Its time for blacks to declare war on black on black war, terror and victimization


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
At this stage in life. Black and black terror in corporate world and black on black victimization comes to mind.
Black on black crime is poor blacks trying to get along civilly with guns.LOL. However, when that is not nipped in the bud, then blacks from those environments and blacks associated to those environment act out in other mean towards people. They become c00ns. They put nonblacks interests at heart.

And I have done alot and have done far more and beyond and continue to do so.

My cities has no black on black crime. I reside in multiple cities. I see worlds and cities were there are no blacks there because blacks have not moved there nor have blacks made their presence there know. Or blacks just want to be on the blacks side of town.

So black on black challenge, takes on a deeper meaning.

However, at this level, blacks not doing well for blacks, have caused a lot of other real world challenges to deal with.
So I have had to sue another black and make an example of him because he f ed up one of our business deals. One of our business deal didn't go as planned. And so there are alot of legal suits on whites and blacks. And yes, the main person behind the business deal not going well is former black police officer and he is going to be front and center of major lawsuit.

So you're not doing a damn thing other than running your mouth. Hold this neg fakkit :umad:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
bruh he dancing all over your question that dude hitting every type of dance to avoid you

Bdizzle: bruh what have you done

Uncle: wellll

B: bruh one last time what have you done

Uncle: I

B: last time bruh what have you done


I already know he was on bullshyt. Now this dude is saying black on black crime doesn't exist in his city :mjlol:

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
So you're not doing a damn thing other than running your mouth. Hold this neg fakkit :umad:
you miss the point. black on black problem exists everywhere.

you trying to neg me as an example of that.

Instead of you being understanding, perceptive and thoughtful, you are acting out of spite.

Its immature. It is a black problem. And you behaviour cross over to white perception in bad way. And white wont really care for blacks or blacks problem unless there is violence of some sort.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
I already know he was on bullshyt. Now this dude is saying black on black crime doesn't exist in his city :mjlol:
So you want to blame me. When you dont wnt to join me. And you miss the point of the bigger issues of lower common denominator of blacks and the problems its cause in corporate america.

I have bigger issues. And i deal with black on black problem everyday.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Six pages and only a few posters don't get that so called black on black crime isn't because nikkas get mad and have guns.
We need to fix the social circumstances

And I hate people who act like " it's time we address it" or act like everyone only focuses police crime
Black on black crime has dropped nearly every year for the last 40 years. ....... that's not an accident

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
just listen to the lyrics:mjcry:

"am i my brothers keeper??....yes i am
am i my brothers teacher??.....yes i am"

"Brothers' Keeper"

Brothers and sisters!

Oh oh oh oh oh


Hey yeah

Will I walk what I talk
Will I open my heart
Can he trust me when I give him my word
Will I judge him or love him
Put nothing above him
Help him to see what he's worth
Can I tend to his needs
When he's down on his knees
Can I still see the light in his eyes
Can I lend him a hand
Let him still be a man
Will I run or stand by his side

Am I my brother's keeper?
Yes I am!
Am I my brother's teacher?
Yes I am!
Am I the one to reach him?
Yes I can!
Am I my brother's keeper?
Yes I am!
Yes I am!

When he's pushed to the edge when he's out on a ledge
Can I help him to think with his heart
When he's wrong when he's right
I'll be there to remind him
That he's made in the image of God
When he's struggles with troubles
He needs to know
That his mistakes don't define his life
I'm a living example that there is a chance for redemption
On the other side

Am I my brother's keeper?
Yes I am!
Am I the one to teach him?
Yes I am!
Am I the one to reach him?
Yes I can!
Am I my brother's keeper?
Yes I am!
Yes I am!
Yes I am!

Sing together like

Brothers and sisters

Yes I am!

Am I my brother's teacher?
Yes I am!
Am I the one to reach him?
Yes I can!
Am I my brother's keeper?
Yes I am!
Yes I am!
Am I my brother's keeper?
Yes I am!
Am I my brother's teacher?
Yes I am!
Am I the one to reach him?
Yes I can!
Am I my brother's keeper?
Yes I am!
Yes I am!
Yes I am!

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
just listen to the lyrics:mjcry:

This is such an elementary point that I fear making it will seem silly. On the other hand, so many people seem so completely in the dark about it that it is worth stating the obvious. Claiming to be "my brother's keeper," as President Obama is so wont to spout, is an insult to the brother!

I suppose the confusion is perfectly understandable since most of us encounter the phrase in its English translation and not the original Hebrew, and numerous otherwise-well-meaning organizations have taken it as their motto. See here, here, and here for examples. After all, Webster's Third New International Dictionary defines "to keep" as "to watch over and defend esp. from danger, harm, or loss." But Webster's also defines "to keep" as "to restrain from departure" and "to retain or continue to have in one's possession or power." So which meaning does "brother's keeper" have in its original usage?

The phrase comes, of course, from Genesis, chapter 4 God's
devastating interrogation of Cain after Cain killed Abel out of rank
jealousy. God asks Cain innocently, "Where is your brother, Abel? " Cain replies, "I don't know," and asks, "Am I my brother's
keeper?" Now, some of us grew up aping that catchy margarine slogan, "it's not nice to fool Mother Nature," so we can immediately
recognize that it is probably not a great idea to try to deceive the Creator of heaven and earth, especially just after you did
something He warned you not to do. God, of course, is not amused and curses Cain, who ends up lamenting, "My punishment is
more than I can bear."
But what was Cain actually saying when he uttered those words to God? The Hebrew word used here for "keeper" means more than
"protector" or "defender"; it is more akin to "overseer" or "master," as in "keeping" sheep (1 Samuel 17:20, 22); royal wardrobes (2
Kings 22:14); the king's forest (Nehemiah 2:3, 3:29); gates (1 Chronicles 9:19); vineyards (Song of Solomon 1:6); and the temple
threshold (Jeremiah 52:24) [ii]. Although these jobs are foreign to most of us, we can get the sense of them by thinking "zookeeper"

Now, if you think that treating your brother like a dumb animal, a clothes collection, a tree, a gate, a vine, or a doorway is
charitable, then consider the context Cain
was wiseassing
God! Cain wasn't responsibly pondering, "Am I my brother's noble
defender?" He was saying, "How the hell do I know where he is? It's not in my job description to keep track of him!" It was meant
to shame God into replying, "On no, of course you aren't. I'm so sorry I asked." Simply put, Cain's rhetorical sneer is not the query
of a loving, responsible brother, but the bald bluster of a brutal murderer.
Look, the pages of American Thinker are hardly the place to get into a theological debate about the meaning of obscure biblical
phrases, but you need to know that when a diehard
leftist appropriates a wiseass
remark made by the archetypal murderer, he is
really showing you more about himself than he would like. He's really saying, "It's my job (because I take it upon myself) to keep
these people in line because they are unthinking, inanimate, and helpless objects which are frankly more like property than

The phrase comes, of course, from Genesis, chapter 4 -- God's devastating interrogation of Cain after Cain killed Abel out of rank jealousy. God asks Cain innocently, "Where is your brother, Abel? Articles: The Real Meaning of 'My Brother's Keeper'
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Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Fella said hung from a tree. I'm gonna see how many folks don't take the time to read....and get suckered into taking this thread seriously.
its funny, people from black hoods, who dont have any solid solutions to fix their own problems. try to celebrate the issues in their hoods.

That is Akin to Obama, and saying Obama cannot fix racial problems,Obama dont live in no hood, Obama dont know real thug blacks, that is akin to mayors that blacks vote in and the mayors and police chiefs and constituents cannot fix black problems and the problems of white racism

only grand nubians can.
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Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
The amount of defection in his posts

you keep the jobs aside.

This is a serious conversation on what is going on in your hood. What are yall doing to fix yall hoods?

We practice what grand nubia teach when in hood with black on black problems. And the whole point of grand nubia gets rid of black on black violence.

Now your president, mayor, police chief and civil rights trying to fix your problems that you celebrate, what are you doing to fix it?

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
:usure: You really wanna do this fam?
white racism is blame
colonial is the blame
violence exists everyhwhere,
group on group violence exists because of white terror

african in african hoods dont go shooting, or shooting brothers, the white devil you celeberate is the blame

but standing outside drinking a water, and then you get shot, no
walking around the neighborhood and like the neighboor and then you get shot, no
getting into an argument with strangers, drive off and then you are shot, no

be from a black hood and celebrate everything wrong with it breh