The Pope Compares PizzaGate to Eating shyt


All Star
Oct 16, 2015
Could you back any of this up with anything? I'm guessing no. If you're referring to H.R. 6393 then you're talking about Devin Nunes. And that bill was introduced last month. And I've not been able to find anything anywhere saying he met with Podesta. Can you help me out? And why would he meet with him when Podesta is an irrelevant nobody now? This reads like more Soros boogeyman bullshyt.

I confused the introduction date of H.R. 6393 in the house with the Senate. It was voted through the Senate today. The alleged meeting with Podesta is based on an eyewitness account, and thus is not verifiable, so I don't have a problem withdrawing it from the conversation. It believe the story, however, because David writing this bill is highly questionable based on his past actions. This is the statement he released after Comey re-opened the case against Hillary in October: Nunes Statement on Reopening of FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton Emails

Hillary Clinton created the "fake news created by Russians" ruse to explain away Wikileaks revelation of her and the DNC's corruption. Why would a man who has called Hillary Clinton corrupt, back up her claims on "fake news"? Why would a Republican aid in the Clinton cause?

As for the stories about Gore and Kerry, they came to light during the 2007/2008 primary election. Al Gore had started out the recount process with a fair amount of good will from the public but as it dragged on, public tide started turning against him. The story goes that after the Supreme Court decision, the Clintons quietly told him that it was over and he needed to move on. It was a power move as Hillary had just been elected to the New York Senate and didn't want to be tainted by Gore's loss. Gore's relationship with the Clintons was already not good but that move severed it completely. The John Kerry story goes that he was talked out of contesting the results by the Clintons' acolyte James Carville who told him that he ran the risk of being viewed as another Al Gore. He never forgave them for that shyt and despises them to this day. The Al Gore story has been completely wiped as far as I can tell, but here is a link from 2007 discussing whether or not The Clintons sabotaged Kerry: Do you really believe Clinton sabotaged Kerry? - Democratic Underground

Here's another one from 2004 theorizing on a Clinton/Kerry ticket and if she wants to run for president: Now they want her to be veep.

It is worth noting that the Gore and Kerry campaigns were both horrible and the Clintons chose their campaign staff.

Grand Conde

Feb 11, 2013
Because "fake news" isn't the buzzword phrase they're labelling pizzagate?:mjgrin: What else is the pope referring to you disingenuous b*stards

Believe it or not but not everything is about American politics. I understand that's difficult for an American to comrpehend but there you go. He is making a general point about journalists spreading bullshyt news. If you had bothered to read the article you'd see this is a point he he made before, long before this 'pizzagate' bullshyt.

From the article:

Wednesday’s interview was not the first time Francis has made the same point in unusual language. A year before being elected pope, he told the Italian newspaper La Stampa: “Journalists sometimes risk becoming ill from coprophilia and thus fomenting coprophagia, which is a sin that taints all men and women – that is, the tendency to focus on the negative rather than the positive aspects.”

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
@Anahita if the Clintons are as influential as you claim, why didn't Clinton win this election?
they were influential enough to buy the primary, it was almost shocking how much they had that shyt in the bag before it even began. blatantly obvious. and being that there are only two parties, thats an enormous amount of influence

but no one has that kinda power on a national level, the raw national vote, etc :yeshrug:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
I confused the introduction date of H.R. 6393 in the house with the Senate. It was voted through the Senate today. The alleged meeting with Podesta is based on an eyewitness account, and thus is not verifiable, so I don't have a problem withdrawing it from the conversation. It believe the story, however, because David writing this bill is highly questionable based on his past actions. This is the statement he released after Comey re-opened the case against Hillary in October: Nunes Statement on Reopening of FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton Emails

Hillary Clinton created the "fake news created by Russians" ruse to explain away Wikileaks revelation of her and the DNC's corruption. Why would a man who has called Hillary Clinton corrupt, back up her claims on "fake news"? Why would a Republican aid in the Clinton cause?

As for the stories about Gore and Kerry, they came to light during the 2007/2008 primary election. Al Gore had started out the recount process with a fair amount of good will from the public but as it dragged on, public tide started turning against him. The story goes that after the Supreme Court decision, the Clintons quietly told him that it was over and he needed to move on. It was a power move as Hillary had just been elected to the New York Senate and didn't want to be tainted by Gore's loss. Gore's relationship with the Clintons was already not good but that move severed it completely. The John Kerry story goes that he was talked out of contesting the results by the Clintons' acolyte James Carville who told him that he ran the risk of being viewed as another Al Gore. He never forgave them for that shyt and despises them to this day. The Al Gore story has been completely wiped as far as I can tell, but here is a link from 2007 discussing whether or not The Clintons sabotaged Kerry: Do you really believe Clinton sabotaged Kerry? - Democratic Underground

Here's another one from 2004 theorizing on a Clinton/Kerry ticket and if she wants to run for president: Now they want her to be veep.

It is worth noting that the Gore and Kerry campaigns were both horrible and the Clintons chose their campaign staff.
So you just posted a bunch of stuff and was willing to let it stand knowing well enough that it wasn't verifiable? I know where the claim of an eyewitness account surfaced - voat - another disreputable website. Further, his statement wrt Comey means nothing here. Again, this is more conjecture. More shaping a situation to fit a held belief. And Hillary Clinton didn't create anything. There are accounts from the intelligence community (whether you want to believe them or not) that point out that Russia helped to proliferate a lot of the fake stories during the election. And was behind the hacking of the DNC/DNCC. The rest of your post is just more hearsay.

And could you back up that last point? I remember Gore not wanting anything to do with Clinton when he decided to run. And are you talking about Tad Devin who worked on both Gore and Kerry's campaign as well as Bernie Sanders' campaign?


Graphic Alchemist
Jun 3, 2012
It blows my mind she lost. I used to follow "conspiracy theories" and this election doesn't make any sense TBH. Hillary is the perfect candidate.

Maybe I mis-read the NWO's play, but why would they pick T over C?

It's fukking scary to think about. Maybe her losing the election was supposed to break the spirit of people who believed in government. Maybe they want white supremacists to become militants and cause a race war.

Maybe Trump did win on his own. I don't know anymore.
She was not the perfect candidate, unless you're a brain dead feminist. She could barely get college educated white women to vote for her.

But sometimes, you when more by losing. The feds were on her ass and gop would've stayed on her neck had she got into office. Trump makes these promises about locking her up and now all of a sudden, he's like "that's old news, I'm not going after her" Maybe she never wanted to be president, she just wanted to make sure the right person got in the white house so she could skate on the charges.


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
She was not the perfect candidate, unless you're a brain dead feminist. She could barely get college educated white women to vote for her.

But sometimes, you when more by losing. The feds were on her ass and gop would've stayed on her neck had she got into office. Trump makes these promises about locking her up and now all of a sudden, he's like "that's old news, I'm not going after her" Maybe she never wanted to be president, she just wanted to make sure the right person got in the white house so she could skate on the charges.
So, we coulda got Bernie, but she screwed over America for her self gain :snoop: That's one disgusting woman.


Graphic Alchemist
Jun 3, 2012
Yea, it's def starting to sound like you are lying or trolling lmao.
dude is honestly sounding like "until you show me the "pedophile shop" with all the pertinent paperwork, I'm calling bullshyt" People who usually go that hard trying to defend fukk shyt, have usually been accused of the same fukk shyt.:francis: but I think he's just trolling.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
dude is honestly sounding like "until you show me the "pedophile shop" with all the pertinent paperwork, I'm calling bullshyt" People who usually go that hard trying to defend fukk shyt, have usually been accused of the same fukk shyt.:francis: but I think he's just trolling.
I'm not trolling. Y'all nikkas just dumb and gullible.


Graphic Alchemist
Jun 3, 2012
I'm not trolling. Y'all nikkas just dumb and gullible.
So, you've been accused of being a pedophile? because you didn't even address that. But you're caping hard for people that are accused of being in a pedo ring leads me to believe that this hits a little too close to home for you.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
So, you've been accused of being a pedophile? because you didn't even address that. But you're caping hard for people that are accused of being in a pedo ring leads me to believe that this hits a little too close to home for you.
This is a ridiculous ad hominem attack. This is what people do when they don't have a compelling argument. If you took my skepticism as an approval of that then there's seriously something wrong with you. And no, I've not been accused of being a fukking pedophile, you gormless fukk. I'm just not gullible enough to believe the bullshyt cooked up by the idiots on reddit/*****.


Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
Oh and the reason I mention I live in DC is because I truly don't think outsiders knows what really goes on down here, especially on the hill. Like when we had the govt shutdown and when the cameras turned off the republican and democrats was having drinks at the bar next to the metro having a grand old time but fighting on tv...
Exactly. fukkin Boehner and Obama played golf every Tuesday on Belvoir. These politicians they Stan so tough for are no different than Hollywood actors


Graphic Alchemist
Jun 3, 2012
This is a ridiculous ad hominem attack. This is what people do when they don't have a compelling argument. If you took my skepticism as an approval of that then there's seriously something wrong with you. And no, I've not been accused of being a fukking pedophile, you gormless fukk. I'm just not gullible enough to believe the bullshyt cooked up by the idiots on reddit/*****.
Eh, you sound like a pedophile, or maybe you had an uncle that was accused, at any rate, you're sounding incredulous as if pedophilia doesn't exist among high level politicians. You can keep defending them, because I sure they need a bunch of advocates for their cause.