Lets talk politics. Vote For What? What incentive do Black People have for Voting ?


Dec 25, 2014
Local and state is where the fukkery is. Vote some of these senators, reps, judges,etc...up outta here.

Pretty much this.

These fukks control the school boards, medical, zoning of areas i.e building roads and freeways over black neighbourhoods. People want to enact change. Get some smart politically minded black people into those positions.

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
"waiting on me to reply"

Im working on a project right now....why?....because I have talent, im able to create things and bring life to the world....notice u said people making money, how much do u have stupid? and what skills do u have to make money for the rest of your life? what are u gonna do when u lose your little job? can you grind the way I grind, NO...can u create something outta nothing? create a vision and stick to it with no help? just u and god? no

Nothing u say bother me....u cant penetrate my armor, Im war ready, you're a mental midget....im really who I say I'am, your some random nobody in the world that will die and not be remembered. You're lucky u even have access to speak to me, because in real life i wouldn't acknowledge your existence.....you'll basically be an object, no different from a parked car....just another face in a sea of many faces....u could be unconscious on the ground, ill step over u to go to my destination...

One day this Iittle spat is going to be a big deal for u...telling your nobody friends lol "I argued with that guy on the coli on Halloween" as for me, Ill forget about u by 10:00am tomorrow..n.igga

You are a delusional joke. I'll remember this conversation as I watch the news and see 35 year old virgin from Buffalo leaves basement, kills parents in murder suicide because he realized that he was a fukking joke. :mjlol:


Enjoying a Long Night of Solace✌
Oct 27, 2016
Somewhere on an Xbox
Because your ancestors fougt and died to give you the right to vote. Neglecting that right is like a slap in the face to them.

You may not want to vote for president, but you can vote for your local government(mayor, senator, etc.)

Sometimes I think that you try to be rebellious in order to sound cool. "Oh I'm not gonna vote because I think that the 2 main candidates are ass"when in actuality Congress has the real power.

Don't wanna vote=people like David Duke getting elected to the Senate.


Feb 2, 2016
Because your ancestors fougt and died to give you the right to vote. Neglecting that right is like a slap in the face to them.

You may not want to vote for president, but you can vote for your local government(mayor, senator, etc.)

Sometimes I think that you try to be rebellious in order to sound cool. "Oh I'm not gonna vote because I think that the 2 main candidates are ass"when in actuality Congress has the real power.

Don't wanna vote=people like David Duke getting elected to the Senate.

America is a well oiled machine, those who are really in charge (Not Congress) leave nothing to chance. They give America the impression that we can choose our local and federal leaders. But unless its small town Mayberry, its all a farce. These people are chosen not voted thats pretty much countrywide, rather its local interest or federal. The idea of "voting" is no longer a reality in these United States of America, its bout time Americans wake up to the real world they live in. We are pawns to puppet masters. And nothing we do,say, or think will change the reality of the country we live in. Mostly because they hijakced America so long ago that they have their nails dug so deep the country would literally bleed to death if they were cut or broken out.


Laughing at you n*ggaz like “ha ha ha”
May 1, 2012
Let the whole world know i rep Zone 4
You do realize that outside of the presidential candidates there are local and statewide elections that directly impact your every day life. More importantly there are special election issues where you can vote on how tax money is used for parks, transportation bills, medical care etc. it's not just about who you like as the next President


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
what are u voting for ? what is it going to do for u?
I'm voting for the best interests of black Americans which is to deport the millions of undocumented aliens out of this country.

Also,there are local propositions on the ballot that determines who will be my state senator, district judge, along with the County police chief.

A organize collective black vote in a local city election could turn the tide in our favor ,however,black Americans are not critical thinkers so that's not going to happen
You do realize that outside of the presidential candidates there are local and statewide elections that directly impact your every day life. More importantly there are special election issues where you can vote on how tax money is used for parks, transportation bills, medical care etc. it's not just about who you like as the next President
Logic will not compute with a formally colonized group of people.

So you explaining how local politics affects us will go over the heads of many of the idiots on this site who have no interest in fixing any of the problems that affects the community they live in.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Before Obama many young blacks simply did not vote in huge numbers and it fukked us over because the older generation had a different mindset. voteing on all levels is important.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
some old nikka at my job asked me if I'm registered, I told her yes, too avoid her cliche old black person ass backwards bizarro world advice. Vote for what? whats going to change again?

These other no black minorities dgaf who's in office, they come... work together.. buy up shyt... practice group economics. They understand the game. Black people, what do we do? the same tired shyt...touch the hot stove over and over and get burnt everytime. People telling me Trump is the worse thing ever and vote democrat...like what the fukk is the difference? What is Trump going to do to black people that Hillary wont?

Like u got dumb ass nikkas in Buffalo saying "u know the arabs are coming here buying all the property up?" yeah no shyt nikka, thats what youre supposed to do. They dollar houses so instead of buying lotto tickets, buy houses and build together

Trump made a great point, he said what do blacks have to lose for voting for him. hes 100% correct, ain't shyt gonna happen either way. Until we stop looking to white daddy to save us, were simply going to perish. Were already perishing at a massive rate, america don't need us or want us, they showed u that with Flint and Katrina. They don't want us here, they been trying to finish since slavery ended.

Any black person that think voting Hillary is going to save them is a fukking idiot and u should avoid speaking to them. Hell my parents are big Hillary supporters, man I wouldn't take their advice on how to tie a bag of fukking bread. I don't care who u are, if you're black and riding for the democrats esp after that nikka Obama totally shyttied on you...I refuse to take u seriously. You're a retard man. Ain't shyt gonna change unless you the individual change it, because at this point, cacs are just waiting for us to slowly wipe ourselves out. U think they're going to save us? Nope

I live in Buffalo and I see the end game, I see first hand what all major cities will see in the next 20 years. I see what life is like for blacks after being totally disenfranchised. Its not pretty...

So why vote again? and if so why democrat? fukk are they gonna do besides keep nikkas pacified with more "assistance" which is slavery guised as benefits
This election is a joke and proves america is not for black people.

I'm trying to move out next year.