Rank the Star Wars movies from best to worst


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
We got a new movie on the horizon, so let's see how people feel abou the previous ones. From best to worst I got -

  • Empire Strikes Back (will always be the GOAT Star Wars movie)
  • Return of the Jedi (Ewoks are annoying, but classic movie otherwise)
  • Rogue One (just an overall good movie IMO)
  • Revenge of the Sith (The best prequel easily, though the writing for Anakin is still questionable at times. They definitely did Palpatine justice though.)
  • A New Hope (Classic, but probably the weakest of the original Star Wars Movies.)
  • The Force Awakens (Movie was aight but it's a little too similar to the original Star Wars movie.)
  • Attack of the Clones (Hated Anakin in this. Overall mediocre movie but seeing Yoda fight was cool.)
  • Phantom Menace (There was really nothing interesting in this movie aside from Darth Maul. And then there's Jar Jar...)

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
You really think Force Awakens was hat bad? :skip:

I'm not saying it's one of the better movies but damn, I wouldn't say it's worse than Phantom Menace or AoTC.

I'll say what I said when it came out - it's not a bad movie at all. But Phantom Menace gave the saga an entire new playground - The Jedi Order, The Republic, The Senate, The Emperor as slimy politician etc. Yes it also had Jar Jar and has some pacing issues (which Tfa doesn't have) but it brings so much to the table that it's still a rich addition to the saga.

Clones has a shytty romance story but it's fun as hell and again look at how rich the story was that it basically birthed two and a half series (cartoon clone wars, cgi clone wars and Rebels leans on the Clones lore a LOT).

TFA just copies the most important SW story but brings NOTHING new to the table. It gives us a ruined Jedi Order again, another rebellion vs empire, another weapon of mass destruction, another adult newbie Jedi, another masked villain, another Emperor etc. There's just nothing there except good actors and a story that's fun because it copies George's blueprint.

TFA is technically a better movie than Menace, Clones and I would even say Jedi - but as a true part of the saga the PARTS of those episodes that work are imo way better than the WHOLE of TFA which is a nostalgic soft remake.
Mar 16, 2013
The Empire Strikes Back (GOAT. The Hoth Battle, Luke's training on Dagobah, the Vader duel on Bespin >>>)

A New Hope (A classic. The introduction to the characters and the mythos, concluding with the legendary Death Star dogfight. Too many classic moments.)

Return of the Jedi (The first act with Jabba the Hutt was classic, and the final duel with Palpatine and Vader was a highlight. The only things I didn't like were the Ewoks and the way Boba Fett got punked.)

The Force Awakens (A decent start to the new trilogy. Competently made but too derivative of the original films. Rey is too powerful IMO, and I didn't like the :mjpls: treatment of Finn.)

Rogue One (Hype action and some good laughs, but suffers from having no memorable characters (except for established characters in the OG movies). That Vader scene at the end was wild though)

Revenge of the Sith (Wooden writing and excessive CGI really hurt this movie IMO. It's still better than the first two since Palpatine gets plenty of shine, there's no annoying kids, and Jar Jar doesn't talk. IMO the most overrated SW flick.)

Phantom Menace (Podracing and the Darth Maul duel are the only saving graces for this flick. Everything else was trash. Plinkett was absolutely right about this movie.)

Attack of the Clones (A mess. Had the WOAT love story. Even the first movie filmed on actual locations instead of green-screening everything. Plinkett was also right about this movie. Samuel Jackson was the only decent thing about this flick IMO. Also, I felt like having Yoda fight went against his character.)
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Oct 22, 2017
Golden Era/Drama free Zone
Based on my own personal enjoyment....

- Return of The Jedi (Thee Best, fluk what u think, Luke's not a sissy still learning the ropes and getting his hands chopped off, instead he's a boss in black)

- A New Hope (classic)

- Empire Strikes Back (classic but overrated imo)

- Rogue One (Modern piff in a classic era)

- Revenge of the Sith (underrated as hell)

- The Force Awakens (cool but too familiar/safe)

- Attack of The Clones (dope fight scenes)

- Phantom Menace (Darth Maul and Pod races were dope I guess)
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The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Empire (Hoth battle, Lando, the big reveal, Luke training. Just classic and still holds up today)
NH( the one that started it all. The Starcraft ending and the Death Star infiltration still holds up. A little rough around the edges and luke was whiny but good)
FA( Maybe it’s relied on a true and safe formula but it had a few interesting tales. You actually see at least one Trooper wasn’t silly putty status. Say what you want about Finn but he stole the movie with his charm and charisma. It was just refreshing to see actors give a shyt again)
ROTJ( Enjoyed it but it was pretty overrated. The Jabba story dragged and the Ewok was annoying and low key Lucas first foray into racist stereotypes. Still don’t like Vader’s ending also)
ROTS( Movie only gets praise because we finally get to see what it took two movies for in terms of Anakin finally flipping and Palpatine coming out. But this movie is still mediocre. Plot holes galore like Anakin wanting to spare Mace to murk it children in two minutes and the ruining some aspects of the OH trilogy. The rushed way he came under palpatine persuasion was kinda bad also. Plus the dialogue at the end between Christensen and McGregor was truly atrocious and Vader’s NOOOO still cringe)
PM( Trash. No protagonist. Jar Jar. Lloyd. Too much exposition. Only saving grace was Maul and the fact that this movie was Portmans best performance because she was at least strong and not a bare foot and weak crying into windows)
AOTC( The WOAT. Crappy love story. Christeenson with some of the most wooden acting ever. The weird origin of the clone storyline. Movie was truly a mess)
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The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
I'll say what I said when it came out - it's not a bad movie at all. But Phantom Menace gave the saga an entire new playground - The Jedi Order, The Republic, The Senate, The Emperor as slimy politician etc. Yes it also had Jar Jar and has some pacing issues (which Tfa doesn't have) but it brings so much to the table that it's still a rich addition to the saga.

Clones has a shytty romance story but it's fun as hell and again look at how rich the story was that it basically birthed two and a half series (cartoon clone wars, cgi clone wars and Rebels leans on the Clones lore a LOT).

TFA just copies the most important SW story but brings NOTHING new to the table. It gives us a ruined Jedi Order again, another rebellion vs empire, another weapon of mass destruction, another adult newbie Jedi, another masked villain, another Emperor etc. There's just nothing there except good actors and a story that's fun because it copies George's blueprint.

TFA is technically a better movie than Menace, Clones and I would even say Jedi - but as a true part of the saga the PARTS of those episodes that work are imo way better than the WHOLE of TFA which is a nostalgic soft remake.

I definitely feel you on that, my biggest issue with TFA is that it feels like less of a standalone movie and more of something made just to setup the sequels, and (like you said) that's it's so derivative of A New Hope.

They literally didn't explain or resolve anything. We learned nothing about Rey, nothing about Kylo Ren or why he turned evil, nothing about Snoke, nothing about the First Order's ultimate goals, nothing about what Luke's been up to, etc. Feels like the movie is just there to setup a bunch of plotlines for later. That's cool and all but movies should still stand on their own.

But still, the writing in TFA is overall better than the prequels. There were just too many highly questionable decisions by the writers (Anakin's turn happening so quickly, everybody generally being retarded and doing whatever Palpatine wants, one of the WOAT romances ever, wasting Darth Maul, etc.) that I can't overlook.