Please stay away from drugs. Tragic video of the downward spiral from heavy drug usage. (Update:RIP)


Aug 6, 2015
I am subscribed to that channel - even though I hate that he is making millions off these people.

I have watched all of her videos and seen the spiral.

She needs to be put in a mental health facility that handles rehab as well - and soon.

She talks about death a lot and stated that she knows she will die soon in the second video.

It hurts to see her go through this. As well as the other Black people being interviewed/exploited on this channel.

They give them $20 for a interview - so of course they are going to say yeah.

This is the latest one:

What the white creator of the channel said:

Pinned by Soft White Underbelly
Soft White Underbelly
1 week ago
Before you order me to help Amanda please read this. No can stop Amanda. Not her family, not me, not you, not the church, not the rehab facilities she’s walked out of. No one. The purpose of my channel is to help us understand how and why this happens so that we can try to fix what’s broken in our country and hopefully, prevent the next generation of children from falling through the same cracks as Amanda has. I’m certain there will be a ton of commenters saying I should be “helping” Amanda instead of exploiting her, but you have to understand my aim with this channel of mine. My goal is to make people who are strong and capable wake up so that we can create changes that can prevent this from happening to the next generation of children, not to try to fix the already broken individuals I photograph. There are many thousands just like Amanda out there. Let’s stop blaming the “exploitive” photographer and look at the real causes of this. There are many hundreds of thousand more Amandas out there and most of them have small children somewhere. Let’s fix the true causes of these problems instead of sitting on your sofa and blaming me. I’m simply informing you of the truth. ML “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”-Frederick Douglas​


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
so glad i never had any desire to do drugs:whew:
no one aspires to be an addict but i guess addiction creeps up on them after each use:to:
I went thru a coke phase. After so many uses, you stop caring about the frequency of use/volume, just staying high and riding the wave. It can lead to the desire to use other drugs if your drug of choice runs out. Thankfully I never crossed that line but I know people who have and it’s hard to come back from. shyt is just like the song Allure by Jay Z and Party Life also.


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Do people in that stage of addiction shown in the third video ever fully recover physically and/or mentally?
She would probably have to undergo electroshock therapy at a mental institution and if she’s on opiates, take suboxin or methadone for the rest of her life


May 8, 2012
Arlington, Tx.
Drugs excluding weed are the fukking evil. My uncle got addicted to cocaine then crack & heroin. I use to look up to him because he was athletic, tall, muscles, and could pull any chick. I use to hear about about his drug use but he always kept it in check. Around 14 or 15 years old, I began to see the effects from the drugs. Dude started missing teeths and losing his muscle mass. I found out he was homeless living on the streets. Then one day I came home from school to my granny house and she told me to go talk to my uncle in the back room. She said I hope this puts you on the right track in life.

Man did it ever. I open the door and there my uncle sat on the bed just skin and bone. His eyes was bulging outta his face. His face was sunkin in. He says hello nephew and ask me to walk on his back. If I walked on his back, I wouldve broken him. I closed the door while he was talkin and sat outside until it was time to go home. Dude contracted AIDs sharing needles in the streets. He pass away a week later on my mom, his sister birthday.

I will never do drugs. Only smoke weed. Even with the weed, I dont smoke everyday.

:mjcry: I miss that guy.


Licensed New Age Healer
Nov 15, 2015
Drugs excluding weed are the fukking evil. My uncle got addicted to cocaine then crack & heroin. I use to look up to him because he was athletic, tall, muscles, and could pull any chick. I use to hear about about his drug use but he always kept it in check. Around 14 or 15 years old, I began to see the effects from the drugs. Dude started missing teeths and losing his muscle mass. I found out he was homeless living on the streets. Then one day I came home from school to my granny house and she told me to go talk to my uncle in the back room. She said I hope this puts you on the right track in life.

Man did it ever. I open the door and there my uncle sat on the bed just skin and bone. His eyes was bulging outta his face. His face was sunkin in. He says hello nephew and ask me to walk on his back. If I walked on his back, I wouldve broken him. I closed the door while he was talkin and sat outside until it was time to go home. Dude contracted AIDs sharing needles in the streets. He pass away a week later on my mom, his sister birthday.

I will never do drugs. Only smoke weed. Even with the weed, I dont smoke everyday.

:mjcry: I miss that guy.
RIP to the OG


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
Drugs excluding weed are the fukking evil. My uncle got addicted to cocaine then crack & heroin. I use to look up to him because he was athletic, tall, muscles, and could pull any chick. I use to hear about about his drug use but he always kept it in check. Around 14 or 15 years old, I began to see the effects from the drugs. Dude started missing teeths and losing his muscle mass. I found out he was homeless living on the streets. Then one day I came home from school to my granny house and she told me to go talk to my uncle in the back room. She said I hope this puts you on the right track in life.

Man did it ever. I open the door and there my uncle sat on the bed just skin and bone. His eyes was bulging outta his face. His face was sunkin in. He says hello nephew and ask me to walk on his back. If I walked on his back, I wouldve broken him. I closed the door while he was talkin and sat outside until it was time to go home. Dude contracted AIDs sharing needles in the streets. He pass away a week later on my mom, his sister birthday.

I will never do drugs. Only smoke weed. Even with the weed, I dont smoke everyday.

:mjcry: I miss that guy.
I had similar experiences, multiple times as a child. Its the reason why i dont do drugs or drink. I've seen that shyt destroy my family's life since i was 8:mjcry: and im 30 now. I get clowned for not drinking but i wont be that nikka zooted out of mind, leaning back 90 degrees, mosning nonsense while his younger family members hide under the bed.