What part can the average black person play in helping the community prosper?

Memorial Stadium Piru

Feb 8, 2017
Big Red

For example, I have a reasonably bright future. I'm in college, getting a business degree, and have plans to get either an MBA or an MS in marketing after. However, I'm also a commuter student & still live in my old neighborhood. Seeing crazy shyt happening worldwide, and even stuff happening in my neighborhood. 2 people got shot earlier this week, a 3 year old girl got killed several months ago, and I nearly avoided being robbed last night. Arab business owners disrespecting us & still getting business. Ignant remedial nikkas shooting each other for no fukking reason. This shyt has me FRUSTRATED & wanting to make a change. However, I don't know what to do:jbhmm:

I'm a Kanye/Nick Cannon type nikka, people in my neighborhood find me corny. I have a lazy eye & little kids clown me & stare at me whenever I'm out. I don't know if canvassing/grassroots movement would work for me.

Should I:

-Try to start a community watch to end crime/drug dealing?
-Volunteer at middle/high schools to talk to them about pursuing education & the joys/benefits of going to college?
-Not care about the people & just continue to improve myself & only help my family?

I'm confused brehs:mjcry: nikkas shooting each other for no reason, hitting innocent bystanders, women getting pregnant w/ no financial security and not giving a fukk, I'm saddened at the state of my neighborhood/black people at large & not sure how I can help.

There was a neighborhood activist group about 12-14 years ago but the leader got killed & they started targeting anyone wearing a neighborhood watch shirt:damn: That ended immediately

Hoodoo Child

The Urban Legend
Jul 22, 2017
The Crossroads
Neighborhood watch. Some neighborhoods don't even have street lights/signs, plus you got kids playing outside (Unmonitored)

Gotta start somewhere


Mar 4, 2015
Incredibly easy to make a difference, but people don’t want to donate their time. He’s what I’ve done since my mid 20s when I started making decent money:

Sponsor a local child. Get with a football or basketball league and meet with some coaches and ask them which child needs your financial and time help. Meet with the parent and tell them who you are. You can be a huge impact to that one kid. (Personally I’ve helped two of my guys get college scholarships :manny: probably the proudest thing I’ve done)

Here are other ideas :manny:

Find out when and where community town halls are. Get active. You can propose something to go on the town budget, figure out where and how funds are allocated and try to make an impact that way.

Pay attention to local elections and donate. Start at the lowest levels: local school board, local judges, and keep moving larger and larger. Find your local representative and do what you can to petition them and or meet with them.

Set up an after school program in troubled areas. Find a school with facilities (like an auditorium) and go to a local church and find volunteers. Get 2-5 people to commit to one day a week where they will come in and play board games, offer rides home or walking kids home from school, help with homework etc.

Set up a food, clothing, school supplies drive. Find churches and see if you can get people to donate. Put up flyers and put it at a local park. Become a community staple with the kids and parents around you.

Those are a few ideas that take more time than money. The problem is, most people won’t do any of those because they’d rather spend Sunday watching the NFL than going from church to church with flyers and asking for people’s help :francis: