God can't save you in the Granite State: 2016 New Hampshire Primary 2/9/16

Who wins New Hampshire? Choose 1 Repub and 1 Dem

  • Clinton

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 77 89.5%
  • Trump

    Votes: 56 65.1%
  • Rubio

    Votes: 6 7.0%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • Jeb

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • Christie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carson

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Kaisch

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Fiorina

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012
Won't be no evangelicals all up in your booth telling you who to vote for. Won't be no reciting of two corinthians :boss:. Just good ole going to the booth and pushing that button

Trump and his coli #trumpset has a double digit lead in the polls, but will the polls be right this time :jbhmm:? Rubio who is polling 2nd got that work in the debate, will it be enough to elevate another canidate in his spot? Cruz who won Iowa won't have the advantage of the christian vote this time around, can he finish top 5? Who will be the surprise coming out of New Hampshire come tomorrow night?


New Hampshire Offers Hope to Candidates Who Lagged in Iowa

  • Jeb Bush drew applause as he prepared to speak to voters on Monday in Manchester, N.H.
    FEBRUARY 1, 2016

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Hours before the end of the Iowa caucuses on Monday night, three Republican candidates had already assembled in New Hampshire to rally their supporters. Anticipating disappointment in Iowa, the group — made up of current and former governors — has chosen to make a stand here instead.

Former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio have long viewed New Hampshire, a politically unpredictable state with an influential bloc of moderate Republicans and independent voters, as more hospitable terrain than Iowa.

Donald J. Trump has led every poll in New Hampshire for months, often by huge margins. So far, the three governors, along with Senators Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas, have all been clustered closely together in the polls, far behind Mr. Trump.

That may change quickly over the next week, as the impact of the Iowa caucuses ripples through New Hampshire. With Mr. Cruz’s Iowa victory and Mr. Rubio’s unexpectedly strong finish, both candidates now have a new opening to sell themselves to New Hampshire voters, and perhaps even to threaten Mr. Trump’s commanding advantage.

On the Democratic side, the split decision in Iowa seems unlikely to scramble the New Hampshire race. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has led in opinion polls by varying margins, and his populist message has attracted vast crowds in a state where he was already a familiar figure.

But Hillary Clinton has entered New Hampshire as an underdog before and emerged victorious. She has a deep political organization in New Hampshire, where she mounted a political comeback in 2008 after Barack Obama defeated her in Iowa.

Mrs. Clinton’s backers here believe there is a chance she can close the gap with Mr. Sanders over the last week.

The stakes in New Hampshire appear to be highest for the Republican candidates aligned with the political establishment. For them, New Hampshire has come to represent a kind of electoral chopping block, from which only the strongest mainstream Republicans will emerge with their campaigns intact.

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey has poured time and money into the race in New Hampshire.
Among the Republicans it may be Mr. Rubio, with his late leap toward the top of the pack in Iowa, who now has the best opportunity to consolidate support from establishment-minded Republicans in New Hampshire and nationally. The campaign here has already erupted into bitter combat between the candidates, as an array of “super PACs” have aired attack ads against Mr. Christie, Mr. Kasich and Mr. Rubio, and the candidates have sparred with each other from afar.

Peter Spaulding, a longtime Republican elected official in New Hampshire who chaired Senator John McCain’s successful campaign in the state, said Mr. Trump remained the defining figure in the race here. Should his base of support fracture, the other candidates could gain ground quickly.

“The question mark is really how strong and committed the Trump vote is,” said Mr. Spaulding. “New Hampshire is a fickle electorate and there are always surprises.”

Mr. Christie and Mr. Kasich could face virtual elimination if they fail to stand out in New Hampshire. They have little money left in their campaign accounts and are relying on a strong showing to replenish their coffers and give them a shot of momentum for the next primary contests, in South Carolina and Nevada.

Graphic | Who Is Leading the New Hampshire and South Carolina Polls A look at the latest results for Iowa and New Hampshire, and how this year compares to previous election seasons.

Mr. Trump’s existing strength in New Hampshire may give him an opportunity to bounce back from his slouching finish in Iowa. He has repeatedly told voters here that New Hampshire is of paramount importance to his campaign, and he flew in for rallies twice over the last week as the campaign in Iowa reached its final stages. At one event, Mr. Trump told New Hampshire voters he needed them to give him “a mandate.”

But Mr. Trump’s overpowering position on the right here may be challenged in new ways, especially by Mr. Cruz, who has an existing network of support in New Hampshire, anchored in an insurgent faction of the state Republican Party.

If the Republican primary in New Hampshire is deeply unsettled, even at this late stage, the vote next week may bring a new measure of clarity to the party’s chaotic nomination fight.

And while Mr. Rubio and Mr. Bush both have the financial resources and the political organization to remain in the race for the longer haul, a powerful finish for either man in New Hampshire could make him a solid favorite among the establishment-side candidates in South Carolina’s primary on Feb. 20.


Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
What about it, I've said it a million times, I think the public school system should be destroyed and replaced by charters and vouchers
Even if those charter schools perform worse than the public schools they are supposed to replace and are a hot bed for public graft and corruption? :lupe: What is the net benefit to the students.... the ability to choose between a bunch of schools worse than the public schools they were already at?