FD Signifier is LIVE RIGHT NOW. Telling haters to pull up - Calls Aba a c00n and anti-Black


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
"you only mentioned those people" somebody you quoted did, along with multiple other posters. You ignored it for easy bait just like FD. This is why you're bringing fallacy and anecdote out.
"I was a male model for years" getting attention from other males on shoots and doing weird shyt to get on is even moreso pervasive in that arena than any other. Not a flex and I know that game. You're not talking to FD's twin and "was" means nothing unless you were featured in multiple international campaigns and/or signed to one of the big 4.

Lol oh only 4 agencies matter huh? You dont know much...it also doesnt disqualify someone from being simply "attractive", or "modelesque" in the common world to most people. Even if i'm just signed to Soul management or RED. which is what that information should at the least, convey to you.

Hence why I mentioned night life, meaning high access to sex on a regular basis. Being that I also live in a major city.

Regardless, it dispells the idea of inceldom you are trying to project onto anyone that disagrees with you. All I can do to counter how presumptious such a claim is, is give you that tid bit of information so you could use your imagination.


Apr 24, 2015
Lol also, depending on the subject, do you honestly feel a PHD makes one more intelligent than another? Are they speaking about a specified field? Or is it a broad conceptual discussion? People like FD can very well still win those debates if its the latter.

Being obedient and well organized for 12 years doesnt automatically make you more intelligent...
They completed what he failed at, and racists ran one out of the country for being DISOBEDIENT to the status quo. You see how I know enough about all 3 parties and you DON'T? Or how the energy shifted on some of your "points"? Probably not, you don't know what you're talking about and you LIKE FD more.
This still stands: He's shook of two people who can nullify his debate points, diligently.


Apr 24, 2015
Lol oh only 4 agencies matter huh? You dont know much...it also doesnt disqualify someone from being simply "attractive", or "modelesque" in the common world to most people. Even if i'm just signed to Soul management or RED. which is what that information should at the least, convey to you.

Hence why I mentioned night life, meaning high access to sex on a regular basis. Being that I also live in a major city.

Regardless, it dispells the idea of inceldom you are trying to project onto anyone that disagrees with you. All I can do to counter how presumptious such a claim is, is give you that tid bit of information so you could use your imagination.
"Night life, which means"
Things we did in the early 00s before common internet access? Things regular good looking guys did with collegeclub, blackplanet, migente, and asianavenue accts? Things that people on Fetlife do? Things that people who get invites to parties with passwords and floating locations do - without dropping money for the "experience" ? Yeah I bet your version is fun, too. That has nothing to do with FD signifier being scared of catching the debate fade with Dr T or Dr Tommy. You real live tried to qualify this fat goofy with YOUR lived experience as if
A.) They're unique
B.)That makes him any less of a cherry picking hoe, scared of Dr T and Dr Tommy.

All types of weird face "striking" but awkward irl people in the modeling industry. You were not popping, my boy.


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
They completed what he failed at, and racists ran one out of the country for being DISOBEDIENT to the status quo. You see how I know enough about all 3 parties and you DON'T? Or how the energy shifted on some of your "points"? Probably not, you don't know what you're talking about and you LIKE FD more.
This still stands: He's shook of two people who can nullify his debate points, diligently.
It's simple, Your reasons for "disliking him" and others are likely very different. Most dont like him for some dumb shyt.

You seem to be caught up on some take he made and want him to debate people you agree with, right? Thats a personal hang up.

I just know the guy makes more well thought out videos than average, so the idea of hating on one of the few who do so, especially on subjects that could be easily dumbed down or benign like the kanye/drake pieces, is creatively counterproductive.


Apr 24, 2015
It's simple, Your reasons for "disliking him" and others are likely very different. Most dont like him for some dumb shyt.

You seem to be caught up on some take he made and want him to debate people you agree with, right? Thats a personal hang up.

I just know the guy makes more well thought out videos than average, so the idea of hating on one of the few who do so, especially on subjects that could be easily dumbed down or benign like the kanye/drake pieces, is creatively counterproductive.
He's unwilling to debate them despite "calling them out". The energy has shifted away from you so all the "you don't like because..." NuBlack snark points aint gonna move the meter. He picks easy targets and won't debate people who can permanently damage his brand with ETHER. You purposely avoided any reference to them so you could do the same thing as FD, find an easy target/common strawman. FD would get OBLITERATED by Dr Tommy J Curry. He knows it.


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
"Night life, which means"
Things we did in the early 00s before common internet access? Things regular good looking guys did with collegeclub, blackplanet, migente, and asianavenue accts? Things that people on Fetlife do? Things that people who get invites to parties with passwords and floating locations do - without dropping money for the "experience" ? Yeah I bet your version is fun, too. That has nothing to do with FD signifier being scared of catching the debate fade with Dr T or Dr Tommy. You real live tried to qualify this fat goofy with YOUR lived experience as if
A.) They're unique
B.)That makes him any less of a cherry picking hoe, scared of Dr T and Dr Tommy.

All types of weird face "striking" but awkward irl people in the modeling industry. You were not popping, my boy.
I actually have pics on here, (someone questioning me) people already seemed to disagree with you on that bit from the photos posted. So this whole "you aint poppin" bit is hilarious considering I have more credentials to be seen as attractive...than you certainly do. And you brought the idea of being an incel, or beggin for p*ssy up. Not me

And what are you talking about, overcomplicating shyt again, working night life in a major city, meaning its easy to het laid. On top of what I'd just do casually on my own.

Why are you having so much difficulty accepting the idea that your incel take was presumptuous?


Apr 24, 2015
I actually have pics on here, (someone questioning me) people already seemed to disagree with you on that bit from the photos posted. So this whole "you aint poppin" bit is hilarious considering I have more credentials to be seen as attractive...than you certainly do. And you brought the idea of being an incel, or beggin for p*ssy up. Not me

And what are you talking about, overcomplicating shyt again, working night life in a major city, meaning its easy to het laid. On top of what I'd just do casually on my own.

Why are you having so much difficulty accepting the idea that your incel take was presumptuous?
"Incel take" I have KIDS, lil nikka.
You're using white teenage internet slang to make yourself look like the cool guy but it's starting to look sweet. "i have pics on here" You use terms like "get laid" and "hot" :mjpls: aka getting no effort blonde p*ssy at college bars. Would you like a medal? An Xbox achievement award? A double Sloe Gin Fizz since you talk like a white hoe?
This is a male oriented website, sir. Approval ratings in the looks dept aren't what I'd be proud of coming from here. It's thursday, 11pm and you're washed if you're on here defending a nikka with titties. I have kids, what's your excuse Tryson Buckford?


Jun 1, 2012
RainbowColi/LSAgents hate data based presentations and only accept intersectional bell hooks inspired "takes" aka opinions with no data, unattractive SG Rho face females' anecdotal experiences, and 50 years worth of narrative maintenance based on racist tropes set out by cacettes like Brownmiller. Of course, the only responses will be "reactionary and grifter", but that's what happens when you let RAPISTS AND DRUNKS from occupy wall street teach political science to spoiled 2nd gens who have lived in white EXURBS for their short, uneventful "adult" lives - calling nikkas c00ns, being safe in the office, and drinking craft beer with their "blackish" friends, because "it's giving (insert birdbabble)"
/Thread :dead:


Jun 1, 2012
Tbh...this forum is generally too dumb to like FD. This forum is full of a certain type of black person that isnt like FD. This forum will fukk with kevin samuels and...dumber people like him before fukking with FD tbh. Sad really.
Except FD is not half as smart as y'all try to make him out to be

That overly verbose, talking in circles to ambiguously make a point you weren't even debating bullshyt is only smart to people that like sound of words with multiple syllables

I don't even hate the nikka, some of his vids have good premises, but everything he says and does inevitably points right back to

"Everything is capitalism's fault" and "I am so very sorry for my existence as a black man. I rightly take my place at the feet of you, almighty black woman. Please step on me"

Hes a one trick pony that throws rocks and hides his hands, UNLESS he thinks you're uneducated enough for him to flex his word salad bullshyt on

The irony is some of y'all trying to make him some avatar of revolutionary ideas when the truth is he's a white liberals wet dream. A fat non threatening nikka that leads with apologetic language that makes them feel good enough to think they're doing a good thing solely by consuming his ideas, but not being powerful enough to actually change anything. He's a perfect complement to performative, liberal white guilt


Jun 1, 2012
Lol also, depending on the subject, do you honestly feel a PHD makes one more intelligent than another? Are they speaking about a specified field? Or is it a broad conceptual discussion? People like FD can very well still win those debates if its the latter.

Being obedient and well organized for 12 years doesnt automatically make you more intelligent...
That's moving the goalposts breh. YOU'RE the one that trotted out education as a qualifier

Now when FD's shortcomings come up it's "You think a PhD makes one smarter than the other?"

It can't be both:pachaha: