Israel passes law to strip residency of Jerusalem's Palestinians


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
You got anything to refute me, or it's ad hominems. I'm not a Jew but I consider it my duty to side with the under dog that is being wronged.

Funny how you don't call out Horners who always take up for their Arab masters. :wtb:
jews? the underdogs?

negged for being the cac devil’s bytch


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
What is wrong with that ?

Personally I think the best solution is for Arab and Muslim countries to take in all the Palestinians and settle them and for monetary compensation to be paid to them by Israel and the international community.
Israel is too small to be a country for two peoples.
Historically it was a Jewish land, and the Arabs however long their sojourn are the interlopers if you want the truth.

Thats great. You have not proven you have the knowledge or intellect that justifies why any of us should give a fukk about your useless opinion

There are 22 Arab states, there is only 1 Jewish state. I don't believe in having 23rd Arab state in place of the lone Jewish state. :yeshrug:

Except no one here suggests that.

Tough luck for them. I have no particular affection for Arabs seeing how they treat my people.

I dont have any affection for Pakistanis who discriminate against my Pashtun people, but that doesnt mean I would cheerlead an Indian occupation of their land, and the denial of human rights to them, for example. Its because Im not a emotional moron with the intellect of a child. Having standards and a set of values doesnt sway depending on who the victim or the oppressor is. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

Moreover, on the grievance scale they rank at the bottom of dispossessed peoples: Kurds, Aborigines, Native Americans are far more deserving of our sympathy and solidarity. Despite this, they have a UN agency dedicated to them, Arab keep bytching about their cause, EU kisses their ass and you have clueless African states equating their struggle to apartheid.

More childish emotional banter. The pain others suffer, even if much greater, and even if more ignored, doesnt negate the pain of the Palestinians. Only social retards think the way you do.

Personally I believe if they were not as violent as they are Israel would have reached some form of accomodation with them long time ago. Israelis are smart and just want to concentrate on making their economy and country better. But just look at Gaza, when israel withdrew unilaterally Hamas took over and started a war on Israel.

Except nothing in the entire 120 year history of the conflict can logically lead to the conclusion you just drew. If European Zionists in the late 19th century clearly planned a campaign to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its Arabs, then what the fukk did it matter if the Arabs were violent decades later.

And the Hamas-Gaza withdrawal angle is bullshyt. No war was started by Hamas. These are all lies and propaganda. Last time I proved one of your lies wrong, you ignored the point and starting crying about the authors. Wont happen this time. Put up proof for your assertion or suck a dikk.

They are not a normal people, even their brothers; the Arabs will tell you that. The why no Arab country accepts them, they have a stigma they come with a violence package and trouble.

I know it hurts your falas dizi psyche but your people ain't shyt :manny:

There are many factors that explain Palestinian relations with its Arab neighbours. Nothing you mentioned is one of them. Stay in your lane clown, politics and history is not for you. DeVry graduating retard.

QUOTE="Moich, post: 28639901, member: 34439"]
I normally have a thing for underdogs as I said, Tibetans, Native Americans, and other dispossed indigenous peoples are far more deserving of my sympathies than a spoiled muslims. I rarely sympathize with Muslims knowing how shytty their beliefs are and their intolerance.[/QUOTE]

Spoken like a true donkey.



Oct 31, 2017
Thats great. You have not proven you have the knowledge or intellect that justifies why any of us should give a fukk about your useless opinion

Bwahaha, Fakestinian talking about knowledge and intellect, that is rich. You obviously care about my opinon seeing how you keep following me around whenever I post on Israel Arab conflict.

Except no one here suggests that.

I'm giving you my suggestions for ultimately solving the conflict.

I dont have any affection for Pakistanis who discriminate against my Pashtun people, but that doesnt mean I would cheerlead an Indian occupation of their land, and the denial of human rights to them, for example. Its because Im not a emotional moron with the intellect of a child. Having standards and a set of values doesnt sway depending on who the victim or the oppressor is. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

You are Palestinian Arab, stop claiming Pakhtuns. :camby:

More childish emotional banter. The pain others suffer, even if much greater, and even if more ignored, doesnt negate the pain of the Palestinians. Only social retards think the way you do.

Never seen you that engaged in Syrian conflict where as we speak children are being gassed to death. But a law against terrorists riles you up into a frenzy. Yeah your'e Pakhtun :rudy:

here are many factors that explain Palestinian relations with its Arab neighbours. Nothing you mentioned is one of them. Stay in your lane clown, politics and history is not for you. DeVry graduating retard.

More ad hominems.

When you can't beat them in argument, insult them, is your motto.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015

There is 1 Jewish state in the whole world ( 8 million in Israel, around 15 million Jews in the whole world )

There 57 Muslim nations ( population 1.6 billion )

Israel get routinely singled out at the UN forum by this Muslim gang ( american veto though:myman:)

Israel is a classic underdog.

Israel is not an underdog. They have 300 nuclear weapons. The most advanced military in the Mideast. All their classic enemies are either allies(Egypt,Saudi Arabia,Turkey) r weakened(Syria). The only nation is is hostile to Israel is Iran and they are busy fighting a proxy war against Saudi Arabia. Israel is not surrounded. They have achieved their strategic goals. Now will it last long term? Probably not.

Double J

May 11, 2012
Israel is not an underdog. They have 300 nuclear weapons. The most advanced military in the Mideast. All their classic enemies are either allies(Egypt,Saudi Arabia,Turkey) r weakened(Syria). The only nation is is hostile to Israel is Iran and they are busy fighting a proxy war against Saudi Arabia. Israel is not surrounded. They have achieved their strategic goals. Now will it last long term? Probably not.
At this point the gap between Israel and all the other Middle East nations in terms of military technology and nuclear capability along with unconditional support from America virtually ensures their survival and dominance for the foreseeable future.


Oct 31, 2017
Israel is not an underdog. They have 300 nuclear weapons. The most advanced military in the Mideast. All their classic enemies are either allies(Egypt,Saudi Arabia,Turkey) r weakened(Syria). The only nation is is hostile to Israel is Iran and they are busy fighting a proxy war against Saudi Arabia. Israel is not surrounded. They have achieved their strategic goals. Now will it last long term? Probably not.

All that can change in a flash. Those so called allies could be taken over by Islamic fanatics anytime, and they would turn on her. Just look at Turkey, used to be an ally, now a bitter foe, that hosts Hamas leaders and sends provocation flotillas.

I wouldn't say Israel is strategically secure yet. They need every one of those nuclear weapons.

They have too many haters and enemies to ever be fully secure.


Jan 5, 2014
Israel is A LOT more fukked up than most people realize. It is an apartheid, racist, Jewish supremacist state. And the saddest part is our tax dollars and military technology support it and make it all possible :snoop:

Are you gonna post maps of countries the Arabs conquered for 1400 years?


Oct 31, 2017

Left this place with his tail between his legs when I exposed his Palestinian ass.

He falsely claimed he is Afghan :mjlol:

Dude becomes furious when he can't have his way and starts foaming at the mouth hurling insults like faccot, donkey, -classic Arab insults.

Israel is here to stay fukkboy :umad:


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
All that can change in a flash. Those so called allies could be taken over by Islamic fanatics anytime, and they would turn on her. Just look at Turkey, used to be an ally, now a bitter foe, that hosts Hamas leaders and sends provocation flotillas.

I wouldn't say Israel is strategically secure yet. They need every one right dof those nuclear weapons.

They have too many haters and enemies to ever be fully secure.

Erdogan talks a lot but behind the scenes Israel and Turkey work together economically. Tensions are rising between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Turkey does not see Israel as an enemy. They are more focused on the Kurdish insurgency at home and Syria. Turkey supports Hamas but they haven’t given them arms or funding because at the end of the day Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Israel literally is doing whatever they want with no consequence. Expanding settlements into the West Bank basically destroying any hope for a Palestinian State. Israel is going to annex the West Bank. It’s going to happen chance of a Palestinian State is dead. However Israel has to make a choice regarding the Palestinian people. If you will not give them rights and treat them like second citizens Israel will never have peace. Plus it’s identity as a Jewish majority will be gone since Palestianian population growth is faster than Israel. Israel’s problems are going to be internal. There is a perfect storm that will hit Israel then next 15-20 years. Far right religious white supremaicst radicalism is becoming more popular in Israel. It’s a matter of time before Naftali Bennett or someone as radical as him becomes prime minister. You have the slow annexation of The West Bank. And since you have the rise of far right racism in Israel the alienation of Arab and black Jews.

I don’t care for the Palestinians because Arabs are just as racist. However Jews are racist towards black peoples and Israel is a white supremacist nation. They were allies with apartheid South Africa and despise their own African Jews. At its current course Israel will face a major crisis if the Arab and black Jews link up the Palestinians under the annexed West Bank the more right wing it moves.