If you had a son and he came up to you and said he’s not going to college and wants to try and make it as an entertainer. How would you react?


Dec 29, 2016
I'd tell him that university is an unnecessary sacrifice.

If I'm financially supporting him, there is no reason he couldn't pursue both. What he would have to sacrifice the partying that comes with both options.


Dec 15, 2019

:mjlol: Uncle Phil said fukk the bullshyt nikka your ass is going to ULA.

Its not a bad idea. If his heart wouldnt move on the subject, then i would just ask him to study the industry , not rely entirely on his talent, and save first before he has my blesssing. At this point its moreso about damage control. Rather than directly stop a tsunami of bad choices, its about gently guiuding the stream to the best possible outcome.

Most entertainers fail cause they dont have a marketing budget, a touring budget, coaching budget to improve their craft, and cant afford to buy their way into rooms with industry influencers. If he could raise 30k through a few years of menial labor, i would gladly match the raised amount to 60k so that he could have these significant advantages against his underresourced peers when he ventures into the industry. Ideally, the son would treat his chosen proffession as a bussiness and not a dream.
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Dec 15, 2019
Reminds me of this clip.

The son of a trucker in the Ivory Coast wants to become a musician after school instead of inheriting his father's truck and continuing the family business.

At this point i think its too late for that father. I feel for him. He also doesnt seem to have the asssets to to invest in his son's new career path unless he sells the family truck. i worry this alternate path will eniveitably be failure for his child.

But i think its avoidable in most cases. The child's life choices should not be a suprise to the parent by the time they are 18. A parent has nearly 2 decades to control such things.. Ideally, the idea to take over your bussiness or go to college should be so deeply ingrained by age 18 , that they think its a decision they made for themselves.

Ideally, the parent would ....
  • Limit their social circles to only kids moving in the direction the parent wants. (to eliminate conflicting influenes)
  • give subtle queues and reward behaviors associated with the path the parent wants.
  • Invest intellectually in providing an apprenticehsip in the trade or mentorship in academia while the child is still in middle/highshcool
  • Show frequent depictions of failures in all other paths the parent doesnt want, while minimizing the failures in the parent's path
  • Limit media to only media in the chosen path.
  • invest monitarily in tangible assets in the industry ( his own rig if he is a trucker, his own computer if he is into sofware , chimistry ecyclopedias if he is into chem, a microscope if he wants to be a doc, an astrolabe if he does astronomy, etc)
  • play a delicate balance between expressing the desired path as the child's decision, while distancing one's self from appearing to have overt influence on that decision. (to eliminate the rebellious stage)

im not a particularly religious person but im reminded of the old bible verse proverbs 22:6 .

As an example, if i wanted my kid to be a chemist then
  • i would keep him as far away as possible from athletic children, musical children, religious children, bussiness minded children , and delinquent children.
  • Simialrly, His media consumption would be limited to Bill Nye/magic school bus type shows in youth and poular science and mythbusters type stuff in older years.
  • finally , i wouldve bought him his own chemistry set , microscope, and reagents by middleschool and i would have signed him up for chemistry camp and lab rat roles at the local university while the boy is in highschool. He wouldnt even work a summer job if it wasnt near a chem department.
  • And of course i would badmouth the hell out of bussiness school, art programs, and delinquent activities

Its not foolproof, but i think it at least tips the scales in the parent's favor .
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Parents nowadays gotta deal with their daughters wanting to ditch college to become sex workers

This is an underrated subject. But brehs who are simps and let they woman control their daughter's thoughts, can't do a damn thing about it.

This thread, I would constantly be showing the benefits of college from when he is very young and how being armed with a college degree will give him peace of mind and a great fallback option. Plus I would never glorify rappers/sports players/social media figures like kings for the sake of fast money.


Dec 19, 2017
I understand college isn’t for everyone and you only get one life to live. I would let him rock out until he’s 25 with the understanding that he is to have no kids and if he hasn’t made it, he at least has to go get a viable trade with a four year degree in something stem related being the preference. If he wants to chase that pot of gold with no back up plan, his part of his nice inheritance goes to pay for a few underprivileged black kids to go to college.


Sep 14, 2019
At this point i think its too late for that father. I feel for him. He also doesnt seem to have the asssets to to invest in his son's new career path unless he sells the family truck. i worry this alternate path will eniveitably be failure for his child.

But i think its avoidable in most cases. The child's life choices should not be a suprise to the parent by the time they are 18. A parent has nearly 2 decades to control such things.. Ideally, the idea to take over your bussiness or go to college should be so deeply ingrained by age 18 , that they think its a decision they made for themselves.

Ideally, the parent would ....
  • Limit their social circles to only kids moving in the direction the parent wants. (to eliminate conflicting influenes)
  • give subtle queues and reward behaviors associated with the path the parent wants.
  • Invest intellectually in providing an apprenticehsip in the trade or mentorship in academia while the child is still in middle/highshcool
  • Show frequent depictions of failures in all other paths the parent doesnt want, while minimizing the failures in the parent's path
  • Limit media to only media in the chosen path.
  • invest monitarily in tangible assets in the industry ( his own rig if he is a trucker, his own computer if he is into sofware , chimistry ecyclopedias if he is into chem, a microscope if he wants to be a doc, an astrolabe if he does astronomy, etc)
  • play a delicate balance between expressing the desired path as the child's decision, while distancing one's self from appearing to have overt influence on that decision. (to eliminate the rebellious stage)

im not a particularly religious person but im reminded of the old bible verse proverbs 22:6 .

As an example, if i wanted my kid to be a chemist then
  • i would keep him as far away as possible from athletic children, musical children, religious children, bussiness minded children , and delinquent children.
  • Simialrly, His media consumption would be limited to Bill Nye/magic school bus type shows in youth and poular science and mythbusters type stuff in older years.
  • finally , i wouldve bought him his own chemistry set , microscope, and reagents by middleschool and i would have signed him up for chemistry camp and lab rat roles at the local university while the boy is in highschool. He wouldnt even work a summer job if it wasnt near a chem department.
  • And of course i would badmouth the hell out of bussiness school, art programs, and delinquent activities

I think there is a balance between the clip OP posted and the borderline emotional fascism you described in your post :heh:

I'm big on autonomy and choice as a child, you should instill the ability to apply reason and logic in all his decisions so that he can be realistic when the time comes. For example, you have my younger brother, goes to art school from grade 6 to 12, aspired to be a music journalist, one conversation in June, and he's studying economics at an HBCU. Still loves music, still going to concerts and working on his photography, but he knows what's most likely to be profitable. You don't want to rob your kids of passion in your attempt to make their life easier, that's how you get an Asa Akira lmao, pornstar with a masters degree.


All Star
May 1, 2012
At this point i think its too late for that father. I feel for him. He also doesnt seem to have the asssets to to invest in his son's new career path unless he sells the family truck. i worry this alternate path will eniveitably be failure for his child.

But i think its avoidable in most cases. The child's life choices should not be a suprise to the parent by the time they are 18. A parent has nearly 2 decades to control such things.. Ideally, the idea to take over your bussiness or go to college should be so deeply ingrained by age 18 , that they think its a decision they made for themselves.

Ideally, the parent would ....
  • Limit their social circles to only kids moving in the direction the parent wants. (to eliminate conflicting influenes)
  • give subtle queues and reward behaviors associated with the path the parent wants.
  • Invest intellectually in providing an apprenticehsip in the trade or mentorship in academia while the child is still in middle/highshcool
  • Show frequent depictions of failures in all other paths the parent doesnt want, while minimizing the failures in the parent's path
  • Limit media to only media in the chosen path.
  • invest monitarily in tangible assets in the industry ( his own rig if he is a trucker, his own computer if he is into sofware , chimistry ecyclopedias if he is into chem, a microscope if he wants to be a doc, an astrolabe if he does astronomy, etc)
  • play a delicate balance between expressing the desired path as the child's decision, while distancing one's self from appearing to have overt influence on that decision. (to eliminate the rebellious stage)

im not a particularly religious person but im reminded of the old bible verse proverbs 22:6 .

As an example, if i wanted my kid to be a chemist then
  • i would keep him as far away as possible from athletic children, musical children, religious children, bussiness minded children , and delinquent children.
  • Simialrly, His media consumption would be limited to Bill Nye/magic school bus type shows in youth and poular science and mythbusters type stuff in older years.
  • finally , i wouldve bought him his own chemistry set , microscope, and reagents by middleschool and i would have signed him up for chemistry camp and lab rat roles at the local university while the boy is in highschool. He wouldnt even work a summer job if it wasnt near a chem department.
  • And of course i would badmouth the hell out of bussiness school, art programs, and delinquent activities

Its not foolproof, but i think it at least tips the scales in the parent's favor .
I agree, most successful kids were put on a specific path before they were born and the kid had explicit career aspirations instilled into them before they were teenagers.


Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
I'd say "hell yeah son, if you have the talent go for it while you're young. Who wants to be forced to work on someone's job for 50 years to retire. So if you can make it in entertainment you're blessed, BUT have a plan 1a or B."

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
It's not 1985.

What is it that an aspiring artist has to do that would be a full time grind?

You hear niqqas all the time talmbout they made a beat in 15 minutes. The studio is in your room. The promotion occurs over the web. The music video is being shot on your front stoop.

There's no reason you can't go to school AND pursue an entertainment career.

In 1985 you had to move to a big city like NY or LA and grind to be heard on a large scale. Had to go physically hand people demos and shyt like that. Doing little shows was the only way to even spread the word. So back then you may have had to choose.