Since you guys like posting Neogaf stories so much, what do you think about this one!


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Here's why HHG was picked to be the ambassador according to the agency (this was known all along, not just now btw)
Gerard approached us wanting to know what he could do to help the cause. He's in the process of turning his life around, becoming more professional and inspirational to his friends and followers. It's exceedingly rare that we have individuals approach the organization laying it all out there, offering to do whatever they can, and asking for nothing in return. While we weren't aware of any of his perceived transgressions online, we choose to embrace his support, his efforts and his selflessness. If we were all judged solely upon the negatives in our past we would all be damned. We would like to give him the opportunity to be a voice for gamers and a positive role model for gaming.

Now lets dig in and see what White/black/spanish/asian all of us gotta say about it...
What's the issue, everything Marcus Beer said about HHG is true.
Unless your talking about him being black, can you provide a link to backup up all this "other" stuff. Cuz as of right now, its a bunch of ppl repeating what the last guy said. Which is hes a ****** who steals, calls ppl fakkits, wears a title. NOT IN MY HOUSE!!!
So they ban people for trivial shyt over there but all these whiteboys freely using ****** over there?:kat:
W.E. :blessed:
I almost caught a ban hammer one time trolling the Halo thread. I said Halo 4 didn't look any better than Reach and luckily I had a picture from Halo 4 and a picture from a map in Halo reach that looked the same. LOL i was copping pleas a few posts after a few cats said it's only a matter of time before I got banned.

Mowli talked about the resident house nikkaz over there :shaq:
Last time I was on there i mistakenly went into their OT...

They had a thread about women's asses and naturally I was :shaq: thus I entered...well that thread got shutdown and a dude created another one complaining about how quick the mods shutdown threads dealing with the female body but keep up threads about dudes for the resident fakkits...they actually have a thread about men's asses...:smh:
Would explain the faux outrage over the use of the word "fakkit"
@boorklynzoo should take heed to this post and realize what will happen if he lets too many dweebs/fakkits/women into mod positions on
[MENTION]BK[/MENTION] really does need to keep an eye out, watch who daps this next post...
everything said about HHG is basically true to some extent. the dude is an unprofessional shill for companies who had been inappropriately using other people's work...

that being said, so is most of the industry. much of HHG's behavior is actually quite common.


one of the only significant differences is his conduct at events. he probably is annoying as hell and rubs his peers the wrong way in person, so they then have even more reason to outcast him.

unsuccessful CACs already are jealous of him, but the more successful ones are basically just annoyed and embarrassed that his ghetto behavior might actually represent them, it only got more intense now that some gaming lobby has made him a spokesman, LOL.

my own feelings, he is too unprofessional to be of use to my interests of getting relatively objective information about games. you cant cross the streams by being a journalist reviewing games that you made songs for. i had to stop following him on twitter because it seemed like all he would do was promote shytty popcorn flicks with video game tie ins every friday, LOL.

his rise to fame is that he is the most shameless person to ever openly tell publishers that he basically will speak positively about every game that ever graces his show. again, other game sites are guilty of it, but they know what conflict of interest looks like, and make attempts to hide it. i view him more as a gaming "personality", and in that capacity i actually think being a spokesman or ambassador is perfect for him. his politically incorrect behavior is actually extremely common among mainstream gamers (just look at the chats of multiplayer games) so he is not giving a bad name to gamers, gamers on average, are actually more crude than HHG

but if he really does want to be the number one journalist, he should research what journalism is and start doing it. and that would also meant to stop getting paid directly by gaming companies or lobbying groups, and be willing to give negative reviews to games that came from companies that either bought ad space on his site or flew him out to their events.
See the problem with this post is the bolded is straight up false. Some of the rest was true, then you added in shyt you don't know like how qualified he is as a journalist. But since he's this black figure, he can't be anything more than a loud mouthed lucky guy. You share some of the same anger as the Pilgrim :ufdup:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Long read, but this should tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the man :manny:
I started reading it, and couldn't put it down to be honest. Good read...


Mar. 25th, 2009 at 9:05 PM


Prior to reading this be aware that this wasn't meant to be posted online. I don't know anywhere else to post it while still maintaining it private in a sense. I still welcome anyone to read it and leave comments. I'm aware of the grammatical/spelling errors. I will make a better effort of making my future posts more pleasing to the eyes. Thanks.


yeah, life is quite the trip. one memory that stands out is sundays. i don't really remember where my family lived at the time but it didn't really change the sunday routine. my mom would wake up the siblings, my dad still resting in bed. we would immediately get ready, fighting over the restroom and whatever else prevented us from earning that shot-gun spot in the car. before any of us would finish my dad mysteriously dissapears from his room and reappears in his t-bird, waiting for the rest of us to finish. everyone is eventually done and we head to church.

it's amazing how many people can fit in this car: my mom on the passenger, my 3 sisters sharing the backseat with me, and my little brother comfortly sitting in the armrest between my parents. as we drove down la everything seems to be intact from the last drive- beat up streets, people in the same spot doing whatever they can do to earn that same spot the next week, the sun turning the t-bird to a furnance, and my mom playing spanish music on the drive. sometimes we would detour to mcdonalds for some breakfast. at church we were a big part of it. my dad helped start the church and my sisters and i sang songs for them. we also made the majority of sunday school. after church we would go to this nice little salvadorean restaurant. afterwards we go home and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

that was then. now i'm 21 years old. i got my own place in long beach, after my dad kicked me out. i've been unemployed since november and i really haven't done school for a few years. if anything this is the most i've ever written on my own free will. and the one thing that runs through my mind in these troublesome times is those sunday memories. i miss how young and innocent i was back then, unaware of my dangerous surroundings (especially in la). unaware of the hardships my parents faced raising 5 children, unaware of how my mother raised me and my sister proir to meeting the man i would call my dad.

it's safe to say i've been through a lot in my life. cali has a tendancy to place a lot of the youth in very difficult scenarios. my hardships were rooted from poverty. growing up my family moved from place to place to find somewhere we could afford to stay. we moved from la (several times) to lynwood, to compton, and finally long beach. in those years i still carried that child-like mentality, completely unaware of my parents struggle. that soon changed in lynwood.

my dad was real close to churches. if anything the churches that helped us out pretty much influenced our moving arrangements. the church my dad worked for at the time in lynwood gave him a pretty cool deal in the place we lived in. we went to their christian school, my dad helped with the services, taught the community english, and arranged interventions for gang members. one day my pops feel very ill. my mom called 911 and my dad was soon taken to the martin luther king hospital. anyone in the l.a. area that's read this far probably knows how bad of a place this "hospital" actually is. my dad almost died there. then he was taken to another hospital where his life was saved. he returned home and i just remember being glad he made it.

weeks later my parents are waken by a door knock. within the hour my dad is in cuffs and my family is sitting in a bench outside. the church has been rented to another church member and she wanted to kick us out the house we were renting. what i distinctively remember is the amount of support we recieved from the community as they began to encirle the area, donating what they could to my mother who was grieving too much to mumble any sort of thank you. i remember us still in our pajamas waiting to hear word from my father. efter what felt like a lifetime he came back and told my mother that we were okay. he spoke to the owner of the property and he decided to allow us to stay there. i would assume that after that moment my dad decided that he needed to get a job that could help us leave lynwood behind. fortunately he did, and we soon moved to compton, only that he wasn't coming with us...

after only being out the hospital for a few months after a life-threating surgery, my dad soon found work in massachusetts. he had no luck finding anything in the area. with the help of yet another chuch, we moved to compton. after a few weeks my father and tio took flight. i remember driving down the freeway as we headed to lax. i remember being the most emotional one of the group other than my mom. i was the oldest, and i finally began to see how fukked up life can be. even to this day i still get lost in my thoughts when i pass that lax sign on the freeway. he hugged us, told me that i'm the man of the house, to take care of the fam, and he went his way. the ride back home to compton was quiet other than the sobs of the family my dad left behind.

compton isn't as bad as many people assume. i did not know anything about compton prior to moving there. as an adult i can say the streets had the compton feel. the crackhouse was down the block, i would hit the floor at the sound of gunshots, i would see people get robbed, the usual. i guess you can say that i wasn't aware of it because my parents did a good job sheltering me from this. or maybe it was the sense that i've grown accustomed to this surrounding. either way compton was cool.

i still held that child-like mentality. granted that i was now more aware of or scenario, i didn't give it much thought when it came to my mother. as i reminecse i can honestly say that the sacrifice my dad did going to massachusetts to find something better for us was nothing compared to the sacrifice my mom did raising us in compton. she would walk my sisters and brother to elementary school every day. she would wish me a great day as i walk to walton elementary school down the block. she would order pizza and let us play video games on sunday as she would watch her comedy show. and she would let us play with the kids in the block. i didn't give it much thought back then but i'm sure we all gave her a hard time, and i appreciate the fact that she still managed to make it work for us. even then i conpemplated running away, making life easier for the fam. but my mom did a great job keeping us together.

we would have to lie about my dad actually living with us and explain why he was never around. or better yet why we have a t-bird in the garage that apparently never been moved. many people were suspicious at times until my dad would make his visits. he would bring many things from boston. one gift he brought in particular was a yellow raincoat, which birthed the nickname "yellow" when i wore it to school. he took me out on a father-and-son day and introduced me to gaming via the gamboy color. he would go to my middle school and speak to my teachers, proud of my nerdiness and good grades. then i would be re-introduced to lax after two weeks, say good-bye to him again, and head back to being the man of the house.

school was cool (heh, rhyming). i was quite the schoolboy, probably the smartest guy at my school. with that being said you can only assume that i didn't have a huge circle of friends. i was also not the riches and that doesn't help much either. i had these pair of school pants that had an interesting assortment of blue patches to cover holes and tears. and a rolling backpack. and a yellow raincoat with matching pants? yeah, you get the point.

it was fun. i got into every lil thing that everyone else got into- pokemon cards, pokemon game, marbles, yo-yo's. and then i played the guy games, bb bridges, tochos, murder ball, carrems. i had my crushes, got into my fair share of fights, and eventually got promoted to high school. many friends went to other schools. one of my good friends moved to long beach. i ended up going to the closest high school in the area- compton high.

at this time my dad was officially with us. his plans in boston were unsuccesful and he found a good job near long beach. once again the church that helped my dad out decided it was time to kick him out of this place. so he looked around for yet another place to move into. i went to compton high prior to the beginning of the school year to take some classes. the school was located near the heart of compton with the police station down the block. across my bus station stood a builing that offered root beer floats and marvel vs. capcom. i managed to come up on money in some very shameful ways and my daily routine was established prior to me attending compton high during the school year. i only went to compton high for a month but what i experienced was very compton-esque. someone got ran over, fights, riots, walk-outs, death; just imagine your typical hood movie portrayal of school. i had my lil circle of friends, my chick, it was another day in compton.

we moved again to long beach. it was easier to move this time. as much as i miss the neighbors or friends i was a bit excited bout starting again. we got a nice apartment near downtown long beach. my dad's job was in the area and the elementary school was close for the young ones. my sisters took the school bus to their middle school and i was left. the the time long beach schools were overflooded with students. many schools reached their limit of students and were no longer accepting anymore. the closest school to where i lived was polytechnic high school, or something like that. they were also overflooded. the only other schools accepting students that were close to me were milikan or a new school that hasen't been named yet. the other one was closer and my dad enrolled me to renaissance.

renaissance was far from a high school. the school was not suppose to officially open until the following year so there were many things wrong with the school: no/shattered windows, no library, no electricity in some classes, and lack of teachers. our spanish teacher was teaching history. the librarian had no library. we even had a coach with no coach to sport. and on top of that this school, which at most held about 600 student total, was also housing 3 other programs: t9 for the students that didn't pass the 8th grade, reid was high school for the gangstas, and cal-safe was a program for teen mothers to attend school while their children were in the baby-sitting area.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
my first day in long beach was kinda surprising. i was immediately welcomed by many people. people here began hugging each other after saying hi/bye. i guess people in compton had no time to do that. and i immediately recognized and old compton friend. for the rest of the year i drifted among groups, something that eventually became a nasty habit throughout high school.

after a while i can say that my passion for school began to drop. i was not caring as much anymore. i was doin my own thing. i guess the same can be said about my family as a whole too. we all began to do our own thing. my sisters both went to different high schools and my youngest sis went to middle. my brother was still cool. my dad wasen't in the mood to deal with crap and my mom was tired of dealing with it herself. i honestly can't recall a peaceful thanksgiving ever in that apartment.

i changed a lot in high school. the quiet kid i was growing up changed into a more open person. i've seen some real gangsta stuff happen to long beach and one can't help to get involved in it. i was never a gangsta but i picked up some habits. i kicked it with a lot of chicks so i picked up some cool lines. i kicked it with nerds so i still maintained my nerdy side. and the homies that kept me laughing also helped out my humor. my dad lost his job again (although he got hired the same day) and that also made me get a job myself. i helped out my family with groceries, bought the fam stuff that i didn't have growing up, with extra cash to finally do things.

my senior year was dopeness. i had the gear, i had the seniority, and i had the confidence i didn't really sport earlier in my life. i worked my ass off at chuck e. cheese but enjoyed partying afterwards. i would leave home friday night and not get back til sunday morning. i was involved with the school as a student council member so that also helped me slide through my last year with little to worry about. i had all my credits (other than the ones i needed my senior year) so i immediately took my senior year like a breeze. senioritis can get to you that way. i managed to pass my important classes, fail the unimportant ones, and earn enough medallions to give me a neck ache at graduation.

i immediately decided to go to college. long beach city college was different. i no longer was forced to go to school. and senioritis was still lingering around. i took another job at boys and girls club and immediately left chuck e. cheese after 2 1/2 years. i enjoyed working with little kids. and school was interesting. i managed to get my sisters job at chuck e. cheese prior to leaving so we now had 4 people bringing in money for our place. my brother and sis got hooked up after each vacation, food was on the table, and my pops didn't have much to worry about.

i eventually stopped going to school. don't know exactly why. i think it may have been a family situation and i needed to make more money. either way i immediately focused on work and nothing else. the many people i hanged out with in high school dropped to a handful of friends i still keep around. sisters were rebellious and my mom got fed up with everything.

then one arguement amongst my sisters was finally stopped by the police. i guess there were neighbors who didn't take lightly midnight arguements. they decided to call the police. i was working at bank of america at the time and my father had another job. my sisters recently graduated and i guess it was time for another one of those life changes. the next day after the arguement took place i return home from work and my mother hands me an eviction notice. no churches to blame, no hardship to fault. just a stupid arguement that went too far.

my dad immediately makes his decision and plans his thing. i assure him that whatever he does needs to be in the best interest of the family and he decides not to care. i call him out and after discussing this we reach an agreement. the oldest get kicked out. after working so hard to keep this family afloat i get kicked out. the oldest sister is also victim of this decision. she found her place but i still don't know what to do. after my pops found a new place he gives me a weekend deadline. i managed to sleep at a friends house for the night and return to the old apartment empty. nothing was left. even my bed was thrown away. i spend the day looking for my parents new place and say goodbye to my fam as i look for somewhere else to go. i was homeless and fukked.

i guess it's time i introduce my friend melody. we knew each other in school. i don't recall us talking much other than prom. we rode together in the same limo. after graduation that's when we got closer. we would talk a lot on the phone often and hang out whenever we could. we been there for each other in some interesting scenarios and eventually our simple convo's led to a brother-sister relationship between us. she got with destin, a friend that i also value seeing that we known each other for years. she struggled throughout her life as well and she also faced homelessness before. she immediately began looking for an apartment for us. by the end of the second week after gettin kicked out i had a new place to find home.

but even before that i was faced with homelessness. melody and d managed to keep hold of my stuff til i found a place. bank of america was also understanding as well. i wore the same shirt and tie a few times, slept at friends houses, even snuck into my parents place and slept there for the night. it's not as dramatic as many people who seriously faced homelessness would agree to but i didn't have a place to call my own. only after melody found my new apartment did i finally fell relieved.

and so began our stay at our new place. i had a room to myself. melody had a room for her daughter and herself. d became an unofficial stay, sleeping in their room and so my second family was born. i still keep in touch with my family and my father eventually gets over his fit. i still love my pops regardless of what happens because he raised me as his own son. i still love my mom because she's sacrificed so much for us. and i still got love for the fam bam.

then life decides to throw another curveball at me. i woke up november 4th, voted, ate breakfast, went to work, and had to quit. there was an error on a deposit i made earlier the month and it couldn't be corrected. the error was enough to get me fired, but my manager offered me the opportunity to quit. i left a job i loved and returned home broken, concerned with what's awaiting me. i still had hope in finding something soon, but soon realized that america was not in it's finest moment. with everyone losing jobs and everyone looking for one, what was a month led to 3 which now is at 5.

today i'm typing this in the same spot i've been sitting on these last few weeks. everyday i look for a job online, only to find nothing that i qualify for. i am unable to pay this months rent and therefore force melody to make it work. i wake up feeling helpless because after everything i've been through i see that i'm still fukked. and i can't help but remember sunday mornings. when all i had to worry about was whether i'll be the last one in the car or whether i'll get to see my tios and tias. i miss the good ol days sooo much...

but even now i still have faith that everything will work out. it sucks to realize how much damage i've done to myself after all this time and the only way to have reached this realization was to lose my job. i now realize that i must do school, get my life on track, and make the most of myself. if i ever do want to live those care-free days then i must work hard to earn it. i need to help out the fam once again. and by that i mean both my fams. i need to show appreciation to everyone who helped me out throughout the years. and most importantly i need to prove to myself that by the end of this year i'll be the g that i know i am.

will anyone ever read this? unless i show it to ya. and if you don't mind long stories.
will anyone care to read this? don't think so. unless you my real homeboy/girl.
so why you doing this?

because on the real i need to get shyt off my chest. i'm really still a kid who's looking for something in life. i don't know what it is, but i do know that someday something will make my life change for the better. whether it be a person, an idea, or just an act of luck i will leave this life happy. i'll still work hard to make something happen but i still welcome the opportunity.

i don't wanna come off emo on this shyt. i do accept my hardships. i also accept that this still ain't shyt to what others have faced. but i do feel that these events molded me to the person i am today and that anyone who cares bout me would want to read it from my perspective. whether it be friends, family, or haters. i love the fam. i love my mel-d-laura fam. and they know that i'm down for them til death because one thing that's never changed in this whole rant was the fact that my fam always stayed together. and if you learn anything in the hood is to be down for ya nikkaz. if at any point you helped me out i have your back regardless of what the fukk happens. i have many emotions writing this but know that the one i'm feeling writing this is determination. i'll get out of this hole and be a g at the end of this year. i'll be driving down long beach to school, work, and my place (hopefully). and i'll know that i wouldn't even be where i'm at if it wasn't for the fam bam or the homies.

if you read this thanks. if you got halfway thanks. if you decided to not even try then fukk you too but thanks. stay up stay safe. peace.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
fukk Neogaf, that site is full of cac homos.

Don't really follow hiphop gamer, but after seeing his website, im officially a fan. I'll be looking on his website for game reviews instead of the usual wack sources like ign or gamespot. While im sure his act of super thug is a bit of a ruse, he is actually fairly articulate and is fukking hilarious. Seeing his super thugged out juxtaposed against the nerdy, feminine, sun deprived, game developers he normally interviews is pure entertainment. Plus I generally agree with his point of view on many of his game reviews.

I'm riding with HHG on this one...:boss:


May 1, 2012
fukk Neogaf, that site is full of cac homos.

Don't really follow hiphop gamer, but after seeing his website, im officially a fan. I'll be looking on his website for game reviews instead of the usual wack sources like ign or gamespot. While im sure his act of super thug is a bit of a ruse, he is actually fairly articulate and is fukking hilarious. Seeing his super thugged out juxtaposed against the nerdy, feminine, sun deprived, game developers he normally interviews is pure entertainment. Plus I generally agree with his point of view on many of his game reviews.

I'm riding with HHG on this one...:boss:

HHG BEEN that dude fam. They just mad one of us gettin some shine... :win:


May 6, 2012
fukk Neogaf, that site is full of cac homos.

Don't really follow hiphop gamer, but after seeing his website, im officially a fan. I'll be looking on his website for game reviews instead of the usual wack sources like ign or gamespot. While im sure his act of super thug is a bit of a ruse, he is actually fairly articulate and is fukking hilarious. Seeing his super thugged out juxtaposed against the nerdy, feminine, sun deprived, game developers he normally interviews is pure entertainment. Plus I generally agree with his point of view on many of his game reviews.

I'm riding with HHG on this one...:boss:

HHG a 3cept though. He made a song dissing Geohot when PSN was hacked.

You might want to reconsider :troll:


May 6, 2012
I hardly ever post on there. I just lurk to see what's new in the gaming world and sometimes post a bit in a few official threads for a few games I'm playing atm. Them bytch ass cacs over there don't want real nikkas there because as soon as you flip the script on them they banning you. :smh: they disgust me with that shyt.


Wavy Like A Lake
Apr 30, 2012
NeoGaf has the most openly gay people I've ever seen on the internet. Well, at least on Gaming related sites.

but yeah, its a bunch of stuck up muthafukkas there too bruhs.