Janay Rice tells her story


Apr 6, 2014
#byrdgang...Bleedin Green

andre patton

All Star
May 2, 2012
She has a lot more to gain by divorcing him. She can get alimony and child support and take the money he has saved now.

not only that
she could sell her story, write a book, get a tv show and all that
she had much much much more to gain leaving than staying

They just got married in like April or May...so from a logistical standpoint it wouldnt make much sense for them to get married then get divorced a couple months later. She would have to be with him for at least 6 months before shes sniffin alimony. Otherwise, its much more likely he would try to just get the marriage annulled.

Ray Rice has already signed his biggest contract, and received the most money he'll ever get. She stands to make more financially from the income he earns while they are married. I dunno if he got his base salary for this season, but I dont think he did. Even if he did, its only like 3 million dollars. Shes not technically entitled to any of the money he earned before they were married.

She would still get child support, but if he has no income, like he does now, that wont be very much (compared to if he were actively getting a paycheck). Financially speaking, it would be to her benefit to ride it out and hope he lands another NFL contract. Plus you have to remember that before the video inside the elevator was released, a lot of the community in Baltimore as well as the Ravens organization was supporting him. She had every reason to believe he would be playing this season.

If she chose to leave him she could do the interview circuit and make some bucks offa that. I highly doubt she could get a book deal, theres only so many words you can stretch out of "my bf knocked me out in the elevator." I actually thought Jemele's article was way too wordy so imagine a book. Even if she got a book deal, thats only a couple hundred thousand dollars too. I just dont think this incident is something that she could sustain lifelong income off of.

All in all, with the info she had available at the time, I think the best financial choice was to stay with him. They been together for like 10 years and got a daughter together. You gotta but emotion into the equation as well. Just because you got chin checked one time...how deep is our bond if thats all it takes for you to be gone? We only humans girl we make mistakes. He prolly loves her like a fat kid loves cake.