And you wonder why women don't report their rapists

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Christopher Belter: No prison time for man who pleaded guilty to rape and sexual assault of four teenage girls - CNN

A man who pleaded guilty to the rape and sexual assault of four teenage girls will avoid prison time after a New York state judge said time behind bars would be inappropriate.

Christopher Belter, now 20, entered a plea deal in 2019 in which he agreed to plead guilty to attempted first-degree sexual abuse, third-degree rape and two counts of second-degree sexual abuse, according to court documents.

The charges stem from four separate incidents in 2017 and 2018 in Lewiston, New York, the documents state. He and the victims were all under 18 at the time.

Belter was placed on interim probation for two years with limits on his internet use and access to pornography, the documents state.

But he violated the terms of his probation, according to court documents. Judge Matthew J. Murphy denied him Youthful Offender status and ruled he'd be sentenced as an adult, the documents state.

Last Tuesday, Judge Murphy issued a sentence of eight years of probation and ruled Belter must register as a sex offender -- but said prison time would be inappropriate.

"I agonized. I'm not ashamed that to say that I actually prayed over what is the appropriate sentence in this case because there was great pain. There was great harm. There were multiple crimes committed in the case," Judge Murphy said, according to CNN affiliate WKBW. "It seems to me that a sentence that involves incarceration or partial incarceration isn't appropriate, so I am going to sentence you to probation."

He raped/sexually assaulted four different teenage girls.

Convicted of 3rd-degree rape, 1st-degree attempted sexual abuse, and two counts of second-degree sexual abuse in a plea deal. Sentenced to probation, violated the terms of probation....and all he got sentenced to was more probation.

And you wonder why girls don't want to go through all the trouble and shame of reporting the rape, undergoing an invasive rape examination with some doctor poking around her genitals, having to repeat the whole encounter to police who may not even give a fukk or openly challenge her story while she's giving it, potentially have to testify the same shyt in front of an entire courtroom, have the most vulnerable moment of your life get turned into public knowledge for mass consumption, get called a whore/slut/liar by a bunch of people and even "I'm sure she's telling the truth but a girl who got raped is damaged goods" like entire threads here on The Coli get made......only to have the motherfukker walk in the end anyway.

98% of reported rapes never result in any time served in jail. :francis:

An Epidemic of Disbelief

Each year, roughly 125,000 rapes are reported across the United States. Sometimes the decision to close a case is surely correct; no one wants to smear an innocent man’s reputation or curtail his freedom because of a false report. But in 49 out of every 50 rape cases, the alleged assailant goes free—often, we now know, to assault again. Which means that rape—more than murder, more than robbery or assault—is by far the easiest violent crime to get away with.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
There is a thread on this already.

It’s called white privilege at its finest.

The bullshyt that goes on with rape in the justice system is about far more than White privilege.

This man (happens to be Black, but it's irrelevant to the case) committed at least ELEVEN violent stranger rapes over 18 years, had women report the rapes and get rape tested with his DNA showing up in every single one, was already in the system for robbery and carjacking.....but he wasn't arrested for the first ten rapes cause police never even tested the rape kits after they took them. Made the women come in, give their statement, get their private parts invasively tested and examined after already having undergone a violent invasion of their most private selves.....and then the police just filed the fukking kits in a warehouse without even testing them or doing any further investigation.

Eric Eugene Wilkes was known to Detroit police for robbery and carjacking. Not for rape. Yet Wilkes’s DNA was in boxes scattered throughout the rape kit warehouse, even as he walked free. His DNA first arrived there more than 18 years ago, after he raped a woman waiting for a bus on December 26, 2000. It next appeared after another rape four months later. Three days after that, police shelved the untested kit from his third victim.

One can imagine a certain rhythm to the process, as police hoist kit after kit onto the metal shelves, not knowing that they hold in their hands the identity of a serial rapist. Here’s the evidence box from a deaf woman Wilkes assaulted in June 2006. There’s one from a woman he raped in May 2007. The kit from his sixth victim arrived in June 2010. Another a month later. Two more in August 2011. His 10th victim, four months after that. Not until he raped his 11th victim, in January 2012, did the sequence end, because that woman saw Eric Wilkes two days after the assault and called the police, who arrested him. Eleven years, 11 violent rapes—all while Wilkes’s identity was preserved in sealed containers that no one had bothered to open.

Regardless of who the perp is, the justice system doesn't care about rape cases. You have to get cops, a D.A., and judges who are completely militant about that shyt or it just dies away.

An Epidemic of Disbelief


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Christopher Belter: No prison time for man who pleaded guilty to rape and sexual assault of four teenage girls - CNN

He raped/sexually assaulted four different teenage girls.

Convicted of 3rd-degree rape, 1st-degree attempted sexual abuse, and two counts of second-degree sexual abuse in a plea deal. Sentenced to probation, violated the terms of probation....and all he got sentenced to was more probation.

And you wonder why girls don't want to go through all the trouble and shame of reporting the rape, undergoing an invasive rape examination with some doctor poking around her genitals, having to repeat the whole encounter to police who may not even give a fukk or openly challenge her story while she's giving it, potentially have to testify the same shyt in front of an entire courtroom, have the most vulnerable moment of your life get turned into public knowledge for mass consumption, get called a whore/slut/liar by a bunch of people and even "I'm sure she's telling the truth but a girl who got raped is damaged goods" like entire threads here on The Coli get made......only to have the motherfukker walk in the end anyway.

98% of reported rapes never result in any time served in jail. :francis:

An Epidemic of Disbelief
They only report black men because they’re an easy target.

They know Brad is getting away with it.

That 2% that is actually going to jail over rape allegations are black. Do the research. Black men are overrepresented in every rape statistic out there, exponentially so on college campuses.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
They only report black men because they’re an easy target.

They know Brad is getting away with it.

That 2% that is actually going to jail over rape allegations are black. Do the research. Black men are overrepresented in every rape statistic out there, exponentially so on college campuses.

Breh, that's 98% that don't go to jail is out of REPORTED rapes. If you claim they only report Black men, that means 98% of Black men who get reported for rape are getting off.

I just gave an example of a Black man who was reported for violent rape almost a dozen times and the police didn't even bother investigating any of them. If 98% of people reported for rape are getting off, and Black men are especially likely to be reported for rape, then the vast majority of black men reported for rape are getting off too.

Y'all trying to deflect from the issue of rapes in our justice system cause you don't want to admit there's a larger problem.


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
It's probably more than 98% if you count rape in the military.

But 98% in the civilian space is completely insaneeee... and 13% of those victims commit suicide.

  • 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.9
  • 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape.10
  • 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide.11
  • 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.11
  • Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.12


May 27, 2012
The bullshyt that goes on with rape in the justice system is about far more than White privilege.

This man (happens to be Black, but it's irrelevant to the case) committed at least ELEVEN violent stranger rapes over 18 years, had women report the rapes and get rape tested with his DNA showing up in every single one, was already in the system for robbery and carjacking.....but he wasn't arrested for the first ten rapes cause police never even tested the rape kits after they took them. Made the women come in, give their statement, get their private parts invasively tested and examined after already having undergone a violent invasion of their most private selves.....and then the police just filed the fukking kits in a warehouse without even testing them or doing any further investigation.

Regardless of who the perp is, the justice system doesn't care about rape cases. You have to get cops, a D.A., and judges who are completely militant about that shyt or it just dies away.

An Epidemic of Disbelief
If I'm reading that black rapist story right, That's an error in processing on the police part.

This case the judge just refused to sentence this CAC.

Different types of failures