Ric flair buries shane douglas "he works at kmart now WOOOO!"


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
If the wrestling business didn't have a lifetime olive branch for Flair he'd be working at K-Mart as well. This is a man that admitted that he went to TNA after his retiremet because he needed the money, and that was after the WWE gave him an ambassador role that payed 500k a year.


The bubble was fraudulent
May 3, 2013
Flair's been shytting on Douglas since '99

This is what he said about him on the WCW hotline back in the day

He is a quarterback that thought he was going to go in the first round, that went in the seventh round, that knew because he went in the seventh round he had to play harder, but never made it. He threw the ball ten yards shorter. He ran the 40 a tenth of a second slower. Everything he's done in life, he's done behind the scenes, and he's cried about everything and everybody. If it's not me, it's Nash. If it's not Nash, it's Hall. If it's not Hall, it's McMahon. If it's not McMahon, it's Bischoff. At some point in time, you got to look in the mirror. Do you think that fans listen to that shyt? Ten years ago, he told me he was going to be a medical doctor. Everything in his life is pretty much a dream, or a thought, or an afterthought. And I'm happy that he's making money where he's at, because he'd never go anywhere else. He's, you know, been given the opportunity and some guys cut it, and some guys don't.

I understand he challenged me to the ultimate fight or something like that. Let me tell you this. If you take the needle out of his ass, he's 140 pounds, at best. And you tell him, 90 days after he takes the needle out of his ass, anytime, anywhere, and I'm 50 years old. As a matter of fact, my son Reid, with the needle out of his ass, will beat him in record time. And Reid's 11-years-old and weighs 126. I think Shane Douglas, off the gas, is about 126 pounds soaking wet. If I'm Bob Barker [one of the names Douglas has called Flair in the past], he's, let me see, who was that cop on Andy Griffith that walked around with the hat on sideways? He's Barney Fife

Excuse me, Dr. Douglas who never went to school. Dr. Douglas who never made it in WCW, who blamed me for it. I wasn't the booker, however. Dr. Douglas, who didn't make it in WWF. Dr. Douglas, who's alienated himself. Dr. Douglas, who is blown up at 220 pounds. You can't beat my 11-year-old son. How 'bout that?"



Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
Ain't Flair his idol too?:huhldup:

Oh no. No. He was throwing shade at Flair in the early ECW days.

Apparently, it stemmed from their time in WCW. In 1989 Flair was the head of the booking committee, with Jim Cornette as one of his assistants. The Dynamic Dudes were programmed against the Midnight Express.They were doing a deal where Shane was supposed to wrestle Cornette in a singles match, with Lane and Eaton doing a run in. Shane made a stink to Flair and Cornette about not being able to beat a manager clean in the middle. When they held their ground Douglas went to Jim Herd, who sided with Shane and ordered Flair to do a pin finish. That went over with the old school Flair about as well as one would expect. Flair held a huge grudge, Shane held a grudge against Flair for holding the grudge, and it escalated from there.

Flair made some enemies when he was the booker, and one of them was Paul Heyman, who at the time was tight with Douglas. When Paul took over ECW and brought Shane in, he had no problem letting Shane use the promotion as a forum to tee off on Flair.

There's also another story where Shane apparently asked Ric to watch his matches and tell him how to improve and how he did. Shane found out he was lying to him as he always told him "That was great, Shane!" Shane tested him and asked "Did you see me do the crossbody in the ring tonight?" and Flair gave him the thumbs up said that he loved it. The only problem is that Shane never did a crossbody in the ring so Flair was lying to him.