Lion vs Silverback Gorilla: who would win?


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
But yet you can find more information about leopards being killed while attacking gorillas than u can the opposite.

I'll let you cook tho

Who argued a gorilla cant kill a leopard?

Could you provide sources for the bolded please, sir? Not saying that it's not common or I dont believe you but since you made the claim, Id like for you to link it


May 2, 2012
I didnt catch the edit..

the article wasnt about a leopard dying while killing a gorilla. Are you reading or just skimming thru it picking out what sounds good?:laugh:

the article was about several cases of probable, possible and most likely attacks on gorillas by leopards. Including gorilla remains in leopard shyt, which obviously cant be proven that it were the results of attacks by leopards on gorillas. But there were a case of a leopard killing a male gorilla. This is in the article and was my argument from the jump: that leopards have been known to kill gorillas. Its been documented. Also the coupled comments from the Pygmies in the area that said leopards are known to kill human, chimps, and gorillas support my claim, which youve been ignoring this whole time. I didnt even mention how a gorilla was found attacked in the night and found the next morning in pool of his own blood with his intestines ripped out and a gash in his neck. The leopard was still nearby. So yes, leopards are known to kill gorillas, its obviously high risk... (much like a lion trying to take down a hippo) which is why there are few documented cases, but to act like it dont/doesnt/didnt happen is ignorance.
The article was about if leopard are predators of gorillas and they concluded that they aren't.

You claim leopards are known to kill gorillas but ignore the fact that they usually are not able to kill a gorilla, and that they are more likely to sustain a fatal injury trying.

I never claimed that I doesn't happen, just that is too rare of an occurrence to make a statement like "leopards are known to kill gorillas"

I can just as easily say that a gorilla is known to be able to survive a leopard attack. Which happens more than being killed by one.

And your hippo example is perfect because even though a lion could kill a hippo, that doesn't mean they are known to kill hippos. You can just as easily say that lions are known to die fighting hippos.


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
The article was about if leopard are predators of gorillas and they concluded that they aren't.
:huh:breh... they said they concluded that they prey on lowland gorillas... Read the very last sentence. This is the second time I posted this image, you not even reading :laugh:

You claim leopards are known to kill gorillas but ignore the fact that they usually are not able to kill a gorilla, and that they are more likely to sustain a fatal injury trying
Yes. leopards are known to kill gorillas, as backed up by an article that did years of research and residents of that region. I will believe those locals over you. Sorry:laugh:

I never claimed that I doesn't happen, just that is too rare of an occurrence to make a statement like "leopards are known to kill gorillas"

I can just as easily say that a gorilla is known to be able to survive a leopard attack. Which happens more than being killed by one.

And your hippo example is perfect because even though a lion could kill a hippo, that doesn't mean they are known to kill hippos. You can just as easily say that lions are known to die fighting hippos.
breh what are you saying? just because its rarely documented doesnt mean that it doesnt happen. The damn locals even say they kill gorillas. How many times does a leopard have to kill a gorilla for you to be "ok"with it? 50? 100?

breh.. lions are known to kill hippos and hippos are known to kill lions, both instances are most likely rare but that doesnt mean it dont happen
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May 7, 2012
The Lion is the a predator. A single Lion would want no parts of that confrontation. At all. Lions tend to kill by biting the shyt out of their enemies necks. That wouldn't happen for the Gorilla. Arms too long, too agile, too much muscle mass on top of that neck for it to stick. While Gorilla strength could mean several broken ligaments for the Lion which might be night-night.


The-Coli Music Critic
Sep 4, 2015
interesting point, but to that one could say that the herbivore comment is a wash. Hippopotamus are herbivores and theyre known to kill lions and crocodiles on the regular. Killer instinct isn't necessarily correlated with diet. Hippos are possibly the most murderously aggressive creatures on the entire continent and they dont even eat meat.

Yeah, Hippos don't play no games. Good counter. I always read how Hippos are the most aggressive animals around, It has to be because they are so territorial.

Aggression really is paramount in this fight...

Tim Dripcan

Mar 25, 2015
The Lion is the a predator. A single Lion would want no parts of that confrontation. At all. Lions tend to kill by biting the shyt out of their enemies necks. That wouldn't happen for the Gorilla. Arms too long, too agile, too much muscle mass on top of that neck for it to stick. While Gorilla strength could mean several broken ligaments for the Lion which might be night-night.

my same exact thoughts as well. it's an interesting fight but no way in hell can a Lion kill a Gorilla on a one vs one fight. a Gorilla can lift there own body weight, furthermore, they have bones/limbs are shaped differently.

and :mjlol:at that article. that article don't prove jack shyt. just because they"prey" on a full grown Gorilla does not mean they kill one. :mjlol:

Still FloW

Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
Inside K. Michelle's Box
Gorilla can tool up and get a sharp weapon and go hunting for lions :yeshrug:

animal intelligence >>>> sharp teeth

plus you aint seen Kong oucheeaa been hitting them 3 plates, nikka prob roided up and ready to lay the BEATS on young simba


Jan 30, 2016
The other picture of them comparing what a leopard did to a chimp doesn't apply because a.... seems gorillas are quite strong, nimble and durable. But thats about it, the only feats are of breaking the glass and some small fights that dont show all that much damage. Some have mentioned leopards, and it seems the point made was that none show a head to head battle...this should clear that up :


Heres the whole story:
The Pittsburgh Press - Google News Archive Search

Leopards have better feats than gorillas, they have even killed tigers in rare cases too:
Leopard kills Tiger - History Forum ~ All Empires

I dont think gorillas have this 2 ton lifting strength you talked about pages ago, if so they would be lifting and flying cars all over the place as a circus attraction or science feat, a car is under 1 ton by the way. I dought they can even lift 500 lbs over their head, it would be interesting to see what strength feats you can bring. The lion unlike the gorilla has some killing feats, and has brought down animals lodes of bigger and stronger than gorillas, most will show the prowess of a single or lone male lion:

Crocodiles who have much stronger bites:

Transactions of the Zoological Society of London
Salmon (1932) described such an occurrence — the first recorded from Uganda — at Butiaba, where in August 1931 a lion, having killed a large crocodile measuring 11 feet, 7 inches...Pitman (1942) also reports that one afternoon visitors to the Murchison Falls saw alion stalk and kill a crocodile on the opposite bank : the creature was so hungry that it continued to feed even when the launch crossed the river to afford a...According to Thomas & Scott (1949) lions have been known to kill and devour crocodiles on the Lake Albert flats....Stevenson-Hamilton (1954) heard one reliable instance of a crocodile being killed by lions in such an encounter...also states that crocodile killingbylionshasbeen recordedas quite a normal occurrence on the western shore of Lake...

Giant reptiles
There are several instances of lions' killing adult crocodiles; one took place on an

African game reserve in full view of a launch loaded with sightseers. In another, a
crocodile attempted to steal a lion's kill and was itself slain by the big cats

While hunting on the banks of the Rufiji I put up a lion in some long rushes. I found that he had just killed a crocodile about ten feet long. He had evidently jumped on the crocodile's back and had apparently torn out its throat. The lion had started to feed on the firm flesh under the tail. The natives said that they had often known lions to kill crocodiles, but the lion would nevereat the body but only the tail.

Giraffes who would have a much stronger kick and head-but:


On one occasion, a lion killed a giraffe in typical fashion by leaping onto its back and biting into its neck. one occasion, a lion killed a giraffe in typical fashion by leaping onto its back+

Lion kills bull giraffe:
News 2008

Another young solitary male killed two adult bull giraffe also within a week's time

We had just found the carcass of a big male giraffe, killed by a male lion,
Shoot Straight and Stay Alive: A Lifetime of Hunting Experiences

The size of a giant eland who would have a stronger push and ram:


Male lion kills a huge eland! – Lion Guardians

lions kill significantly more eland than any other species

Hippos who would have a more deadlier bite and power:


Following up the tracks, they found a hippo killed by a lion about a mile north of the rice field
African Wildlife

Those animals above are all in the 2,000 lb to 4,000 +lb range and only make up about a small fraction of other type of animals lions constantly hunt...lions hunt in far more dangerous conditions more than any other predator...Robustness and density of bones are two different things, on document form, the lion holds the records for having the most muscle and bone density of any animal tested:

I dont think there will be any fear factor against a gorilla if the lion wants to kill it, theres no stopping him just from intimidation alone:

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The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Gorillas aren't really out here weighing 500 pounds like that.

I can't be the only one who youtubed 'lion vs gorilla'


Jan 30, 2016
The contest looks to be more towards the striking comparance of the two...I dont think the gorilla can strike as hard as the lion:

The lion wasnt just given the title of King of the beast for no reason at all, he has feats that prove so...for instance the lion has the most hardest striking force of all land carnivorians:

Their powerful forelegs, nineteen inches around, and their great feet, armed with sharp, horny claws, constitute a terrible weapon whose striking power has been likened to that of a steam-hammer.
The World Book

9 out of 10 people who strikes the heaviest, and they will say the lion:
Popular Mechanics

(Lion bashing a buffalo from the back with one paw flipping a near ton bull)

(Lion with one paw slaps a massive eland down)


The Three Strongest Things In The Animal World

The lion Is the king of beasts, the lord of the forest. A blow from a lion's paw Is one of the strongest thlngs In the world, like a blow from a steam-hammer.The Human Interest Library: Popular science and industry

Lets see another reason why the lions strike is much stronger, superior, and more powerful a blow:

(Andrew. Jackson. Howe M.D.)


Eclectic Medical Journal

(Zoologist: Francis trevelyan Buckland)

Francis Trevelyan Buckland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The "pat" Of A Lion's Paw. 229
A pat with this formidable weapon is positively a fearful blow; the Nasmyth's steam-hammer, working with elegant ease, will strike a blow which the spectator would hardly expect without seeing its effects. The lion's paw is the Nasmyth's hammer in nature

(Nasmyth Hammer)

Curiosities of Natural History



(From smallest animals to biggest in order of the lions feats specifically killing with paw blows)

Lion breaks female hyenas back with one blow: lion paw hyena&f=false

Lion kills hyena with one blow:

One of the hyenas, engrossed in the feast and slower to retreat than his
fellows, was killed by a single blow from a lion's paw.

Lion breaks leopards back with one blow:

The Bulletin - Google News Archive Search

Lions paw blow flys man 15 feet, and kills another with one blow:

Stone flew 15 feet through the air, while the lion sprang to its feet and made off. A native bearer ran up. The lion killed him with one blow of its paw
The Ogden Standard-Examiner from Ogden, Utah · Page 37

Lion kills female jaguar with a few blows from the paw:,3977562&hl=en

Lion hits lioness all the way across the cage with one blow of the paw:

A full grown lioness is a large animal, and more than proportionately heavy; yet I once saw a lion, with the very slightest imaginable wave of his paw, dash his mate from the corner of the cage, where she was rearing against the bars, and send her sprawling on her back as if she had been a little lamb

Lion kills siberian tigress with a blow from the paw breaking its back:

"detroit finally hit her with his paw and broke her back",5557564&hl=en

Lion breaks another male lions back with one blow of the paw:

broke his rival's back with one swipe of his paw during a performance yesterday. Several hundred persons, including many children were witnesses to the killing.,2470922&hl=en

Lion crushes tigers skull with a blow from the paw:

They grappled and rolled and roared and bit each other. And finally in a split second the tiger dropped motionlessly to the ground. Far too quick for the eye to see, but just at the right moment, this lion, delivered a well-timed blow to the side of the tigers head, and crushed his skull. The lion is a mighty beast. got in a fight?&btnG=Google Search&gbv=1

Lion kills zebra with one blow of the paw:

Lioness crushes black bears skull with a blow of the paw:

Lion caves in donkeys neck bones with a blow from the paw: devoid donkey&f=false

Lion kills horse with one blow of the paw:

'These he had endeavoured to dislodge, but, insufficiently armed, he was compelled to beat a retreat, after losing one of his horses by a single blow of a lion’s paw.

Lion kills european brown bear with one blow of the paw:

The bear, not liking this kind of salutation, growled, and endeavoured to parry it. This made the lion angry when, with one- fell swoop, with his paw, as the story goes, he laid the bear dead at his feet.

Lion breaks grizzly bears back with one blow of the paw:

The grizzly sincerely shook him off. The lion again sprang and was again shaken off. A third time it was shaken off, but this time the lion, annoyed, gave it a swipe with one of its paws, and broke its back killing it with a single blow
The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas · Page 6

Lion kills ox with one blow:

A fierce king-lion raided the herds of the Bamangwato, crushing the skull of an ox with ablow of his terrible paw.

Lion smacks down and stuns a eland with a blow from the paw:

Both the elands fell, struck senseless by the blows of the lions' paws and by the grip of the powerful teeth just forward of the shoulder. lion paw blow -her&f=false

Some visual proof:

Lioness with paw knocks over tiger:


Lion knocks out another male lion with one blow:


Lion knocks down a tiger with a blow from the paw:


Lion knocks down tiger 3 meters away with one blow:


The lion has enough force and sharpness of claws to strike off a pumas head:


This time, when I cued the puma to go back to his cage, Regal was ready. Just as the puma was passing but before he had time to reach up and clip the lion, Regal leaned down and swung with such a haymaker as I have never Before seen. He caught the puma on the side of the neck, striking with such force that he severed the head from the body as cleanly as though it had been cut off by a headsman’s ax. The puma’s body fell limp at the foot of Regal’s pedestal, and the head flew across the arena, struck the bars on the far side and rebounded, to drop on the ground like a spent ball

And kill a big bear with one blow to the spine:


Gorilla bites are not twice as strong as you 5n0man claimed, the 691 psi bite comes from a young 2 year old lion:



many scientist have pegged the lions bite much higher:


560 kg Psi
Demon Fish

700 lb lion 2,200 Psi
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Google News Archive Search

So the lion has the better bite, atleast he is more practiced in using it, via killing crocs (who have armor plating) giraffes and elands both who can reach up to 4,000 lbs, constantly fights against hyena, leopards and many obstacles like entire herds of buffalo, wildebeest. Plus bite for bite, the lion will kill the gorilla with one good hold at the neck, spine or vital area, the gorilla trying to do the same will run into the lions almost impenetrable mane:
The African Lions Mane - History Forum ~ All Empires

Lions have gone up against bears:
African lion vs Grizzly Bear - History Forum ~ All Empires - Page 1

and tigers:
Lion kills male tigers in Lion vs tiger forum Forum

And pretty much won the majority...I dont see anything grand the gorilla has steaked out a claim or name on, hence he is not known as King of the beast, the lion is even known as King of the Jungle, because in india, he reigned supreme before the invention of guns:
Asiatic lion - History Forum ~ All Empires
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