If You Co-Sign Female Teachers Sleeping With Students, Your A SIMP


Sep 10, 2015
I know some of y'all ain't got the attention span to read all this, so just read the bolded part at least.

This thread is inspired by the thread about the 24 year old female teacher Alexandria getting pregnant by one of her 13 year old students. Now I'm about to break down everything wrong with this situation and why if you co-sign it you ain't shyt (as a father if that was your son).

Okay first let's start on Alexandria Vera. She is 24 years old and a teacher at a middle school. She has a four year old daughter and is not with the father of her daughter. Given that she's had sexual relations with several students, it's safe to assume she gave four years of her life to become a teacher to have access to little boys for her own sick and twisted pleasure.

Now let's get onto the story. She had sex with several of her male students who were around the age of 12 at the time. Beer bottles and cans were found in front of her lawn frequently by neighbors. She would have a group of under aged boys in her house at one time.

Vera claims that the boy she got pregnant by she met during summer school (go to summer school in middle school brehs, kid's already behind) where both of them became closer. She claims she loves the boy, yet had 5 teenage boys and alcohol over at her house at the same time.

She also claims that she was introduced to the boy's parents as his girlfriend and they welcomed her with open arms :dead:

Now here are all the things that can go wrong in this situation. She's only 24 years old who can most likely attract men her age threw away her entire life and career to sexually prey on little boys. She can never teach again, will be forced to register as a sex offender, be given prison time, probation time, lose custody of her daughter, sued by parents while on a teacher's salary she just lost. Not only is she greatly affected by this, so is her daughter and her daughter's father. She won't even be able to attend any of her daughter's school or extra curricular events because she can't be on any school property or near children.

Now onto these boys. Let's say your son is the boy that impregnated this lady. He's 13 years old, impressionable. Probably doesn't know much about sex. Is coerced into sex with a grown adult woman (why was alcohol involved if all parties were willing?). He probably thinks it's love, but she's fukking his friends and classmates on the side.

Most of these teachers have husbands and children. If caught their entire families are destroyed. What if the husband seeks vengeance and kills his wife and the little boy? What if they are a single mother and the father isn't around? She goes to prison and the child if lucky goes to live with a relative and if not goes into the foster care system. These teachers are obviously not right in the head, is this the type of woman you want to be your daughter in-law, the mother of your grand children, your son's baby mama?

How is this a Win for a boy? He's 13 years old. What business does he have having sex let alone with a grown adult woman and being a father at that age? Vera clearly did not have these boys best interest at heart especially if she got pregnant. Bytch is all kinds of stupid.

I was put in many situations in high school where I could have been that boy, but the consequences were too high for me to risk anything. While all your buddies dap you up for smashing the hot English teacher they go onto college and have fun, while you are kicked out of school and fukked being a father to a whore.

Y'all nikkas are simps


Sep 10, 2015
All these threads about being smart with where you stick your penis into, but with this one y'all just lost