a large enough portion of the population while also attempting to prevent the spread of the existing strains will make it easier to deal with the virus going forward?

I get the root of your argument when you said the flu mutates, but it's a dangerous comparison to make with Covid. When you do that you go into that pseudo intellectualism that is being spread by so many already.

You stated that it's just a lil bit difficult to control? As of now it's still unknown how the vaccinations are going to respond over a long period. And personally I will not take the vaccine, until more is known about the aftereffects.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
You talk about the 500,000 deaths but how many of those were near death to begin with.
Obviously not that many, because if they were just going to die this year anyway then there wouldn't have been 500,000 extra deaths above normal this year.

Do you think that 2021 will have 500,000 fewer deaths than normal, because all the people who were about to die already died last year? Hell no, it's obvious that 2021 is going to be far above normal deaths for the year AGAIN. So talking about "but they were going to die anyway" is bullshyt cause if they were, then we wouldn't be so far over normal.

Black male life expectancy dropped by three years this year. The effects were devesting and you keep trying to minimize that.


Let me ask you something. Why is Dr. Fauci's opinion the only opinion we should follow. Other doctors and scientists disagree with him and they're called quacks or are censored. Many doctors have said the lockdowns don't work and we need a different strategy but Fauci is the guy to listen too. Any ya I know Dr. Fauci never supported lockdowns.
This is just ignorance. You seriously think that CDC advice is just Fauci's opinion? Science doesn't work that way. The scientific community is hundreds of thousands of scientists and researchers across the world each working to understand it as best they can and then collaborating with each-other's results. There are hundreds of scientists involved in the CDC, not just Dr. Fauci. They work together to come up with the best advice possible from the most updated, complete knowledge.

No one serious has said, "Dr. Fauci is the only opinion we should listen to." Because when you look at what the epidemiologists and virologists across the world are saying, 90% are saying pretty much the same shyt. You could completely ignore Dr. Fauci and just get your information from the main body of researchers and you'd end up in the same place.

Instead, you'll pick some random libertarian eye doctor or a trump-loving family practitioner or a conservative economist, none of whom knows anything about epidemiological infectious disease, and say, "Look, I found a dissenting voice!!! And he's a doctor!!!" You ignore that you picked someone who isn't even in the right field. Within the actual community of people who study this shyt and know what they're talking about, there are still differences of opinion but literally none of them are saying the dumb shyt that you're saying in here.
May 22, 2012
I get the root of your argument when you said the flu mutates, but it's a dangerous comparison to make with Covid. When you do that you go into that pseudo intellectualism that is being spread by so many already.

You stated that it's just a lil bit difficult to control? As of now it's still unknown how the vaccinations are going to respond over a long period. And personally I will not take the vaccine, until more is known about the aftereffects.
I didn’t say it was a “lil” anything. That may be how you interpreted it, but it’s not what I said. Every comparison isn’t perfect and I think you confuse me with someone who thinks COVID is “just like the flu.” No, it’s much much worse. That makes it all the more important that we try to limit the spread as much as possible until we can figure out a sustainable plan to get it under control.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Sweden didn't lockdown, they seem fine.
Once again, total fukking ignorance. Sweden's own king said that their response to Covid was a failure.

“The people of Sweden have suffered tremendously in difficult conditions,” King Carl XVI Gustaf told the state broadcaster, SVT, in an end-of-year interview. “I think we have failed. We have a large number who have died, and that is terrible.”

King of Sweden blasts country's 'failed' coronavirus response

While Sweden didn't lockdown the same way many countries did, they still did lots of social distancing, closed several major factories, encouraged everyone to work from home, banned large gatherings, seriously reduced travel and vacationing, and closed high schools and colleges. They had the advantage that they have extremely low population density, 50% of people live alone, and more than 20% already worked from home even before the pandemic began.

So did they do fine? Well, take a look at this map:


Sweden is right between Norway and Finland. All three countries have pretty much the same climate, same population density, same level of urbanization, same strength of health care system, and same demographics. Norway and Finland did normal lockdowns. Sweden did a light lockdown. How'd it work out?

Norway: 116 deaths/million
Sweden: 1,280 deaths/million
Finland: 138 deaths/million

Sweden had about TEN TIMES the death rate of its neighbors. Despite all its advantages, TEN TIMES as many people died. And that's your example of great policy?

Same thing happened here. Why do you think South Dakota had 2,143 deaths/million while Oregon only had 542 deaths/million? They have similar population density (Oregon is actually denser), similar climate, and similar demographics. Oregon is actually more urbanized - there ain't nowhere in South Dakota nearly as urbanized as Portland. And yet South Dakota's death rate is 4x higher. You want to guess which one of the two was strict about lockdowns and which one wasn't?

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
What information. If one layer is useless. Three ain't gonna do any better. You really believe the 6 feet rule. So if I'm standing 5' 11" away from you I can infect you.
What information? They’ve released multiple reports with new guidelines depending on what information has been discovered. This is literally elementary school stuff.

The fact that grown adults are dapping up this post and whatever nonsense @Swagnificent is typing up is truly mind blowing. I’m amazed some of you can navigate the internet for real.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Everybody is acting a fool this summer..

These dudes can post data until their brains pop..

we gotta die one day think of all the people who died of other stuff than covid, heart attacks, strokes, car accidents, homicides etc. all were prob on some next year i'll finally be able too... but next year never came

gotta live and enjoy life while you have it