Will The Continent Of Africa EVER Produce A Country That Can Be A "Superpower"?

Will The Continent Of Africa Ever Produce A Country That Can Be A Superpower?

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The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
The thread on Biafra had me thinking. In 2050 the continent of Africa (Kenya and some others) are suppose to produce a thriving middle class. So, with these investments in Africa, can a country like Ghana or Biafra (if secession) is successful become a reality? I would want a superpower African country :wow: Especially, with AA's having a homeland and making economic connections in the U.S. and those countries I listed. So, do you guys see it happening?

ACROSS Africa, where many nations show high economic growth rates but with little benefit to their populations, the notion of social and economic “emergence” is taking hold as a remedy for perennial pessimism.

The term has become a buzzword among international donors and African politicians who take it to mean a fairer distribution of wealth and other measures that benefit society at large.

About 30 countries on the continent have signed up to the doctrine, according to the United Nations. Ivory Coast’s President Alassane Ouattara, who hosted a regional conference on the theme this week, has grabbed on to the promise of economic emergence as he plans to seek re-election in October.

Emergence, modelled on the success of the “baby tigers” of Asia—Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam—as well as Brazil, Chile and Colombia in South America, is presented as the opposite of a capitalist and dehumanised economic vision.

“For me, the goal of emergence is not GDP (gross domestic product) growth per se: it is the pursuit of greater human health and happiness so that each one of us can fulfil our potential and participate fully in our societies,” said Helen Clark, administrator for the UN Development Programme.

Ivory Coast, the world’s leading cocoa producer, barely four years ago came out of a political and military crisis after a bloody decade. It has since achieved an annual growth rate of 9.0 percent and is due to be an “emerging” economy by 2020, Ouattara told the conference, though the Ivorian opposition considers that goal far-fetched.

Leaders elsewhere in Africa are less ambitious but equally determined. Chad was aiming to emerge in 2020 but has revised the date to 2030, like Togo. More cautiously, Senegal’s rulers are looking to 2035 to attain key goals.

“In addition to being strong and sustainable, the growth that leads us to emerge should generate jobs, force down unemployment and reduce social inequalities,” Senegalese President Macky Sall said during the forum.

The UN’s Clark envisaged that “by 2050, an ‘emergent Africa’ would have tripled Africa’s share of global GDP, enabled 1.4 billion Africans to join the middle class, and reduced tenfold the number of people living in extreme poverty. These are exciting prospects.”

Investment in health and education and reducing inequalities between cities and the countryside and between men and women, along with diversifying the economy and appropriate infrastructure projects, are among means cited by experts to reach emergent targets.

By 2050 an 'emergent Africa' will see 1.4 billion join middle class, though problems will remain


Internet Liar
Oct 23, 2015
Don't worry young Uncle Ruckus, a few behind the scenes plotting on weapons that can shoot out the whole sun :o:


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
It already did (Egypt, Mali, Nubia, Axum). Colonization and the Slave Trade fukked up the West African Empires. Constant invasions and wars, and finally The Arab Conquest fukked up the others. The continent has pretty much been stalled in development for the last 300-400 years. It's just now starting to get its footing back. Never let "them" tell you Blacks can't create a civilization. Leaving East/North Africa alone and just focusing on the West, Mali was one of the five richest countries on Earth during its time. It had one of the largest, most prestigious universities. Equivalent to Oxford and Cambridge. Controlled the salt and gold trade thanks to its large natural reserves. Strong military and government. It was either on par or more advanced than most European nations at the time. Gunpowder and guns was the only thing that set the Euros apart from them. And this place was 95% Mandinka/Mande/Black. If they built a place like this, they can build it again.