One Last Warning to Black Men: If u don't embrace education and righteousness you're gonna die


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
:francis: First of all, start focusing on yourself.

Looks like typical projection to me:yeshrug:
So trying to help your own people is a bad thing now?


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
About what u said about the Arabs and businesses, what I've also noticed is a lot of black men don't seem to really get that we ARE the underclass in America. Even the guys on here, they get offended and think they're just being "bashed" when FACTS are being discussed. Some even got mad at Dr Claude Anderson when he talked about it. They really are in extreme denial and think that blacks are doing the same (or better) economically as other races. :francis:

We are behind EVERYONE else economically, yes even the other "minorities". I don't get how these dudes on here don't see that. We don't even own most of the businesses in and near the neighborhoods we live in. A lot of guys are delusional, it's like they think because some of us have "a good job" that it means we're economically on par with other races. Other races have BUSINESSES and that means more for a group than a "job"

And these nikkas still dont get why some of us are pro-entrepreneurship and group economics??

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Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
1. Stop putting some much emphasis on "brands" whether it's clothing brand, food, electronics, appliances etc. That there only controls black folks to go out and spend their money with white corps/business. If a black man/woman started a company and made the exact same product and named it "nothing" that black product that does the same thing as those other products will sit its ass on that shelf and not be bought.
Give up being connected to 'brands'

2. Learn, stop sending your kids to be taught by white institutions. Re-frame from the 'normal' K-12th education system. I would rather kids be home school but how this have to successfully work, the parents have to be smart. Adopt financial literacy to be a part of one's education. Your black boy or girl should be able to take out a small loan or open up their 1st bank account before they reach 12. Math, History (Black History) English and Financial Literacy will be the tools needed for a black man or woman

3. Support black everything. See 1. Stop worrying about brands. Get back to "bartering" some things we shouldn't price up so high when starting off, build up, then you may can start charging a bit more for the products that you produce once you've build up some noise and clientel, We, at times, are afraid to give things away for free. Some times you may have to do this to get your business going. We wanna charge str8 out the gate..

4. Make the drug dealers in your area accountable, make them build something in your community, sponsor a youth league, buy jersey's, put on BBQ in the park, make them use their drug money to uplift the community sense they are destroying the shyt. Hold them accountable if they don't want to do those things, shid call the police on they asses.

5. Stop believing everything a white man or woman say, look them in the eye when speaking to one, but all this will come once you find out who you really are as a person. See #2 (Black History)

6. Employee blacks, and pay them. We wanna short change folks, especially our ppl, but when we hire outside of our race, they dayum near make more than us. Understand Economics.

7. Learn about food, health and Wellness. We walk around with bad health and sickness like it's not nothing. See #2. I'll even put a course/curriculum that targets nutrition.

8. Treat each other with respect, Everybody won't like Everything you or someone do and that's fine and dandy, Tip your hat off to them or support them and move along. Talking down on their success or idea or anything isn't helping our ppl, especially talking down on them in public.

9. Invest in our own media. Don't be afraid to create your own thing.

10. Love yourself. (This shyt should have been #1 but see #2 Black History and you'll start to see more black ppl love themselves once they understand themselves)

11. I'll stop here and see what kind of feedback I get from this....but it's time to do something shyt...this shyt is getting worse and worse by the day for our ppl

This too


Sep 11, 2015
Instead of all this talking why not set up project for your coli bredrens? Or show us what you're doing so you can inspire some to do the same. I think you said in some other thread that you were building some businesses or something? Can we see your progress? :jbhmm: