Tariq is blaming ATL HIV epidemic on African Immigration right now


Nov 18, 2016
What you could care less about is the truth or having productive discussions. You’re just a clown. A troll. You shouldn’t even inject yourself into serious discussions and that was my point to you the first time.

You’re up here lying. I haven’t said that all Africans are c00ns and Tariq hasn’t said that either. If you look at a lot of these hit pieces aimed at straight black men posted on various media platforms you see that a lot of them are written by non American black immigrants or 1st-2nd generation immigrants. If you look at a lot of these sites on the net that profit off of hosting “ratchet black behavior”, a lot of them are owned/ran by the same kinds of people. If you look at a lot of these “blavity black” liberal sites that aim to push lgbt/feminism down the black community’s throat, ran by the same kinds of people.

Tariq’s theory is that blacks who are allowed to immigrate here and allowed to thrive are vetted and encouraged to be c00ns which makes sense. Why would they allow the pro black Africans to come over? Of course they’re going to weed those type of people out and look for the c00ns or potential c00ns.
How does this make sense? Do you know how the immigration process works? Do u know what kind of questions they ask at the embassy? Seriously, please explain to me what vetting process they go through?


May 1, 2012
How does this make sense? Do you know how the immigration process works? Do u know what kind of questions they ask at the embassy? Seriously, please explain to me what vetting process they go through?
Take all that shyt it up with Tariq. You clearly see me make it known that it’s his theory. Ask him to explain it to you. I even said his theory was flemsy.

I’m saying, get outta here with the fake outrage.


Jul 10, 2014
BA DOS Af pr
I think Tariq clearly still lurks this website and gets his talking points from here whenever he sees a thread. Its like weeks ago with that video of a Black women warning others not to go into a nail shop and someone on his IG page commented that its alot of Caribbeans in that part of Brooklyn. Then this fool Tariq on his show talked about getting some "inside info" that alot of those women going in the store still were Caribbean immigrants...he didn't receive no inside info.. :dead: he just read comments

This is not surprising. Where did y'all think all that anti-african sentiment was going?

I'm not even mad. Fake militants turning into the exact same Cacs they claim to hate.

Hating on Africans huh...sounds like he might have a Coli account :mjpls:

I’m positive he does, he knows his audience. You see that, “oh it’s immigrants, not AA’s” shyt on here all the time when folks want to feel special and pretend everybody got c00ns in the ranks but AA’s. All his talking points line up with the flow of this board, shyt is comically obvious.

I remember a long ass time ago I showed CLEAR evidence that Tariq or his people read Coli posts.:heh:

In the thread that was initially made here about the ATL hiv stuff I made a troll post on the first page that the states was a conspiracy of Africans inflitrating ATL. Now here we are in this thread. Lmfaooooooo

Thats the issue with using content from message boards that you arent actually apart of. You miss context and dont know when cats are joking or not lol

If its HYON why is a black american talking about Africans?

If its HYON why is a blck American slanging EFF shirts with Malemas face (who is alive and well with know knowledge of this going on) and not giving proceeds of the sales to support the EFF.

Tariq is fukkery specialist, we watch Tariq for fukkery. The issue at hand is with the current trend of “Black immigrants are the real issue in America” being the in thing to talk about you have black Americans literally using white talking points used against them towards other blacks.


It's really tragic. I remember he was going hard for Mugabe as well. This nikka see African politics like, if you make white folks mad globally, you my nikka! This nikka is an articulate New Jack. He ain't really trying to end white supremacy like that. This is just a hustle for him. He even said it on the former pimps and Macks town hall meeting I posted this past week.

He see Yvette getting that attention and he just jumping on a wave but even Yvette ain't this much of a loose cannon on the disinformation.

Tariq is just entertainment at this point. Not anyone to take serious. His don't vote without a solution was stupid too. This is the time he should he pushing nikkas to go to Town Hall meetings. Him going to town hall meetings. Him taking lead but nope, he got another Alex Jones conspiracy tho

Lol he doesnt mess with Yvette or Tone.

He dissed Yvette when she went at Farrakhan about the Juistice or Else Event and when her and boyce first split.

He went at Tone subliminally when the Jay Morrison investment stuff first happened.

He see’s they found a lane that gets them alot of views as of late and is now trying to get in on it since he has bigger followings which means he can touch more people to sell things to.

At the end of the day its a shame on us (us as in the viewer) treating these people as anything other than entertainmen. You have people literally thinking they are fighting WS by watching youtube videos.

People whose life ain’t going right tend to look for scapegoats. This HYON shyt aimed at other Black folks is a result of that.

They know better than to go hard at the racist power structure so they go for soft targets...other Black folks. It’s manipulating the minds of the powerless to feel like they have some kind of power and control. nikkas have zero confidence in attacking the WS power structure but all the confidence in the world to go at another Black person. It’s why we play patty cake with WS but be at each other’s throats for the dumbest shyt. These youtube nikkas KNOW this and exploit it for clicks, views, and currency because they know how much of a vulnerable state we are in. It’s dangerous as hell and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

And yeah, the bar for being a “revolutionary” is as low as it’s ever been. All you gotta do is look the part, talk the talk, read certain books, subscribe to certain youtubers. All talk no action.

This is why this language is dangerous. Think about the AADOS stuff. Many people are starting to think the AADOS identification is now synomous with this kind of stuff when its a different subject as a whole. The issue is nobody is calling out any of these people (Tariq,Yvette,etc) for their reckless language because those people have other talking points one may agree with. This is why I say language is important because we assume people know what we are talking about but in this age people will cut up and repost clips of someone and change the context of the entire clip because viewers wont know what the entire convo is about.

When I see people talk about AADOS for example I KNOW what they are talking about but someone else may remember a video they saw where other black ethnic groups were being dissed as a whole (and not the individual c00n who did something wrong) and the term AADOS was used in the clip or video, and now in their minds the term AADOS is synonmous with “I HATE AFRICA”. Lol

Please dont blame the AADoS crowd, as much as we agree to disagree. They never said any white supremacists rhetoric even once.
Nah I’m not saying they dont exist (people against AADOS establishing themselves as a unique group being that the concept of “Black American” is evolving due to immigration), but more so that reckless language allows people to hide behind certain terms/concepts and use it to promote their alternative motives and when they get called out they can run and say someone calling out the BS is atracking the whole group.

My whole point is we as individuals need to be right and exact with our words so there is no confusion when agents or weirdos try to manipulate causes we believe in.

Think about the whole BLM thing and how it was hijacked to sh*t on hetrosexual black men and women but if you call out they will twist ot as if you are saying you are fine with black people getting killed by white supremacist because you may say “BLM is full of agents”.

Man, just a quick look at the threads in the Locker Room or JBO, there will be at least 10 brothers claiming they will fukk a thot raw with no regrets. Are those all Africans? :sas1:

Yep. Only one AA poster called him out for that- I've forgotten her name. One poster even co-signed his nonsense. There's names that other black people call themselves, which I don't agree with but is just a sign of ignorance, and there's names that are straight out of the white supremacist handbook. The comment that poster made falls into the latter category and it was largely ignored until a handful of African posters reported him.

Uchiha God

Jan 11, 2013
Take all that shyt it up with Tariq. You clearly see me make it known that it’s his theory. Ask him to explain it to you. I even said his theory was flemsy.

I’m saying, get outta here with the fake outrage.

the "outrage" is directly correlated to his "theory". so if you're intelligent enough to recognize it as "flimsy" (read; flawed), you should also be intelligent enough to recognize the outrage isn't "fake" and/or without merit.

unless you one of them brehs that talks just for the sake of talking but without saying anything substantial.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Me, too.Again not sure of the metrics though. And not entirely sure of the mandatory 'testing' that supposedly always happens...that I can agree w/Tariq on. Needless to say, it's many ppl who travel overseas, and bring diseases back with them.
still dancing in here

American tourists overseas don't go through the same mandatory testing that supposedly doesn't always happen thus they can bring back diseases easier.

an IMMIGRANT will have to do much more to enter the country OBVIOUSLY not allegedly.

Now because the accusation has been made will Tariq and his disciples come with any receipts or we gonna keep speculating like some gossip hoes?


feelings ain't enough. and no @Concerning VLoLence you can't just list h.i.v. stats in Africa as proof of them spreading the virus in Atlanta that is not how it works (that was your what about chicago and blk on blk violence moment) goofy ass cac in Black skin. we can all go do our homework and the results with show very positively that the gays in Atlanta are behind this.
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Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
Yea because stupid people always want someone to blame for societies ills. They aren’t educated enough to do proper research and understanding of the issue.

Almost as dumb as conservatives who blame linberals for everything without substance.

This right here.

Real shyt, dude is doing what Bill O'Reilly was doing, so I get the hustle.

But, much like Bill O'Reilly's fanbase who followed that guy to reach broke and dumb status, following Tariq word for word in the same manner will get you to that same place.

Don't let other people think for you.

At some point, you have to really do the work yourself which means start thinking critically and/or actually take action. At the end of the day you should know what you want or start trying to figure out what that is. It does not mean to get easily fired up by buying bullshyt or what other people say blankly. The people getting ahead of you in the game will counter that every time while you make yourself an easy hurdle and emotional wreck.

Somebody in the chat room posted this but he totally ignorned it. He does not understand data and numbers

:mjlol: as if there isn't enough similarities between Tariq and Bill O'Reilly.
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Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
Somebody in the chat room posted this but he totally ignorned it. He does not understand data and numbers
You know what that sounds like?

"12% of the population = 100% of the crime"

You'll see that nonsense typed on various news site commnent sections anytime a black person is involved in a crime.


Mar 6, 2014
They tripping, talking about no one called out @George Gooney and AA nationalism on thecoli is taking a form of white nationalism. :mjlol:
Do they check their own people? What George Gooney posted is real lightweight compared to what they post about us on their forums and everyone cosigns it. :sas2:
They want us to operate under a different set of rules.


Jul 10, 2014
BA DOS Af pr
They tripping, talking about no one called out @George Gooney and AA nationalism on thecoli is taking a form of white nationalism. :mjlol:
Do they check their own people? What George Gooney posted is real lightweight compared to what they post about us on their forums and everyone cosigns it. :sas2:
They want us to operate under a different set of rules.
Nope.They usually gaslight,and ignore, and while still being low...and we should remain above the fray overlook it like the diasporic 'Big brothers', for the 'greater good'<<<<<<<<Caught on a while ago:sas2: