
  1. FAH1223

    Patriot Missiles Are Made in America and Fail Everywhere

    Patriot Missiles Are Made in America and Fail Everywhere Patriot Missiles Are Made in America and Fail Everywhere The evidence is in: the missile defense system that the United States and its allies rely on is a lemon. BY JEFFREY LEWIS | MARCH 28, 2018, 3:10 PM A Patriot Surface-to Air missile...
  2. FAH1223

    What’s in Al Jazeera’s undercover film on the US Israel lobby?

    What's in Al Jazeera's undercover film on the US Israel lobby? Asa Winstanley The Electronic Intifada 5 March 2018 Foundation for Defense of Democracies vice president Jonathan Schanzer testifies at a hearing in Congress. (CSPAN) The leading neoconservative think tank Foundation for Defense...
  3. ORDER_66

    Israel threatens african migrants, GTFO or get locked up, you choose... :wow::snoop:

    So much for being a democratic beacon in the middle east...:troll: Israel orders African migrants to leave The Israeli government has issued a notice for thousands of African migrants to leave the country or face imprisonment. The migrants will be given up to $3,500 (£2,600) for leaving...
  4. Trajan

    Official Syrian Conflict Thread

    Turkey moved tanks towards the Afrin border on Tuesday (Reuters) Syrian Kurds plead for help against Turkey as US says they're on their own :dead: Fed them to the wolves :damn: UAE needs to take heed and stop getting buck. Punks jump up to get beat down. :ufdup:
  5. FAH1223

    As a 2-State Solution Loses Steam, a 1-State Plan Gains Traction in Israel/Palestine

    As a 2-State Solution Loses Steam, a 1-State Plan Gains Traction By DAVID M. HALBFINGER JAN. 5, 2018 JERUSALEM — The Israeli right, emboldened by President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, is not the only faction arguing for a single state between the Jordan River and the...
  6. SirReginald

    Israel-Palestine Two State Solution Is OVER - Netanyahu's Heir (Gideon Sa'ar)

  7. FAH1223

    Israel moves to annex West Bank with Trump administration support

  8. Lamar Givens

    For all my biblical brehs...more evidence for ya non believing friends

    Discovery confirms biblical account of Jerusalem Israeli archaeologists find 2,700-year-old 'governor of Jerusalem' seal impression
  9. SirReginald

    Israel Deports 'African Jew' With Valid Visa Hours After Landing At Ben-Gurion Airport

    OFFTOPIC: @3Rivers we need a :what::martin::gucci::dahell: in Kippa/Yarmulke form.
  10. SirReginald


  11. SirReginald

    BREAKING NEWS: President Trump Plans To Announce Jerusalem As Israeli Capital (IT'S CONFIRMED)

    As you all may know I am pro-two state solution which the Trump Administration is against. Also, I believe Israel has a right to defend itself, BUT the state of Israel has been excessive of its defense in my honest opinion. In my opinion, Jews and Arabs living in peace like they used to will...
  12. FAH1223

    Mandla Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela: "Israel is the worst apartheid regime."

  13. FAH1223

    The Reasons for Netanyahu’s Panic

    The Reasons for Netanyahu's Panic Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is pushing the panic button over the collapse of the Saudi-Israeli jihadist proxies in Syria and now threatening to launch a major air war, as ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke describes. By Alastair Crooke A very senior...
  14. FAH1223

    Israel moves to shut down local operations of Al Jazeera (Joining Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE)

    JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel plans to revoke the media credentials of Al Jazeera TV journalists, close its Jerusalem bureau and pull the Qatar-based station's broadcasts from local cable and satellite providers, Communications Minister Ayoub Kara said on Sunday. The closure did not appear...
  15. ORDER_66

    If you boycott israel financially you can get 20 years in jail plus 250K fine!! H.R.1697/S.720:wtf:

    ACLU Letter to the Senate Opposing Israel Anti-Boycott Act U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel a group of 43 senators — 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats — wants to implement a law that would make it a felony for Americans to support the...
  16. ZoeGod

    Chuck Schumer Teams with Ted Cruz to Demand Moving Israel Embassy to Jerusalem

    It’s too soon to say if there’s any actual hope for the two parties in Washington to actually be a bit more civil toward each other following the Alexandria shooting but the timing of this event is certainly curious in that regard. On Thursday, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer...
  17. ill

    US may pull out of UN Human Rights Council

    U.S. poised to warn U.N. rights forum of possible withdrawal The United States is expected to signal on Tuesday that it might withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council unless reforms are ushered in including the removal of what it sees as an "anti-Israel bias", diplomats and...
  18. FAH1223

    Hackers leak emails from Yousef al-Otaiba, The UAE's Ambassador to US

    The coordination with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (Sheldon Adelson funded thinktank) is :scust:
  19. ill

    Hamas Softens Stance On Israel

    As the Palestinian Hamas movement gears up to release the long-awaited updated version of its founding charter, rumours surrounding the changes to the document have put many on edge. On Monday evening, Hamas' political leader Khaled Meshaal is expected to reveal the new document to the public...