It's time for successful nikkas to be classist. Stop trying to preach to complacent nikkas.

Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015
only a small percentage of the population is ever going to experience sizable wealth no matter what country you live on this globe, the goal is to get most of the community to live comfortably not wealthy IMO.
which is truly attainable looking at the Indian population


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
My best friend that works part time at Pizza Hut still thinks he’s gonna get rich at the casino. He’s 27


Maximized Potential
May 1, 2012
Parc fermé
People need to realize that there's a time for work and time for play. If you reach out to a friend or family member and try to put them up on game regarding stocks, an IRA, any kind of money shyt....and they ain't trying to hear you?


Keep that shyt to yourself. I don't like Eggplant. So when it's offered to me I decline politely.

If they ain't trying to eat...then stop forcing the meal on them. Simple :yeshrug:
I agree with this, however, the flip side is that those same who declined your help will eventually come at you for a handout later on and if you refuse they'll then try to make you look like an a$$hole for letting them know you gave them the opportunity a while back and they declined.

A lot of people also have no sense of accountability. They always try to find a scapegoat for whatever situation they find themselves in. They're like grown babies. I refuse to be an enabler. If I try to put you onto game and you refuse it then tough luck.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
I dapped your post and agree with your sentiment...but I think the "YOLO I just want to stunt" crowd is still ambitious. They just haven't been taught and or steered in the right direction.

People gravitate toward a street life (in some cases) because they see jewels, money, cars, women clothes as an achievement. The same way you or I might look at land ownership, a high credit score, a ROTH IRA, etc. as achievement.

Instead of being "Classist" we need to figure out a way to shift what our people find attractive from a young age. We need to bombard young kids with the idea that they can achieve in fields OTHER THAN entertainment and we need to get them into position where they start to feel wins in their early academic career.

In the end, I understand we should ignore a lot of people who aren't on the same wave as us, but we also need to make sure we are changing the minds of those who are still impressionable. :manny:
Giving nikkas a little bit of money really is the first step to c00nism,see it happen time and time again:francis:

Hopefully nobody daps this nonsense rhetoric.

Its obvious some of you are ambitious about making money,but not ambitious about teaching your people and seeing them succeed. If that is the case then you should just stay out of the realm of "preaching" in the first place. The problem here is some of you need to also realize your own strengths and weakness. Don't let this thread fool you people,I'm willing to bet these men were black elitist after the first few 100+ page books they read.Some black people get some knowledge and bring it back to black people,and want to be treated like they are god or Moses,and develop a bitterness when it doesn't work that way. Black people gain success, get a pat on the head from cacs,and begin to repeat the pull yourself up by the bootstraps rhetoric like they forgot all the hurdles.

This is the purest form of european arrogance:martin:. You had to have patience to become a succesful black man in America,if you can't be patient with your people than stay out of that,if thats all its going to take to make you begin to resent some of your people.

I'm not what would be considered succesful at all,but I still tell black people about all the things you are saying. And its not hard to open a brokerage account and its free in many cases. Hopefully successful people can remain patient with late bloomers,30+ is a great time to start to teach as late 20's+30's is when many black men begin to self reflect. Most important thing is that we start to drill it into our kids and youth early on,so that they aren't having to learn all of this late in life. Its very defeating to realize you are behind though I never scoffed at knowledge,I was just young and thought my way was better,and you see nikkas in the streets giving the same advice on another level of how to make money. No need to pile onto our brothers and sisters for not knowing better YET,keep drilling,it feels good when you see some of them finally get it:wow:
to be honest it's not the so called "lazy poor brothas" that are problem. Its the ones like in OP who get a little money and start looking down on them.
When you get some money and power its YOU that are in the postion to effect real change in the community, not them. You need to start thinking what you can do to help them not the other way around.
Ambitious black people, continue investing and managing our investments, properties, and businesses. Loser nikkas can call us they want, but they can't call us broke:win: . Only dumb, lazy nikkas will get offended by this post because it's only directed to them people if you don't invest or have a business your not ambitious.......this forum never gets old with rehashed topics from shyt for brain nikkas........:martin:
I'd like for successful black people to give out more technical advice about how things work and not these "grind and stay focused" platitudes and calling that knowledge.
Yet another

Smart dumb
Pseudo deep
Humble brag lie


A guise to say negative shyt about black people
Successful blacks have been classist since 1863. Their classicism differs from today because of the segregation laws, which forced them to interact with the rest of the poorer black population. Because of the close proximity and still a pervading sense of noblesse oblige, they not only founded societies to help the less fortunate blacks, but also their businesses employed them. And since they lived in the same communities, the poorer blacks had examples of successful people to look up to. They saw the doctor/lawyer/cpa/banker crowd regularly, and it was in them that they aspired.

Nowadays, successful black folks don't live in proximity to poor blacks in numbers let alone have much interaction with them. So who do these folks have to look up to in their communities? Those that are the most visible - drug dealers, rappers, and athletes. The 1920s/30s/40s was a heyday for black entrepreneurship and academic advancement because folks were not only hungry but relied on each other. Elite blacks relied on poor blacks for business and poor blacks relied on the elite blacks to run the community - to be the teachers, and ministers, and doctors, and politicians. It does our community no good for the elites to separate themselves out. To be classist is one thing, anyone can have their personal opinions about things, but when we complain about the negatives characteristics of poor blacks but when we are not there with them at ground zero then our gripes are unfounded because history has taught us that our people cannot advance without our ability to rely on each other.
Every time I read stuff like this I always get :mjpls: vibes from it.

Like how is calling one such names as loser, lazy or dumb nikka helping anything :patrice:
Mfers get mad when CACs say it to blacks, but they'll say the exact same to another black person .

Do'ers don't have to make an announcement, they just do it .
The elephant in the room that no one really wants to address and instead prefer to continue to ignore and make feel good bougie threads like this one

Is below...

kinda sounds just like some shyte the devil would say*
Classism amongst black people isn't some unique concept, it's called being bougie. Why would other black people support you (and thereby make you more money) if you thumb your nose at them? W.E.B Dubois looking ass nikka
I don’t know to many people who work at Popeyes that can afford to build portfolios . :yeshrug:

Your describing a bunch of teenagers and men in early 20’s. I don’t think you have a real outlook on reality . You say stop trying to teach people to code because they can’t even open a bank account . :francis:

People working at Popeyes and Walmart have a harder time keeping bank accounts open because they are usually trying to keep there tank full and pay bills . You have to have money in your account to keep it open and to pay fees.

I only know a few people who have had the same job since 18 . They work at ford and hospitals and steel mills .

It’s hard to tell someone who makes $8.91 a hour to take all there money and buy a investment property .

Like I said you don’t have a realistic view.

The company I work for has a $250 referral program. If I get someone a job I get $250. If they are management it’s $500. IT is $1000. I bring people to the open house all the time . I’ve gotten 3 people a job . I notice a lot of people get turned off by words . People will say I can’t do data entry or I can’t be an administrative assistant . I don’t know what excel is . shyt like that . Once I tell people all you do is answer phones and scan in paper the whole mentality changes .

So maybe if you know someone doesn’t know how to open a bank account you should be trying to get them into a entry level position so the cane become familiar with the work and learn and grow . Not write them off because there not moving st your speed .

Black people we are always the worst to get hit during the recessions the layoffs the housing crisis and every other American policy that goes wrong .

It is your duty to help the next person up . Not cut them off because you don’t want them around your white friends .
Another angle on division... *sigh

True leaders ain't leaving anyone behind they elevating everyone. The elitist way of doing things never works out because the elites are always a minority you have to appeal to the majority which will be the people suffering those you deem complacent. Theres people in there that are useless but others are just misguided.
Complacentcy =/= Poverty

Just saying......
It's time?

It's been like that...:mjlol:

Everybody knows that when shyt hits the fan...nikkas with money start looking down on poor Black people...and be on some...

"Well...not ALL of us is like that...Mr. White man...":mjgrin:

"While I was reading books...these nikkas wanna be a gangsta Mr.White man..." :sas1:

"I ain't like these other nikkas...I eat Chicken Alfredo and drink red wine for dinner Mr. White Man. I don't eat fried chicken." :sas1:

"Why I, Mr. White man, vehemently disagree. Not all Blacks are alike. While I was getting an education and dodging nikkas, they were rioting in the streets..." :youngsabo:
