Why has women's happiness plummeted since the 70s?


Feb 12, 2015
ur a pick me so why it matter most of time you make comments to be liked because your insecure on a board what would you know
Lmao! :russ::russ::russ::russ:
I don’t know how I can earn the dual title of being a pick me AND a man hating feminist.

But that’s fukking hilarious!
:mjlol: I swear ya’ll make these incendiary threads, then claim chicks are avoiding them b/c we can’t refute them...THEN get incensed when women respond.:lolbron:
Lemme help u out.

I can be horrible, a bytch, a rat, a cat, I can be a midget’s left nutsack. I can be whatever u want me to be but 1+1=2.
All I do is provide information and say what I see.

Losers get mad about it but most see EXACTLY what the hell im talking about b/c the shyt I say aint rocket science. It’s common sense.

The shyt I said about dual burden was in the VERY SAME STUDY this thread is about. Don’t get mad at me babe!
Go talk to the mofos who made the study!:dead::heh:


Feb 12, 2015
“The world sucks” but it’s better for women than it has ever been at any point in human history:mjlol:

Violent crimes against women and everybody is literally at all time lows:mjlol:
The world does suck in a lot of ways. I agree that it’s better for women than it’s ever been. Dear lord I wouldn’t wanna be born in any other time period:whoa:
But we literally facing extinction level environmental events, Prince is dead, water wars are coming, Trump presidency, mass depression and disillusionment, capitalism being warped by greedy cronies at the top.

No point in civilization is without its ups and downs.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Both your grandmas were hos :sas2:

What? Let me guess your about to insert some smart dumb coli logic about the work you think they were doing, when in reality they had actual jobs that required them to leave the house, and work for racist ass white people to earn a paycheck that could help support the family.


Jul 2, 2015
Lol@the notion of women knowing if they’re happy or not.



Feb 12, 2015
Sigh. Did y’all read the article?

according to the article the difference in happiness is not caused by the reasons I see being Thrown out in the thread. It is because women experience a double burden. In other words although they are working, they are still taking care of childcare and chores. Let’s not even get on the fact that being a homemaker is a full-time job. Whether you realize it or not. Additionally it discusses the fact that women feel less happiness because they compare themselves to those around them and the opportunities that they are receiving. So as they got more rights their expectations grew as well and they are realizing that they are not being met.

The other thing I would like to point out is that this article was all about women in Switzerland and in Europe. It quickly mentions AA women to highlight the high number Black men who have been incarcerated. Everyone is talking about how women don’t get to be homemakers anymore and that’s why they are upset. Black women historically in America have always worked. We have done it all.

And that is not an indictment against black men. That’s just a fact. In no way am I saying anything bad about black men I’m just pointing out a fact about black women. Before anybody tries to get on me and fight about that. I’m not laying this out so that we can argue about who’s had it worse. I’m saying it so that we can get a understanding.

There is also an article that says single women are happier than those in relationships or with children.


Honestly most of the women I know who are relationships are happy. They are always worried or stressed about what dude is doing or if he is messing around.

I don't understand why people chase relationships only to be unhappy in them. I only know 3 couples that are worth maintaining. The rest should really throw each other to the bushes

these comments..

now I see why women are unhappy.. if this is representative of the type of men they have to deal with these days... their misery makes sense..

I see y’all are talking about ww again. Both my grandmas had to work, and so did their moms. They never got to be housewives on some leave it to beaver shyt. Bw and WW are not the same.


Both my grandmothers worked. In fact one of my grandmothers had to take care of the household after my grandfather lost his business and started drinking. I’m sure she was super happy though.

Exactly. Black women do not have the same housewife history that ww have it’s weird asf that men on here are arguing wm talking points toward us. Bw have mostly always had to work. Sometimes multiple bs jobs(cleaning homes, being the help) along with their husbands to keep their homes afloat. Hell, has anyone on this site ever read sojourner truth? We weren’t treated like WW. Not ever. There was not a glamorous time where we were housewives in large numbers. That part of history is reserved for WW.

Perhaps some of these men had grandmas and great grandmas that were living the life as housewives in a nice house and two picket fence, with the luxury to decide whether they wanted to help with bills or not. :francis:

I’m black and besides maybe one great grand parent all of the women that came before me had to work. Black women were the first women in the workforce in this country. Most of us never had that luxury of not working like our counterparts. Y’all be so happy to jump on some bullshyt narrative without reading or comprehending the material.

Sis, they don't want to understand. They just want to argue and take advantage of any opportunity to shyt on women.

Sojourner truth speech:
“Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about?

That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?”

Here's the thing, even if they did stay at home like one of grannies did, it wasn't in some luxurious accommodations. My mom and her siblings had the bare minimum/what they needed to survive and even that wasn't always the best. TV got these dudes heads warped.

Exactly... That’s why it’s ridiculous that bm are in here pretending that bw had it made back then.’ No the hell we did not. I’d wager our happiness back in the 70’s and in other periods of time, would measure a lot differently than WW. I doubt our happiness was even tracked back then.

Make no mistake though I definitely believe a lot of women are unhappy in 2019 but for bw at least the context is a little different. I’d imagine just like in the 70’s many of us would love to be glamorous housewives—the reality is that the average bm was not in a position back then to provide that, and now, though more bm can than in the past, the COL has gotten so ridiculous that it isn’t sustainable especially for the average black family.

I think BW need a separate study done on us that measures our happiness, separately from WW, because our journey and past backgrounds in this country, contrast too much to be lumped in with them. While there are some similarities between why bw and ww might be unhappy(the roles of working and taking care of children, no work life balance, etc) Even with those similar gripes, WW are still afforded luxuries, privilege and options that the average bw does not have. I don’t gaf why ww aren’t happy to be frank.

It’s not at all foreign. Bw have been in the workforce and managed the home(dual roles) for decades now. It’s not new to us.

Let’s be real this dual role unhappiness is primarily applying to WW because society has always catered to them, and their men have too. I’d bet that the average WW would absolutely commit herself to a Pysch ward if she had to truly live the life of a bw.

I know brehs on here don’t like to acknowledge it, but compared to other women in this country, bw have had to be stronger, work harder, and have always had to balance our roles in ways that WW have not and still do not. That’s probably why ww be looking to us half the time, because they are not all that great at roughing it out and being the super women they try to be. They complain, pop Prozac, and have break downs often and I guarantee they make up the majority of the women measured in this study. :mjlol:

This is not to say that bw are happy, because a lot of us aren’t, but our reasons are far more complex.

Dual role: Working in the work force and helping manage the home.

The argument in this thread is that women were happier when their only role was to manage the home and take care of the kids, as housewives.

But as many can attest in this thread, there was not a point in time where bw were collectively only doing one or the other. Bw were in the workforce and also helping care for the children and help care for the home, cleaning, cooking etc. Unless you don’t believe BW were doing both, I’m not sure why you would call that “nonsense”.

Don’t argue just to argue breh.



May 7, 2012
Idk about wired - but they're certainly not raised for it.

Most dads coddle the fukk out of their daughters. As does society (at least while they're attractive).

This is a very valid point. Tons of fathers overcompensate with their daughters, to the point where they don't have the same value for work or money that some others do. For example, long ago when my girlfriend and I started dating, she was stressed over figuring out an oil change on her car. As in where to take it, and how that process works. I asked her how she managed it before, and she said she would mention it to her dad, he would take her keys, and then just show up later telling her it had been taken care of, and he'd usually put some cash in her pocket, too.

I was dumbfounded, because with my first car, my father helped me with stuff I didn't know or understand, but he made sure I knew that if I was going to drive it, it's my responsibility to take care of. Sadly, there are a lot of children (not just women, if we're being honest) that are in that situation now.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
According to most women their grandmothers and great grandmothers were miserable before the women's lib movement

I use to work in a nursing home. Those old women love men too much. Always calling you to fix shyt but when my women co workers come by they look at them with disdain “what you doing here? You can’t fix this. Is there any men around:stopitslime:” those WW2 era females were happy as hell. What these bitter millennial witches talking about. :russ:

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
Women never happy:manny:

They don't know what makes them happy:manny:

They by far marry to some1 they feel they settled for:manny:

They are way more likely to be unhappy in their marriage than a man:manny:

Mothers are more likely to feel unfulfilled in life:manny:

Mothers complain about their children more than fathers:manny:

Women are far more unhappy with their appearance :manny:

Women are more affected by media telling them what they should look like:manny:

Now of course it is way worse with white hoes than any other race but:manny:


As a man you can't let a female's emotions run u
If u as a man spend your time trying to make a woman happy u a gawt damm fool:hubie:

That includes your daughters too:unimpressed:
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Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
You make more money by teaching people to be miserable, then selling them dreams or temporary happiness.

They've been doing that primarily to women since the 40's-50's, but heavily double downed in the 60's-70's after seeing the effectiveness of such stuff in the minority/counter-culture communities.

It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but you gotta look around. I was talking about women, make up and esteem here, but it applies to everything. Way back, Soap Operas were called such because advertisers sold soap to stay at home wives cause their houses werent clean enough and their husbands would be unhappy.

Now, they push an almost unachievable ideal version of women's lives to women, and constantly change that ideal. From the way they look to the type of man they should be with to how they should see themselves and other women.

women get almost stripped totally of their self-esteem/ego as soon as they are self aware.

Then they're bombarded with the narrative of not being good enough.

Not pretty enough
Not tall enough
Not short enough
Wrong hair
wrong skin color
Wrong weight
and they won't be accepted as a peer or good enough for a relationship marriage.

And they're bombarded by this narrative daily to the point where it's hardly talked about by society. It's normal. The way things are.

then they're given "solutions" to these problems in the form of beautification products.

Basically, it's all a trick of advertising to sell shyt.

Create a problem, sell a solution.