Kamala Harris calls for senate investigations into White Supremacy


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Look at my future madame president :wow:

Can we just support black people when they want to address this instead of yawning and nitpicking to discredit or shyt on them? Black people can be quick to discredit each other. That's indirectly doing white supremacists work for them.
be quick to run and support old white men but shyt on the sistas :mjlol:


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
Let's look at what Harris has done:

In April 2004, San Francisco Police Department Officer Isaac Espinoza was shot and killed in the line of duty. Three days later D.A. Harris announced she would not seek the death penalty, infuriating the San Francisco Police Officers Association. During Officer Espinoza's funeral at St. Mary's Cathedral U.S. Senator and former San Francisco mayor Dianne Feinstein rose to the pulpit and called on Harris, who was sitting in the front pew, to secure the death penalty, prompting a standing ovation from the 2,000 uniformed police officers in attendance. Harris still refused. Officer Espinoza's killer was convicted of the murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Dianne Fienstein... :hhh:

The guy that killed Officer Espinoza

... In case you guys were wondering whether she was lenient because he was white... :beli:

As D.A., Harris started a program that gives first-time drug dealers the chance to earn a high school diploma and find employment. Over eight years the program produced fewer than 300 graduates, but achieved a very low recidivism rate

Harris has supported civil forfeiture laws throughout her career. She has utilized civil forfeiture laws against conservative political groups linked to the Koch brothers, including the Center to Protect Patient Rights. In 2011, she fought a California bill have that would reduced civil asset forfeiture. In 2015, she supported a bill to expand asset forfeiture to fight drug gangs.

You think she wouldn't target white supremacist groups after targeting the Koch brothers? Especially as president with more power? Just thinking about her getting at these weak, limp-wrist white supremacists. :ohlawd:

On January 21, 2017, a day after President Trump was sworn into office, Harris called the message of Trump's inaugural address "dark" when speaking during the Women's March on Washington.

Unlike some people telling us we should give Donald Trump a chance :mjlol:, Harris was out day-1 talking trash about him. :russ:

In interviews with Matt Lauer on The Today Show and local KGO-TV, Harris argued for treating "habitual and chronic truancy" among children in elementary school as a crime committed by the parents of truant children. She argues that there is a direct connection between habitual truancy in elementary school and crime later in life. She has received the endorsement of the California Federation of Teachers.

Read the review for her book, "Smart on Crime":
Book Review: Smart on Crime by Kamala D. Harris | Blogcritics

I think she has more knowledge on this than I do, so I will take her word for it. I've seen a lot of parents do little to quell truant behavior early on in children, sometimes they encourage it or turn a blind eye which only exacerbates the problem.

During her time as San Francisco District Attorney, Harris created the Environmental Justice Unit in the San Francisco District Attorney's Office and prosecuted several industries and individuals for pollution, most notably U-Haul, Alameda Publishing Corporation, and the Cosco Busan oil spill. She also advocated for strong enforcement of environmental protection laws.


She has no problem going after big fish and doesn't play around. :jawalrus:

Harris has prosecuted numerous financial crimes throughout her career, particularly those affecting elders, those involving use of high technology, and identity theft. While running for attorney general, she said she would crack down on predatory lending and other financial crimes. Despite forming a task force to target predatory loan practices in 2011, only ten cases had been prosecuted as of 2014.

In 2013, Harris did not prosecute Steve Mnuchin's bank OneWest despite evidence of "widespread misconduct" in a leaked memo from the Department of Justice. In 2015, OneWest investor and democratic donor George Soros maximized his campaign donations to Harris. In 2016, Mnuchin himself donated $4,000 to Harris' campaign, making her the only 2016 Senate Democratic candidate to get cash from Mnuchin. In 2017, Harris declined to provide details on why her office did not prosecute Mnuchin. As senator, Harris voted against the confirmation of Mnuchin as treasury secretary.
