Real talk: Getting student loans might be the biggest mistake of my life

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
Terrible advice. Don't listen to this man!

Bruh,when u gonna put me on the porn hoes?
I've only had one employer actually look at my transcripts. That was my first employer out of college.

Establish a work history and nobody gives a shyt about your academic credentials.

But yeah, lie lie lie.

"Have you been arrested?" No.

"Did you graduate high school?" Yes.

If they catch you, the worst they can do is fire you. Who cares?
Jan 30, 2016
It is sort of true what @The Nigerian is saying though. I worked so hard in school to maintain a certain GPA but NOBODY asked for or cared about any of that stuff once I graduated. I now wish that instead of working lots of hours to gain an 0.2 of GPA I should have networked more. The job I landed after school is OK but nothing special really, so I really need to hustle right now before I can feel a bit "comfortable".

It is HARD though, trying to make moves while having a full time job. Being lazy and not giving a shyt about your future is so easy. I get it why all the rest of my colleagues are :flabbynsick:

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
It is sort of true what @The Nigerian is saying though. I worked so hard in school to maintain a certain GPA but NOBODY asked for or cared about any of that stuff once I graduated. I now wish that instead of working lots of hours to gain an 0.2 of GPA I should have networked more. The job I landed after school is OK but nothing special really, so I really need to hustle right now before I can make it to a good position.
It's all about who you know.

College is WORTH IT as long as you made some worth while connections.

My first investors were guys I went to school with. I probably spent more time practicing beer pong than I did practicing derivatives.

Honestly, I would rather get a 2.0 at Harvard than a 4.0 at shytkicker State.

Hell, I would rather attend Harvard and not graduate then get a 4.0 from University of shytkicker.

It's all about who you shook hands with. Who you were fukking. Who you went to the game with, etc.

Hell, you got connections all that other shyt falls by the wayside.

You don't even need to be competent if you have connections.
Jun 6, 2015
It is HARD though, trying to make moves while having a full time job. Being lazy and not giving a shyt about your future is so easy. I get it why all the rest of my colleagues are :flabbynsick:

It's not easy for sure but no one is gonna hand it to you on a plate unless you are a VP level with 15 years exp.

I've been paying close attention to my nutrition and getting stress relieving massage, lowered my drinking dramatically. I've been on 3 job interviews, 12 phone interviews and submitted like 40 or so applications over the past 6 months online and thru recruiters, trying to remain discrete and not tip off my current employer etc.

I haven't been able to hang out with friends because I'm networking online and researching companies at least 5-10 hours a week talking to recruiters and shyt, scheduling etc. It's like a part-time job in and of itself making a move up.

But it pays off in the long-run, with my next move I'm hoping to stay there at least 2-4 years depending on what happens there. Finding the right fit that pays good takes time and energy.
Jan 30, 2016
It's not easy for sure but no one is gonna hand it to you on a plate unless you are a VP level with 15 years exp.

I've been paying close attention to my nutrition and getting stress relieving massage, lowered my drinking dramatically. I've been on 3 job interviews, 12 phone interviews and submitted like 40 or so applications over the past 6 months online and thru recruiters, trying to remain discrete and not tip off my current employer etc.

I haven't been able to hang out with friends because I'm networking online and researching companies at least 5-10 hours a week talking to recruiters and shyt, scheduling etc. It's like a part-time job in and of itself making a move up.

But it pays off in the long-run, with my next move I'm hoping to stay there at least 2-4 years depending on what happens there. Finding the right fit that pays good takes time and energy.

That is very impressive my dude. Good going. Man, I really have to get off my butt. There's some real serious nikkas on the coli man, :blessed:I'm so inspired :salute:
Jan 30, 2016
It's all about who you know.

College is WORTH IT as long as you made some worth while connections.

My first investors were guys I went to school with. I probably spent more time practicing beer pong than I did practicing derivatives.

Honestly, I would rather get a 2.0 at Harvard than a 4.0 at shytkicker State.

Hell, I would rather attend Harvard and not graduate then get a 4.0 from University of shytkicker.

It's all about who you shook hands with. Who you were fukking. Who you went to the game with, etc.

Hell, you got connections all that other shyt falls by the wayside.

You don't even need to be competent if you have connections.

Years ago I would have said you are stating bs here, but after being thrust into the work world and seeing all the fukkery that occurs .... you are right breh :yeshrug:

100% truth in this post :manny:


Jul 29, 2012
At the tender age of 26 my net worth is $-33,743.17. I don't seek an ounce of pity because I know millions of people have it far worse than I do. But just looking at that number this morning - on the day I received a paycheck from work no less, I realize that as of this moment there is no way I can realistically pay this off. It's just that no one prepared me for this. Not my parents. Not a teacher. Not a mentor. No one. I didn't have a say in going to school. I just thought that's what you were supposed to do. I don't know I'm just kind of numb today.

I'm to the point where I have to choose between rent, food, or loans. As pathetic as it sounds I had to be real with my girl and tell her that I'm not gonna be able to buy her tons of gifts or take her out all the time (fortunately, she understood). I had to break down and ask my parents for help which was also a bit emasculating. And I know a lot of yall don't have that option. I went as long as I could due to pride, but I broke down. They threw me a few bones but that was essentially swallowed by bills.

My pops told me "you should live at home for a year", but I'm not gonna be one of those :flabbynsick: nikkas that lives with his parents at 30 years old. Would it help? Sure. But I fight with my mom too much to deal with that stress. I'm not 18.

My whole life has become about the dollar. I have no other aspirations anymore aside from making money. I no longer have fun going out or being social (even though I pretend that it's all good). All I can think about is this hole that I've undoubtedly put myself in by doing the right thing and getting a college degree (BA in Journalism - huge L).

Just to note: I work for a fairly large mortgage company as a marketing and design coordinator so I'm not on minimum wage or anything like that. My point is simply that even with a decent paying job, I'm still broke.

As I previously said, I know tons of people, maybe even a few of you Coli millionaires, are going through the same sort of thing.

Time to get my thinking cap on for real. I'm tired of this shyt is taking over my life.

Good luck to anybody else on the grind. :salute:

The only reason I went to the military was so I wouldn't have school loans. You should just go into the military before you're too old, pick up a new trade while in there, and sign up for loan repayment or something of that nature. That's my suggestion and it should be helpful in your in your situation.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
Years ago I would have said you are stating bs here, but after being thrust into the work world and seeing all the fukkery that occurs .... you are right breh :yeshrug:

100% truth in this post :manny:
I used to get frustrated with people not believing what I'm saying...

Now I just sit back and wait for people to learn on their own.

It's usually too late by the time they do.

bytch about a $30k ticket to a better life, brehs.
Jun 6, 2015
That is very impressive my dude. Good going. Man, I really have to get off my butt. There's some real serious nikkas on the coli man, :blessed:I'm so inspired :salute:

I've done this at least 3 months of every year for the past 3 years I've been communicating with recruiters. Your Woman has to be understanding of it. There will be times when she will say stop looking for jobs, but don't listen to her. If you have the energy, do it.

With American Women it's usually worse because they love money but they don't like the time and energy it takes a Man (less attention for her) to get it. Eastern Women are more tolerating but they are more concerned for your health than a Western Woman is. She sees sometimes I get stressed out dealing with some of these dumb recruiters who know nothing about what the role they are sourcing for or who really qualifies. So I spend a lot of time educating them lately so they can get better at their job and help me more in the future. But in terms of stress dealing with recruiters and potential future employers screening methods is one of the best ROI you can possibly do. I know I am lucky as most applicants don't even get a call back or responded to. But it took hard work, if I just sat back and waited for someone to appreciate my hard work I'd still be making 65k 4 years later. You have to promote yourself and achievements and bring value proposition to companies. You have to make the best out of sub-optimal situations and show them what you have learned out of it. The one who articulates what they learned the best will get the new job.

A lot of nikkas sit back rely on their network and get a step up maybe once every 2-3 years. Me in my industry a move is acceptable every year under the right circumstances. I've averaged 1.5-1.7 years or so. There is something about that mark about a year and a half that signals to employers you are a hot commodity. It is the illusion that you completely owned the processes in your current role after just a year and outgrew the operation so now you are looking. They are hoping they can be that one to satisfy you. Very similar to dating in some respects. Your girl will be jealous because a lot of times you will talk on the phone more to these recruiters and employers than you will her some weeks. And since you can't talk at work it will be either in the morning before work or after work. Recruiters who won't accommodate your schedule - fukk them. They aren't interested enough. They know the high powered professionals are busy during the day and no we don't have a lunch hour where we can spend time talking to your ass we work through lunch 1/2 the week.

There are two fundamentals that have helped me: Not being satisfied just being in the Top 50%. A lot of nikkas say well I'm doing better than 1/2 of nikkas. No. You've got to get in the Top 25% bare minimum in your industry should be your goal. LinkedIN can help you measure this, if your profile popularity is in the Top 25% of "Professionals like you" you're doing a good job with your connection activity. The second thing is Articulation. You've got to be able to break down what you do so a dumb ADHD recruiter can get it. Even sometimes employers who hire you don't know what they need or are hiring for. Sniff those out and dead them as soon as you find out wishy washy shyt - They will just waste your time. Unless you're in a Sales role don't waste time with all that BS. A recruiter that doesn't know what they are doing is one thing but if the actual employer doesn't get what you do, 9 out of 10 times they won't be enthusiastic about hiring you. People don't value what they don't understand.


All Star
Nov 17, 2016
I'm actually going to have to leave my current University after this semester and transfer to a State University that offers online courses for my major so that I can pay lower tuition fees. I have to work more hours to save money and cannot due that while being tied down to a class schedule Monday-Thursday. Online courses would offer me more flexibility. I attended community college for the first two years and avoided debt by living with my parents and receiving a sufficient amount of scholarships, but I live on my own now and have bills to pay, so I'll be lowering my course load from 18 credit hours to 12 credit hours next semester so that the semester tuition payment will be lowered. My goal is to complete University within owing thousands of dollars that are accruing tons of interest.