This kid got healed from demonic possession at my church fam


May 10, 2015
I'm the lead musician at my church and Sunday evening (I know I'm late) the boys parents asked for him to get prayer because his behavior had been out of control. He had been fighting, back talking and even got suspended from school. They took him to the back and came back and told us he needed to be free'd from multiple demonic spirits. So I'm like wow. Kid is 6 years old.

They took him to the altar and my pastor sat the kid on his lap to contain him and they all began to pray for him. Then the kid began screaming, grunting and fighting. So they started saying the name "Jesus" over and over again and the kid got even more irritated and started bucking. It wasn't crying like you would expect a normal 6 year old to do, this kid was swinging his arms and head and mumbling all weirdly. It was sad. Being the musician, I've seen demonic possessions a few times here but never this young.

So he calmed down and the mother of the church (a really spiritual and wise lady) asked him some questions and how he felt. The kid said he felt happy. So she asked if they could pray for him again and he was silent. They started praying and he got so wild again like it was the strength of someone/something much stronger. My pastor who was holding him had to call for help to contain the kid cause he was swinging and bucking his head and yelling in this weird voice (A 6 year old fam). So we kept on singing songs about the blood of Jesus (because the blood of Jesus cleanses all things in case you wondered) and they began to demand that the spirits come out of him. I promise yall every time they said Jesus, he got angrier. They kept calling the spirit out and praying and eventually the spirits left and the kid started acting like his normal upbeat self; a completely different person almost. Then after that, one of the women who was there started vomiting. So the mother of the church told the boy to go pray for her. He prayed for her and she got better. What an experience.

Get saved brehs. The spiritual world is real. I got another story about a demonic possession, but I'll save it.

Update: I fully understood that posting this thread would bring out the wolves. However, I just wanted to share the things I've seen. I appreciate all the feedback, negative and positive. But why ya'll gotta neg ya boy though :mjcry:
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Dec 24, 2014

Bet you saw this happening to, huh?


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
I can be a skeptic too man, but at 6 years old fighting with the strength of a some one twice his age where it took 3 full grown men to contain him, not this time b.

He's 6. He just wanted attention and was probably just imitating somebody else he saw.

Besides, what would a demon (or spirit in general) gain from making somebody roll around on the floor like an idiot?


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
I'm the lead musician at my church and Sunday evening (I know I'm late) the boys parents asked for him to get prayer because his behavior had been out of control. He had been fighting, back talking and even got suspended from school. They took him to the back and came back and told us he needed to be free'd from multiple demonic spirits. So I'm like wow. Kid is 6 years old.

They took him to the altar and my pastor sat the kid on his lap to contain him and they all began to pray for him. Then the kid began screaming, grunting and fighting. So they started saying the name "Jesus" over and over again and the kid got even more irritated and started bucking. It wasn't crying like you would expect a normal 6 year old to do, this kid was swinging his arms and head and mumbling all weirdly. It was sad. Being the musician, I've seen demonic possessions a few times here but never this young.

So he calmed down and the mother of the church (a really spiritual and wise lady) asked him some questions and how he felt. The kid said he felt happy. So she asked if they could pray for him again and he was silent. They started praying and he got so wild again like it was the strength of someone/something much stronger. My pastor who was holding him had to call for help to contain the kid cause he was swinging and bucking his head and yelling in this raspy deep voice (A 6 year old fam). So we kept on singing songs about the blood of Jesus (because the blood of Jesus cleanses all things in case you wondered) and they began to demand that the spirits come out of him. I promise yall every time they said Jesus, he got angrier. They kept calling the spirit out and praying and eventually the spirits left and the kid started acting like his normal upbeat self; a completely different person almost. Then after that, one of the women who was there started vomiting. So the mother of the church told the boy to go pray for her. He prayed for her and she got better. What an experience.

Get saved brehs. The spiritual world is real. I got another story about a demonic possession, but I'll save it.

That's crazy breh,

I've never seen an exorcism in person, but I do believe that possession is possible. alot of books speak of more negative spirits roaming the earth and interacting with man as the end times draw near. :yeshrug:


God forgives, you are forgiven.
Aug 19, 2014
Bay area