GMB. Is this married woman entitled or nah?

King Poetic

The D.O.G.(Disciple Of God)
Feb 15, 2013
Chavez Ravine
Found it on Reddit.

"My husband "Daniel" and I have been together for 6 years, married for 3. When we met, he was an engineer here in the Bay Area (Silicon Valley) while I was a teacher. I was making around $60K a year which is nothing in the Bay Area so I was still living at my parents house, and he was making around $110K which is just enough to get a one-bedroom apartment in a decent area. After about a year of dating we moved in together and married a bit after that. He's always paid the majority of the bills, I'll admit that.

Daniel worked full time as an engineer when we met but had a side project that he & a friend were really passionate about. Just a few months after we married, the side project really took off and they had buyers interested. They ended up selling up the side project and my husband & his friend pocketed a couple million each. They teamed up again for another project and that one did well too. Two successes opened up a lot of doors for them -- investors, capital, resources, all of that. My husband quit his old job in order to work on innovating more products with the capital & investors that are now available to them(I know I'm being vague, don't want this to be identifiable). Anyways, he's not Elon Musk or anything but he's doing really well.

Just last year we bought a nice house in the Bay Area which I always thought was unobtainable. New house + 2 new cars + we eat out/go out more + vacations + no financial stress. Our lives have improved a LOT with this money. I definitely would not be living a life so comfortable if it weren't for my husband's success.

So I was a teacher up until about 6 months ago -- I've always HATED my job. I worked at an awful school with zero administrative support and poor funding, it was beyond stressful. Dreaded going to work each morning. My husband has known about this for ages and he sat me down this past summer and said "I finally make enough to support us both and I can't enjoy my life if you're not happy. Quit your job and pursue something else. If you wanna go to school, go to school. If you want to focus on raising our future kids, do that. I just want you to be happy". Music to my ears. I could write a book about how great this man is. We're planning on starting a family in 2018/2019. Things are really good right now.

Okay so that's all background here's the problem -- Daniel sat me down a few days ago and said that he wants to sign a post-nup agreement to "protect himself and his work" just in case something happens. He said that the circumstances when we got married vs. now are very different and, again, he wants to "protect himself". He basically wants something where if our relationship ends, he doesn't lose too much money. He gave me time to think about it.

I don't know how to feel about this. I talked with my best friend about it and both of us are just confused. I was with my husband when we were just two normal middle-class people and now all of a sudden I feel like he doesn't trust me because he has money. I've never asked him for anything now that I wouldn't have asked before. I didn't ask him to buy me a new car or to support me if I quit my job. I've never gone on shopping sprees with his card or anything like that. It just hurts me and honestly I can't help but to think about how now that he's rich he could leave me tomorrow and hook up with some gorgeous 22 year old. It's just a really sad feeling. He told me this a few days ago and it ruined my Xmas because I just can't get it out of my head. I would never, never, never hurt my husband even if our relationship ended so I don't feel the need for a postnup at all, but really I'm just sad.

tl;dr: Married a middle-class guy. He ended up becoming rich and now he wants to sign a post-nup."

TLDR: She marries a low six-figure guy, who ends up making millions with his business partner. Now he wants a post-nup and she is hurt. She is adamant she would never, ever do anything to hurt him. Describes him as otherwise perfect and wants to start a family together.

Imo, homie played himself getting married and he knows it. Be a millionaire and be tied down brehs. If he threatens to divorce her over not signing it, he loses half his shyt anyways. GMB.

What say you?


force her ass to signed...

the fukk you running to your friend about something like money going on in your house..

secondly, don't give me that shyt about i love my husband when he didn't have nothing shyt. yeah right bytch

the first thing out her mouth and what she been thinking is now she can quit her job at the school and sit on her ass cause her husband is loaded with money... she not going to focus on anything else but laying back watching her husband bring in money..

if shyt goes south, she going to run to the judge and complain about she used to living a certain way and her kids are used of living a certain way... chick doesn't want to move in back with her parents now since she got accustomed to this lifestyle..

it's over for homie and his paper

Black Nate Grey

The God Emperor of Mankind
Jan 24, 2014
Son fukked up by telling the bytch to quit her job to do whatever she want.
Nah fukk that hoe this is what you went to school for aint no renegging because i got the bag now.
bytch aint gonna sign them papers tho.
If anything that just entised her to cash out.
He needs to start weighing options.
The key is to make it look like an accident.


Fun Sized Psycho

Floating on tooth shaped clouds
Feb 7, 2014

force her ass to signed...

the fukk you running to your friend about something like money going on in your house..

secondly, don't give me that shyt about i love my husband when he didn't have nothing shyt. yeah right bytch

the first thing out her mouth and what she been thinking is now she can quit her job at the school and sit on her ass cause her husband is loaded with money... she not going to focus on anything else but laying back watching her husband bring in money..

if shyt goes south, she going to run to the judge and complain about she used to living a certain way and her kids are used of living a certain way... chick doesn't want to move in back with her parents now since she got accustomed to this lifestyle..

it's over for homie and his paper
how exactly could he "force" her to sign it?


All Star
May 25, 2012
He fukked up getting married if he knew he could blow up

She don't really have a reason to sign it unless she is really confident about the marriage.....and by her not signing it, it'll put doubt in his mind about her long term intentions

Breh should just take the short term L, divorce her and continue build his fortune. It'l be a lot cheaper to do it now if things keep going well for him


Sep 8, 2017
Found it on Reddit.

"My husband "Daniel" and I have been together for 6 years, married for 3. When we met, he was an engineer here in the Bay Area (Silicon Valley) while I was a teacher. I was making around $60K a year which is nothing in the Bay Area so I was still living at my parents house, and he was making around $110K which is just enough to get a one-bedroom apartment in a decent area. After about a year of dating we moved in together and married a bit after that. He's always paid the majority of the bills, I'll admit that.

Daniel worked full time as an engineer when we met but had a side project that he & a friend were really passionate about. Just a few months after we married, the side project really took off and they had buyers interested. They ended up selling up the side project and my husband & his friend pocketed a couple million each. They teamed up again for another project and that one did well too. Two successes opened up a lot of doors for them -- investors, capital, resources, all of that. My husband quit his old job in order to work on innovating more products with the capital & investors that are now available to them(I know I'm being vague, don't want this to be identifiable). Anyways, he's not Elon Musk or anything but he's doing really well.

Just last year we bought a nice house in the Bay Area which I always thought was unobtainable. New house + 2 new cars + we eat out/go out more + vacations + no financial stress. Our lives have improved a LOT with this money. I definitely would not be living a life so comfortable if it weren't for my husband's success.

So I was a teacher up until about 6 months ago -- I've always HATED my job. I worked at an awful school with zero administrative support and poor funding, it was beyond stressful. Dreaded going to work each morning. My husband has known about this for ages and he sat me down this past summer and said "I finally make enough to support us both and I can't enjoy my life if you're not happy. Quit your job and pursue something else. If you wanna go to school, go to school. If you want to focus on raising our future kids, do that. I just want you to be happy". Music to my ears. I could write a book about how great this man is. We're planning on starting a family in 2018/2019. Things are really good right now.

Okay so that's all background here's the problem -- Daniel sat me down a few days ago and said that he wants to sign a post-nup agreement to "protect himself and his work" just in case something happens. He said that the circumstances when we got married vs. now are very different and, again, he wants to "protect himself". He basically wants something where if our relationship ends, he doesn't lose too much money. He gave me time to think about it.

I don't know how to feel about this. I talked with my best friend about it and both of us are just confused. I was with my husband when we were just two normal middle-class people and now all of a sudden I feel like he doesn't trust me because he has money. I've never asked him for anything now that I wouldn't have asked before. I didn't ask him to buy me a new car or to support me if I quit my job. I've never gone on shopping sprees with his card or anything like that. It just hurts me and honestly I can't help but to think about how now that he's rich he could leave me tomorrow and hook up with some gorgeous 22 year old. It's just a really sad feeling. He told me this a few days ago and it ruined my Xmas because I just can't get it out of my head. I would never, never, never hurt my husband even if our relationship ended so I don't feel the need for a postnup at all, but really I'm just sad.

tl;dr: Married a middle-class guy. He ended up becoming rich and now he wants to sign a post-nup."

TLDR: She marries a low six-figure guy, who ends up making millions with his business partner. Now he wants a post-nup and she is hurt. She is adamant she would never, ever do anything to hurt him. Describes him as otherwise perfect and wants to start a family together.

Imo, homie played himself getting married and he knows it. Be a millionaire and be tied down brehs. If he threatens to divorce her over not signing it, he loses half his shyt anyways. GMB.

What say you?


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
no need for a prenup or a postnup, if you got paper like that, rent one of them bigass boats, take her ass out on the ocean then ask her if the ocean is beautiful, she will of course say yes, then you ask her if she'd like to spend the rest of eternity there, she will say no and then 'what do you mean?" then you say nothing dear, i love you. she won't even think about divorcing you after that.


Slappin and clowning chumps for fun.
Feb 17, 2014

force her ass to signed...

the fukk you running to your friend about something like money going on in your house..

secondly, don't give me that shyt about i love my husband when he didn't have nothing shyt. yeah right bytch

the first thing out her mouth and what she been thinking is now she can quit her job at the school and sit on her ass cause her husband is loaded with money... she not going to focus on anything else but laying back watching her husband bring in money..

if shyt goes south, she going to run to the judge and complain about she used to living a certain way and her kids are used of living a certain way... chick doesn't want to move in back with her parents now since she got accustomed to this lifestyle..

it's over for homie and his paper

So you don't think that it was possible that she really loved him when they weren't rich?