Men Reveal The Moment They Knew Their Marriage Was Over (article)

Jul 26, 2012
Most Women won't accompany you for that ride, period

This is the bottom line..... I got of couple of homeboys with some cave bytches and I am 99% certain they'd be out there right by they side during a protest..... They from my block though so they probably breaking them pawgs off with that Zulu dikk.... Got they entire DNA switching up..... :whew:

But what old boy should've did in his scenario was begin prepping to send his old lady down life's highway as soon as he posted bail....

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
3. "After my Hollywood writing career hit a sudden wall, I got a job with BMW Design to write a movie about how they design cars. When I arrived in Munich, they gave me a brand new convertible sports car and said, 'Take it up to the Alps for a few days and come back when you feel like you understand the car.' Speeding through the snowy Alps, blasting music, roof down, heater fan blowing, I had this revelation, 'I’m happy! This is what happiness feels like.' And then I had a second revelation: 'If my wife were here, she’d tell me to slow down. Turn down the music. Put up the roof. And she’d be complaining about smelling cigarette smoke from passing cars.' In that moment, I realized I had forgotten what it felt like to be happy in my body." -- Adam G.

this is why I fear that I will never truly be happy as a married person, i'm in a relationship now but not fully happy either...i like my freedom of having my own place and being able to go where I want and not have to answer to anybody..

society pushes people to get married and by co-dependent on others but that's for another topic of discussion

Mr.Plan B

All Star
May 26, 2013
I don't care to get married. Every marriage I seen with my own eye someone cheated or lie about some heavy shyt.

Back when I was younger I used to say I wanted to mate with a tall bytch have me son then leave her ass with money and just take my son.

I know my son will always love me no matter since I gave him life. After reading this shyt, after seeing married women throw p*ssy my way it hard to trust love.

I told my girl I trust her , but she fukks up even once im gone out the door won't text or call ever.:dame:

Kings County

Law III | Law XXV | Law XV
May 2, 2012
The Roman Empire
Lmao yall got me out here reading dudes divorce stories, This dude has to pay spousal support the rest of his life unless she dies or remarries lol

How bad a man's divorce will be depends on the state you are in. In my state, there is such a thing as indefinite support to an ex. My ex and I agreed that she would stay home with the kids. That is, I left it up to her. We had kids. I worked hard. I had a graduate degree before we married. She had a BA in communications. She went slowly insane during the marriage. I should have known better than to marry a rich girl. She stole from us to support her shopping habit. She didn't pay the bills, so we had late fees and one month, our cells were shut off. Which prompted me to start taking care of the bills. I took over the bills and paid down $30k in CC debt I was unaware of, that she had run up. I cancelled the cards, all except one, which I couldn't cancel, so when we separated I asked that she not use it. She had a job of sorts the last few years we were married but hid the true extent of her income from me. She announced she was taking an international cruise with a female friend and that I had to be okay with that, and her doing so every year. I had the kids and a full time job while she was gone (and also had a previous business trip out of town while she was gone. In the hope of saving our marriage, I relented on my opposition to the trip. I saw her and her friend at the airport. As they walked away from me, her friend said "don't worry, Jed, we'll call if we need more money!" bytch. I meailed every day she was gone and met her at the airport with flowers when she came home. Eleven days later I was moving out, to a rental house with my clothes and a twin bed mattress and some old linens and a sleeping bag. I didn't see the kids for a few weeks until my lawyer managed to get me some time.

I felt as if she had completely betrayed our marriage with the stealing and the wanting a life that we couldn;t really have because of a mortgage and four kids - all the result of what I thought was a joint enterprise and decisions we made knowing all the work and sacrifice would be worth it.

Three mediations and 1.5 years later we had a trial. In the meantime she ran up the one credit card in part buying a $1,600 ring for herself because she "couldn't stand not having a ring on her finger" and Christmas presents for the kids. Part of what sucks about the system is judges who get mad at both spouses when one of them is the insane one and the other reacts simply to protect himself. Anyway, two of her lawyers quit on her. She got held in contempt (no penalty) and I got stuck with the credit card debt she racked up (as well as my own, to equip a rental house to handle the kids and me).

I got stuck paying her $4,000 a month in support. indefinitely. Child support I don't mind. But indefinite support? I don't think the lawyers and judges in the system know quite what a sentence like that does to a person. My work is very up and down in terms of income. The financial insecurity I live with is pretty literally killing me. lawyers and judges say "well, she'll get married" or "something will change."

Well, that may be true, but if something changes, I get the privilege of paying my lawyer to go back to court and ask for a modification. If she remarries or I retire or get disabled or want to change careers - it doesn't end automatically. And I truly do not understand the justification for indefinite support. Why should I have to support her? I understand the rationale for transitional support. But why, just because my income earning ability is better than hers, do I owe her? if we are equals, and given that I supported her all those many years, why is it I owe her anything after a period of adjustment and retraining or schooling?

So, she spent $105,000 on legal fees. I spent $45,000 that could have helped the kids go to college.

It was bitter, nasty and evil and was a fight the whole way because she was and continues to be vindictive and petty. She continues to this day to use the kids and their desires to do things like fill out college applications and pay the fees for doing so, to get money from me. She puts them in the middle, knowing that ultimately I will give in because kids.

There are and were so many horrific things she did. So many awful, bitter, mean spirited things that I was actually fearful that our friends thought I hit her or cheated or did drugs or something. I did none of the above.

So, yes, my divorce was the single worst experience of my life because I live in a state with an archaic set of laws that favor the woman who stays at home and is a "traditional wife" while I was the sucker who supported her and, trying to be a decent man, treated her as an equal and let her decide what she wanted to do to be a good mother. Her choice left me with no choice. I had to work. And the irony of the whole thing is not lost on me.

If I remarry? No impact on my support burden. And, my new wife (or cohabitating SO) will be subject to having her financials subpoenaed by my evil ex if there is a support modification proceeding. And of course, women getting support never file to modify the support they receive because they no longer need it, right? Ha!

So don't marry a ginger. Get a prenup. Do not marry a girl who does not intend to work. And don't stay for the kids. I did and all it got me, because of the length of the marriage, was a potentially life long financial burden that is slowly crushing the life out of me. When's the last time someone said they got a divorce too early?

Kids, don't do like I did. Marry later and carefully. If she won't sign a prenuptial agreement, then she is not the girl for you. Remember, she may seem nice now, but look at her mom. I don't mean physically though. Look at how she was raised. You can and will be punished in your forties and fifties and sixties for a mistake you made in your twenties. Major disincentive to ever have a serious relationship ever again and a ironclad incentive to never, ever marry again. I can't afford the emotional toll and I really can;t afford to pay another leech.

And it kind of sucks. Sorry this comes off as bitter, but I got fukked. I do have good days and am far happier now. I have my life back and my relationship with my kids is solid and damn good. As they are getting older they are realizing just how insane their mom is.
id give this nikka a call asap fukk outta here


May 1, 2012
Lmao yall got me out here reading dudes divorce stories, This dude has to pay spousal support the rest of his life unless she dies or remarries lol

How bad a man's divorce will be depends on the state you are in. In my state, there is such a thing as indefinite support to an ex. My ex and I agreed that she would stay home with the kids. That is, I left it up to her. We had kids. I worked hard. I had a graduate degree before we married. She had a BA in communications. She went slowly insane during the marriage. I should have known better than to marry a rich girl. She stole from us to support her shopping habit. She didn't pay the bills, so we had late fees and one month, our cells were shut off. Which prompted me to start taking care of the bills. I took over the bills and paid down $30k in CC debt I was unaware of, that she had run up. I cancelled the cards, all except one, which I couldn't cancel, so when we separated I asked that she not use it. She had a job of sorts the last few years we were married but hid the true extent of her income from me. She announced she was taking an international cruise with a female friend and that I had to be okay with that, and her doing so every year. I had the kids and a full time job while she was gone (and also had a previous business trip out of town while she was gone. In the hope of saving our marriage, I relented on my opposition to the trip. I saw her and her friend at the airport. As they walked away from me, her friend said "don't worry, Jed, we'll call if we need more money!" bytch. I meailed every day she was gone and met her at the airport with flowers when she came home. Eleven days later I was moving out, to a rental house with my clothes and a twin bed mattress and some old linens and a sleeping bag. I didn't see the kids for a few weeks until my lawyer managed to get me some time.

I felt as if she had completely betrayed our marriage with the stealing and the wanting a life that we couldn;t really have because of a mortgage and four kids - all the result of what I thought was a joint enterprise and decisions we made knowing all the work and sacrifice would be worth it.

Three mediations and 1.5 years later we had a trial. In the meantime she ran up the one credit card in part buying a $1,600 ring for herself because she "couldn't stand not having a ring on her finger" and Christmas presents for the kids. Part of what sucks about the system is judges who get mad at both spouses when one of them is the insane one and the other reacts simply to protect himself. Anyway, two of her lawyers quit on her. She got held in contempt (no penalty) and I got stuck with the credit card debt she racked up (as well as my own, to equip a rental house to handle the kids and me).

I got stuck paying her $4,000 a month in support. indefinitely. Child support I don't mind. But indefinite support? I don't think the lawyers and judges in the system know quite what a sentence like that does to a person. My work is very up and down in terms of income. The financial insecurity I live with is pretty literally killing me. lawyers and judges say "well, she'll get married" or "something will change."

Well, that may be true, but if something changes, I get the privilege of paying my lawyer to go back to court and ask for a modification. If she remarries or I retire or get disabled or want to change careers - it doesn't end automatically. And I truly do not understand the justification for indefinite support. Why should I have to support her? I understand the rationale for transitional support. But why, just because my income earning ability is better than hers, do I owe her? if we are equals, and given that I supported her all those many years, why is it I owe her anything after a period of adjustment and retraining or schooling?

So, she spent $105,000 on legal fees. I spent $45,000 that could have helped the kids go to college.

It was bitter, nasty and evil and was a fight the whole way because she was and continues to be vindictive and petty. She continues to this day to use the kids and their desires to do things like fill out college applications and pay the fees for doing so, to get money from me. She puts them in the middle, knowing that ultimately I will give in because kids.

There are and were so many horrific things she did. So many awful, bitter, mean spirited things that I was actually fearful that our friends thought I hit her or cheated or did drugs or something. I did none of the above.

So, yes, my divorce was the single worst experience of my life because I live in a state with an archaic set of laws that favor the woman who stays at home and is a "traditional wife" while I was the sucker who supported her and, trying to be a decent man, treated her as an equal and let her decide what she wanted to do to be a good mother. Her choice left me with no choice. I had to work. And the irony of the whole thing is not lost on me.

If I remarry? No impact on my support burden. And, my new wife (or cohabitating SO) will be subject to having her financials subpoenaed by my evil ex if there is a support modification proceeding. And of course, women getting support never file to modify the support they receive because they no longer need it, right? Ha!

So don't marry a ginger. Get a prenup. Do not marry a girl who does not intend to work. And don't stay for the kids. I did and all it got me, because of the length of the marriage, was a potentially life long financial burden that is slowly crushing the life out of me. When's the last time someone said they got a divorce too early?

Kids, don't do like I did. Marry later and carefully. If she won't sign a prenuptial agreement, then she is not the girl for you. Remember, she may seem nice now, but look at her mom. I don't mean physically though. Look at how she was raised. You can and will be punished in your forties and fifties and sixties for a mistake you made in your twenties. Major disincentive to ever have a serious relationship ever again and a ironclad incentive to never, ever marry again. I can't afford the emotional toll and I really can;t afford to pay another leech.

And it kind of sucks. Sorry this comes off as bitter, but I got fukked. I do have good days and am far happier now. I have my life back and my relationship with my kids is solid and damn good. As they are getting older they are realizing just how insane their mom is.
This is the reason why I can't get married. I feel for homie.


May 1, 2012
:francis: sadly bill has gotten married and is letting her ruin the podcast
She still got that feminist shyt goin on? What is she complaining about? Married and happy i dont get it. She's almost exactly what he complains about in his bits. Opposites attract I guess. :manny: I stopped listening earlier this year. Bill's the homie but the show got redundant and boring for me.


Jul 22, 2014
good for Vidal not giving up on his wife just cuz her baby happened to not be his.

the hot dog one was dumb. why give up on your marriage & letting your kid have both parents in the home over something so dumb. The same thing with the car one.

as for the black guy if he was joking she'd leave him for protesting then he already knew the deal about how she felt. she let him know who she was & he ignored it until it was too late.


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
good for Vidal not giving up on his wife just cuz her baby happened to not be his.

the hot dog one was dumb. why give up on your marriage & letting your kid have both parents in the home over something so dumb. The same thing with the car one.

as for the black guy if he was joking she'd leave him for protesting then he already knew the deal about how she felt. she let him know who she was & he ignored it until it was too late.
:wtf: Stay simpin brehs.


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
This is the reason why I can't get married. I feel for homie.
I would never get married. I dodged a bullet in my mid 20's by almost doing it. Man oh man how happy I am that I didn't. In this Social Media day and age. There is no way in hell I would do it. :mjlol:


May 1, 2012
I would never get married. I dodged a bullet in my mid 20's by almost doing it. Man oh man how happy I am that I didn't. In this Social Media day and age. There is no way in hell I would do it. :mjlol:
Word people stay asking me when are u gonna marry her. I'm like I don't believe in that shyt. We have no after marriage benefits. Wtf is alimony? Why can't i just get a divorce and keep it movin? The main problem is child support spousal support. Paying for her lawyers and fees afterwards. More dudes ll get married if the courts weren't involved. They have to tell u when u can see ur seed. Don't even get me started with the loyalty. U have to trust her for another 50 yrs and hope she don't stress u out so u won't die early. This generation i swear. Years of emasculation and disrepect. I currently don't go thru neither cause Im not afraid to drop her if she was to go that route. Once u get a crib u gotta have the basement or the attic. Shes not happy unless ur miserable. And if ur happy she's jealous because she thinks she can't make u happy. Then it becomes a pitty party for her attention and victimhood. When nothin happens and theirs peace she'll create something to b1tch about. If u get angry your yelling at her. Now ur the problem. Fukk Disney movies too. Creating this fantasy world us men can never achieve. They'll try to change how u act dress etc. In little subtle ways. Thinkin they know what's best for u. But can't except the u they fell in love with in the first place. Us men are not complicated we just want peace quiet respect loyalty and support. Not pointless arguments for ur attention and needs. That's my rant for today.
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