Wikileaks Vault 7 release


XBOT Suicide Prevention Squad
Jan 24, 2015
Cali Crew

this is a blog post from 2015 bringing up lots of key points that Wikileaks has been corraborating with Russian secret intelligence. alot of it makes sense, including the fact that Assange is the one who told Snowden to seek asylum in Moscow instead of Latin America.

Evidence that Wikileaks is not what it seems to be has mounted over the years. Assange’s RT show didn’t help matters, neither did the fact that, despite having claimed to possess secret Russian intelligence files, Wikileaks has never exposed anything sensitive, as they have done with the purloined files of many other countries. To say nothing of Assange & Co. taking unmistakably pro-Russian positions on a host of controversial issues. Questions logically followed.

Now answers are appearing. It’s long been known that Wikileaks, by their own admission, counseled Ed Snowden in June 2013 to leave Hong Kong and head to Moscow. Contrary to the countless lies propagated by Snowden Operation activists, Snowden’s arrival in Russia was his choice; it had nothing to do with canceled passports in Washington, DC.

An important gap has been filled this week by Julian Assange, who admittedthat Snowden going to Moscow was his idea. Ed wanted to head to Latin America, Julian asserted, especially Ecuador, whose London embassy Assange has been hiding out in for years on the lam from rape changes in Sweden. As Assange explained, “He preferred Latin America, but my advice was that he should take asylum in Russia despite the negative PR consequences, because my assessment is that he had a significant risk he could be kidnapped from Latin America on CIA orders. Kidnapped or possibly killed.”

Only in Russia would Ed be safe, Julian counseled, because there he would be protected by Vladimir Putin and his secret services, notably the FSB. One might think that seeking the shelter of the FSB — one of the world’s nastiest secret police forces that spies on millions without warrant and murders opponents freely — might be an odd choice for a “privacy organization.” But Wikileaks is no ordinary NGO.

Just as telling is the recent report on Assange’s activities in Ecuador’s London embassy, where it turns out Ecuadorian intelligence has been keeping tabs on him. Which is no surprise given the PR mess Assange has created for Ecuador with his on-going antics.

Especially interesting is the revelation that, while holed up in London, Assange “requested that he be able to chose his own Security Service inside the embassy, suggesting the use of Russian operatives.” It is, to say the least, surpassingly strange that a Western “privacy advocate” wants Russian secret police protection while hiding out in a Western country. The original Spanish is clear: Assange “habría sido la elección de su propio Servicio de Seguridad en el interior de la embajada, llegando a proponer la participación de operadores de nacionalidad rusa.”

Why Assange wants FSB bodyguards is a question every journalist who encounters Julian henceforth should ask. Until he explains that, Wikileaks should be treated as the front and cut-out for Russian intelligence that it has become, while those who get in bed with Wikileaks — many Western “privacy advocates” are in that group — should be asked their feelings about their own at least indirect ties with Putin’s spy services.
:wow:the research is somewhat deep and the logic is fairly flawless, not to mention this was before the DNC/CIA hacks. so im sorry but too many signs point to Wikileaks being in bed with the FSB

P.S. For those familiar with espionage history, there is a clear precedent for such an arrangement. In 1978 the magazine Covert Action Information Bulletin appeared to expose the secrets of US and Western intelligence. Its editor was Phil Agee, a former CIA officer who had gotten into bed with Cuban and Soviet intelligence; think of Agee as the Snowden of the pre-Internet era. CAIB was in fact founded on the direction of the KGB and for years served as a conduit for Kremlin lies and disinformation that seriously harmed Western intelligence. While CAIB presented itself as a radical truth-telling group, in actuality it was a KGB front, though few CAIB staffers beyond Agee knew who was really calling the shots. One suspects much the same is happening with Wikileaks.

:francis: History does Repeat itself


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel

this is a blog post from 2015 bringing up lots of key points that Wikileaks has been corraborating with Russian secret intelligence. alot of it makes sense, including the fact that Assange is the one who told Snowden to seek asylum in Moscow instead of Latin America.

:wow:the research is somewhat deep and the logic is fairly flawless, not to mention this was before the DNC/CIA hacks. so im sorry but too many signs point to Wikileaks being in bed with the FSB

:francis: History does Repeat itself

The only country that could go toe to toe with America is Russia. It is only natural to end up in Russia when America wants you dead at all costs.

It's fair to question the motives of the leaks and the narrative Wikileaks is trying to paint.

It's entirely unfair and disingenuous to disregard the content of the leaks because of who the messenger is.

If you're focusing on the Russian aspect then you don't actually give af about the bullshyt our government is doing. We get it. Russia's bad and they're trying to undermine this or that. Still doesn't change the problems inside our own home.

Wink Beaufield

Oct 9, 2015
Southeast DC
If there ever is the need for an organized revolution or rebellion, it has become that much more difficult to organize a resistance.

Americans are too damn comfortable to commit to that action. As long as they still collect that check, their internet stays on, they have their manufactured overpriced suburban home. They good.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
The only country that could go toe to toe with America is Russia. It is only natural to end up in Russia when America wants you dead at all costs.

It's fair to question the motives of the leaks and the narrative Wikileaks is trying to paint.

It's entirely unfair and disingenuous to disregard the content of the leaks because of who the messenger is.

If you're focusing on the Russian aspect then you don't actually give af about the bullshyt our government is doing. We get it. Russia's bad and they're trying to undermine this or that. Still doesn't change the problems inside our own home.

Well if Russia is bad, trying to undermind this and that AND have agents in the white house, POTUS included then shouldn't that' be the focus above all? Wars can be fought on many fronts but if there is (and there is) treason being committed that needs to be tackled first and foremost.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Well if Russia is bad, trying to undermind this and that AND have agents in the white house, POTUS included then shouldn't that' be the focus above all? Wars can be fought on many fronts but if there is (and there is) treason being committed that needs to be tackled first and foremost.

What treasonous acts has Trump's admin carried out? How exactly have they sold out America?


XBOT Suicide Prevention Squad
Jan 24, 2015
Cali Crew
If you're focusing on the Russian aspect then you don't actually give af about the bullshyt our government is doing. We get it. Russia's bad and they're trying to undermine this or that. Still doesn't change the problems inside our own home.
ahh but you see, the domestic stuff will always be there to deal with. where as the russia thing might not be.

its all about Priorities, not whether a person cares or not. the russia connection is by far the more dangerous and urgent threat. because in the context of the leaks, that changes alot of how we interpret them.

I do not deny that the government is doing so much bad shyt, but if the russians are releasing all this info solely to destabilize the country, then I feel that the russians should be dealt with first. then we reform the way our government's surveillance stuff.

also keep in mind that Wikileaks was the one pushing the "CIA pretending to be Russia" aspect, where as nothing in the currently released documents supports that at all,


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Interesting how Mods haven't made this a marquee sticky thread. There is so much shiit being released. Like they putting out mixtapes every week..

Wikileaks Releases "NightSkies 1.2": Proof CIA Bugs "Factory Fresh" iPhones | Zero Hedge

Wikileaks Releases "NightSkies 1.2": Proof CIA Bugs "Factory Fresh" iPhones

by Tyler Durden
Mar 23, 2017 6:28 PM

The latest leaks from WikiLeaks' Vault 7 is titled “Dark Matter” and claims that the CIA has been bugging “factory fresh” iPhones since at least 2008 through suppliers. The full documents are expected to be released after a 10 a.m. EDT “press briefing” that WikiLeaks promoted on its Twitter.

Here is a live stream of the pending press briefing with Julian Assange:

8:02 AM - 23 Mar 2017

LIVE: WikiLeaks press briefing in some minutes: CIA #Vault7 "darkmatter" ask questions with #AskWL

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 23, 2017

And here is the full press release from WikiLeaks:

Today, March 23rd 2017, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 "Dark Matter", which contains documentation for several CIA projects that infect Apple Mac Computer firmware (meaning the infection persists even if the operating system is re-installed) developed by the CIA's Embedded Development Branch (EDB). These documents explain the techniques used by CIA to gain 'persistence' on Apple Mac devices, including Macs and iPhones and demonstrate their use of EFI/UEFI and firmware malware.

Among others, these documents reveal the "Sonic Screwdriver" project which, as explained by the CIA, is a "mechanism for executing code on peripheral devices while a Mac laptop or desktop is booting" allowing an attacker to boot its attack software for example from a USB stick "even when a firmware password is enabled". The CIA's "Sonic Screwdriver" infector is stored on the modified firmware of an Apple Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet adapter.

"DarkSeaSkies" is "an implant that persists in the EFI firmware of an Apple MacBook Air computer" and consists of "DarkMatter", "SeaPea" and "NightSkies", respectively EFI, kernel-space and user-space implants.

Documents on the "Triton" MacOSX malware, its infector "Dark Mallet" and its EFI-persistent version "DerStake" are also included in this release. While the DerStake1.4 manual released today dates to 2013, other Vault 7 documents show that as of 2016 the CIA continues to rely on and update these systems and is working on the production of DerStarke2.0.

Also included in this release is the manual for the CIA's "NightSkies 1.2" a "beacon/loader/implant tool" for the Apple iPhone. Noteworthy is that NightSkies had reached 1.2 by 2008, and is expressly designed to be physically installed onto factory fresh iPhones. i.e the CIA has been infecting the iPhone supply chain of its targets since at least 2008.

While CIA assets are sometimes used to physically infect systems in the custody of a target it is likely that many CIA physical access attacks have infected the targeted organization's supply chain including by interdicting mail orders and other shipments (opening, infecting, and resending) leaving the United States or otherwise
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