Net Neutrality is dead. Its official. Edit: FCC's new rules protect Net Neutrality


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
What we need is names of every politician who voted in favor/ pushed this agenda plastered all over social media...

The only way to stop corruption like this (best believe these fakkits were paid) is to mobilize the youth to vote these b*stards out of office...

There's no stopping it at this point, what we have today will persist until there's a collapse and a revolution. Which is highly unlikely....


Nov 26, 2013
Why Comcast Will Be Allowed to Buy Time Warner Cable and Kill Net Neutrality
Five registered lobbyists at Comcast have spent time at the FCC. One of the last FCC Commissioners is one of them. One chart describes it all.
By Ben Collins on April 23, 2014


Mark Wilson/Getty Images News

Executives for Comcast, Time Warner Cable and others are sworn into a hearing about the two companies' proposed merger at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

For the past three years, Comcast's Senior VP of Governmental Affairs has been Meredith Baker. Baker's last job was the Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, where she signed off on the controversial NBCUniversal sale to Comcast in 2009.

Now we know that Baker, the former FCC Commissioner and a public official, was around to help make sure net neutrality died so Internet costs could soar, and that Time Warner Cable would be allowed to fold into Comcast, despite claims that the new megacorp might violate antitrust laws.

Neither the new net neutrality rules nor a Time Warner Cable sale to Comcast could possibly benefit an average consumer or a small business. Both are likely to pass anyway.

Today, the FCC announced it will allow for a euphemistic "Fast Lane on the web," demolishing Net Neutrality, and allowing content providers to charge both consumers and companies more if they don't want speed to their website or service artificially throttled.

It's a plan universally reviled by tech companies, who believe the low barrier to entry of a speedbump-free web allowed for the innovation boon that created the successes of Google, Twitter and Facebook.

Comcast is attempting to purchase TWC for $45 million, and they'll need approval from the FCC to do it. That's where Baker comes in.

Critics of the deal, like Slate's Matthew Yglesias, argue that the purchase of the country's second-largest cable operator by the biggest cable operator "will in effect turn two medium-size regional monopolists into a big sprawling monopolist. But in terms of consumer-facing competition, you're going from zero to two times zero."

Baker, by the way, wasn't legally allowed to lobby the FCC until 2013, but she lobbied for Comcast on 21 bills in 2013. FCC Chairman from 1997 to 2005 Michael Powell is now lobbying for a TWC-Comcast merger with the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, as well.

And that's just the start of it, according to

Four other former FCC employees have followed Baker's path to Comcast. They include Rudy Brioche, who worked as an advisor to former commissioner Adelstein before moving to Comcast as its senior director of external affairs and public policy counsel in 2009. Brioche was so valued by the FCC, in fact, that he was brought in to join the commission's Advisory Committee for Diversity in the Digital Age in 2011.
18 people have both lobbied for Comcast and spent time in the public sector. Of those, 12 are currently registered lobbyists for Comcast, with five of them having spent time at the FCC.
Baker is leaving her Comcast position to become the president and CEO of a wireless lobby in June.

In order to skirt monopoly laws, Comcast is working out a deal to sell 4 million subscribers to Charter Communications if the Time Warner Cable purchase is completed.

Netflix came out against the Comcast-TWC merger this week, saying the combined company would "possess anti-competitive leverage." And forecasters believe that Netflix will have to raise costs to pay "speed tolls" to ISPs, like Comcast and Verizon, if the new net neutrality rules become a reality.

Consumers will have to pay more for the service they already have, innovation on the Web will stagnate, and it's because a former public official successfully lobbied for all of it.

remember it's the government that's the problem not the corporation, they are totally different entities:troll:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
There's no stopping it at this point, what we have today will persist until there's a collapse and a revolution. Which is highly unlikely....

Honestly the only way for this generation to wake up is for something like this to fukk up the whole internet experience and force people to pay some fukkin attention to how we're gettin raped by "our" government.

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Apr 30, 2012
Oh true facts there definitely was state confiscation of property under capitalism like... Slavery etc hell we can ask the Natives about all that demonry but I just don't see how collectivization of everything is empirically gonna work ever but a lotta young intelligent minds unfortunately believe in this fantasy.

So selective collectivization is appropriate? The world has done that for thousands of years in certain places. I don't see it as fantasy at all, it's very much doable. Plenty of tribes have been documented to work cohesively in this manner. Humans are capable of doing this.

It's literally akin to believing in a total free market like Libertarians.

That's your right to believe that.

I definitely support Dem Soc if I support anything. It's still not really Socialism and it's like kind of a misnomer. I definitely believe in nationalization of all natural resources a higher minimum wage etc etc all sort of "far left" ideas but those are far right idea's to Socialists because quite literally they want to end the market as we know it and I think that is just insanity :manny:

There is a wide spectrum like I said earlier. Certain tenants believe that for sure, I don't. I support private property and businesses as long as there is absolute, unchallenged regulation by the people and the state holds the regard of the labor, worker, and people above those of business interests in every which way. I support charges of sedition and punishment for any state official who takes what are essentially business bribes. I support nationalizing all natural resources just as you do. Guess what? That's a form of socialism that you believe in. No misnomer about it. Democratic Socialism IS a form of socialism.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
Honestly the only way for this generation to wake up is for something like this to fukk up the whole internet experience and force people to pay some fukkin attention to how we're gettin raped by "our" government.

We need to make this shyt a big issue which is why it needs to spread through social media like a wildfire...fukking with the internet is the type of shyt to mobilize these kids...The internet is kids life these days, their entire lives revolve around it...They may not care about any other issue but they will vote a motherfukker out of office for fukking with the internet...

I hope them ***** and reddit dudes are putting in work...

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Apr 30, 2012

We need to make this shyt a big issue which is why it needs to spread through social media like a wildfire...fukking with the internet is the type of shyt to mobilize these kids...The internet is kids life these days, their entire lives revolve around it...They may not care about any other issue but they will vote a motherfukker out of office for fukking with the internet...

I hope them ***** and reddit dudes are putting in work...

I agree, but you have to understand that any law that has to do with the Internet from now on is a DEFENSIVE prevention law. The internet is too powerful. The most prized possession in any coming revolt will be hackers and people who know how all of it truly works. They can cripple any system. It's why the government (usually) offers those they catch the opportunity to work for them instead of locking them up.

I work on security issues (intrusion analysis, prevention, instrumentation, identification, etc..) like this and people would be amazed how chaotic all of it really is. It's really the great equalizer in all of it.

The government appeases their corporate donors but they also stick shyt in these bills for defensive protection. Make no mistake about it.

Remember this?

That's the ultimate goal.

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Apr 30, 2012
Its laughable and scary at the thought of paying a extra $3.99 a month to access Google. These corporation will squeeze every penny out of the middle class till there's nothing left. Voting will not change shyt. The corporate oligarchy is complete.

Yup. Some of the biggest supporters of things like this are Democrats. On Corporate issues that involve entertainment or technology, the Dems are usually leading the charge. The Republicans feign some outrage over it but they vote along as they are told.

Look at the Democratic sponsorship and support for SOPA/PIPA:
List of US Congresspersons who support or oppose SOPA/PIPA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia