The 4 Zodiac Signs Prone To Be Narcissists! (Is yours listed????)


The Black Venus
Sep 30, 2014
(disclaimer: Don't take this too seriously) :ufdup:

Let’s face it, some Zodiac signs are just natural born a$$holes. Thankfully, I’ve compiled this list so that you don’t have to learn the hard way like I did!

Narcissists can be very powerful. They must choose whether they want to use their power for good or evil. When the Zodiac signs below use their power for good, the world changes and human consciousness elevates. However, when they use it for evil the destruction they cause can be catastrophic.

First, let’s define what it means to be a narcissist:

A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.

Below is a list of symptoms of narcissism according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
  • Violent
  • Driven by fame and greed
  • Cold, detached, inhumane.
  • Calculating, cunning and callous


#4 Most Narcissistic Zodiac Sign: TAURUS

Taurus just can’t stay out of trouble. This is probably because the Taurus is the Symbolic age of a toddler in astrology and if you’ve ever been around a two-year-old, all you say repeatedly to them is “No,” “Get out of there,” and “You can’t have that!.”

A sense of entitlement: Like toddlers, most Taurus have a natural sense of entitlement. Hitler, one of the most famous Taurus, grew up torturing animals because he thought he was superior to them and he found torture entertaining…

Taurus truly believes that they deserve more than the average person. This belief gets them far in life because they are able to attract good luck, success, and wealth based on the belief that they deserve it.

However, it also get’s them in deep trouble because they feel entitled to lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others to get what they think, they are entitled to.

Taurus require a lot of attention in general but randomly opt to be alone at the most inconvenient times. Mainly, when you need them!

Dealing with a Taurus you need to understand that it is required that you are always there for them when they need you but it is not required that they are always there for you!

Inability to empathize: Many Taurus are prone to narcissism because it is hard for them to empathize with people. If they didn’t personally go through it, they won’t understand it. Period.

Demonically Persuasive. Taurus has the ability to talk you into things you’d never imagine doing ever! They are the sales rep at the used car lot who sold you a lemon for thousands of dollars over it’s value. They are the boyfriend who tricks you into believing that having a threesome will take your relationship to the next level.

Taurus are the Jehovah witnesses that has you hypnotized and totally brainwashed, following their cult blindly!

The notorious cult leader Jim Jones is a Taurus. He lead a cult and successfully persuaded his loyal followers into commiting a mass suicide of over 918 people!

Narcissistic Rage: Taurus are bullies and bullies are narcissist. A Taurus is not beneath hitting you or breaking shyt to prove a point. Their tempers can lead them into violent rages which are often referred to toddler like tantrums or narcissistic rage.

Incredibly shallow and materialistic. Narcissist believes material possessions and the illusion of power is what make them happy.

They often use people to get what they want or spoil people, feeding on their desire for material things to manipulate them. The Taurus is either the sugar daddy or the damsel in distress who is milking her sugar daddy for every penny he has to offer.

One of the biggest Pimps in American history “Iceberg Slim” is a Taurus! They can be womanizers and very successful at it. Taurus will tell you what it is, and what they want from you, so eloquently and disrespectfully, at the same time. They are deliberate and afraid of nothing!

Let’s not forget the famous Taurus, Madam and Politician Sally Stanford who said;

“Romance without finance is a nuisance. Few men value free merchandise.”

Taurus are extremist. Just examine their pedigree… Hitler and Saddam Hussein! If these two tyrants are narcissist to the extreme! They want power by any means.

Niccolo Machiavelli (born May 3, 1469) Though little more than a political brown-noser during his day, Machiavelli gained infamy for his survival guide for despots, The Prince, which set forth the rules of maintaining power through intimidation and unscrupulous cunning.

Taurus are Master Manipulators. Have you seen the movie “Catch Me If You Can,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio? It’s a true story about one of the world’s greatest con artist Frank Abagnale, a former confidence trickster, check forger, and impostor between the ages of 15 and 21.

He served less than five years in prison before starting to work for the federal government. He is currently a consultant and lecturer for the FBI academy and field offices. He also runs Abagnale & Associates, a financial fraud consultancy company.

Taurus are very cunning and manipulation and narcissism comes very easy to them because it is a part of who they are. You’ve been warned!


#3 Most Narcissist Zodiac Sign is VIRGO

Virgo’s are walking talking paradoxes. Dear Virgo’s how can you be powerful and insecure at the same time? Virgo’s are earth signs. If they wish, they can be very successful. Earth signs are manifestors and they typically make shyt happen.

However, some of them are too self-destructive and narcissistic to ever see true success unless of course, it is stepping on the backs of everyone they know.

Virgos want you to be successful but not more successful than them, this is why the movie Horrible Bosses was inspired by an employee with a Virgo manager…

Narcissist secretly does not want you to succeed, neither does a Virgo.

Narcissists/Virgos are never satisfied with ANYTHING you do ever! They will find something wrong with everything you do and point it out without hesitation.

Virgos are detail oriented, but they pay attention to the WRONG details. They pay attention to IRRELEVANT details no one else pays attention to.

It is very easy to irritate a Virgo because they are so insecure. They get so easily annoyed, they probably won’t get past the 2nd paragraph.

Virgos make people feel like they are walking on egg shells. People find it hard to be themselves around Virgos.because Virgos are too sensitive to take a joke and are easily annoyed by anything you do and ay, just like a narcissist.

Virgos have Political or money motivated agendas. Virgos are famous snipers. A famous Virgo, Charles J. Guiteau shot and killed President James Garfield.

Another Virgo on a killing spree with a political agenda. Eric Robert Rudolph, also known as the Olympic Park Bomber, is an American domestic terrorist convicted for a series of anti-abortion and anti-gay-motivated bombings across the southern United States

Virgos live a double life like most Narcissist. Virgo’s, like Gemini’s, can be incredibly two faced. Most abusive male Virgos that I know are charming and very social outside of their home. They are respected and admired by many. However, at home, and behind closed doors, they are monsters to their wives and children.

Stubborn: Narcissist, like Virgo’s, never change their mind or consider others points of view.

You are only there to serve them: Your opinion doesn’t matter so stop talking.

Controlling: Virgo’s need you to be what they assigned you to be. As their lover, you have job responsibilities you must not falter from. Get on your job! No slacking or the berating and nagging will never end.

Easily irritated: They walk around like Ebenezer Scrooge, grumpy, tired and full of complaints.

Possessive: You belong to them. You are a possession. They are insecure and jealous and they need to know where their possessions are at all times. You belong to them. You are a possession. They are insecure and jealous and they need to know where their possessions are at all times.

Virgos Can’t keep secrets. They are ruled by Mercury, never tell a person ruled by Mercury any of your secrets. They will put your business out there in the street for entertainment purposes.

Judgmental: Virgos love to judge, especially people who are different from them in any way. Virgos are simple minded and they everyone should live their lives the same way. Diversity and change frighten them.

Routined Robots: They hate being surprised and don’t you dare try to be spontaneous with them.

Neat Freaks. Most Virgos spend too much time cleaning and not enough time living. Everything has to be perfect according to the Virgo.

Insecure: Virgos are special because they act insecure and powerful at the same time. They are confident in one breath but then they say or do something that shows that they are also totally insecure and self-conscious. WTF?

They are psychoanalytical and too identified with the mind and the ego. They need to get in touch with their heart and their feelings!

Bottle up anger and then explode. When a Virgo unleashes everything they’ve bottled up, they are not verbal, they are physical and you might end up dead. Be very careful.

Virgos are Revengeful. Bad Girls Club star Tanisha Thomas let’s it be known how immature, reckless and vengeful she can be every minute of the show.

Narcissistic Perfectionism: Virgos believe in the illusion of perfection which makes them absolutely unbearable to be around at times.

Michael Jackson a psycho perfectionist. Beyonce’ another psycho perfectionist. These people MUST be the best and when it comes to their careers, many of them are. Like a true narcissist their fame comes before everyone and everything in their LIFE.

Virgos often suffer from OCD and they believe EVERYTHING has its place. Even you! And your place is beneath them!

They need to THINK about everything and are slow to make decisions to the point where it tortures you and everyone involved! They have to think about what they will wear, where they want to eat, what they want for breakfast, blue socks or white socks, like really just make a fukking decision already! Geesh

Virgos will sell out for coins. They will sell out for prestigious positions. Ben Carson who is a Virgo is Donald Trumps bytch! Go Figure

Most Virgos are condescending and talk to you like you’re a child in true Narcissistic fashion. Virgo’s astrological age is the adult, and they think they have authority over everyone including you.

Virgos think everything is permanent often confusing temporary emotional states with permanent characters traits.

Virgos are habitual but not progressive. They have strict routines and inability to change to be progressive. This is why they are prone to narcissism!

Virgos make the list of the most Notorious Serial Killers.

When Virgos loosen up and give in into the fact that they are imperfect, they are quite gifted human beings with a sense of humor that is magnetic! Dave Chappelle is a Virgo, and when I tell you he is one of the funniest, most controversial comedians ever, that is an understatement!

Virgos will pick apart every little flaw you have effortlessly and with child like enthusiasm. They pay attention to everything negative about you, never the positive. This is why they are textbook narcissists.

Virgos’s can’t forgive themselves or others, ever! If they do something embarrassing or if someone hurts their sensitive little egos, they over analyze the situation and continue to relive it until it drives them absolutely insane.
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The Black Venus
Sep 30, 2014

The 2nd Most Narcissistic Zodiac Sign is LEO

I was debating whether or not Leo should be number one but I gave them a pass because there is one more sign in the Zodiac more narcissistic than Leos, believe it or not!

Poor Leo, with an ego the size of their ruling planet which isn’t even a planet, it’s the sun… how can they NOT be narcissistic?

The sun is the life force of the Universe. Without it, we’d all be dead.

The Leo truly believes the world revolves around them. The minute you stop stroking their egos and not making them the center of your world is the minute the Leo goes into a narcissistic rage!

Secretively Insecure: Leo’s brag a lot, they are known to be conceited but they manage to hide their insecurity very well behind their exaggerated self-confidence! I’m sure you’ve seen The Wizard of Oz The Lion without a heart is the perfect example of the tragedy that is the Leo!

Selective Honesty: Just like a narcissist, Leo’s only share half truths and half stories. They are liars plain and simple. I’m certain the father of all lies, Satan was a Capricorn sun and a Leo moon because these people stay lying.

The sad part is they suck at lying. So, it’s pretty easy to see through their bullshyt.


Leos are People who say ‘no offense but…’ just before saying something really offensive.

Leos are a slave to pleasure: They will do ANYTHING that makes them happy regardless of who they hurt. This is why they are born Narcissist!

Leos dangle carrots of hope in your face: Classis narcissist tactic, promise but never deliver! Leos are full of shyt and never deliver on their promises. President Barack Obama promised the black community that voted him into office so much! But he only delivered on about 3% of what he promised. He has 1,000 excuses for why he couldn’t do anything for African Americans.

They Demonize their exes: Leo’s demonize their ex to ensure the two of you never meet. Typically, the Leo was the one doing all the dirt but they will never admit that. They have to play the victim to gain your sympathy. It’s part of their deceptive, narcissistic charm.

Leos Love Bomb: Narcissist love bomb too! What a coincidence! Love bombing is being the women’s night in shining armor during an extended honeymoon phase. Buying her flowers, sending good morning and goodnight texts daily, phone calls twice a day, fun, expensive and adventurous dates… you name it! All to get you hooked on them so they can go in for the narcissistic kill!

If Leo’s are nice to you, best believe there is an agenda behind it to get something from you whether its sex, a relationship, money or an ego stroke, Leos attention comes with a price.

Cheap: Leos are financially tight-fisted, selfish and cheap. It’s not to save money, it’s to show you how they feel about you. A narcissist doesn’t believe that you deserve much if anything and as soon as the honeymoon phase is over, be prepared to hear them gripe and complain about money. Be prepared to open your wallet more than 50% of the time.

Selfish: They will never do ANYTHING for you without first weighing the benefit they stand in gaining from it. Doing things from their heart is not an option. Natural born narcissist!

They Brag. A Lot!: Leos love to hear themselves talk about themselves like true narcissist. Leo’s are either complete losers or complete winners. The Leo’s who are successful, you’ll never hear the end of it! The Movie Meet the Fockers is a great example of how narcissistic Leo’s love to brag about their careers and so-called humanitarian efforts. Watch!

Leos love to one-up people: Leo’s just can’t congratulate someone and move on. They find it hard not to be a hater in general so when you tell them good news about yourself, they tell you something about them that’s even more spectacular then what you just accomplished.

Leo’s philosophy – Life is a competition and they just gotta win. Regardless of the cost!

Leos are passive aggressive like most Narcissist. They don’t mean what they say and they don’t say what they mean. They communicate honestly only through their actions. They purposely ignore you, they don’t return your calls and they make jokes that are not funny at your expense to express their repressed aggression.

Sarcasm is their 2nd language. Leos gaslight as a first language. They always avoid the point of the conversation and deflect onto issues that revolve around you questioning your own sanity.

Leos love to answer every accusation with, “You’re crazy!”

Leos are clingy: They have to see you every day and talk to you or text you every hour. They smoother and suffocate you with attention and expect you to do the same to them.

Leos feel that they are superior to everyone just like most narcissist.

Leos are CONTROL freaks. Fidel Castro is the perfect example. They are tireless in their attempts to control everyone and everything.

“Fidel Castro promoted younger men only to discard them if they aspired openly to succeed him. Fidel was the inspirational leader, the man of action, the master strategist, the obsessive control-freak who micromanaged everything from hurricane preparedness to the potato crop. He was, above all, tireless. In marathon sessions, often beginning after midnight and ending after dawn, he would interrogate visitors about every facet of the political situation in their country.”

Leo’s need to know that they come before your kids. Leo’s want to see you put their needs before your child’s needs consistently to feel loved and supported. Narcissist look at kids as competition to gain your attention. It’s pretty sickening if you think about it.

Leo’s can’t be alone. They always NEED someone. Whether it’s someone to fukk, someone to talk to, someone to hang out at their house, someone to go to the damn grocery store with them, someone to watch them while they take a shyt. They NEED someone all the time.

Leo’s will bargain with their life. Leo’s would rather die than be alone. If you were the one to leave them they may say they will kill themselves if you don’t come back.

However, if they leave you, bye bye! And don’t you dare come back unless you want to give them no strings attached sex and leave as soon as he’s finished with you. a leo will pimp you if you let him, he will put you on a corner 1.5 seconds.

Leo’s discard you when there is no more benefit from being with you. Leos’s invented the discard because they invented narcissism.

Leos are walking talking contradictions. Leo’s never practice what they preach, they are the pope that is secretly a pedophile, the Civil Rights Movement leader who is a secret Klans man, the nun who preaches abstinence by day but is a pornstar by night.

Get a restraining order if you break a Leo’s, heart. If you leave him while he is still in love with you or not finished using you, he will stalk you, harass you and even threaten you because he has NO self-control. He’ll even ask you to pay you back for all the dates he took you on and that time you used his car and didn’t put gas in it. Pathetic! It’s are for Leos to believe anyone could leave them! So they don’t take your restraining order seriously either… Be safe and protect yourself.

Covert & Overt Racist. Leo’s are either extremely Alt right or extreme Neo Liberals. The keyword is extreme. Narcissist are extreme, they cannot be well-balanced even when medicated by a psychologist. Tami Lahren is the newest generation of covert racist born on August 11th.

Pure example of how all Leos talk when they are passionate about their extreme ideologies that swirl around in their tiny little brains.

Leo’s preach constant narcissist rhetoric like “All lives matter,” and “I’m colorblind.” Leo’s look on the bright side only to cover up their darkside… they are completely and utterly UNREALISTIC. Jennifer Lopez is the classic Leo air head, read her tweet below.

Leo’s have addictive personalities like Narcissist: They are addicted to alcohol, tattoos, weed, prescription drugs, anti-depressants, food, sex… you name it, their addicted!

Leos are narcissist, proceed with caution. Sad thing is, there is NO known cure for narcissism. So good luck, you’ll need therapy when your relationship is over!


The Black Venus
Sep 30, 2014

#1 Most Narcissistic Zodiac is Capricorn

Selfish, sadistic, self-centered, egotistical, opportunistic, narcissistic Capricorns take the number one spot!

Narcissist quietly plot, just like Capricorns. They are conniving and strategic in their endeavors to attain money, status, and power!

Lack empathy. Capricorns don’t want to know your point of view, your feelings or what your going through. All they hear is their own voice, your feelings, wants and needs are irrelevant.

Capricorns are the supervillains with the most staying power. Deeply resentful of their inability to love or be loved by others, evil Capricorns apply themselves to an overall strategy of world domination.

Capricorns are slaves to money, status, titles and power.

The tarot card that represents the Capricorn is the devil. Need I say more?

Being in a relationship with Capricorns requires you to sacrifice your life, your goals, your health, your soul for the sake of submitting yourself to their mission.

It’s all about them! There ain’t no you! When you’re in love with a Capricorn you disappear and only they exist! Are you willing to completely lose yourself? If so, the Capricorn man is perfect for you.

Capricorn Quotes: “By any means necessary!”

most infamous traitors in U.S. history after he switched sides and fought for the British.

Capricorns are too logical and not in touch with their hearts! They are too logical and cerebral. They rarely think with their hearts and this is why they are generally HEARTLESS people!

Capricorns literally judge a book by its cover. How something looks is more important to them then how someone actually is in the inside.

Capricorns won’t commit until the very end of dating, when you’ve had enough and ready to leave, that’s when they’ll commit. It’s an obligatory commitment that doesn’t feel real.

They won’t commit unless they have something to gain from you, a ride to work, a place to stay, sex on demand, money….

Two-faced & Disloyal. They will turn on you to cut a profit, get a promotion or win a bid that will financially benefit them. They will have no remorse! Capricorn, narcissistic logic is “It’s just business, never personal.”

The most famous traitor in the world was a Capricorn by the name of Benedict Arnold. Benedict Arnold (1741-1801) was an early American hero of the Revolutionary War (1775-83) who later became one of the

Racism, classism, sexism and all the negative connotated isms are Capricorn philosophically derived ideologies that have literally ruined the world!

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn, and Saturn rules systems and systems are killing off millions of people and disenfranchising nations all in the name of colonialism and capitalism.

Thankfully the age of Aquarius is dawning and these systems will be torn down to pieces.

Capricorns, if awakened and conscious can help change the world in a positive way. However, it is their obsession with power that they need to overcome to meet their salvation.

Extreme Opportunist: Capricorns are high paid whores. They will sleep with you for money for the right price or the right promotion.

Capricorns are stuck in the past. They are NOT progressive people. They only wish to maintain the laws, rules, and cultures of the past to ensure humanity does not evolve into something better.

Rush Limbaugh is a Capricorn, I’ll just leave that there…

They will sell their bodies, their soul and even their children for fame, fortune, stardom, and power.

Capricorns always go too far for success. They go too far to achieve wealth and status. They need power like they need water and oxygen and that is the epitome of everything a narcissist is!

Capricorns are Ambitious, Hardworking, and The Stickler For Rules.

They follow rules and laws and systems without questioning whether the rules, laws and systems are even humane!

Capricorns are loyal, but they are loyal to the wrong things! They are loyal to power!

Capricorns are Superior, Snobbish and Aloof. They are aloof until money or power is involved then all of a sudden you have their full and undivided attention.

They lack empathy like most narcissist and they never feel sorry for anyone, not even themselves. Capricorns beat themselves up behind closed doors and they typically suffer from low self-esteem. They keep their insecurities hidden so you’ll never know their weakness.

Capricorns show their love by buying you things and taking you to expensive places. They rarely compliment you, unless they can get something out of it. They hardly ever tell you they love you, they’d rather buy you a designer handbag and then leave in the middle of your anniversary dinner date to go back to the office and finish a proposal.

Dating a Capricorn is like dating someone in the military.

Shape shifters: they are fake and will mirror you, act like they have the same interest and hobbies just to carry on an agenda to get something from you.

Capricorns are boring! Hanging out with them is like watching paint dry! Unless they are doing something that really interests them! Of course, when that happens, they are so involved in the activity they forget you are there.

Capricorns marry brainless trophy wives who they can control with money.

A Capricorn see’s women who are intelligent and independent as too much of a challenge. They don’t want an intellectual match, they want a submissive doormat who will tolerate their narcissistic abuse.

American Billionaire Howard Hughes was a Proud born, tirelessly ambitious American billionaire who was once kicked out of a hotel in Vegas, and as a response in true Capricorn fashion, he bought the hotel just to prove to them:

“No one kicks out a Capricorn.” A Capricorn will literally buy you and one of their favorite lines is, “Everyone has a price!”

Capricorns are intuitive: They know how to sniff out fear and weakness within you and use it to exploit you for anything you have that can benefit them.

Cold as a corpse: Capricorns are cold people, born in the dead of winter, they have no feelings! They are also as rigid as a skeleton.

Capricorns are Snitches: they get people locked up!

Alpha personality: Capricorns demand you make them your priority or they won’t even deal with you.

Capricorns are Corrupt: J. Edgar Hoover, a sadisitic and evil Capricorn, was the first FBI Director was the most corrupt federal agent ever, killings thousands, framing many and setting up systems and traps of racism, harassment and mockery of African Americans including the Civil Rights Movement and the black panther party.

FBI spied on MLK religiously. The FBI used some of this information obtained from spying to break into one of King’s hotel rooms and recorded evidence of an extramarital affair.

Afterward, they sent a letter to King directly, claiming they would blackmail him and implying they would leak the information if he didn’t commit suicide in the next 34 days.

The FBI Director Edgar Hoover told King, “You are done. There is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation.”

Capricorns invented scandals. Let’s not talk about President Nixon and the Watergate Scandal. He was the first and only president to Resign as president after he was exposed for manipulative and cunning conspiracies.

They ALWAYS have something up their sleeves.

I have know a Capricorn female who calls my sister for advice asking her, “How can I get guys to buy me things and pay my bills?” It’s really quite pathetic how ruthless they are.

Slaves to Lust. Like most narcissist, all Capricorns are slaves to lust. They can’t turn down a good time even at the risk of them being exposed and losing millions of dollars in advertisement endorsements.

If a Capricorn is breathing, they are cheating on you. They are skilled cheaters who come home every night but somehow manage with their excellent time management skills to sneak in an affair during a 15 minute break at work.

The narcissist never think they’ll get caught cheating. However, they always do eventually! You’ve heard about the infamous Capricorn Tiger Woods scandal, right?

Actor, comedian and talk show host Steve Harvey ex-wife is suing him for murdering her soul… because he probably did. Most narcissists take every virtue from you and suck you dry, leaving you on the side of the road to die!
The 4 Zodiac Signs That are Prone to be Narcissist

@DarrynCobretti @Yusuke @TheLostOnes @Nigmund Freud @Lewis Black @Critical Distance @LordLoco @ModestMo @No One Else @The Grendel @Mojo Jojo Morpheus
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