Please stay away from drugs. Tragic video of the downward spiral from heavy drug usage. (Update:RIP)


Clarence Pawlicker
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
I am subscribed to that channel - even though I hate that he is making millions off these people.

I have watched all of her videos and seen the spiral.

She needs to be put in a mental health facility that handles rehab as well - and soon.

She talks about death a lot and stated that she knows she will die soon in the second video.

It hurts to see her go through this. As well as the other Black people being interviewed/exploited on this channel.

They give them $20 for a interview - so of course they are going to say yeah.

This is the latest one:

What the white creator of the channel said:

Pinned by Soft White Underbelly
Soft White Underbelly
1 week ago
Before you order me to help Amanda please read this. No can stop Amanda. Not her family, not me, not you, not the church, not the rehab facilities she’s walked out of. No one. The purpose of my channel is to help us understand how and why this happens so that we can try to fix what’s broken in our country and hopefully, prevent the next generation of children from falling through the same cracks as Amanda has. I’m certain there will be a ton of commenters saying I should be “helping” Amanda instead of exploiting her, but you have to understand my aim with this channel of mine. My goal is to make people who are strong and capable wake up so that we can create changes that can prevent this from happening to the next generation of children, not to try to fix the already broken individuals I photograph. There are many thousands just like Amanda out there. Let’s stop blaming the “exploitive” photographer and look at the real causes of this. There are many hundreds of thousand more Amandas out there and most of them have small children somewhere. Let’s fix the true causes of these problems instead of sitting on your sofa and blaming me. I’m simply informing you of the truth. ML “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”-Frederick Douglas​

Drawing attention to these people is a good thing. Have you ever been to LA and seen how many homeless people there are? So many lost souls without a voice

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch