Sons of Rich Blacks Fare No Better than Working Class White Sons - but different finding for Women


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Things like this are just one of the many reasons I get super annoyed by well to do, highly educated black men marrying white women...I don't even feel like going into to it, but yes, it matters to have socio-economically mobile black men create black families.
Some thing to think about we do owe it to our race by degrees to build a better future.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Facts :yeshrug:

Without communities or an economy, there is no vehicle for "black wealth." So, blacks may do well for a few years or maybe a generation, but it is very hard to sustain it. Especially, when talking about children and grandchildren.

And something that black people tend to have a hard time understanding is the difference between INCOME and WEALTH :skip:

Income is a measure of consumption. Income is for the now.

Wealth is a measure of ownership. Wealth is for the future.

Income may derive from wealth. Wealth does not derive from income unless income is used to buy assets which add to one's wealth. Income, in and of itself, does not equal wealth.

Wealth from ownership of assets can be passed down. Income from a job cannot be passed down.

So, if you have two homes - one black and one white. Black home has a household income of $200K. White home has a household income of $200K. They're next door neighbors in an upper middle class neighborhood.

Black family:

-derives all income from employment (earned income) i.e. little to no tax breaks
-has one large asset, a home
-no familial assets i.e. no family safety net
-has little to pass down to next generation other than a small life insurance policy
-has no community and no economy to: circulate money, find employment, buy life's necessities i.e. at the whim of non-blacks

White family:

-derives 75 percent income from employment (earned income) and 25 percent from family trust fund (unearned income) i.e. many tax breaks
-has several assets including a home, rental properties and stake in trust fund
-familial assets i.e. family safety net
-passes down the same rental properties and stake in trust fund
-has a worldwide community and economy to circulate money, find employment, buy life's necessities i.e. motherf#ck non-whites

With this simple example, it's not hard to understand the article :francis:

It's hard to understand as every Black person is wired differently. Some people can clearly see it but if they can't change it, they will focus this in areas they can change or want them to change. For a lot of sistas, they want BM to change, but instead of seeing white supremacy for what it is, they don't care, it's their interest. Same for BM with BW. The issue is simply but the pain isn't comfortable and not everyone deals with it the same.
Dec 19, 2017
We also overestimate how well whites are doing. They make up a disproportionate share of the top 5 to 10% but beyond that group...the only viable assets most of them have are their homes....and their houses are valued at much higher prices than ours because they live next to other whites.

Most receive lump sums from parents and grandparents to buy a house. When you control for outside assistance, they (especially the younger ones) aren't doing that well. Bob makes $60k but bought a house at 27 with modest student debt and good credit. Tyrone makes the same money but is a long way from buying a home. It's not because Bob saved a bunch of dough considering he goes on vacation twice a year.
Apr 7, 2014
AAs are kinda fukked. I feel really bad for the well to do women who feel pressured ‘cause that might have to pick from this bunch, which is why I’m not truly bothered when they wench or whatever.

Most of my social circle is non-AA black men and we all are either doing well or in the process (college, entry-level, etc).

Saw nikkas in nice neighborhoods and who went to good schools fail at life. nikkas who didn’t know how to read at their grade level, gravitated towards BS, oversexed, etc. What a failure of a group y’all are.

If I ever have a son I’m gonna make sure I’m there every step of the way cuz I wouldn’t want him to turn out like y’all.
Studies have shown that Caribbean males lag behind their female counterparts too, particularly in the UK and the Caribbean. I'm sure it's no different in the US.

Black pupils 'failing on purpose'

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
We also overestimate how well whites are doing. They make up a disproportionate share of the top 5 to 10% but beyond that group...the only viable assets most of them have are their homes....and their houses are valued at much higher prices than ours because they live next to other whites.

Most receive lump sums from parents and grandparents to buy a house. When you control for outside assistance, they (especially the younger ones) aren't doing that well. Bob makes $60k but bought a house at 27 with modest student debt and good credit. Tyrone makes the same money but is a long way from buying a home. It's not because Bob saved a bunch of dough considering he goes on vacation twice a year.
I think we vastly underrated it. I was in my town not long back. They were on meth and shyt but they had their shyt looking pristine to Black folks. It's no comparison. White peoples bad don't look like our bad. It looks like our middle class. I lived in Bowie, honestly, my town measures up. But my town doesn't measure up to an upper middle white community and lol at comparing it to elite white communities.

Black success looks like lower middle white success and white failure. Black failure is another fukking level. One no one can compare it to. shyt, even the Mexicans living better even if they live like shyt, they go to the bank and deposit 12k. When is the last time you had 12k cash?

@Sccit was bragging about being a part of this group Shugg wanted in badly but Sccit is a white Ashkenazi Jewish kid and Shugg is just a college educated nikka. You knew who they were gonna fukk with and got in. We gotta be real. Y'all need to stop comparing cacs to wealth cacs like DeVos and Bezos. Those cacs got more much than the Black race times 2. We need to start looking at how far we are from the below average cac. They look like Harvard compared to us.

Bob lives in small town America. His money goes further there. He also had the network. He also understands the culture. I just don't think you guys put this into context. Tyrone lives in the city. He can't get a job where Bob can. Where he lives, the COL is too high. We need to be honest about these things.
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All Star
Jan 14, 2015
This is a bunch of bullshyt. The irony is that you sound just like one of these right-wing nuts that you claim you’re separate from. They use the exact same argument.

Yes, modern mainstream right wing 'conservative' republicans, like their modern mainstream left wing progressive democratic counter parts, tend to be contradicting in how they selectively advocate for some certain values of their's by use of classical liberal means ie liberal gun laws, free speech and others by use of classical right wing authoritarian means ie advocating for bans on gay/interriacial marriage, anti-privacy policies, or draconian drug laws. I advocate for small 'L' principled, not politically selectivism, liberiaism.

What about people’s civil freedom to feel safe in society and not fear being gunned down by military grade weapons owned by civilians? How far should the freedom to own weapons for “protection and defense” go? Should citizens be allowed to own tanks? Fighter planes? Nuclear bombs?

Well, civilians committing violent crimes, such as that, against fellow civilians is illegal on the books in every single jurisdiction in the nation. So, they do have that civil right, and it's illegal for any other civilian to infringe on it.

But, of course as in any society, people break the law and some commit violent crimes. So, the question becomes 'are efforts to reduce violent crimes to make a safer society justification for limiting people's civic freedoms?': The answer is an emphatic no from me, in principle, as freedom takes precedent over stability/security to me. I'd rather be a living in a war zone as a freeman than (physically)safely living as a slave with little to no autonomy.

But just for the sake of discussion, lets say that option was on the table for consideration. The question then becomes 'would such measures even be effective in achieving safety goals based on the observable evidence available?': The answer would still be an emphatic no from me, and I touched on it in depth in this thread. Feel free to check it out.
Gun Control vs Black Community

But, in short, the 'war on drugs'/alcohol prohibition approach to gun laws has been shown to be largely ineffective. It would seem that the problem of homicides in our community have more to do with much more complex issues of systematic racism, education, socio-economic inequalities, and some cultural dysfunctions, and thus should be met with actions primarily at grass roots and local government level to address these(except for systematic racism which should be tackled at all levels of government), not authoritarian measures to limit people's freedom to own or carry firearms.

Furthermore, why add such a specific qualifier to safety as if that particular scenario might be the only instance where you'd encounter danger, when statistically we know it's actually very rare? Shouldn't you want to be safe in any context whether it be from any type of crime, committed with any type of weapon, committed by any type of person whether they be civilian or government agent? Is 'being gunned down by military grade weapons owned by civilians' your one and only fear when you walk outside? Most gun owners carry for the specific purpose of making themselves more safe, by their own means. The difference is they aren't infringing on your rights by simply exercising their's, unless they use it to commit a crime, which certainly wouldn't be their only means of doing so. You advocating that they be banned from carrying or have their firearms confiscated is, though.

And like I always say......... Strawmaning about crew manned, mass destructive, and/or indiscriminate area weapons like nukes, tanks, artillery, and explosives that obviously have little to no use for personal self defense being banned for civilians, does nothing for your case about why individual, precise, discriminant weapons such as firearms should be banned or restricted for civilian use for self-defense as they're clearly not in the same class as the former, whatsoever.

All that shyt about the black codes and how blacks have been denied the access of weapons is a white supremacy issue. Whites were never denied access to guns nor did they have their guns confiscated. That’s a completely separate issue than the gun-laws debate. I’m all for limiting the access that white civilians have to military grade weapons.

Just white civlians or all civilians? You would stand up for my right as a civilian and a black man to own a firearm? Because if not, you're implicitly advocating for the consolidation and monopolization of their use by the WS government(which doesn't necessarily mean the military, but could also refer to police/LE) and denying me mine to use such means to protect myself. And furthermore, if you're going to argue from a black community perspective, then your point about being gunned down by 'military grade' firearms becomes even more moot as the vast majority of gun homicides that happen in our community aren't done by either legal gun owners or anything else but handguns. Most of the dealiest mass shootings are done by whites and have majority white victims. So, enacting gun laws in an effort to prevent that has virtually NO benefit for the black community. Black people are FAR more likely to be killed in police shootings than in mass shootings.

Yes, the WS government used right wing authoritarian measures to disarmed black people. Up until the mid-70s and later most southern states didn't have liberal right to carry laws, but had tight "may issue" gun laws for issuing CCWs, where it was up to the discretion of the racist police or sheriffs department on whether they grant you the right to carry based on whether or not you have 'just cause', regardless if you pass the criminal background check or not(see MLK getting his ccw app denied). So, yeah, when the WS government had more power over the matter they still made sure their white citizens got hooked up with their CCWs in many cases. Whereas, now with less restrictions on the part of the government ANYONE who passes a criminal background check must be issued a ccw, so there's a lot less room for arbitrary discrimination on the part of the police/sheriffs department. Thus, why you're starting to see more and more black gun owners, black gun clubs, and black open carry patrol groups pop up around the country as our people start to become more educated about their rights
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Dec 19, 2017
I think we vastly underrated it. I was in my town not long back. They were on meth and shyt but they had their shyt looking pristine to Black folks. It's no comparison. White peoples bad don't look like our bad. It looks like our middle class. I lived in Bowie, honestly, my town measures up. But my town doesn't measure up to an upper middle white community and lol at comparing it to elite white communities.

Black success looks like lower middle white success and white failure. Black failure is another fukking level. One no one can compare it to. shyt, even the Mexicans living better even if they live like shyt, they go to the bank and deposit 12k. When is the last time you had 12k cash?

@Sccit was bragging about being a part of this group Shugg wanted in badly but Sccit is a white Ashkenazi Jewish kid and Shugg is just a college educated nikka. You knew who they were gonna fukk with and got in. We gotta be real. Y'all need to stop comparing cacs to wealth cacs like DeVos and Bezos. Those cacs got more much than the Black race times 2. We need to start looking at how far we are from the below average cac. They look like Harvard compared to us.

Bob lives in small town America. His money goes further there. He also had the network. He also understands the culture. I just don't think you guys put this into context. Tyrone lives in the city. He can't get a job where Bob can. Where he lives, the COL is too high. We need to be honest about these things.

They really don't though...if the income is the same. We run the same speed but they get a 20 yd headstart. If blacks got $100k from granny to buy homes and pay off student debt, our success would look just like theirs. Of course we don't usually get those secret boosts which is why we struggle.

My coworker bought his kids a condo so they could go to grad school at UT Austin and not work....while driving a new car and not paying any expenses. The kids are nearly 30 and are JUST NOW getting serious about working. They sold the condo and split the money with the 2 kids....and paid for the kids grad school. Daughter makes about $80k now. Wayyy different experience than a breh in the same gig. Her money goes further because she doesn't have to help parents or pay down debt because her parents couldn't help her.

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
Why do you think it is?

I imagine it's for a variety of reasons, some of what's already been stated within this thread. I can't speak for the experiences of young Black folks from well to do backgrounds, but judging from my own experience, the spirit of competition isn't encouraged as much when it comes to education for Black boys. Not saying that's the dominant reason, but it needs mentioned. I don't think my memories are playing tricks on me, but from what I recall the girls always put more effort into their schoolwork than we did during those years. We were always distracted.

Funny cuz a friend of mine very recently complained about one of her sons. She's got two boys, one girl. The girl is getting ready to go to college, and one son who is in middle school. The other son, who she is concerned about just started high school. She's having difficulty reaching him on the need to stay focused and all the things that fall under that umbrella. Things like being punctual, avoiding procrastination, good preparation, recognizing what's important and what can wait, etc.. Granted, all of these things come with the territory of being young. Still, I remember being young and we were too concerned with "gear", and pu$$y, etc.. The females were on the same sh!t, opposite of the tracks, however, they still were focused on their school work.

We just did enough to get by. Myself personally, I know I did.


Nov 17, 2017
Black women do it too. They love to talk shyt about black men.

Things like this are just one of the many reasons I get super annoyed by well to do, highly educated black men marrying white women...I don't even feel like going into to it, but yes, it matters to have socio-economically mobile black men create black families.


Aug 3, 2013
Things like this are just one of the many reasons I get super annoyed by well to do, highly educated black men marrying white women...I don't even feel like going into to it, but yes, it matters to have socio-economically mobile black men create black families.
So you have no problem with educated black women marrying cacs?


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Black women do it too. They love to talk shyt about black men.
breh, like i said, i'm not going into this because yall love to deflect here. i can look across my peer circle (ivy/top 20 university school grads) and living environment (bay area) - way more educated, high earning black dudes marry/date out than black women. what's worse is for the most part, at least at the college level, we outnumber our black male counterparts - they literally have the odds in their favor and ~1/3 of them still choose other.

So you have no problem with educated black women marrying cacs?
see my post the places i've lived and circles i run in, educated black women are marrying "other" at a significantly lesser rate than BM. there's a reason so many educated BW are single/unmarried/married much later in life

edit: there's also the fact that mother's are more responsible for the socialization of their kids (think extracurriculars, play dates, etc.) a white mom, save for those real try-hard "oooh i love african culture" chicks, doesnt have any connection to blackness and way less likely to ensure their kids break out of the white bubble by having them in places where the majority of (or even a good number of) people are black
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Jun 22, 2013
I think we vastly underrated it. I was in my town not long back. They were on meth and shyt but they had their shyt looking pristine to Black folks. It's no comparison. White peoples bad don't look like our bad. It looks like our middle class. I lived in Bowie, honestly, my town measures up. But my town doesn't measure up to an upper middle white community and lol at comparing it to elite white communities.

Black success looks like lower middle white success and white failure. Black failure is another fukking level. One no one can compare it to. shyt, even the Mexicans living better even if they live like shyt, they go to the bank and deposit 12k. When is the last time you had 12k cash?

@Sccit was bragging about being a part of this group Shugg wanted in badly but Sccit is a white Ashkenazi Jewish kid and Shugg is just a college educated nikka. You knew who they were gonna fukk with and got in. We gotta be real. Y'all need to stop comparing cacs to wealth cacs like DeVos and Bezos. Those cacs got more much than the Black race times 2. We need to start looking at how far we are from the below average cac. They look like Harvard compared to us.

Bob lives in small town America. His money goes further there. He also had the network. He also understands the culture. I just don't think you guys put this into context. Tyrone lives in the city. He can't get a job where Bob can. Where he lives, the COL is too high. We need to be honest about these things.



Nov 17, 2017
I didn't deflect anything.... I just said black women do it too. You deflected. I'm not tryna argue or anything, but I have heard in person from black women saying they are tired of black men and are dating other races. Guess what tho, they are dating thugs, athletes, not professional dudes, they don't say they're done with those type of black men, just black men in general.

They both do it.

breh, like i said, i'm not going into this because yall love to deflect here. i can look across my peer circle (ivy/top 20 university school grads) and living environment (bay area) - way more educated, high earning black dudes marry/date out than black women. what's worse is for the most part, at least at the college level, we outnumber our black male counterparts - they literally have the odds in their favor and ~1/3 of them still choose other.

see my post the places i've lived and circles i run in, educated black women are marrying "other" at a significantly lesser rate than BM. there's a reason so many educated BW are single/unmarried/married much later in life

edit: there's also the fact that mother's are more responsible for the socialization of their kids (think extracurriculars, play dates, etc.) a white mom, save for those real try-hard "oooh i love african culture" chicks, doesnt have any connection to blackness and way less likely to ensure their kids break out of the white bubble by having them in places where the majority of (or even a good number of) people are black