New HL Moderator(s). VOTE NOW! Poll ends TODAY

Who do you want to moderate HL?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Voting is now enabled.

Please select TWO (2) people that you think can help moderate HL.

Top two vote getters will become moderators.

If you are a nominee and want to put your campaign policy (aka how you will mod this forum) in the OP then reply and let me know what you want it to say.

@Swavy Karl Marx
@Behelit (Chicken Pot Pie)

I'd restore balance to HL by encouraging higher quality conservative posting, and diversifying discussion topics daily. #notrolling #makeHLgreat

Banning posters or restricting thread making privileges should be a last resort

I am fair and logical.

I got respect for people I disagree and agree with who present logical arguments

I'd enforce the rules and try to think of good topics. No more and no less.

@JahFocus CS
I visit at least once per day and would commit to cleaning things up. I will truly #DrainTheSwamp and make HL great again. Under my leadership, HL will live up to its mantra, "no ignorance or trolling." If you have a complaint about a post or thread, you can always tag me and I will investigate.

I think I'm level-headed, have balanced perspective and don't get baited into extremist arguments or have the inter-personal relationships/e-beefs most other posters do.

Also, I think I have better capacity than most at understanding and acknowledging arguments I don't agree with and separating my bias. In Trump threads for example, depending on the subject, in one thread I'll be getting daps from his supporters and in the other I'll be getting daps from his detractors. I don't think people with different idea's than me are evil or stupid (for the most part), just misguided.

And I just had surgery and will be sitting at a desk doing basically nothing for 6 weeks so I can be very pro-active in a quick turnaround for this place and will pretty much be lurking most of the day

I'd act to ensure that the extremist views are moderated properly and sort through the fake news that pops up in her daily

I'm fair and objective and haven't beefed with anyone

I get along with just about everyone in HL not named Nappy...I will do my best to only consolidate treads as needed and have all viewpoints be shared equally as long as there is not racist or highly offensive content added to the board. Plus I have experience moderating other sites. I will make sure that conspiracy theorist, conservatives, liberals, and everything in between is able to engage in dialogue that will allow HL to be the best forum on The Coli

@Obreh Winfrey
I'm very obviously self-nominated. With my nomination comes a pair of caveats: 1) I'm a fairly new poster to The Coli so the name "Obreh Winfrey" isn't well known throughout the site and 2) I haven't been able to gather an overall feel to how HL should be in my short amount of time here. At the same time, those detractions support my usefulness. Since I'm not a poster with several months time under my belt I haven't formed any positive or negative relationships with other members. With that, HL doesn't have to concern itself with biased moderation from me. Furthermore, since I have no preconceived notions on how HL should function, the HL community will be able to give me some direction on how discourse should proceed within HL so that the majority of threads facilitate good and passionate discussion. Lastly, one thing that may put some minds at ease is that this wouldn't be my first rodeo as a forum moderator; if those in charge want me to expand upon this then PM me.

1. I've been a member of thecoli almost since it was created, and I go on HL fairly regularly. I don't have any personal beef with HL posters (even the ones I think are dumb). I'll be very proactive about cutting down on redundant posting as well as posters who spam the board---that includes people not named Napoleon, who has actually been behaving himself since the election.

2. I'd like HL to find more ways to recognize and reward quality posting. Occasionally, someone takes the time to write a long, quality post where they go into an issue in-depth. Those kinds of posts should be rewarded and acknowledged. Maybe a "post of the week/month/whatever" that gets stickied for everyone's edification. I think that's ultimately the best way to improve the quality of the posts on here; reward good posting, don't just shyt on bad posting.

3. I will keep a very open mind as far as diversity of opinion and civility, but there will be a strict limit on topics which are irrelevant to the purpose of HL. We will not be hosting 50+ page threads where one guy argues with a Black Hebrew Israelite about whether someone is an Edomite.

4. I'd also like to encourage some fun themed posting. Like maybe on a certain weekday, we'll have a "topic of the day" that everyone can try and post about.

5. More help with professional development. Someone brought up that HL is too restricted to politics and we need more stuff on arts, sciences, etc.. I completely agree. But I would go a step further and say that we could use more threads specifically on professional development. There are a few dedicated threads to the stock market and law school. I think we need to see more threads like that---threads dedicated to just learning stuff to improving your career and quality of life. I think that would help us attract reasonable posters from other subforums who are interested in career discussions.

If I'm to be selected, I will run on this particular platform. Open debate, open discussions, no tolerance for spamming, personal insults, etc.

I'll be straight forward and blunt about my prospective year as the mod of HL - authoritarianism.

I don't get into back and forths and very rarely do I go on posting tirades. My modship will follow the same format.
  1. Spam posts of twitter links will equal a thread ban. Three thread bans and you're suspended from HL for 30 days. Non-negotiable so suck my dikk.
  2. The number of created threads will be monitored intensely. No longer will you be allowed to throw shyt at the wall and hope it sticks.
  3. Hot button issues will be stickied weekly; breaking news issues stickied daily.
  4. Active marketing of HL to female posters.
  5. Monthly debate contests (team or individual) with dap/rep/coli cash prizes or ban bets.

I'm here often enough. I'll see to it that Nap's twitter posts don't get too outta line. Also will handle any over blatant trolling. Don't expect me to post any articles, but I will comment on stuff.
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Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
@Kyoon - Those conspiracy blogs are interesting.

Edit: And how do you remove this supporter banner?

I nominate myself as I am unbiased, no Coli friends and have a lot of free time on my hands until spring/summer. And I will let Kyoon post as many tinfoil links as needed, within reason. Especially about Putin
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Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
:manny:Honestly, at this time, we have a decision to make.

:myman:We can ban the Little Eichmanns and participate in the resistance to fascism.

:mjpls:Or we can ride along with the fukkery of all fukkeries.

:lolbron:I think we all know which way Th-Th-Th-Th-The Coli Dot Com is going to choose, brehs.

The American

Defending America against cacs
Jan 21, 2016
I nominate myself to get rid of clowns like this cracker:
Says "VegasCAC"

Nothing of substance again, all dude does is troll.

I say we make an effort for HL to actually be respectable in 2017. Pure debate, give your stance on issues, then back them up with receipts. No racial slurs, no ":umad:", "hahha, apu! :umad:! Go back to Delhi, dothead!". Or anything similar to other nonwhite racial groups.

These cacs have shytted up this forum something serious, this ain't *****, but that's what they're turning it into. They even brought that cringey term "cuck" :rudy:

As mod, I'll make sure each post backs up your stance or refutes the other, otherwise it's deleted. Once both sides have stated their position, and there is nothing left to say, their posting privilege in that thread is deaded so it won't devolve into a bunch of you umads or "hehehehe L" or "I make your money than you" :stopitslime:

And if a poster backs up white nationalism on a consistent basis, he'll have to wear a tag branding him as such. He can stay, but it must be known what he's about. Too many newbies get sucked into arguments with these trolls thinking they're talking to a normal person, then they end up wasting their time.


Dec 31, 1969
Off the bat this is not sanctioned by the Coli, any admin or any mod. The purpose of this thread is to find one or two HL posters that have the time to moderate this sub forum reasonably and without bias. This is not official so if the admin's don't want any more mods or have their own people in mind then forget about this thread.

The general sentiment around HL is that we need more mods. BP has had his hands full with this crazy election/holiday season. Nominate YOURSELF if you feel you can moderate with minimal bias and login on a regular basis.

I'd say to list a reason why you feel you should be mod and leave the normal time(s) that you browse so maybe we can get a mod that normally browses during the morning work hours and another one who logs on at night so we cover the whole day or something like that.

If you support a nominee for mod, hit the reply button and voice your support. If you guys want, we can put the top 5 up for vote. @Darth Humanist

It is now.

BTW, we're looking for mods...not your buddy, not your favorite poster, a mod