It’s Crazy How Much Female Friends Sabotage Each Other


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
There’s no honor amongst thieves

And even less among women

I remember with a few exes, but one in particular I talked about on here whose cousin (own flesh and blood I fukked.). And her other friend tried to get at me. The friend was always slandering me , and tryna ruin the relationship.

Her comments were:
He’s married and lying to you
He’s hiding kids
He’s probably cheating
He lied about his name (that one was true)

All projections cuz the dude she was gettin strung along by was all of these things :Denzelcrackinup: she busted out crying when he told her he’s getting back with his estranged wife).

Come to find out this friend in particular, was fond of me. Added me on snapchat, and messaged me/pic dmed me all the time. I wasnt too attracted to her so I ignored but it was crazy how the loudest was the one who wanted me the most.

The cousin (who was actually cute) had me added on snap too. She played it cool tho , I’ll give her credit. She never really put me down but no less than 3 months after my breakup with her cousin she dmed me ask how Im doing and we should link up. We ended up smashin for damn near a year and a half but that’s a whole other story.

I’ve also had some other females in her social circle. They got my snap thru the cousin or kept asking how I was thru word of mouth.

It seems like any time u with a female, her friends are out to sabotage her relationship or waiting for the right time. And a lot of them esp if there single want the dude.

And ta da , none of them are friends anymore.

What y’all think @HarlemHottie @Nicole0416
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Let me say this first - the only female friends that I could say are genuine friends are my day ones, since the age of 6- there are 4 of us. That's it. Those are real, have each other's back type through whatever, type of vibe women. By that age until now, throughout high school and all experiences counted so far, there has never been a time where we didn't have another woman who we let in, try to undermine us in some way- I call them low values i.e, thots or treeshes (not referred to as women bc they don't have the characteristics to be one). If any so called female acquaintance that we (I'm going to say I, from this point (excluding those 4); feels jealous of you, whether it's looks, relationship, boyfriend, money, job, accomplishment - there has never been a situation where that hasn't been a way to try to undermine or attempts to sabotage in some way. At the center of that is some scorned, bitter, self hating, nonaccomplished female who wants what you have or wants to be in your position. Deception and Manipulation tactics are real. Jealousy and envy are their besties. I can say this admittedly, even with my mother, at times, making things a competition from time to time. She's the Queen of Petty comments and backhanded compliments, lol. A woman will try to rationalize and justify her disloyal behavior despite the fact that she's selfish, whereas a real female friend will have your back and make sure that if it's survival of the fittest, she will sacrifice to make sure that you both come out on top.

Learned a while back to never discuss my relationship situation with another female, don't discuss sexual bedroom stuff - that's open season right there. All that does is help them get information. Majority of time, it's a moment of weakness they will try to get at you. fukked up bc that's when you need support the most. The cliché is misery loves company-real talk. If they feel insecure, lonely or not satisfied- they want you in the same way as them in order to make themselves feel better. Not you. I've also had females accuse me of situations that I had nothing to do with. Example - they didn't want me around their boyfriends/husbands or look at me funny if their dude started to spark up a convo. Never had an ill intent bc I respect boundaries (good friend or not). Based on their insecurities - they will turn heel or go on a rampage at me bc the see how their dude is acting around me and I'm not doing anything but existing. But on the flip side, men plot too but it's usually for different purposes or they test to see how far of a line they can cross. Females want something that another woman has, Men plot because they have something that another man wants. But most time, if you confront a man - he'll back off or know off top not to be confrontational. Women will be vindictive and only fall back when they get exposed or it starts to backfire on them to the point of no return. I have examples on examples of all types of this shyt. But my response is long enough at the moment. Just have to know the types of females to avoid, that don't have my best interest. Don't invite anyone that doesn't have the same mindset that you do. Idc who agrees or doesn't, or how some may take it. I'm speaking on facts of what I know to be true based on experience. This is also true that I have much more reliable and loyal male friends over the years that I do women friends.


Sorry, that's another B
Feb 12, 2017
Everything you said is true. One time I used to smash this girl, nerdy girl. She didn't have her license but her bff had a car and she and used to have her bff bring her to my house. The Bff would chill to, Until It was time to dip in the other room and do our thing. Bff would be in the other room on her phone or something til we was done. Then one time the girl I ask fukking went on a family vaca out the coUntry. I had the bff's number and hit her up and asked if she wanted to come over . I got her to come over and the rest is history. Nerdy bytch has no idea. I still don't know if she does


May 1, 2012
There’s no honor amongst thieves

And even less among women

I remember with a few exes, but one in particular I talked about on here whose cousin (own flesh and blood I fukked.). And her other friend tried to get at me. The friend was always slandering me , and tryna ruin the relationship.

Her comments were:
He’s married and lying to you
He’s hiding kids
He’s probably cheating
He lied about his name (that one was true)

All projections cuz the dude she was gettin strung along by was all of these things:Denzelcrackinup:( she busted out crying when her told her he’s getting back with his estranged wife).

Come to find out this friend in particular, was fond of me. Added me on snapchat, and messaged me/pic dmed me all the time. I wasnt too attracted to her so I ignored but it was crazy how the loudest was the one who wanted me the most.

The cousin (who was actually cute) had me added on snap too. She played it cool tho , I’ll give her credit. She never really put me down but no less than 3 months after my breakup with her cousin she dmed me ask how Im doing and we should link up. We ended up smashin for damn near a year and a half but that’s a whole other story.

I’ve also had some other females in her social circle. They got my snap thru the cousin or kept asking how I was thru word of mouth.

It seems like any time u with a female, her friends are out to sabotage her relationship or waiting for the right time. And a lot of them esp if there single want the dude.

And ta da , none of them are friends anymore.

What y’all think @HarlemHottie @Nicole0416

DRAKE! I KNEW IT!!! :blessed:



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
My friends and I came up with this list a long time ago from people who try to infiltrate our "sister circle" and end up getting the put the f out: 6 types of toxic women "friends" - 1. the crazy or misplace ego one with no boundaries (yolo, live for the day - deal with consequences later, type to run men's pockets together at night and a dead end day job no goals or strips/escorts ); 2. the constant worrier and paranoid one (always obsessing, needy as fuk - needs the attention on her, usually loud or boughetto) 3. the woman who has everything but is never satisfied or thankful for what she has (i.e. Ayesha Curry types - makes everything a competition, including type of man- never happy for you unless she has it too, financially secure, doesn't have to work or her hobby is her job but still going off on tangents) and 4. the party all the time girl (has no talent except for getting in trouble, constant need for negative stimulation and needs a partner in crime at all times, probably served a bid or two ) 5. the Copycat (self explanatory- no originality, boring personality, can't make a decision on her own) 6. the Talker (always needs to talk about herself, brag about what she has, usually talks about herself in the third person (example if her name is Shauna, instead saying "I", she will say Shauna is blah blah , because "Shauna is self - important and doesn't play that " or calls herself "The Shauna".. ughhh, relevance through documenting her life on social media, pics all the time anywhere she goes, gets mad, sexually suggestive about herself) and Bonus #7 - The Feel Sorry for Me and Blameist types - (very self loathing, cries over the most trivial of things, always an excuse or somebody else's fault, to the point where I feel like, instead of channeling into something positive or accepting that their attitude sucks they blame on their decisions on everybody - ugggh just pull the plug already)
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Her comments were:
He’s married and lying to you
He’s hiding kids
He’s probably cheating
He lied about his name (that one was true)
But if you're a nice looking handsome type of dude with a decent outlook and a good mindset; there's always some lame that a woman is dating/bf or husband, that doesn't measure up to you and makes her question her whole outlook and future with her own man. Jealousy and emotions set in. Boost to the self esteem if she can manipulate another woman from her friend's man, even if she may not want him for herself. Single women who just got out of a bad relationship or in prime age where they want to settle down but lost their stock - that's the worst, seeing their friend in a solid situation or bettering themselves. My cousin is like that- tried to sabotage me a few times.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Women don't like each other.. That's why when they get a man - they almost immediately toss their friends to the trash.
Because of dyck value, friends are expendable. Until they realize that community dyck they were so desperate for has a high turnover rate. Then they come running back to “friends” for comfort until the next. But by that time, i see her for what she is. No one likes to be used or displaced. Then she gets an attitude and tries to guilt into “having her back” . Then by that time, I may be in a situation of my own- she gets jealous bc she got out of a Messed up relationship and wants what I have.