You ever feel bad for the women who like you who you don't like back?


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Sometimes. But then there’s the occasional woman who you really just can’t understand why she likes you and eventually your emotions slip into annoyance rather than sympathy.

Women like that might suffer from low self esteem; women that keep trying for you even though it’s clear you’re not interested...
Thats bc u know ur not worth her affection since u made it clear u dont want her but shes still wasting her time on u. U lose respect for her and get resentful.

Thats the same resentment/annoyance females feel with simps

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
I had one situation that was the opposite. I actually felt bad for a woman who didn't like me back. She liked one of my friends who is a compulsive cheater.
I fell back and pursued someone else, plenty of fish etc. But she was a nice girl looking for decent guy who wasn't gonna smash and dash because she had just gotten her heart broken in a previous relationship. Needless to say my friend smashed her and had some other chick on the side. Eventually he kicked her to curb and found a new chick. :yeshrug: Woman know what they want, they just don't always want what they should want.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
I know for a fact this one girl likes me, she just finished her freshman year in college and she has a body too, but she has one lazy eye and her face ain't cute at all. She be trying to smash, but I'm not falling for it. I know she's the type that tells her friend shyt and the people she's cool with are too close to the people I know and she's the type of girl that's loud when she sees you.

I think I have about 4 of these right now at work

In my case I'm 43 so a couple of them are prolly my age but they look 43, whereas I don't (think I) look old yet.

A couple are just downright too chubby and carry it wrong. Don't quite have that womanly shape that drives me

And I been without a live woman for 2 months

So it's getting crucial

But I know these are not the creep move type chicks. I know if I hump one or four of them it's gonna blow sky high at work

Nah bish. I'm too quick.. getting slower every week tho


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Last chick I softly rejected bugged me for a year and some change

She was cute/decent looking but I gave her the cold front cuz I had too much on my plate at the time/was goin thru some shyt. I used to just give her one word answers or be somewhat polite but reject her passive aggressive flirting

I can safely say no woman who ive ignored has just up and moved on they all stay persistent for a while

After a while she got the picture and went around telling people she hates me:mjlol:


Mar 11, 2015
No, women do it to us so much that we are basically immune to it now.
Tbh. Women don't have any regard for rejecting a man they don't like so why should we :yeshrug:

Hell nah not when they do it the other way around with no remorse. Give em a taste of their own medicine

These men will pretend the lack of sympathy is because "women did it to". But no that is just the uncaring attitude of most people dealing with strangers.
This is why I say men who like to dictate and give women a hard time about who they choose and dismiss have alot of nerve.
You have a greater understanding of why women are how they are,once you as a man have had thirsty women after you who you have no interest in.
You begin to see how akward it makes you feel,how annoying it is.
Men who don't understand womens rudeness and dismissiveness, just haven't had enough women on their heels who they have no interest in yet.
Not saying it's right,but I definitely understand it.
Woman sent me a subliminally sexual text,that was obvious at the same time,I completely ignored it.
Humoring people and being even a little nice only prolongs the annoyance and akwardness.
I was wrong for giving her my number to spare her feelings when she asked for it on a friendly basis.


Living dead
Mar 2, 2015
I'm looking about two chicks who is didn't realize liked me and I didn't notice cause I wasn't attracted to them and feel kinda bad. Idk why. I guess cause they never really had a chance. Maybe because I root for the underdog alot.

Anyone ever think about this?

Funny...I was thinking about one of those this morning on the way in to work!
Was friends with this whale shaped white chick for years...was in our group of friends...
i knew she liked me, but there wasn't no way in hell I was gonna reciprocate.
Had to keep her from hugging up on me at every opportunity and after a year or so, she chilled out and stayed in her lane...the friendzone.
Actually became a reliable and good friend.
Of course I fukked it all up and messed her up years later.
Went back to her state to visit and hung out with her the day before I left, well into the night when I knew I had to leave early the next morning.
One thing led to another, drinks were had, wound up in the same bed, she started kissing me...actually...felt like she was trying to eat me.
Never had someone mouth my whole face before or since....euuugh.
Thankfully, the little head wasn't with it and no amount of alcohol could get him to wake up.
Also thankful the lights were out and I didn't have to SEE the monstrosity I felt.
t*ts indistinguishable from the rest of the chest area with no discernable nipples, coarse elephant/boar/animal hair in her nether regions, a vagina that literally ate my whole hand like some kind of creepy alien mouth, and the smell....that godawful smell on my hand that got eaten...
I couldn't wash that shyt off for the next 2 days no matter how hard I scrubbed. It took bleach to get that alien p*ssy funk off my hand.
If I'd have stuck my dikk in that I'd be an outcast eunuch right now...

Apparently all the horrible things I said while drunk fukked her up. She drove me to the airport in complete silence and took off once I got my shyt out the car. Never heard from her again.
Friends called me asking what the fukk I said to whale girl cause she wasn't talking to anyone anymore.
I gave em all the old :yeshrug: and faked like I don't know wtf happened. :mjlol:
Turns out ole whale girl went out and got that stomach bypass surgery and cut off contact with everyone that knew her...meaning all of us ex-friends of hers. Of course, everyone blamed me for that and stopped talking to me but I didn't give a shyt. I left that crew behind a year earlier and moved away. Time to grow the fukk up.
So now, she looks like a little smaller version of a whale...:lolbron:
You can't hide...what's inside.


Feb 11, 2017
These men will pretend the lack of sympathy is because "women did it to". But no that is just the uncaring attitude of most people dealing with strangers.
This is why I say men who like to dictate and give women a hard time about who they choose and dismiss have alot of nerve.
You have a greater understanding of why women are how they are,once you as a man have had thirsty women after you who you have no interest in.

You begin to see how akward it makes you feel,how annoying it is.
Men who don't understand womens rudeness and dismissiveness, just haven't had enough women on their heels who they have no interest in yet.
Not saying it's right,but I definitely understand it.

Woman sent me a subliminally sexual text,that was obvious at the same time,I completely ignored it.
Humoring people and being even a little nice only prolongs the annoyance and akwardness.
I was wrong for giving her my number to spare her feelings when she asked for it on a friendly basis.

I understand fully why they are the way they are bro. I'm just giving homeboy reason why he shouldn't give a fukk.

No one should be made to feel guilty about not being attracted to someone.


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Funny...I was thinking about one of those this morning on the way in to work!
Was friends with this whale shaped white chick for years...was in our group of friends...
i knew she liked me, but there wasn't no way in hell I was gonna reciprocate.
Had to keep her from hugging up on me at every opportunity and after a year or so, she chilled out and stayed in her lane...the friendzone.
Actually became a reliable and good friend.
Of course I fukked it all up and messed her up years later.
Went back to her state to visit and hung out with her the day before I left, well into the night when I knew I had to leave early the next morning.
One thing led to another, drinks were had, wound up in the same bed, she started kissing me...actually...felt like she was trying to eat me.
Never had someone mouth my whole face before or since....euuugh.
Thankfully, the little head wasn't with it and no amount of alcohol could get him to wake up.
Also thankful the lights were out and I didn't have to SEE the monstrosity I felt.
t*ts indistinguishable from the rest of the chest area with no discernable nipples, coarse elephant/boar/animal hair in her nether regions, a vagina that literally ate my whole hand like some kind of creepy alien mouth, and the smell....that godawful smell on my hand that got eaten...
I couldn't wash that shyt off for the next 2 days no matter how hard I scrubbed. It took bleach to get that alien p*ssy funk off my hand.
If I'd have stuck my dikk in that I'd be an outcast eunuch right now...

Apparently all the horrible things I said while drunk fukked her up. She drove me to the airport in complete silence and took off once I got my shyt out the car. Never heard from her again.
Friends called me asking what the fukk I said to whale girl cause she wasn't talking to anyone anymore.
I gave em all the old :yeshrug: and faked like I don't know wtf happened. :mjlol:
Turns out ole whale girl went out and got that stomach bypass surgery and cut off contact with everyone that knew her...meaning all of us ex-friends of hers. Of course, everyone blamed me for that and stopped talking to me but I didn't give a shyt. I left that crew behind a year earlier and moved away. Time to grow the fukk up.
So now, she looks like a little smaller version of a whale...:lolbron:
You can't hide...what's inside.


GoldenAgeGamer82 - PSN ID
Dec 24, 2012
Gamers Paradise
I outright rejected 2 females in my lifetime... Both were dark-skinned females...

One was regular fat & too ugly to the point that I didn't want that one on my resume as my first. Her body was ok tho. I was 18 then.

The second was bisexual, obese and ugly and she wore multi-colored weave and wigs. Not my type.

My girl now is tall, dark-skinned thick and FINE!


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
I'm looking about two chicks who is didn't realize liked me and I didn't notice cause I wasn't attracted to them and feel kinda bad. Idk why. I guess cause they never really had a chance. Maybe because I root for the underdog alot.

Anyone ever think about this?
Yeah... Especially the ones that go out of their way to please me and do things for me even when i tell them not to.
They'll buy you gifts. Cook for you. Suck your balls dry. When a woman likes you aint nothing she wont do for ya:yeshrug:
Most of the time i go along and try to show them a good time but I never give them the impression that it's gonna be serious


Aug 26, 2015
There's a few like that. One I know I went on a date with once since I met her through BJJ.

She isn't my type physically but she's very attractive. I'm just not feeling her. Too bad because we have similar interests and she seems to be a total sweetheart. I still see her from time to time.