Man, I fukked up

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Try being good looking and not even knowing how to play the dating game in 2017 anymore.


I'm getting my black Bill Murray on and just rocking polos and growing out my beard. And wearing aviator shades with jeans and adidas/

This shyt is just too weird anymore.

Been single for over almost 10 years.

It fukks me up in the game./
May 1, 2012

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Also another thing, my naija brehs can vouch for this.

Growing up in households where our families didnt want us to be dating random women in our teens to college then magically come home with a nice Naija wife at 28 is some
shyt still fukked me up til this day at 32.
Still really don't got game...just looks.
I really don't know what I'm doing out here...

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
When you looking for a connection but women see you as a hypersexual boytoy. I'm not even a player like that, I try to be a decent dude, but chicks out here try to put me in that role :yeshrug:.

Thats why I dont really go out of my way for non-black women. Not trying to be some whores taboo fantasy. These stereotypes getting old


All Star
Mar 11, 2017
Why women so superficial when it comes to us?
Its like this is why I feel so done with dating.
I feel like most of these women want a story book fantasy of a black man.
Some chisled Idris Elba/Tyrese hybrid that's got a wicked jump shot, knows all the cool stuff.
And even if you at that level, some of these women still don't want to take you seriously.

Like they don't see you as boyfriend material
They see you as fukk material
They don't see you as husband material
They see you as some sort of thing.

I'm just done dealing with most women's bullshyt these days when it comes to dating. That's why I've given up on this.
So many other men are giving multiple chances and black men get so few.,

I'm just so tired of this.
I just feel women are just weird around me anymore.
It's make just not want to talk to any that aren't my friends anymore
Like they acting all weird around me
When I see them with their boyfriends they check me out googly eyes when they aren't looking.
Or giving me nervous smiles.
Or I catch them talking amongst their girlfriends
"oh that guy is so hot
he's got a big dikk"
Then I look in their direction and want to pretend like I didn't hear them talking.
Or I see them staring at my junk
And they can't even look me in the eye.
)which is why I stopped wearing sweat pants)
Or they're covering up their blouses or tying a jacket around their waist cause they think I'm staring at their breasts or checking out their butt.
Women just be getting mad insecure around black men, but they get mad insecure around me for some reason. Like they don't know how to act.
Or these women think I got mad women on some player shyt when really I've been single for ages..
I don't bother approaching them anymore even if they're interested cause I can tell they're full of shyt and I feel they don't really like me for me.
I stopped online dating years ago.
I don't want my face on those sites.
When I did have aprofile on one
Never messaged a girl once
But I would have some white women and cute black women in my mailbox
Bujt I could tell they really saw me as some sex object
And shyt....
And they wanted me to fufill some fantasy
And it felt so shallow
Like I feel most women just don't even know how to talk to a man like me caus eI'm so out of what they expect from a black man and just am not "average" in any category.
They don't know my struggles or care
They dont' appreciate the dreams and goals
They just mad superficial.
I know none of these women gonna be down at the end of the day.
I'll never be a main course for them.
I feel all they see us as is a fun time and some change and that's it.

I don't know.
I am mentally exhausted from even trying to get back in the "game" that I stopped.
Most of these women dont' really know what they want in a man.
I really do be feeling that.

Is this sarcasm?