Israel passes law to strip residency of Jerusalem's Palestinians


Oct 31, 2017
Erdogan talks a lot but behind the scenes Israel and Turkey work together economically. Tensions are rising between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Turkey does not see Israel as an enemy. They are more focused on the Kurdish insurgency at home and Syria. Turkey supports Hamas but they haven’t given them arms or funding because at the end of the day Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Economic relationships don't signify peace or friendship in the ME, sometimes foes does business. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are both Sunnis and they will eventually patch it up. They have a tiff over Qatar. Current Turkish government is an Islamic Brotherhood aligned party that is ideologically opposed to the Jewish state don't forget. Yes they have Kurdish insurgency to deal with but Israel is firmly in their cross hairs. They are not arming Hamas but funding it, giving it a base from which to organize. Turkey also facilitated ISIS: gave them free passage, treated in their hospitals, and armed them in Syria. Turkey doesn't give a shyt about terrorist designations. They are a rogue state at this point just like North Korea and Iran.

Israel literally is doing whatever they want with no consequence. Expanding settlements into the West Bank basically destroying any hope for a Palestinian State. Israel is going to annex the West Bank. It’s going to happen chance of a Palestinian State is dead. However Israel has to make a choice regarding the Palestinian people. If you will not give them rights and treat them like second citizens Israel will never have peace. Plus it’s identity as a Jewish majority will be gone since Palestianian population growth is faster than Israel. Israel’s problems are going to be internal. There is a perfect storm that will hit Israel then next 15-20 years.

Those who know the geography of the West Bank realize there is no way Israel would give up control of that strategic area. A Palestinian state is a dream for two reasons:

1. Palestinians are not politically ready to have a state of their own.

2. West Bank is too strategic to give away. It overlooks the whole of the coastal plain of Israel, from which Hamas and other terrorists could basically paralyze Israel. They are no dummies. Watch this clip to understand why

Personally I think the International community, the Arabs league and Israel should be bold and call for the resettlement of the Palestinians in Arab and Muslim lands, its a tiny land not fit for two peoples. But that won't happen because of religious issues and your'e left with no easy solutions. The demographic tsunami is overplayed to scare Israel to give away land which then that an Iranian proxy could take over and lob missiles at Israel.

Far right religious white supremaicst radicalism is becoming more popular in Israel. It’s a matter of time before Naftali Bennett or someone as radical as him becomes prime minister. You have the slow annexation of The West Bank. And since you have the rise of far right racism in Israel the alienation of Arab and black Jews


I don’t care for the Palestinians because Arabs are just as racist. However Jews are racist towards black peoples and Israel is a white supremacist nation. They were allies with apartheid South Africa and despise their own African Jews. At its current course Israel will face a major crisis if the Arab and black Jews link up the Palestinians under the annexed West Bank the more right wing it moves.

Then criticize Israel only when it shafts black people, not Arabs. I have an issue with their racism towards their black citizens and we have seen the abominable treatment of Jews of Ethiopian descent in Israel. Nobody makes threads about that, only when the Arab snowflakes are wronged do they run here and spout off. Why ?

Israelis don't consider themselves white ethnically even those from Europe, I think you are barking up the wrong tree general. I can see where the animus comes from though, if you believe they are whites then Arabs automatically become your friend. Your erroneous initial assumption is the problem. Jews are indigenous to the Middle East just like Arabs, they are a Semitic race not a white/European one.


Oct 31, 2017
this might be the single biggest lie ever posted on this website :dead:

First of all welcome back, the alt reich emissary on the coli :smugfavre:

Your wacky smileys have been missed.

You don't think a people persecuted for several millennia all over the world, stateless, suffering endless pogroms culminating in the greatest slaughter humanity has witnessed in the 20th century is not an underdog.

They are dwarfed numerically by their enemies in population and land.


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Bwahaha, Fakestinian talking about knowledge and intellect, that is rich. You obviously care about my opinon seeing how you keep following me around whenever I post on Israel Arab conflict.

Because youre a faccot troll, and I will see to it you get smashed on, EVERYTIME you open your faccot ass mouth on this subject

You are Palestinian Arab, stop claiming Pakhtuns. :camby:

Jesus, youre a fukking idiot. First of all there is no shame in being Palestinian, I would wear that with a badge of honour. Second, I dont understand what incentive I have to lie. Third, you p*ssy ass troll, Ive been on this site and its predecessor for 15 years, so my background is known and secure. If anything, I would want to claim Palestinians, as at least I would have more at stake in this discussion. 99% of people dont even know what a Pashtun is ya faccot, why would I pretend to be one, you fukkking imbecile


Never seen you that engaged in Syrian conflict where as we speak children are being gassed to death. But a law against terrorists riles you up into a frenzy. Yeah your'e Pakhtun :rudy:

1-For the 10th time, speaking on certain issues are not mutually exclusive. By this logic, you have no right to support Israels treatment of its Muslims, until you first pledge your support to China's treatment of its Muslims. For the 10th time you autistic donkey, bringing up other conflicts is only relevant, if I am making the comparison, or if my stance on one issue is directly contradicted by my stance on another.

2- Because you faccot, we dont have faccots like you entering threads repeating stupid assertions about the conflict. Not to mention, Syria is an absolute clusterfukk, with a Russian and Iranian backed genocidal dictator, against Saudi and Turkish backed Islamic jihadists, with the poor Syrians absolutely fukked from all sides.

3-More importantly, Ive been involved in REAL LIFE assisting with a massive legal project sponsoring Syrian refugees, and Ive put my money where my mouth is with respect to charities, fundraisers and other community initiatives. Put your pay cheque up p*ssy, I bet Ive given more to Syrians in the past calendar year then you made.

More ad hominems.

When you can't beat them in argument, insult them, is your motto.

You keep talking about debate. But much like this thread, Israel vs Palestine in one image, where you shriveled up like a bytch, when confronted with links, sources and counter arguments, and instead cried like a bytch, you are doing the same thing here.

Ive already called you out numerous times in this thread, to address the links Ive posted. You keep ignoring the points because youre out of your league

No faccot. Youre the one that refuses to debate. You run and hide like a p*ssy. Me and you are not the same.

We are talking about Jerusalems Arabs and Israelis policies towards it. This latest law is the latest in a long series of laws designed to institutionally discriminate against its Arab residents, force them out, deny them civic and national rights, and alter the demographics. My previous post, which you ignored like a bytch, details the context in which this latest law emerges

My other post touched, simply touched, upon how stupid and asinine it is to use the "Hamas" card in the context of this most recent law

You ignored both posts. Address the points or suck a dikk

Once again, for the fourth time, address the points below. YOU came into a thread about Jerusalems Palestinians having new legislation passed targetting them. You jumped in like the bytch you are to cheerlead Israels policies. I referred to a HRW report that details the history and context in which this legislation emerged, and details the true dog whistle/hidden agenda behind such legislation.


can you address this Human Rights Watch report, or will you attack this source and ignore the substance, like you do in every thread like the fukking hack you are

Between the start of Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967 and the end of 2016, Israel revoked the status of at least 14,595 Palestinians from East Jerusalem, according to the Interior Ministry. Authorities have justified most revocations based on a failure to prove a “center of life” in Jerusalem but, in recent years, they have also revoked status to punish Palestinians accused of attacking Israelis and as collective punishment against relatives of suspected assailants. The discriminatory system pushes many Palestinians to leave their home city in what amounts to forcible transfers, a serious violation of international law.

Residency revocations are part of a range of policies that include unlawful settlement expansion, home demolitions, and restrictions on building in the city that have shifted the demographics in East Jerusalem. This outcome reflects the Israeli government’s goal of “maintaining a solid Jewish majority in the city,” as stated in the Jerusalem municipality’s master plan (“Jerusalem Outline Plan 2000”), and limiting the number of Palestinian residents. Originally setting a target “ratio of 70% Jews and 30% Arab,” planners later acknowledged that “this goal is not attainable” in light of “the demographic trend” and adjusted to a 60-40 target. Palestinians constituted 37 percent of Jerusalem’s population in 2015, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.

Here's why logical people with a semblance of morality and an understanding of the conflict are concerned about such laws. They see right through it:

Israeli authorities have also in recent years revoked the status of Palestinians in East Jerusalem under the Law of Entry for violating their “minimal obligation of loyalty to the state of Israel.” First used against four Hamas members elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006, authorities have, following an October 2015 government decree, invoked this justification against individuals accused of physically attacking Israelis and against the suspects’ families.

Residency revocations often effectively force Palestinians from East Jerusalem, who are protected by virtue of Israel’s occupation under the Fourth Geneva Convention, to leave the territory they live in. This constitutes forcible transfers when causing displacement to other parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and deportations when displacement takes place outside the country. The convention allows such measures only on a temporary basis for “imperative military reasons.” Failing to maintain a “center of life” in Jerusalem does not meet the convention’s restrictive standard.

Israel: Jerusalem Palestinians Stripped of Status

However, it seems you cant speak with a dikk in your mouth. Youre just running in circles like the autistic child you are

I also, BRIEFLY...touched upon how asinine it is to even use the Hamas card, which you ignored like a p*ssy

The fact that Hamas members may be caught in this is simply a distraction from the wording of the law, and the true target of the law...East Jerusalems Arabs. We have seven decades of Israeli policy that allows us to understand Israels true intentions.

Even assuming only Hamas would be the target...lets run through this understanding...

Somehow in your twisted, infantile, elementary mind, the following makes sense

Launch a concerted, intentional act of ethnic cleansing,

Follow it with decades of occupation against the defeated people

Support Islamic militants within the defeated people as a counter balance to the relatively secular resistance of the defeated people

Continue the occupation, launch several armed attacks on the people, deny them civic rights, violate their human rights

When said people turn to the Islamic militants you helped and assisted, due to the failure of the secular resistance you crushed

Then you pass a law targeting the defeated people, under the guise of attacking the Islamic militants


The only time you came remotely close to even posting anything of substance, you quoted the Times of Israel, without actually revealing the source. Because of course, you thought (a) I wouldnt find the source, and (b) quoting the Times of Israel after attacking the legitimacy of Al Jazeera, was a bit too rich, even for a p*ssy like you. But unfortunately, I saw right through that shyt

Once again, you choose to ignore the actual point raised, and simply attack the source like the maggot you are.

Are you able to dispute the assertion that this law violates international law?

Are you able to speak at all to the substance of the argument?

Or do you need to consult the Israeli Foreign Ministry? Or perhaps your Bnai Brith pamphlet?

The faccot attacks my source, but fails to provide one himself


Hows this p*ssy?

The government-sponsored law specifies three situations in which the interior minister can revoke permanent residency: If the status was granted under false pretenses, if the resident endangered public safety or security, or if he betrays the State of Israel.

Israel passes law allowing it to revoke permanent residency of East Jerusalem Palestinians

If Haaretz isnt Jewish enough for you, how about the Times of Israel?

That is where you got your quote from, after all.

I will set aside the fact that any concerns you have over the Al Jazeera bias applies just as well to the Times of Israel


The Knesset on Wednesday enacted a law permitting the interior minister to revoke the permanent residency status of East Jerusalem residents who are found to have committed actions constituting a breach of trust” to the State of Israel.

The new law will give Interior Minister Aryeh Deri the authority to strip the residency of Palestinians with ties to terrorist groups, convicted terrorists, would-be attackers, or those convicted of treason, according to the proposed legal definition of “breach of trust.”

It would also likely apply to East Jerusalem Palestinians who have attacked IDF soldiers, which Israeli law defines as a terror offense.

Hamas members in East Jerusalem could lose residency under new law

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
First of all welcome back, the alt reich emissary on the coli :smugfavre:

Your wacky smileys have been missed.

You don't think a people persecuted for several millennia all over the world, stateless, suffering endless pogroms culminating in the greatest slaughter humanity has witnessed in the 20th century is not an underdog.

They are dwarfed numerically by their enemies in population and land.
no, and this is why you're wrong

israel WOULD be a classic underdog, if they were going it by themselves

but israel as it exists today? israel, the country that america has pledged its undying loyalty to for some "strange" reason that rhymes with lionist tankers? the israel that has the full force of america's military and government behind it? has america vetoing anything that effects them remotely negatively at the UN? has america's senators and congressmen voting unanimously on every issue? has created an atmosphere where criticizing it in american media and politics is a figurative death sentence?

nah, get all the way the fukk outta here :mjlol: israel as it exists today is nobody's fukking victim


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416

Left this place with his tail between his legs when I exposed his Palestinian ass.

He falsely claimed he is Afghan :mjlol:

God damn youre pathetic. You literally ignored post after post, link after link, argument after argument, but continue to insist on this wierd conspiracy of me being a closeted Arab posing as an Afghan

Your faccotry knows no bounds. And then despite, literally ignoring any post of substance, you have the nerve to claim I felt the need to leave


No bytch, I had an M&A close that kept me up late, two client meetings this morning, and court documents to file before noon. Meanwhile you spent the night masturbating in your basement apartment while your mom made you lunch.


Dude becomes furious when he can't have his way and starts foaming at the mouth hurling insults like faccot, donkey, -classic Arab insults.

Because your a p*ssy, everything about your demeanor and character suggests your a bytch.

Israel is here to stay fukkboy :umad:

Im glad it is, I just want it to liberate the Palestinians or incorporate them.

But lets pick up where I left off. Lets not forget you ignoring this post, where I shredded your stupid attempts to link Israels policies towards the Palestinians with how Europe treats its ISIS members, u outclassed bytch

You possess the intellect of an aborted fetus.

How does one use language like "trouble makers" when you have a country that has been formed on the back of ethnic cleansing, and the remnants of the cleansed population are neither given their own country, nor are they incorporated into the country that displaced them, but instead are subject to a military occupation going on six decades. This is a very simple fact that seems to go over your uneducated simple fukking head.

Second, you dumb donkey, treason doesnt apply because, again, you have a country that has been formed on the back of ethnic cleansing, and the remnants of the cleansed population are neither given their own country, nor are they incorporated into the country that displaced them, but instead are subject to a military occupation going on six decades. They are denied citizenship and their own state, how does resisting a military occupation make you treasonous. You seem to have an issue with people who fight back. Its clear your father had a clitoris and he raised you to be a moist p*ssy. Id run your pockets in real life, with that mentality.

Furthermore, referring to democratic govts in the same sentence you refer to Kuwait and Bahrain is never a good luck, retard.

At this point, overwhelmed in a conversation in which you have no knowledge, you begin foaming at the mouth and spewing nonsense. How the fukk is this a response to:

Do you realize that in Europe, the acts of terrorism are not the same as in Israel, which engages in a military occupation (which cannot be denied), launches wars (which cannot be denied), arbitrarily detains (which cannot be denied), tortures (which cannot be denied) and denies civic and human rights (which cannot be denied) to the Palestinian population that PRE-DATES the Israeli one

You are trying to draw a parallel between European countries taking action against its citizens who joined ISIS, with this recent Israeli legislation targetting Palestinians. Please explain to the coli how Sweden or Germany passing similar laws against an Iraqi immigrant to their country is the same as Israel vis a vis its Palestinian subjects.

If you werent an idiot, no explanation would be required. The domestic criminal/terrorist context doesnt apply in Israel, where the Palestinian is a colonial subject, with an occupation imposed on him. The standards are different nitwit.

Finally, lets not forget you being exposed for being some snowflake, vulnerable, emotional traumatized African, who repeats Likud talking points. Your whole stance is based on "Arabs are bad to Africans, so fukk Arabs." Except, presumably your issue with Arabs is that historically and even today, they have violated the human rights of Africans, committed mass crimes against them etc. But if your issue is with their crimes, you would condemn such crimes, in all its varying degrees, anytime its committed. Thats what a principled, intelligent person would do. But no, youre a p*ssy. Values and principles are not fluid like your sexuality. So youre whole stance is an emotional Estrogen laced cry for help. Lets also not forget you using white supremacist language of "medieval" values, which when I threw back at your face with respect to your own people, you broken down and the estrogen came out in floods

I am simply highlighting the frailty of YOUR prejudiced "logic". You scoff at my references to international law, based on the fact that the victims here, Palestinians, are Muslims. Your insinuation is that their beliefs, being "medieval", means they are not deserving of international law and its protections.

So you fukking donkey, when the same argument is made against other parts of the world, whose beliefs may seen "primitive" or "medieval", relative to the West (which is, after all, your standard isnt it), now your p*ssy is moist with anger, isnt it?

And even accepting that your hatred of Arabs is so all consuming that you are willing to be oblivious to history, facts, logic, or a need to have a consistent value system, Arabs are a cultural and linguistic group, spaning over a dozen countries, each with its own sub culture, history and socio-economic development.

So you "African", please answer these questions p*ssy.

1-Did Palestinians deport thousands of Africans?
2-Did Palestinians support Apartheid South Africa, to the point of helping develop its nuclear program?
3-Do Palestinians engage in weapons and diamond trades, that clearly do not favour the average African, but rather perpetuate economic disparity and military conflict?
4-Did Palestinians forcibly inject Africans with birth control?

For such an "African", you seem to be suspiciously quiet about these things. You want us to believe, that for an African in 2018, the role of the Arabian slave trade under the Umayads, or for example, Saudi Arabian policies towards its African population, or for example, the indentured slavery in Mauritania, are all more relevant, more reflective, more critical factors and considerations in discussing the Middle East conflict, then what Israels KNOWN conduct towards Africans are, despite the Palestinians playing NO role in historic and contemporary Arab anti African crimes.

You want us to beleive that, you "African"?



Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Oh, and Ive been on the phone with my lawyer and banker all day trying to close another investment property for next Wednesday @Moich you flaming p*ssy

How about this, prove to us youre an African, prove to us what country youre from, and I promise, I will donate 5% of my annual rental income to a charity of your choice based in that country

Because after all, right is right, wrong is wrong, and Techniec is a man of the people.


Oct 31, 2017
but israel as it exists today? israel, the country that america has pledged its undying loyalty to for some "strange" reason that rhymes with lionist tankers? the israel that has the full force of america's military and government behind it? has america vetoing anything that effects them remotely negatively at the UN? has america's senators and congressmen voting unanimously on every issue? has created an atmosphere where criticizing it in american media and politics is a figurative death sentence?

The concept of allies flies over your head :skip:

Allies are supposed to have your back at the UN chump, why do you think far flung Muslim states without any connection to the Palestinians vote against Israel.

Sit this out, buddy.

I don't think you have the necessary context and knowledge. All you have is Jay Z smileys and Judeophobia.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
The concept of allies flies over your head :skip:

Allies are supposed to have your back at the UN chump, why do you think far flung Muslim states without any connection to the Palestinians vote against Israel.

Sit this out, buddy.

I don't think you have the necessary context and knowledge. All you have is Jay Z smileys and Judeophobia.
name another ally that america sticks its neck out for like it does israel, that you aren't allowed to criticize like israel, etc. i'll give you oh, i dont know. how about a month :camby:

i know what a fukking ally is, im looking at this from an objective standpoint


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Sit this out, buddy.

I don't think you have the necessary context and knowledge. All you have is Jay Z smileys and Judeophobia.


where do you get the nerve bytch? Youve ignored every point raised in this thread

what, you trying to kick knowledge?


Oct 31, 2017
God damn youre pathetic. You literally ignored post after post, link after link, argument after argument, but continue to insist on this wierd conspiracy of me being a closeted Arab posing as an Afghan

Your faccotry knows no bounds. And then despite, literally ignoring any post of substance, you have the nerve to claim I felt the need to leave

Habib, get back to making koftas and get off the coli :umad:

No bytch, I had an M&A close that kept me up late, two client meetings this morning, and court documents to file before noon. Meanwhile you spent the night masturbating in your basement apartment while your mom made you lunch.

fukk off with your ducktales:camby:


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Habib, get back to making koftas and get off the coli :umad:

fukk off with your ducktales:camby:


Ignored yet another post,

You show up in threads, dikk ride Israel, MAYBE make reference to a discredited talking point, get shut down with links and sources, then proceed to ignore it.

This same faccot who cried out loud about racism when i ripped his stupid logic, is now resorting to crude juvenile comments

How many threads u gonna back out of bytch? Why do you keep ignoring points that raised? Why do you keep repeating discredited propaganda points?

Please point to your sources re: Israels withdrawal from Gaza and Hamas starting a war. That was your most recent claim?


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Habib, get back to making koftas and get off the coli :umad:

fukk off with your ducktales:camby:

Where you from? Prove to us youre African, Ill cut a cheque to your favourite charity

I dont think you realize who you talking to bytch boy





Oct 31, 2017
God damn youre pathetic. You literally ignored post after post, link after link, argument after argument, but continue to insist on this wierd conspiracy of me being a closeted Arab posing as an Afghan

Your faccotry knows no bounds. And then despite, literally ignoring any post of substance, you have the nerve to claim I felt the need to leave

Habib, get back to making koftas and get off the coli :umad:

No bytch, I had an M&A close that kept me up late, two client meetings this morning, and court documents to file before noon. Meanwhile you spent the night masturbating in your basement apartment while your mom made you lunch.

fukk off with your ducktales:camby:

Im glad it is, I just want it to liberate the Palestinians or incorporate them.

No you don't. You want to have Palestine in place of Israel. I can see through your bogus arguments :umad:

Finally, lets not forget you being exposed for being some snowflake, vulnerable, emotional traumatized African


Here we go

Bad mouthing black people huh

Your people are famous for that.

And even accepting that your hatred of Arabs is so all consuming that you are willing to be oblivious to history, facts, logic, or a need to have a consistent value system, Arabs are a cultural and linguistic group, spaning over a dozen countries, each with its own sub culture, history and socio-economic development.

So you "African", please answer these questions p*ssy.

1-Did Palestinians deport thousands of Africans?
2-Did Palestinians support Apartheid South Africa, to the point of helping develop its nuclear program?
3-Do Palestinians engage in weapons and diamond trades, that clearly do not favour the average African, but rather perpetuate economic disparity and military conflict?
4-Did Palestinians forcibly inject Africans with birth control?

For such an "African", you seem to be suspiciously quiet about these things. You want us to believe, that for an African in 2018, the role of the Arabian slave trade under the Umayads, or for example, Saudi Arabian policies towards its African population, or for example, the indentured slavery in Mauritania, are all more relevant, more reflective, more critical factors and considerations in discussing the Middle East conflict, then what Israels KNOWN conduct towards Africans are, despite the Palestinians playing NO role in historic and contemporary Arab anti African crimes.

You want us to beleive that, you "African"?

Yes Arabs are on :mjpls: heavy.

Just open the news.

HYON Habib.