VANILLA ICE Explains How SUGE JUUGED Him for Millions (the Balcony Story)

Jul 13, 2015
If I met Suge I'd ask him for pointers, I'm trying to hang Lil Yachty or Kent Jones over a balcony and get my Suge on

i can assure you points of lil boats album will not be worth millions.. hes a gimmick rapper, no major hits and will be the trinidad james of this year


All Star
Jan 26, 2015
I was actually reiterating something that Vanilla Ice once said a few years back . . I met him and he was really cool, but he carries a bit of the one hit wonder complex. Meaning for most of his life the people that recognize him will mention one song he's done, a song he can never escape the shadow of, so you can actually see his whole energy deflate when people mentioned it.

I was talking to him to him and when I mentioned "Unconditional Love" he talked to me like he was a Tupac fan, as soon as I mentioned it he didn't skip a beat before mentioning that Tupac had originally wrote that one for him. When I was younger and I saw the Hammer movie I use to think that was a good portrayal of Tupac, nowadays I see it and wonder what I was thinking

Hip-Hop fans have a very hard time shedding the paradigms though . . once 50 Cent was wack it was hard for them to think otherwise. Same for Vanilla Ice but if you go back and listen to that album now and compare him to an act like Riff Raff today, Vanilla Ice was actually spitting game on his album. There's a whole song where he talks about simps, literally a whole song. We need to get away from the messages that the hip-hop publications in grained in our heads and appreciate things for what they are. 50 Cent is a good artist . . the bubble just happen to burst on him and the image that they sold him to us as got corny, but try to see beyond that. There's a reason PSY, who had the most successful song in YouTube history admired MC Hammer so much

I remember that shyt..If it wasn't for the pompadour, corny jumpsuits and maybe one two songs left off that 1st album wasn't bad