Julian Castro on Bernie Sanders: He wants to write a big check for everything except reparations.


Aug 9, 2014
If you want to see an even more insightful difference between the Sanders and Castro, look at their positions on Venezuela.

Everybody knows the powers that be now have a hard-on for Venezuela. Venezuela is an issue where you'll find all the "liberal" democrats and Trump on the same damn side. And they're all telling the same ultra-weak, insulting lies ("we need to go in and liberate for freedom's sake").

...Ask castro about it, and he indicates we need to go in and "liberate" the venezuelans.

...Ask bernie about it, and he's against going in.

This is an important indicator, because -- again -- it's an issue where the democrats and the republicans are on the same side of the fukkery (and yes, it is fukkery). It's an issue that really lets you know who's who.

Clearly, on that issue Sanders > Castro

What does that issue have to with reparations?

Well, sanders is the democratic frontrunner (in spite of media being hush hush about it) ... so -- by any means necessary -- the powers that be have to either beat sanders (in order to go into venezuela) OR keep trump in the WH (in order to go into venezuela).

And it's not just about venezuela either -- it's also about Iran, Trump's tax cuts, robbing you of universal health care -- there's a whole program and agenda the corporatists are trying to protect.

They know trump is vulnerable, but they HAVE TO keep a corporatist in the white house by either electing a corporatist democrat or splitting the democratic vote into oblivion.

That's where this "reparations" talk comes in -- a trick to keep corporatists in control by any means necessary (and blame YOU in the end). Don't be a rube.

BERNIE 2020.
Because Universal Health Care and free higher education ARE tangibles, unlike a campaign promise for "a commission" to "look into" reparations...


Lol , do you know anyone from Venezuela. Or are you forming your opinions from news articles. People are eating out the trash and these are of course darker skinned people , whether or not socialism stays is a good point that we shouldn't dictate their Law or economy but from a humanitarian standpoint we should lending all the support in helping that country.

Bernie is on the wrong side of this and it's great you can tie this in with oil ,.so it makes efforts disingenuous

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
The whole reparations movement should have popped off when Obama was in office. A smart strategy THEN was to guilt-trip his wife Michelle on why Black Americans deserve reparations.

But people are too slow and reactive, and wait till fascist dictator Trump is in office BEFORE they pop it off. They too scared to even talk to Trump for reparations because he will scold Black America like babies while put judges on circuit courts and the Supreme Court that will make reparations for black Americans "unconstitutional". All the while giving Trump a bigger edge in the 2020 elections that will forever doom the possibly of getting Reparations.

IF people believe in it so much, they would double down on voting and group economics, WHILE pressuring Trump and not just any random Democrat. But people are half-assing their message and have selective anger management issues while racist conservative CACs laugh when they trying to maintain a stronghold for another generation.

Ask for Trump for that check. Ask him NOW.

the point of this "movement" is to convince us to sit out and not vote

Hurts my heart to see how easy it is to mislead us

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Dude actually said a free education won’t help blacks people :hhh:

This is why we struggle. We do not see the importance of an education And I hate that.

Brief clip from a video of Judge Joe Brown that I posted here last year.He talks briefly about a program that he and his fellow Black students at UCLA coordinated to recruit Black students into a FREE tuition program there in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

From his own mouth, he talks about those who were receptive and who took advantage of that opportunity, and those who didn't.

Brown is straight African American & has PUBLICLY supported reparations for AA (before the "he's a (insert insult) posts start flying from other people)

I asked this question before in another thread, if people aren't taking advantage of current programs and institutions meant to assist and develop all Americans, what makes people think that they will take advantage of programs that would be exclusively open to AAs?

Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
Brief clip from a video of Judge Joe Brown that I posted here last year.He talks briefly about a program that he and his fellow Black students at UCLA coordinated to recruit Black students into a FREE tuition program there in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

From his own mouth, he talks about those who were receptive and who took advantage of that opportunity, and those who didn't.

Brown is straight African American & has PUBLICLY supported reparations for AA (before the "he's a (insert insult) posts start flying from other people)

I asked this question before in another thread, if people aren't taking advantage of current programs and institutions meant to assist and develop all Americans, what makes people think that they will take advantage of programs that would be exclusively open to AAs?

just cut us our check
give us federally protected land and a few other things and let us be :blessed:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
the point of this "movement" is to convince us to sit out and not vote

Hurts my heart to see how easy it is to mislead us

These posters didnt give a damn about reparations back in 2008 to 2016. Never made it a requirement, or ever pressured a Republican or Democrat this. All of a sudden it's an issue when livable conditions proposals are being demanded? :aicmon:


Dec 19, 2017
Notice why I said he was a caretaker who didn't clean up his predecessor's messes???

Lmao... fukking fraud

nikkas will run around here all day screaming how they hate "pandering" yet all a politician has to say is they will "look into" reparations and they immediately dikk suck and shuck for these dishonest actors.... That desperate energy can be so easily exploited


Apr 21, 2013
Brief clip from a video of Judge Joe Brown that I posted here last year.He talks briefly about a program that he and his fellow Black students at UCLA coordinated to recruit Black students into a FREE tuition program there in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

From his own mouth, he talks about those who were receptive and who took advantage of that opportunity, and those who didn't.

Brown is straight African American & has PUBLICLY supported reparations for AA (before the "he's a (insert insult) posts start flying from other people)

I asked this question before in another thread, if people aren't taking advantage of current programs and institutions meant to assist and develop all Americans, what makes people think that they will take advantage of programs that would be exclusively open to AAs?

Wasn't just UCLA it was all over California. My pops went to Long beach state and he was recruited and help recruit others to attend out there. The man that ran the program at cslb was name Mr.Tiddwell. He went up and above to make sure brothers enroll and graduated. IF you had problem with transportation, housing and needed a loan he would take care of it. My pops told me he would give you his business card and signed that back of it and instruct you to go to a particular bank or dealership and tell them Tiddwell sent you. My pops got a 1500 loan, and a new 68 impala:jawalrus:. I'm not surprised about that particular sista reaction at the jordan downs. The social engineering of taking men out the home and rewarding sister for dropping babies was in full swing.:pacspit:

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Wasn't just UCLA it was all over California. My pops went to Long beach state and he was recruited and help recruit others to attend out there. The man that ran the program at cslb was name Mr.Tiddwell. He went up and above to make sure brothers enroll and graduated. IF you had problem with transportation, housing and needed a loan he would take care of it. My pops told me he would give you his business card and signed that back of it and instruct you to go to a particular bank or dealership and tell them Tiddwell sent you. My pops got a 1500 loan, and a new 68 impala:jawalrus:. I'm not surprised about that particular sista reaction at the jordan downs. The social engineering of taking men out the home and rewarding sister for dropping babies was in full swing.:pacspit:
Ok, thanks for the information about the scope of the program. I cut the video off before it went off into the direction that it started going. He was asked when the"N" word became being used widely in the community and he told the story about the college program in the middle of that story.
Glad to hear that your father helped other Black people get access to higher education.