So, how much terrorism is Trump about to cause with this Jerusalem is the capital of Israel shyt?


Oct 31, 2017
Saying Isreal “occupied” Jerusalem at any point in recent history doesn’t make sense to me. The whole idea of Jerusalem being of significance comes from Israeli/ “Jewish” people’s history.

The Arabists won't like this :heh:


May 8, 2012
Prior to the 1967 war, Jerusalem wasn't the capital city of either Israel or Palestine. In fact, it was a UN-controlled city. Neutral area so to speak. That's why it can be said that Jerusalem is currently being occupied by Israel. The UN never gave the city to Israel after the war.

Status of Jerusalem - Wikipedia

I guess they question is why Jerusalem was so special in the first place that it was UN controlled and set apart from the rest of Isreal/Palestine?

That’s the root of the problem. The UN started it.

The real question is how did it get to that point?


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
I guess they question is why Jerusalem was so special in the first place that it was UN controlled and set apart from the rest of Isreal/Palestine?

That’s the root of the problem. The UN started it.

The real question is how did it get to that point?

Jerusalem has been a holy city for Muslims Jews and Christians for thousands of years. That’s how it got it’s status akin to Vatican City.

The Balfour declaration that carved up the Middle East is a major issue and a main driver of violence in that region.


Jul 25, 2015
Goon Squad - Catset
I guess they question is why Jerusalem was so special in the first place that it was UN controlled and set apart from the rest of Isreal/Palestine?

That’s the root of the problem. The UN started it.

The real question is how did it get to that point?
Before the end of World War I Palestine was controlled by the Ottoman Empire, administratively it was part of Syria. Most of the population were Arabs but religiously there were Jews, Christians and Muslims living there. But it wasn't governed by Arabs, it was governed by Ottomans (mainly Turkish).
Throughout the nineteenth century Zionism became more prominent in Jewish academic circles, mainly in Europe (also to an extent in the U.S.). Basically a philosophy that wanted a nation-state for Jewish people. People don't realize this but originally the idea that it should be located in Palestine was just one suggestion, there were also suggestions it should be in parts of South America. But eventually Palestine became the most popular choice.
Some supporters of Zionism were influential on the British government, in the 1917 the British government announced support for a national home for Jewish people in Palestine.
During WWI Arabs had revolted against the Ottoman Empire on the side of the French and British (Arabs were increasingly identifying as such rather than on the basis of religion and wanted more local administration and government, the Ottomans did not want to provide that). French and British had also promised Sharif Husain (Arab Revolt leader) that he would get to control an Arab country after WWI. That was a complete lie and the French and British established mandates (basically colonies) in areas they had economic interests in. Britain got Palestine.
During the British mandate immigration of Jews to Palestine increased by the thousands due to intensely rising anti-Semitism in Europe and the restrictive immigration policies of America at the time. The greater number of Jews in Palestine upset the social balance even more so and led to increased conflict between Jewish immigrant groups and Palestinians. At the same time the Mandates were extremely unpopular among Arab people (not just in Palestine but in other mandates).
The mandates ended in the mid 1940s, with the British, French and Americans supporting a Jewish state in parts of Palestine. These countries had a lot of international influence at the time because of their victory of World War II, and the horrors of the Holocaust also resulted in international support for a Jewish state.
It should have never gotten to that point, but did because of British interference in the region.


May 8, 2012
Jerusalem has been a holy city for Muslims Jews and Christians for thousands of years. That’s how it got it’s status akin to Vatican City.

The Balfour declaration that carved up the Middle East is a major issue and a main driver of violence in that region.

Yea but it’s only a “holy city” because Jews religion/history said so.

If anyone (Palestinian/Arabs) chooses to also believe this then how can they logically be against anything in the Jewish people interests regarding Jerusalem.

If all people believe the same thing truly then there would be no conflict

I think the people causing conflict hold the city or land of more importance than the rights of people living in it

People Killing each other for the sake of a holy land makes no sense

I like to think it has nothing to do with religion these days and more about immigration And 2 cultures hating each other for thousands of years so they can’t even live in the same region


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Yea but it’s only a “holy city” because Jews religion/history said so.

If anyone (Palestinian/Arabs) chooses to also believe this then how can they logically be against anything in the Jewish people interests regarding Jerusalem.

If all people believe the same thing truly then there would be no conflict

I think the people causing conflict hold the city or land of more importance than the rights of people living in it

People Killing each other for the sake of a holy land makes no sense

I like to think it has nothing to do with religion these days and more about immigration And 2 cultures hating each other for thousands of years so they can’t even live in the same region



May 8, 2012

Responding with nothing but emojis shows your inability to make an intelligent response.

If you disagree with something I wrote or if I’m wrong then just correct me please. I’m trying to learn from this thread

But leave emojis to sports debates where they belong, breh :manny:
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2015
Goon Squad - Catset
Yea but it’s only a “holy city” because Jews religion/history said so.

If anyone (Palestinian/Arabs) chooses to also believe this then how can they logically be against anything in the Jewish people interests regarding Jerusalem.

If all people believe the same thing truly then there would be no conflict

I think the people causing conflict hold the city or land of more importance than the rights of people living in it

People Killing each other for the sake of a holy land makes no sense

I like to think it has nothing to do with religion these days and more about immigration And 2 cultures hating each other for thousands of years so they can’t even live in the same region
jerusalem is holy in islam too, the arabic word for jerusalem (al-quds) literally means the holy. islam descended from judaism and christianity so important jewish religious ideas were passed down to islam. muslims see jews and christians as "people of the book" and closer to their religion than any other. Within islamic theology the qur'an is like a correction of books in the old testament and new testament - books that are basically correct but were corrupted over the years. So a lot of the stuff Jews consider holy, Muslims do to.
and its not historically accurate to say jews and muslims have hated each other for thousands of years. muhammad's earliest non-muslim allies were jewish tribes (eventually those alliances failed, but they were initially important in their shared opposition to arab pagans). in the ottoman empire and in many historic islamic communities jews had millets: their own communities that had jewish law and culture (there were christian equivalents too). In Islam non-Muslims can also be members of the umma (the global community of muslims) if their interests are aligned with those of muslims. intercommunal violence in the muslim middle east was nowhere near as bad as it was in western europe before the nineteenth century.
But I don't think religion is as solely central to the issue of jerusalem in palestine as other people make it out to be. jerusalem is religiously important to muslims and christians for sure, but it is also important as the historic capitol of palestine and as a city that many palestinians who were forced out of it lived in for generations before 1967.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Before the end of World War I Palestine was controlled by the Ottoman Empire, administratively it was part of Syria. Most of the population were Arabs but religiously there were Jews, Christians and Muslims living there. But it wasn't governed by Arabs, it was governed by Ottomans (mainly Turkish).
Throughout the nineteenth century Zionism became more prominent in Jewish academic circles, mainly in Europe (also to an extent in the U.S.). Basically a philosophy that wanted a nation-state for Jewish people. People don't realize this but originally the idea that it should be located in Palestine was just one suggestion, there were also suggestions it should be in parts of South America. But eventually Palestine became the most popular choice.
Some supporters of Zionism were influential on the British government, in the 1917 the British government announced support for a national home for Jewish people in Palestine.
During WWI Arabs had revolted against the Ottoman Empire on the side of the French and British (Arabs were increasingly identifying as such rather than on the basis of religion and wanted more local administration and government, the Ottomans did not want to provide that). French and British had also promised Sharif Husain (Arab Revolt leader) that he would get to control an Arab country after WWI. That was a complete lie and the French and British established mandates (basically colonies) in areas they had economic interests in. Britain got Palestine.
During the British mandate immigration of Jews to Palestine increased by the thousands due to intensely rising anti-Semitism in Europe and the restrictive immigration policies of America at the time. The greater number of Jews in Palestine upset the social balance even more so and led to increased conflict between Jewish immigrant groups and Palestinians. At the same time the Mandates were extremely unpopular among Arab people (not just in Palestine but in other mandates).
The mandates ended in the mid 1940s, with the British, French and Americans supporting a Jewish state in parts of Palestine. These countries had a lot of international influence at the time because of their victory of World War II, and the horrors of the Holocaust also resulted in international support for a Jewish state.
It should have never gotten to that point, but did because of British interference in the region.
So Israel is actually a containment area to rid the UK of the what they considered the Jewish problem.


Jul 25, 2015
Goon Squad - Catset
So Israel is actually a containment area to rid the UK of the what they considered the Jewish problem.
i dont know if theres any evidence for that. in the mid nineteenth century the british government was worried that they didnt have any proxies or allies in the levant and that the french were gaining cultural influence there and floated the idea of a jewish-controlled state in palestine that could protect their interests, but that was before the onset of zionism. i think its more that some of the richer zionists met with high level british officials and endorsed a jewish home.


May 8, 2012
jerusalem is holy in islam too, the arabic word for jerusalem (al-quds) literally means the holy. islam descended from judaism and christianity so important jewish religious ideas were passed down to islam. muslims see jews and christians as "people of the book" and closer to their religion than any other. Within islamic theology the qur'an is like a correction of books in the old testament and new testament - books that are basically correct but were corrupted over the years. So a lot of the stuff Jews consider holy, Muslims do to.
and its not historically accurate to say jews and muslims have hated each other for thousands of years. muhammad's earliest non-muslim allies were jewish tribes (eventually those alliances failed, but they were initially important in their shared opposition to arab pagans). in the ottoman empire and in many historic islamic communities jews had millets: their own communities that had jewish law and culture (there were christian equivalents too). In Islam non-Muslims can also be members of the umma (the global community of muslims) if their interests are aligned with those of muslims. intercommunal violence in the muslim middle east was nowhere near as bad as it was in western europe before the nineteenth century.
But I don't think religion is as solely central to the issue of jerusalem in palestine as other people make it out to be. jerusalem is religiously important to muslims and christians for sure, but it is also important as the historic capitol of palestine and as a city that many palestinians who were forced out of it lived in for generations before 1967.

Yea I understand all this but

You know how people say “you gotta respect your elders”

Same thing with Jews when it comes to Christians and muslims

Jerusalem was considered “holy” before Islam existed.

The Hebrew/Jewish people built the temple and founded the land based on their religious principles and it remained like that until I guess that carries on until today since it’s part of history

I could understand if the Jewish race didn’t exist anymore or completely abandoned their land/culture but since they didn’t and want to claim it why get mad at them for it or try to stop them?

Any group/community that adopts those same religious beliefs or claim/live in the same land gotta respect Jews just off principle since historically the Jewish people were there first and established a long time ago the foundation of what people in that region have believe in for over 1,000 years and still today

I could understand if Palestinians had their own Holy land in a different state to call their own. That way they could live without conflict with each other

but they want the same land and to share the same religious beliefs as the people they hate for having the land which was theirs to begin with

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
Yea but it’s only a “holy city” because Jews religion/history said so.

If anyone (Palestinian/Arabs) chooses to also believe this then how can they logically be against anything in the Jewish people interests regarding Jerusalem.

If all people believe the same thing truly then there would be no conflict

I think the people causing conflict hold the city or land of more importance than the rights of people living in it

People Killing each other for the sake of a holy land makes no sense

I like to think it has nothing to do with religion these days and more about immigration And 2 cultures hating each other for thousands of years so they can’t even live in the same region
Christians, Muslims and Jews lived in relative peace in Palestine under Ottoman rule...

As the Ottoman Empire began losing its power toward the end of the 19th century, Bolshevik euro kizer jew zionists started migrating to Palestine with the intent to create a Jewish state...They used their wealth and deception to swindle land from uneducated poor farmers, similar to the way the Dutch swindled Manhattan from the native Americans...When those farmers realized they were swindled and the intent of these euro reject invaders it was far too late...This is when relations between Jews and Arabs started to turn ugly and how we got to where we are today...


May 8, 2012
Christians, Muslims and Jews lived in relative peace in Palestine under Ottoman rule...

As the Ottoman Empire began losing its power toward the end of the 19th century, Bolshevik euro kizer jew zionists started migrating to Palestine with the intent to create a Jewish state...They used their wealth and deception to swindle land from uneducated poor farmers, similar to the way the Dutch swindled Manhattan from the native Americans...When those farmers realized they were swindled and the intent of these euro reject invaders it was far too late...This is when relations between Jews and Arabs started to turn ugly and how we got to where we are today...

Yea I know Christians, Muslims and Jews are capable of living together everywhere through history and even today in more liberal countries with freedom of religion

But I’m wondering why Palestinian want to live in Isreal or Jerusalem so bad to the point that they will go to war for it.

I know it’s their right to live anywhere they want but they could live in peace with eachother anywhere else or in their own state without all the drama

And why must Isreal not have a state or why is it that they can’t claim the “holy land” as their own without Palestinian having a problem with it?

I’m not defending the means in which they got the land back by swindling or kicking out by force

But seems much more a human rights moral issue in that case

But logically don’t Jewish people deserve the “holy land” more than Palestinian seeing it only considered holy based off their religion

If the land wasn’t first established considered “holy” and instrumental to the religious and cultural beliefs of Judaism It wouldn’t have been considered holy by the Arab Muslims hundreds of years later who adopted the same beliefs.


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Pallywood in full effect in Gaza.

Useful idiots as usual trotting their pro terrorist pro Arab propaganda on this site.

Never seen a weaker party consistently being the aggressors; Palestinians constantly start shyt and cry afterwords

They have a majority superiority complex.

Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not just an isolated war but a whole larger civilizational struggle waged by Muslims against any one who is not Muslim in the world. People need to realize that.

bytch ass got bushed


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