I'm a 3x Felon w/ a GED & No Degree but I Make More Than My College Masters Educated Wife


Archduke of Audits
Dec 29, 2016
So the previous success of a family has no bearing on the success of the offspring?

Since that's your stance then by your logic the black community shouldn't be upset about white people having 400+ year head start with respect to building wealth and assets correct?

It's funny how selective y'all are when it comes to actually researching and analyzing data


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
But aren't there some benefits to college outside from a piece of paper, that is worth paying for and maybe worth going in a little debt for?

Untangeables like
Critical thinking skills
Life experiences
Social skills
Organizational skills ?
Networking etc?

No, those things are not worth going to college and going into debt for. ALL of those things can be and should be honed outside of college as just being a fully developed person.

You go to college to get skills in order to qualify for a license (degree) in order to show employers that you're qualified for particular positions that should (and many times do not) necessitate that licensing.

But you have many people who go into debt with BS degrees or even not so BS degrees under the same "I'm getting life experience" line that they tell themselves. All to end up with much less than they bargained for in real life.


Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
So the previous success of a family has no bearing on the success of the offspring?

Since that's your stance then by your logic the black community shouldn't be upset about white people having 400+ year head start with respect to building wealth and assets correct?

It's funny how selective y'all are when it comes to actually researching and analyzing data

2 things:

1) I simply provided evidence to support my stance - most millionaires have college degrees. <<< this is not debatable.

2) Arguing that this may be true, BUT so forth and so forth; is an entirely different discussion altogether. <<< this is not debatable either.

brother by all means, if you have data, research and statistics that show most college graduates making $$$ come from well to do families - post it up, that may be worth looking into :hubie:

that just wasn't my point.

also, I know of quite a few HBCU graduates that started their own sports management agencies, marketing firms, lawyers and doctors making millions

hell, Barack Obama was a millionaire before he hit the white house, he's a college graduate too...it's not that crazy of an idea for somebody to take their degree, apply it, and make $$$


Presume the unpredictable
Jun 11, 2014
No, those things are not worth going to college and going into debt for. ALL of those things can be and should be honed outside of college as just being a fully developed person.

You go to college to get skills in order to qualify for a license (degree) in order to show employers that you're qualified for particular positions that should (and many times do not) necessitate that licensing.

But you have many people who go into debt with BS degrees or even not so BS degrees under the same "I'm getting life experience" line that they tell themselves. All to end up with much less than they bargained for in real life.

Are you making over 70K a year?
Highest level of formal education attained?

Riiiiight. Thought so.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Like I said before, you didn't understand what the definition of out-sourcing was so now you're deflecting

Companies aren't bringing in undocumented workers to take unskilled positions, they're bringing in legal foreign workers to take skilled positions belonging to people with degrees

And your other logical fallacy was assuming that a person who doesn't choose to put themselves in debt by obtaining multiple certifications for no reason, doesn't already have a certification/degree to begin with. I said that paying for multiple certifications just to have "options" is financially irresponsible because most people will incur a large amount of debt to do that(I'm repeating myself here because you clearly selectively read my previous post)

Again, you should really take a second to learn what out-sourcing(not "out-sourcing from within" or any other deflective term) really is, on a fundamental level. Undocumented workers coming over here of their own free will and taking unskilled labor jobs for less money is not out-sourcing. It's undercutting

For the 3 X

If you don't have any certification, then what protects you when employer or customer just wants to go with an undocumented worker who does the same job as you (for much cheaper)?

Companies try to outsource from within by bringing in Indian workers in some of the STEM fields also, but there are restrictions in place.

If you pay attention to the way the world is heading,why wouldn't you try to get as much education,degrees, certification,licenses as possible?? To have more options open to you.

If you just don't want to or cannot answer the questions in first and third stanzas, just say so. This Tariq-like stance you're taking is clear to anybody reading this thread.

American workers are being replaced by cheaper workers because ,as always. management cares about the bottom line. Companies used to literally outsource jobs by moving /relocating entire facilities to other countries. .....pay workers less than what competitive wage is in America. Using the same idea, other companies are able to hire foreign workers in America and pay them salary/wages that are less than competitive rate for American worker .H1-B visa program is a legal loophole that allows companies to do this.Mostly for STEM fields, but Trump has used it in the past to hire wait staff at his golf course...and companies will exhaust all possible loopholes to save on labor costs. Big business, who funds the lobby groups that control politicians and policies are in favor of things that benefit them..like open borders to the USA which brings in undocumented workers willing to work for less than what they can legally pay an American worker. Instead of building a lab in India or a plant in Mexico, company gets some of the same benefits and none of the relocation costs by hiring and employing those people HERE.

There are restrictions in place that prevent big business from just replacing as many STEM field workers as they could with foreign H1-B visa holders.
There are no such restrictions on big business to stop or slow them exploiting the open borders and hiring undocumented workers for jobs not requiring much training or education.

As a person who is refuting the value of formal education,vocational training..do you think that this climate makes untrained/un-certified/non degreed workers vulnerable? and if not..why not?


May 21, 2012
And you didn't understand a word that any of them said smh
Oh I understood it, I'm just laughing at the idea that every single person in America
is on the tip of being multi-millionaire's or billionaire's they just need to quit their jobs
and start a highly successful company. lol !
It's hilarious to the point of absurdity.

Don't get me wrong, people can definitely find their way in America going the route of business
but telling people "You can be me too!!!" when you're worth a couple billion dollars, you're educated
and you only work alongside equally educated people you're essentially selling snake oil to the gullible.

On topic:

Peep game, I've noticed a lot of posters have mentioned they're worried about accruing crippling
debt. If you're in California (I'm not sure how CC's work across the country so I'll go with what
I DO know) you can get an Associate's largely for free especially if you take advantage of
various programs.

Don't fret, going to Community College is not a "Lesser" thing, I know people
who kicked ass @ a 2 year and transferred to UCLA, USC, Berkeley and so on.

1. If you're going that route take advantage of ANY programs that cater to lower income students
if you qualify you might be able to get your books discounted, get free printing, etc.

2. Look into whether or not you qualify for getting your fee's waived ! You might be able to go to
school for as little as $1, I've met people who regularly waste this opportunity, don't be that guy.

3. Obviously take advantage of Financial Aid (Pell Grant, BOG Fee Waiver etc.)
I know people get that $3000 or $1500, drop their classes and run to the Mall/Gamestop/Amazon etc.
Don't do that dumb shyt, hold onto your money ! By now you're probably asking HOW SWAY ?

4. Look into your school's student worker program, if you can't get a job ON CAMPUS you can probably
get fast tracked into another job OFF CAMPUS which can help you pay for your education. If the government covers 1/3 to 2/3's of your education, this can cover the rest of the way. You obviously don't need to worry if you qualify for the BOG Fee waiver cause at that point you're going to school for free pretty much.

5. Check if your school offers book rentals, you can rent a book for that semester
at a fraction of it's normal price. Instead of paying $200/$180 or more, you can cop
one for $60. Check the student store EARLY in the semester and OFTEN after that.
You can find used folders, lab coats etc. that can help deter you from taking out that loan.

6. Amazon is your best friend. Use your student email, get that Amazon Prime for
students and liberally abuse that free 2 day shipping. I've managed to find books I
need for as little as $25 and get them early enough to not fall behind.

7. Look into dual campus offerings, you might be able to attend a state university which is further away while staying on your CC's campus.
As in, you can earn your Bachelor's there and walk with students on graduation day at a campus that's an hour or two away from you. This could save you money AND time, you could also potentially keep your on campus or off campus job while attending school (you'll be a registered student of that university so you can also visit THAT Universities campus at any time and take advantage of their programs too !)

and finally :
8. This isn't necessarily a tip that could directly help you save or make money but TAKE ADVANTAGE of any
offerings for free tutoring, financial education, and/or certifications in certain things.

There are independent educator's who get a classroom on the weekends or even during the week, they teach people for low prices and likely can help you get certifications that you can then use to employ yourself while you attend school.

Also that free tutoring might be the difference between you paying a out the nose for a class, failing it and losing money.


Presume the unpredictable
Jun 11, 2014

Bachelor's Degree

And I learned those things outside of a college campus, so my point stands.

Why you mad? :jbhmm:

I ain't mad at cha.
However you are college educated and you are making over 70K a year, but you are advocating against higher education attainment for others.



♥ Black Love
May 5, 2015
Remember they took the trades out of high school they same time they implemented Welfare, and section 8. :usure:
It's all in the plan to destroy the Black Family and keep our communities economically weak.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
I ain't mad at cha.
However you are college educated and you are making over 70K a year, but you are advocating against higher education attainment for others.


Yea, because there's diminishing returns for college education. Having a degree is becoming more and more obsolete in many ways. Especially considering the amount of debt people are going into in order to obtain a $70K income.

My student loan debt is about $10K and will be paid off in the next few years making minimum payments on a low interest loan. But many people, especially people just graduating or recently graduated, have bills close to six figures with high interest rate and won't be making $50, 60 or 70K for several years. We don't live in the 50s and 60s anymore. Where an "education" is basically a guaranteed ticket to the middle class complete with two weeks vacation and a cubicle.

Not to mention, the market has become over saturated with "educated" people. Getting a degree has become so easily accessible that it has lost value in the market place. :ld:

The era of the "get and education and get a job" days are done. :yeshrug:

Skills, blue collar and technical, are the thing now. Not college degrees :leostare:



Presume the unpredictable
Jun 11, 2014
Yea, because there's diminishing returns for college education. Having a degree is becoming more and more obsolete in many ways. Especially considering the amount of debt people are going into in order to obtain a $70K income.

My student loan debt is about $10K and will be paid off in the next few years making minimum payments on a low interest loan. But many people, especially people just graduating or recently graduated, have bills close to six figures with high interest rate and won't be making $50, 60 or 70K for several years. We don't live in the 50s and 60s anymore. Where an "education" is basically a guaranteed ticket to the middle class complete with two weeks vacation and a cubicle.

Not to mention, the market has become over saturated with "educated" people. Getting a degree has become so easily accessible that it has lost value in the market place. :ld:

The era of the "get and education and get a job" days are done. :yeshrug:

Skills, blue collar and technical, are the thing now. Not college degrees :leostare:

Negroes don't typically make over 70k year like you do.

Negroes without a college degree almost NEVER make over 70K a year.



Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Negroes don't typically make over 70k year like you do.

Negroes without a college degree almost NEVER make over 70K a year.


Yea, and a sizeable portion of black men with a college degree don't make it either. Yet still have large student loan bills.

College education does not fix unemployment and underemployment issues for blacks.

Study: anti-black hiring discrimination is as prevalent today as it was in 1989

Black unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment regardless of educational attainment

African-Americans With College Degrees Are Twice As Likely to Be Unemployed as Other Graduates


street heat

merchant of death
Jun 15, 2012
surely being a 3x felon and obtaining a GED is the path to success

if you are someone with a very high intelligence, drive, and vision, then maybe you can be bill gates or steve jobs.....but that is not the vast majority of people. they are missing at least one of those three. you are better off getting a degree. the thing is just dont spend a ton of money on it. do your first two years at community or junior college. transfer, dont take out more loans than you need. get a part time job so you can take as little as possible. finish as quickly as you can.

take advantage of what college has to offer, and dont get in a ton of debt and its very much worth it, IMO.
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