Thecoli's posterchild Bomani has some questionable thoughts about you negros


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012

What's going on with Bomani?

I looked at the thread, it's only white supremacists and shea butters cosigning him. @mastermind, speak on this. Why white supremacists who hate Blacks in general cosigning and praising Bomani and Clay Travis who is worse than superc00n Jason Whitlock
why would you two link an him replying to a person who is pretending to be black?

Go read the comments htat follow.

This is the wrong with you faux militants. A lot of you are lacking common sense and critical thinking and reasoning. A lot of you only get your "wokeness" from social media. Its embarrassing.

IF thats the "movement" you want to have. Then go for it, but you are no different than the fake feminists on social media who you are arguing against every day.
I would argue that all sides got what they wanted, but a lot of people on both sides seem upset :francis:
that is exactly what happened.

Leahy has gotten her boost. Ball got more media attention. And Cowherd is laughing to the bank. Its a disgusting situation.
Feb 26, 2017
In The Clouds
why would you two link an him replying to a person who is pretending to be black?

Go read the comments htat follow.

This is the wrong with you faux militants. A lot of you are lacking common sense and critical thinking and reasoning. A lot of you only get your "wokeness" from social media. Its embarrassing.

IF thats the "movement" you want to have. Then go for it, but you are no different than the fake feminists on social media who you are arguing against every day.

that is exactly what happened.

Leahy has gotten her boost. Ball got more media attention. And Cowherd is laughing to the bank. Its a disgusting situation.
I'm happy that the Breakfast Club declined that interview with her. Don't extend her brand longer.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
I'm happy that the Breakfast Club declined that interview with her. Don't extend her brand longer.
she really started crying those white woman tears and played on those fears. It is one of hte sickest things I have seen this year, and it always works.

I just wish Lavar was smart enough to realize what was coming and play it differently and not stoop to her level, but the doofus could not.

I really hate everyone involved in this.

I have disagreed with Charlamagne a lot the last 5 years he been a national name, but he was 100% on point with his critique of her.
Feb 26, 2017
In The Clouds
she really started crying those white woman tears and played on those fears. It is one of hte sickest things I have seen this year, and it always works.

I just wish Lavar was smart enough to realize what was coming and play it differently and not stoop to her level, but the doofus could not.

I really hate everyone involved in this.
I think his strategy was to go in there and give her the cold shoulder, but she kept talking to him. This is when having a PR person comes in handy. I'm not going to sit here and front like I'd be cool if someone said my kids were afraid of me.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Im talking this site in general... read up an down this thread, they acting like this dude is a black militant.
On to the "bytch tactics" comment... lol. Again, i didnt hear her say he was a "bad parent", she could have... maybe i missed it? I heard her say some shyt about his actions with his sons in interviews or some shyt.
So did u put ur own spin on what she said? or did i miss it?
Also, Sending 3 kids to UCLA or making ur kids millionaires and musical stars might not make u a completely bad parent, it might not make u a great parent either tho. Ask Joe jackson.
But again, i didnt hear her say that he was a bad parent.
She is not my hero (i dont even know her name)
And lavar is apparently not ur hero either.
So I guess where in a good place, brother
This post makes the most sense in This thread. I don't even have anything against Lavar. I hope he makes millions honestly. But I just don't see the logic in people calling Bomani a c00n, for coming to the defense of lehy, as if she said something terrible or as of Lavar himself didn't create his sons with a White woman, or as if those sons don't have white gf' s. I don't think Bomani or Lavar are c00ns, but if they're gonna call Bomani a c00n, than what does that make Lavar?


Why are they defending Lavar so vehemently?


He's the only black father to guide his kids to the NBA?


AGAIN, I don't even think brotha Lavar is a bad father, at all. Not from what I can tell.




Jun 19, 2012
The 215
This post makes the most sense in This thread. I don't even have anything against Lavar. I hope he makes millions honestly. But I just don't see the logic in people calling Bomani a c00n, for coming to the defense of lehy, as if she said something terrible or as of Lavar himself didn't create his sons with a White woman, or as if those sons don't have white gf' s. I don't think Bomani or Lavar are c00ns, but if they're gonna call Bomani a c00n, than what does that make Lavar?


Why are they defending Lavar so vehemently?


He's the only black father to guide his kids to the NBA?


AGAIN, I don't even think brotha Lavar is a bad father, at all. Not from what I can tell.


Easily impressed I see


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
Coli Poster @Uncle Hotep just put out this medium article:

He gave evidence of Whitlock but none for bomani, except he sad lavar is gonna have to apologize, which.... hello you can't do what he just did on tv and expect corporate sponsorship, and as a man about legacy and money as ball is, that's the game you play, period there is no debate.

you all need to quit with this notion that ball is picking up the flag for a noble black cause, he's not, he's a man with unfulfilled legacy and a desire to live through his kids, the only problem his goofy ass doesn't have the currency to leverage his grandiose plans. Yes he's a good father in the sense of raising his boys and trying to get them to an established point, but it's literally about him

Now for as bomani, he didn't say he did or didn't agree with her, he just said he would need an apology, as much as mother fukkers love this do it my way mentality it's few far and between and leverage dictates most of that, ball has none, so he has to mind his p's and q's if he wants these big checks. I don't put anyone on a pedestal and that goes for bomani too, he says a lot that I agree with, and things I don't, but bet your bottom dollar he has spoke out on more issues affecting us on a national platform than most period. And he pulls no punches, does he get thin skinned oh for sure, but he's just as quick to expose idiots that are bigots. As for his feminist slant, I said before, he was raised by two highly educated parents, one who was a black woman that tried to raise up through the education ranks and then after graduation the ranks to prominence at a college, lord knows the shyt she saw, heard, or endured, so I imagine this hit bo and made him champion the cause. As for the hotep dude, the irony of saying c00n is is over used but freely labeling a man that the receipts don't add up.... nah man, we need more evidence than oh he lines himself with feminist views, because he also lines himself with largely black issues


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
He gave evidence of Whitlock but none for bomani, except he sad lavar is gonna have to apologize, which.... hello you can't do what he just did on tv and expect corporate sponsorship, and as a man about legacy and money as ball is, that's the game you play, period there is no debate.

you all need to quit with this notion that ball is picking up the flag for a noble black cause, he's not, he's a man with unfulfilled legacy and a desire to live through his kids, the only problem his goofy ass doesn't have the currency to leverage his grandiose plans. Yes he's a good father in the sense of raising his boys and trying to get them to an established point, but it's literally about him

Now for as bomani, he didn't say he did or didn't agree with her, he just said he would need an apology, as much as mother fukkers love this do it my way mentality it's few far and between and leverage dictates most of that, ball has none, so he has to mind his p's and q's if he wants these big checks. I don't put anyone on a pedestal and that goes for bomani too, he says a lot that I agree with, and things I don't, but bet your bottom dollar he has spoke out on more issues affecting us on a national platform than most period. And he pulls no punches, does he get thin skinned oh for sure, but he's just as quick to expose idiots that are bigots. As for his feminist slant, I said before, he was raised by two highly educated parents, one who was a black woman that tried to raise up through the education ranks and then after graduation the ranks to prominence at a college, lord knows the shyt she saw, heard, or endured, so I imagine this hit bo and made him champion the cause. As for the hotep dude, the irony of saying c00n is is over used but freely labeling a man that the receipts don't add up.... nah man, we need more evidence than oh he lines himself with feminist views, because he also lines himself with largely black issues
I agree with this for the most part. Dude can't start his post off saying people overuse c00n which I definitely agree with (including his examples) and then proceed to do the same thing IMO. I don't think Bo is a "c00n" but I do agree this nikka will put the cape on real quick for a woman (race doesn't matter for him from what I've saw of him)

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
I didn't hear her say "he is a bad parent".... even so, my point still remains. lavar is a feminine, emotional, unprofessional man. and i dnt co-sign nothing about him. He could have easily addressed that woman without sounding like hes on the rag.
This nikka is yallz hero now? Lol...

:mindblown:Who has said Lavar is their hero?

How is pointing out how CACs CAC make Lavar Ball your hero?

I aint seen no nikkaz in here saying that LAvar was fukkin' MLK or Malcolm X:camby:

Nah don't the he somebody hero because we disagree. Cats using bytch tactics at an all time high smfh. Sometimes people just disagree doesn't mean a cat somebody heroes. Is this white chick your hero? Exaclty.

Agreed. These nikkaz use the most ridiculous logic on here.

If you say you wanna fukk a broad you're "putting her on a pedestal".

If you defend a Black man against the racist media and call out their CAC tatics, he's your "hero"

Leahy was out of line with her questioning and was trying to make Lavar look bad. There is a definite double standard out there and if she had been a guy, lavar's response wouldn't have been a big deal.

That said, he definitely could have responded in a different way that made him look classy and respectful and still made her look like shyt.

But that's not how he is, though. That's not how he markets himself.

That'd be like inviting Flava Flav on your show and expecting him to be measured and articulate.

Lavar ball is a character. He plays his character and the people who have him on their shows know what character he's playing

So wayment, if Kristi's BF is a go lucky c00n, than what would that make lavar? Are y'all all forgetting that his wife is a White woman?


ALL his wealth from BBB will go to a White woman.


It's like people don't want to acknowledge that Lavar is with a White woman, and wants to label everyone else a c00n who defended Kristi because she's a White woman....... even though Lavar himself is passing his wealth to a White woman.

You nikkaz with this "he's married to a White woman shyt".

Lavar's wife isn't attacking Black people is she?

If she was and he was riding with her, then yes he's a c00n, but until then he's just a dude with a White wife, just like Bob Marley or Frederick Douglass or Harry Belafonte or a ton of other Black dudes, who married White bytches that I got no issues with.

Her dude on the other hand is laid up with a Becky who like's tearing down Black men and questions our "parenting", as if she knows what the fukk she's talking about.

Also, Sending 3 kids to UCLA or making ur kids millionaires and musical stars might not make u a completely bad parent, it might not make u a great parent either tho. Ask Joe jackson.

But there's no proof that Lavar Ball is Joe Jackson.

Does anybody have any proof of him doing ANYTHING to Lonzo or his brothers that could be seen as abuse?

This post makes the most sense in This thread. I don't even have anything against Lavar. I hope he makes millions honestly. But I just don't see the logic in people calling Bomani a c00n, for coming to the defense of lehy, as if she said something terrible or as of Lavar himself didn't create his sons with a White woman, or as if those sons don't have white gf' s. I don't think Bomani or Lavar are c00ns, but if they're gonna call Bomani a c00n, than what does that make Lavar?


Why are they defending Lavar so vehemently?


He's the only black father to guide his kids to the NBA?


AGAIN, I don't even think brotha Lavar is a bad father, at all. Not from what I can tell.



Who is acting as if Lavar's wife aint White?:mindblown:

We're just not dumb enough to disqualify any Black person from their "Blackness" just because they're married to a White person, or we'd have to disqualify civil rights leaders and tons of other great Black men and women who did the same.

When Lavar's wife starts talking shyt about Black people, THEN get back at me, but until then, spare me the "His wife is White" bullshyt.

you all need to quit with this notion that ball is picking up the flag for a noble black cause,

:mindblown:Name one person who's said that Lavar's picking up the ball for a noble Black cause?

I personally see anybody putting White folks in their place as a noble cause, but I"m not saying the nikka's Malcolm X & I aint seen one person who's said that.

You dudes just don't understand nuance.

You can't understand how guys can call out the racist ass media for it's treatment of Lavar while at the same time accepting that he may or may not have some c00nish tendencies of his own.

Learn to compartmentalize.


Dec 8, 2015
I just wish Lavar was smart enough to realize what was coming and play it differently and not stoop to her level, but the doofus could not.
This is what I don't understand. He said a whole 5 sentences to her. He started off refusing to talk her. How did he stoop to her level? I don't think he's even said anything about it since. This is no different from usual sports talk. Even if y'all watch what happens play by play you base your own narrative on what happened based on how you put you troothpaste on your brush or the way the wind blew when you walked outside or whatever it is because you surely can't be getting this info from reality.


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Lavar doesn't need to apologize for shyt.

You only apologize if YOU feel you were wrong.
You don't apologize just because some other mufukka got their feelings hurt.

But this is the era we live in now.
Where it's "OMG you said something I didn't like. Say sorry!!"

bytch please.
fukk outta here with your phony outrage.

Pretty shallow and callous way at looking at the world, breh.


Jan 4, 2017
:mindblown:Who has said Lavar is their hero?

How is pointing out how CACs CAC make Lavar Ball your hero?

I aint seen no nikkaz in here saying that LAvar was fukkin' MLK or Malcolm X:camby:

Agreed. These nikkaz use the most ridiculous logic on here.

If you say you wanna fukk a broad you're "putting her on a pedestal".

If you defend a Black man against the racist media and call out their CAC tatics, he's your "hero"

But that's not how he is, though. That's not how he markets himself.

That'd be like inviting Flava Flav on your show and expecting him to be measured and articulate.

Lavar ball is a character. He plays his character and the people who have him on their shows know what character he's playing

You nikkaz with this "he's married to a White woman shyt".

Lavar's wife isn't attacking Black people is she?

If she was and he was riding with her, then yes he's a c00n, but until then he's just a dude with a White wife, just like Bob Marley or Frederick Douglass or Harry Belafonte or a ton of other Black dudes, who married White bytches that I got no issues with.

Her dude on the other hand is laid up with a Becky who like's tearing down Black men and questions our "parenting", as if she knows what the fukk she's talking about.

But there's no proof that Lavar Ball is Joe Jackson.

Does anybody have any proof of him doing ANYTHING to Lonzo or his brothers that could be seen as abuse?

Who is acting as if Lavar's wife aint White?:mindblown:

We're just not dumb enough to disqualify any Black person from their "Blackness" just because they're married to a White person, or we'd have to disqualify civil rights leaders and tons of other great Black men and women who did the same.

When Lavar's wife starts talking shyt about Black people, THEN get back at me, but until then, spare me the "His wife is White" bullshyt.

:mindblown:Name one person who's said that Lavar's picking up the ball for a noble Black cause?

I personally see anybody putting White folks in their place as a noble cause, but I"m not saying the nikka's Malcolm X & I aint seen one person who's said that.

You dudes just don't understand nuance.

You can't understand how guys can call out the racist ass media for it's treatment of Lavar while at the same time accepting that he may or may not have some c00nish tendencies of his own.

Learn to compartmentalize.
"accepting that he may or may not have some c00nish tendencies".... but you just made a lengthy ass post justifying, not accepting what ppl are calling his "c00nish tendencies" ... So this is why dudes is saying "hes ur fukking hero"...
Theres alot of ways to say shyt, without actually saying shyt. Ur not calling him malcolm x... but the way ppl are defending him, like you just did, and raising him up... ur acting like he's on his way to being that kind of person. Ur acting like hes standing up against white people, "putting white people in their place"... smh chill...he caught a bytch tantrum with a woman, who happens to be white.
I know ur going to disagree. So fukk it.
Anyway, to ur analogy about if a guy says he wants to fukk and sombdy says hes "putting her on a pedestal"... If you keep saying that you wanna fukk her, or keep coming to the bytches defense. Or just bias when it comes to the chik... u wouldnt have to say " im putting her on a pedestal"... we're gonna already see that...
When it came to lavar being married to a white women, u chose to list Marley, Frederick douglas and Belafonte... champions for ppl of color... but your looking at us funny :martin: