Iraqi Male Model Brutally Murdered for 'His Appearance' in Baghdad (PICS INCLUDED)


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
Rest of the article is in the link and RIP :mjcry:

An Iraqi male model was reportedly brutally murdered in Baghdad this week, with fans alleging that the perpetrators targeted him for his "tight outfits" and long hair, Iraqi News reports. Some are calling the murder a hate crime against the LGBTQ+ community.

According to Iraqi News, Karar Nushi was found dead on Palestine Street in Iraq's capital. His body allegedly showed signs of torture and stabbing.

As well as a model, Nushi was an actor and student at the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad. He was reportedly preparing for a beauty contest at the time of his death. On social media, allegations emerged that Nushi was targeted by Islamist extremists "because of the way he dressed, his long hair and his friendship with female actors," together taken as indication of Nushi's homosexuality.

According to the Washington Post, there are 10 countries where homosexuality — or any deviation from heterosexuality — may be punishable by death (the punishment typically depends on that country’s interpretation of the Muslim sharia law).

Though homosexuality is technically legal in Iraq, it isn’t uncommon for people to take their interpretation of sharia law into their own hands: In 2016, ISIS militants reportedly threw a man accused of homosexuality off a building in Kirkuk, Iraq, and in 2015, Amir Ashour, the founder of LGBTQ rights group IraQueer, was forced to flee to Sweden after receiving death threats.

Currently, further information about Nushi’s murder is scarce. To learn more about LGBTQ rights and laws in every country, head to the Washington Postand Human Rights Watch.

This Male Model Was Reportedly Murdered for His Appearance

:dame: and that sh-t don't fly over there.


