If you're avg looking or ugly you need to drop the ego & stop getting @ random chicks. Find ur niche


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
The problem is that us men are egomaniacs. We want women to like us for us. But thats not reality. If you're the avg male you're not really going to get women based upon you're looks, the way you dress and your "game" its 2017 and women dont care if you got a fresh hair cut, some designer clothes and a nice car. Alot of dudes have those things.

U have to have self awareness and be real. Motherfukker if you're fat, got man titties, gotta receding hair line , under 5'7 etc....your not getting a female just by being you. Accept it and stop being a fukking fakkit man.

BUT LUCKILY theres a yin and a yang. Like the NBA. Lebron can get 30 points off dominating physically and Andre miller can get by being crafty and having fundamental skill. Most of us men are Andre miller but we all want to be lebron. Motherfukka you're not Trey Songz or Chris brown. You're not going to get women simulated just based upon your appearance. Let handsome dudes have their lane. Thats their lane. They excel in the random raw approach game

Don't be a hater either, just accept you look avg or you're ugly and find a niche. Its all about having a lane in 2017. For example if you're a cook, holla at women that are attracted to cooks and they are into cooking. If you're into yoga, holla at yoga chicks. If you're a producer find woman that are attracted to producers. every niche have woman. Women in 2017 are into certain things and want men also into those things. A chick that like to sit under a tree and read don't want you just because u got the new gucci shoes and the rich homie quan hair cut stupid.

Stop going on POF and Tinder trying to get random females off of looks. Its not going to work unless you're a handsome mothafukka and most of us are just avg but are fakkits and afraid to have honest self reflection.

Its all about niche. Me for example. I do art and When I'm outside I'm invisible women don't care about me. I used to be a fakkit like alot of y'all and get butthurt. But that was ego. but if I'm into art so if I'm in a art setting I'm suddenly attractive to the women. Thats my lane. Creative. Oustide of that im not going to get any quality women. That's fine. Don't take it personal. Women just are into what they're into. Its all about demographics. You wouldn't expect a hipster artsy cuck to but the NFL sunday ticket right? why? because its not some him, its for a certain demographic. Same with women. A chick into dudes that lift weights isn't going for the skate boarder. But why would the stake boarder care? when he have his own demographic of women to pursue .

Woman aren't impressed but the nikka starter kit anymore, which consist of 1. jordans 2. skinny jeans 3. jimmy butler haircut. nikka like #12435364 other dudes got it how are u going to stand out? Nobody cares about labels anymore. everybody is fresh bro, everybody got cuts, beards... what do u have to separate yourself? u need that extra ace up your sleeve

You need a lane man. If you're a nerd find a nerd retard, stop trying to get a model. Those chicks don't want you. They're looking for a rich and famous man which is cool, thats their shyt. leave them alone. Find the chicks in your lane and stop harassing these women with your pathetic IG comments "baby oh u look so beautiful ill drink your bath water" go drink some bleach u stupid fakkit.

Conclusion: Get a hobby outside your 9 to 5. If u just go to work at your boring ass job and think you're going to get women by hitting the club and think shes going to get turned on by you're Nissan Altima and burberry button up. Chances are its not going to work but if you find a niche and meet women in that niche you'll be good. You should have passions anyway.
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Jun 21, 2013
If u just go to work at your boring ass job and think you're going to get women by hitting the club and think shes going to get turned on by you're Nissan Altima and burberry button up


Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
:mjlol: LOL @ the OP. That self defeated attitude is why dudes can't pull no chicks. You walk up to chick talk to them on some vibe shyt and then get the number or NOT get the number. fukk it I'm 40/60 hollering but I'll be got damned if I'm scared or nervous to approach any woman worth my time. What she gonna do whoop my ass? I've been plenty of places and seen dimes in the hood dating some dusty dude wearing dingy wife beaters. Why I'm supposed to pretend I don't stand a chance and put her on a pedestal like she's better than me?