
Chance 3 :wow: :blessed:
Jun 5, 2014
Darien Ga
These are actually just straight depressing....

many are them just frustrated and tired of being cheated on

I wish i was more interesting. I'm the most boring person with no friends. I don't know how to hold a convo or make friends, to top it off, i'm 20 , never been kissed or had a boyfriend. fml!


she's probably a fat girl
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Arianne Martell

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
Jan 22, 2014
House Martell #SnakeGang #Targset
Okay. So, in one breath you ask if GOD (that's God with a capital G) is punishing you because you are having such a hard time getting pregnant. THEEEENNNN, you tell me that you have had tons of abortions (all of which God has forgiven you for if you sought Him for forgiveness and repented). THEEEENNNN, you tell me that you and YOUR BOYFRIEND are trying to conceive. And, you asked if God was punishing you? Because he didn't allow a child to be born into fornication? You should thank Him. Maybe He loves you just that much sweetie

10903 I have a stupid crush on one of my husband's friends.....my husband and I got married young and our relationship in the past has been rocky. I love my husband and now we are in a good place in our marriage and I feel guilty because I have been thinking about his friend wayyy to much. The really bad part is I get the feeling that the friend likes me too but my husband has no idea about any of this. I want to not hang out with him when he comes around to stop the crush but at the same time I love being around him because he considers me a friend and I consider him one too and I admire a lot about him. I would never act on these feelings and I hope he doesn't either because I don't know if I could resist the temptation but it feels good to get this out.

I think I am destined to be overweight forever! I have worked my ass off in the gym, and I see not one pound falling off. If something doesn't give, I may have to pay for a tummy tuck. The weight is mostly in my stomach area, and this is not attractive. I feel like a fat blob!
---- I bet she eats like a pig

:russ: I love the confession section...it get me through boring days in the office.

I wonder how the coli's confession section would look like?
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Jul 19, 2014
In between jobs I escort and I've been living this double life for years. I've been in the richest bedrooms, I took an elevator to another secret elevator to get to this Trick's home. Sex is so powerful. The thing is I never have an orgasm with these dumb ass tricks. Just pay me my dough and don't say shiit

I sleep with doctors, lawyers, real estate agents, athletes, and many other influentual people for money. Others percieve me as a whore, I don't see it that way. I was raised poor, things that I have experienced I never would have leading a 9-5. Let's face it scholarships are not awarded to kids that are mediocre scholars. I am very smart with my money. I don't splurge on bags and shoes, I let the guys do that. I confess that I can't stop! The trips the shows, the games, the plays! I don't know how to be "normal" anymore. help me!

I'm afraid to date. I'm only 18 and I know there's no reason for me to be a serial dater. I feel that my family is pressuring me to date. They don't know that I was molested for nearly 12 years. They also don't know it happen with people of high power people that was "suppose" to look out for me and do right by me. I also feel bad for all the lies I've told my family and friends about me not wanting to date.

The end.

When we were smaller my brother and i used to dry hump, we didn't really know what we were doing. We were only about 5 &6 and saw people doing it on Tv. We did it for years it escalated to use taking of our clothes to do it but there was never penetration. One day he said i should his penis in my mouth and i did.I hated itHe would come to my room and show me his penis, and that meant that i was supposed to come and put it in my mouth.. I never told my parents because when I was cught humping some one else i was beaten by my grandma, uncle, and mother... Plus it was imbarrassing because by the time I was 13 & 14 I knew better. I felt dirty and ashamed about for most of my life Still Till this day I can't even look my brother in the eyes. and I'm in my 30s.

I have in depth conversations with myself. I'm either completely nuts or sheer genius.


May 8, 2012
When we were smaller my brother and i used to dry hump, we didn't really know what we were doing. We were only about 5 &6 and saw people doing it on Tv. We did it for years it escalated to use taking of our clothes to do it but there was never penetration. One day he said i should his penis in my mouth and i did.I hated itHe would come to my room and show me his penis, and that meant that i was supposed to come and put it in my mouth.. I never told my parents because when I was cught humping some one else i was beaten by my grandma, uncle, and mother... Plus it was imbarrassing because by the time I was 13 & 14 I knew better. I felt dirty and ashamed about for most of my life Still Till this day I can't even look my brother in the eyes. and I'm in my 30s.

Im sorry babe but once you suck your brothers dikk, there aint no coming back


May 4, 2012
i am 31 been married for 10 years and i cant stand my husband he is the greatest person in the world but when we are going to have sex i feel like i want to vomit ..i have had many different affairs since i have been married and he does not suspect any of them he worships the ground i walk on but the truth is i see him as weak the only reason i remain married to him is because i am afraid of being alone. I confess that the sex is good at times when i force my mind to do it but i really want out of this marriage

Get married brehs :damn:

Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012
When we were smaller my brother and i used to dry hump, we didn't really know what we were doing. We were only about 5 &6 and saw people doing it on Tv. We did it for years it escalated to use taking of our clothes to do it but there was never penetration. One day he said i should his penis in my mouth and i did.I hated itHe would come to my room and show me his penis, and that meant that i was supposed to come and put it in my mouth.. I never told my parents because when I was cught humping some one else i was beaten by my grandma, uncle, and mother... Plus it was imbarrassing because by the time I was 13 & 14 I knew better. I felt dirty and ashamed about for most of my life Still Till this day I can't even look my brother in the eyes. and I'm in my 30s.

Im sorry babe but once you suck your brothers dikk, there aint no coming back



Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
10921 I need a cuddle buddy & a cutty buddy. I need to get some pen is inserted in my vagina. I'm horny & can't masturbate cause I'm never home alone... I'm single so I don't have dial up dikk. I'm just... Ugh.

10906 I am so done with my narcissistic mother-in-law. Yeah I've been doing my research on Youtube and you definitely fit the bill. You sick bytch I wish you were never even around me and my child and moved back to that random ass state you escaped to. I hate everything about you from the way you feel the need to fake-compliment me to the bogus ass gifts you give me. Your worst nightmare has come true because you have a daughter in law that DOES consider you to be "that" mother-in-law. In fact, you're worse than even I could imagine. If I could go the next ten years without saying another word to you even that wouldn't relieve me of all of the energy and expectations you sucked out of me. You have no real relationship with anyone and its sad.

Leave me the fukk alone. I don't want anything from you or anything to do with you.

10892 I am currently in a relationship that I do not want to be in. Thing is, I don't know how to "escape" it without hurting the other person and still somehow keep said person in my life. I'm also thinking that I am still in love with my ex. I keep thinking about him. And hoping he is thinking of me. Too bad he has moved away. I miss him...can't tell him because I am afraid my current lover will find out. I'm hoping to move next year and that I will be able to use that as an excuse. I'm just not happy with the person at all. I'm quite miserable. And though they do a lot for me, without me asking, it's not enough to make me feel in love. To make me feel great about our relationship. And they would never understand that material things don't mean anything if it's not true love.

I keep having dreams about my current boyfriend. I had another one last night. In every dream he shoot me with a gun. It's really disturbing because I love him. I know our relationship isn't perfect but why is my dream the same about him each and every time. He isnt violent in real life, he doesn't own a gun. But within my dream he is different. Last night I was running from him for some strange reason and he shot me in my back. Blood came pouring out as others in my dream was trying to help me. I was bleeding out of my back the entire dream but never made it to a hospital or died.. but I could feel myself growing weaker and weaker as the dream continued. It's strange because the dream I had about him a month ago was similar except he shot me at least four times, I don't know what to think anymore. He is good to me in reality. He works hard and spoils me. But why is he attacking me in my dreams? I don't understand:(

I confess I need my ego stroked on a daily basis. I have a shytload of useless men in my phone that I know are not beneficial for me. Yet I keep them around because it makes me feel good to have some sucker contact me wanting me in need, whether it is for a personal selfish agenda or not. I don't care. I love it, but getting my ego stroked is getting me into situations that are hard to get out of...like leaving them alone for good. Instead I just drag them through the coals and can't get enough of it.

10842 I stopped doing cocaine a couple of years ago..not because I had to but because I could not find anyone to get it from. I miss doing coke ...it made me fun.now i'm just boring and lifeless i don't want to have sex i don't want to party...I need some dope badly ..weed is not enough and I dont want to shoot something in my arm thats garbage..i like the powder ..i want some so bad right now