Wealthy New Yorkers are spending $375 an hour on prep courses to get their kids in “Ivy” kindergarte

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
I'm still not convinced most people truly grasp what is taking place here, and that the implications on your child's future life are actually being drawn up before they're 4 years old.

Consider the fact that wealthy hollywood types were paying bribes to get their dumb kids into elite colleges.
These are people who will leave their kids multitudes of millions of dollars so they never have to work a day again, set for life..but they're battling and cheating to get them placed in Harvard, USC etc.
Think about that for a second.
It's beyond the money what they are chasing. These people don't eat, sleep, play, think or work like 96% of society..they are being groomed for permanent upper class status. It was once said you couldn't rise in US politics if you weren't from an elite preppy background. This is basically the US's own caste system, where your future position in life is already predetermined.
They are getting way ahead of the game and pack 2 decades before the rest of society decides its time to get serious, but its already too late.

You dont stand a snowballs chance in hell if you think you can compete with these people. Unless youre a genius and everyone wants you, you're not cutting through.

The frightening thing is these people already want the best schools for their toddler, they know how the game is played to get ahead in life..Whereas most regular folks don't even give a shyt when kids go to shytty high schools full of bullies, drugs, debauchery and hopelessness. Walk through any regular high school, take a look at all the kids and you already can see their future is in retail, criminality or menial low paying jobs for life. Go through an elite high school and the kids are all in uniform and blazers, no one in jeans and sneaks. They already look assured, they already look like fortune 500 managers and brokers etc.

I always wonder why do we bother to try at all?


May 7, 2012
All I take away from this article is that people with the resources to make sure that their kids succeeds, will go out of their way to make sure that they do. If we had the resources they did, we would be doing the same damn thing. You can't afford to NOT become selfish when it comes to your kids.