Religion/Spirituality Astral Projection?

May 1, 2012
@Christopher browns DEFINITELY advance in dreamwork. Astral Projection is amazing but learning to control your dreams & interact with them once you've learned to make them DAMN NEAR LIFE-LIKE... no words can describe it breh... my first year of EXTREMELY Lucid Dreams was nothing like any year I've lived. I've never been so excited to go to sleep because of all the new "discovery" I was making. I've noticed the more & more spiritual practice you do... the more expression & creative things you begin to do & meditating & appreciating nature, basically becoming a more spiritual person in touch with the spiritual side of existence... your dreams become realer & realer.

Just do some research fam... it's people who have honestly cried waking up from Lucid Dreams that were so real & beautiful they didn't want to come back to this life... :lupe:

Not on no suicide shyt... :whoa:

Just... appreciation for what beauty really is... :wow:

The countless landscapes of the infinite imagination of God (or whatever you believe) is life's playground... :wow:

I've seen things breh... :wow:

Beautiful things... :wow:

I couldn't look at the world the way people teach you to look it if I tried. Life is beautiful... and that's not condescending because even the fukkery & pain of it all is beautiful. There's beauty in so many things "if you look."

For example... Ferguson. It's horrible what those people are going through on BOTH SIDES. I'm not siding with Cops no... what I'm saying is there are some innocent people who are just trying to make ends meat inside these corrupt systems that don't agree with the system but rely on it for their finances... I get it... it's difficult to stand up to something knowing your way of life is about to change. Just like there's people on the reverse end that have other agendas then the real issue at hand.

I get it...

You seen the picture of breh cop that was being yelled at by the folks of Ferguson for standing with the Cops? I get it. The look on dudes face wasn't one in agreement... it was one of utter confusion, pain, disbelief, sorrow, etc. Nobody wants to stand against what they believe in... but dude was probably a normal dude... partied, played 2k, watched Netflix, etc. He stands against the Cops & all of that is GONE... his entire way of life is GONE. It takes a LOT of strength to do that & don't get it twisted, fam did eventually walk off, but they judged him right in the beginning when they have NO IDEA what he might have been going through on the inside.

Also, the people of Ferguson's entire way of life changed & its not right, that area was not high in crime. I see a lot of pain but I also see the beauty in people finally being aware of human indecency & completely surrendering their Ego & previous way of life for something a lot of us have not found yet... PURPOSE. But just as there is good there are also those there to exploit their own causes, exploit for entertainment, exploit for finances, exploit, exploit, exploit... & they're standing on the same side of the Protestors. Many have been smoked out so that's good but just like those walking out of their government jobs in protest & walking off their jobs in malls... it takes TIME.

There's pain on both sides, there's guilt on both sides but there's beauty on both sides (not the evil cops breh... I am NOT defending none of those wicked ass cops, politicians, racists, etc... I mean more "your cousin who is the receptionist at the local court house.") with people leaving their former way of life to stand up for something & there's ugliness on both sides... the hidden agendas, the fall of these celebrities perception (look how some Nas & Kendrick fans can't mentally handle their favorite artist supporting Iggy after she is more & more exposing her culture vulture side) & I don't even have to explain the ugliness on the other end because we've seen it & shed tears over it.

But yeah breh... just makes you "perceive" life differently the "closer" you get spiritually feel me? :wow:
I knew there was a reason why I didn't leave the coli


Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
:lawd: I can't wait to try this shyt :blessed:

Also Einstein said "Compound Interest" is the Universes most POWERFUL FORCE... in that little by little on a consistent basis is better then loads at a time but no consistent. There's a book on 8 Minute Meditation that I gave to my sister that changed her life. She wanted to meditate but was intimidated by finding time & space for 20-30 minute sessions so she never kept at it. But the 8 Minute Meditation (just 8 minute ain't shyt breh) she learned to CONSISTENTLY meditate which was more important then the LENGTH of meditation feel me? So now she has learned to meditate close to 30 minutes a day if she wants but is always mindful of only needing 8 minutes.

PRACTICE... PRACTICE... PRACTICE... you could literally be living some Inception type shyt in your dreams (level of clarity & level of control) a year from now breh... small practices once a day for short times are better then forcing yourself to find time for the 20-30 minute astral projection technique sessions. My cousin accidentally projects all the time now & the only thing that stopped him is I told him to meditate in the Lotus position as opposed to on a chair or couch because he was getting the vibrations of the astral body before any chance of deepening the mediation. I taught him to Astral Project when he was 16, he's 28 now & is just a really fulfilled person.

Being fulfilled is REAL success breh, not money or status in life but whats funny is both can come with fulfillment when you learn the importance of Polarity in Cause & Effect... what you give out you get back, karma, etc. I've helped & tried to help so many people achieve their dreams that I didn't even realize that I was the only one of my friend who wasn't financially rich but I was the only one who was happy. Once I learned Polarity I became able to give & give & give & the Universe *VERY* rewarding but it only Reacts to how you Act... so take and take and take and things will be taken from you... give & give & give & things will be given to you. As Above, So Below...

And that's not to say "What about rich people that are Evil? What about their Karma?!"

That's only from people who don't understand how life works... but that's for a PM... not trying to debate with the religious & theists brehs in the building... :whoa:

We just talking about some fantasy stuff... ignore us... :pachaha:


May 13, 2012
Also Einstein said "Compound Interest" is the Universes most POWERFUL FORCE... in that little by little on a consistent basis is better then loads at a time but no consistent. There's a book on 8 Minute Meditation that I gave to my sister that changed her life. She wanted to meditate but was intimidated by finding time & space for 20-30 minute sessions so she never kept at it. But the 8 Minute Meditation (just 8 minute ain't shyt breh) she learned to CONSISTENTLY meditate which was more important then the LENGTH of meditation feel me? So now she has learned to meditate close to 30 minutes a day if she wants but is always mindful of only needing 8 minutes.

PRACTICE... PRACTICE... PRACTICE... you could literally be living some Inception type shyt in your dreams (level of clarity & level of control) a year from now breh... small practices once a day for short times are better then forcing yourself to find time for the 20-30 minute astral projection technique sessions. My cousin accidentally projects all the time now & the only thing that stopped him is I told him to meditate in the Lotus position as opposed to on a chair or couch because he was getting the vibrations of the astral body before any chance of deepening the mediation. I taught him to Astral Project when he was 16, he's 28 now & is just a really fulfilled person.

Being fulfilled is REAL success breh, not money or status in life but whats funny is both can come with fulfillment when you learn the importance of Polarity in Cause & Effect... what you give out you get back, karma, etc. I've helped & tried to help so many people achieve their dreams that I didn't even realize that I was the only one of my friend who wasn't financially rich but I was the only one who was happy. Once I learned Polarity I became able to give & give & give & the Universe *VERY* rewarding but it only Reacts to how you Act... so take and take and take and things will be taken from you... give & give & give & things will be given to you. As Above, So Below...

And that's not to say "What about rich people that are Evil? What about their Karma?!"

That's only from people who don't understand how life works... but that's for a PM... not trying to debate with the religious & theists brehs in the building... :whoa:

We just talking about some fantasy stuff... ignore us... :pachaha:

Do you know the name of the Book?

*general question for anyone*
What are you guys experiences with performing hand mudras? Do you all think they assist in meditation at all?

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Do you know the name of the Book?

*general question for anyone*
What are you guys experiences with performing hand mudras? Do you all think they assist in meditation at all?

"8 Minute Meditation" ... Good, short & no jargon or religious agenda or pressure at all...

I had to understand and get good at "practical meditation" before I could learn to deepen it...

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
I'm going to go to sleep tonight and set my alarm for 4am set a timer for 20 min then try to go back to sleep and see if I can have a OBE.

Once you've gotten physically comfortable just focus on the ringing in your ears. That's what I tell all beginners. I like the 8 minute meditation book because it has 8 VERY simple and easy to do focus/concentration exercises. It teaches that you don't need to fully silence the mind... just observe your thoughts & let them pass but don't get consumed by them if that makes sense

Repeat a mantra in your head if u have to... Just don't get caught up in your thoughts. If you can make your mind lose complete awareness of the body while concentrating on 1 thought you will be ZAPPED into the vibrational stage...

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Astral Projection can be dangerous as fukk. My older brother did it in the 80's and got BODIED in a different realm. He even saw the physical damage as soon as he snapped out of it. Real shyt


May 13, 2012
Astral Projection can be dangerous as fukk. My older brother did it in the 80's and got BODIED in a different realm. He even saw the physical damage as soon as he snapped out of it. Real shyt
:ohhh: What happened to him?

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
:ohhh: What happened to him?

First of all :whoa: because his story was incredibly outrageous but I dont think he'd lie to me about it. He might have been tripping or something when he did it (never clarified)..but he is also well-versed in some occult stuff and didnt astral project by mistake. He had a limited edition of the Crowley book that he gave me but I havent read it. He also had the Egyptian Book of the Dead and read it all he's legit on a lot of stuff like that.

So he astral projected with the express intent to infiltrate the Akashic records to get inside the "mainframe" for lack of a better word.

He got to a heavenly type realm and there was a gate with a guardian in front of it. He said it had a blue hue to it and said it identified itself as a Lipiken (?). The entity told him he was not supposed to be there, AT ALL, and that he would face serious resistance to get all the way through (past the 7 gates). My brother proceeded anyway and snuck his way past the first gate.

Then he eventually got to the second a similar looking atmosphere. When he got there he had a slight feeling of dread. There was another Lipiken there of the same hue but slightly darker shade of blue. The guardian of the gate told him he was not supposed to be there and if my brother tried to advance again, my bro would be met with strong resistance by him. My brother, being determined to get all the way through (probably cuz he thought it was cool as fukk that he was there in the first place), tried to get by anyway and essentially dueled the entity..or at least tried. The guardian ninja'd him up somethin serious, like far beyond grandmaster level (my mother is a brown belt and my bro did martial arts as well (unsure of level)..he ended up getting his whole body sliced up in that realm and kicked the fukk out of there..he said he felt like he was in a cage with a tiger. He got snapped out back into reality immediately and when he looked at his body there were the same slice marks everywhere but his face and blood started seeping up through his skin. :merchant:


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
First of all :whoa: because his story was incredibly outrageous but I dont think he'd lie to me about it. He might have been tripping or something when he did it (never clarified)..but he is also well-versed in some occult stuff and didnt astral project by mistake. He had a limited edition of the Crowley book that he gave me but I havent read it. He also had the Egyptian Book of the Dead and read it all he's legit on a lot of stuff like that.

So he astral projected with the express intent to infiltrate the Akashic records to get inside the "mainframe" for lack of a better word.

He got to a heavenly type realm and there was a gate with a guardian in front of it. He said it had a blue hue to it and said it identified itself as a Lipiken (?). The entity told him he was not supposed to be there, AT ALL, and that he would face serious resistance to get all the way through (past the 7 gates). My brother proceeded anyway and snuck his way past the first gate.

Then he eventually got to the second a similar looking atmosphere. When he got there he had a slight feeling of dread. There was another Lipiken there of the same hue but slightly darker shade of blue. The guardian of the gate told him he was not supposed to be there and if my brother tried to advance again, my bro would be met with strong resistance by him. My brother, being determined to get all the way through (probably cuz he thought it was cool as fukk that he was there in the first place), tried to get by anyway and essentially dueled the entity..or at least tried. The guardian ninja'd him up somethin serious, like far beyond grandmaster level (my mother is a brown belt and my bro did martial arts as well (unsure of level)..he ended up getting his whole body sliced up in that realm and kicked the fukk out of there..he said he felt like he was in a cage with a tiger. He got snapped out back into reality immediately and when he looked at his body there were the same slice marks everywhere but his face and blood started seeping up through his skin. :merchant:


you're being serious though



May 13, 2012
First of all :whoa: because his story was incredibly outrageous but I dont think he'd lie to me about it. He might have been tripping or something when he did it (never clarified)..but he is also well-versed in some occult stuff and didnt astral project by mistake. He had a limited edition of the Crowley book that he gave me but I havent read it. He also had the Egyptian Book of the Dead and read it all he's legit on a lot of stuff like that.

So he astral projected with the express intent to infiltrate the Akashic records to get inside the "mainframe" for lack of a better word.

He got to a heavenly type realm and there was a gate with a guardian in front of it. He said it had a blue hue to it and said it identified itself as a Lipiken (?). The entity told him he was not supposed to be there, AT ALL, and that he would face serious resistance to get all the way through (past the 7 gates). My brother proceeded anyway and snuck his way past the first gate.

Then he eventually got to the second a similar looking atmosphere. When he got there he had a slight feeling of dread. There was another Lipiken there of the same hue but slightly darker shade of blue. The guardian of the gate told him he was not supposed to be there and if my brother tried to advance again, my bro would be met with strong resistance by him. My brother, being determined to get all the way through (probably cuz he thought it was cool as fukk that he was there in the first place), tried to get by anyway and essentially dueled the entity..or at least tried. The guardian ninja'd him up somethin serious, like far beyond grandmaster level (my mother is a brown belt and my bro did martial arts as well (unsure of level)..he ended up getting his whole body sliced up in that realm and kicked the fukk out of there..he said he felt like he was in a cage with a tiger. He got snapped out back into reality immediately and when he looked at his body there were the same slice marks everywhere but his face and blood started seeping up through his skin. :merchant:

Sounds like something out of the matrix:merchant:


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
astral projecting is full immersion into your own mind IMO

projecting out projecting in same thing
there's no fixed center or reference point when dealing with something without quantity

you move as you please
if you approach it with a pre-selected frame work(such as religion etc.)
your gonna get exactly that

it's all input output

just another form of entertainment really

get to play the role of a god for a while

the human mind and imagination is crazy as fukk dawg
but if you can control it:blessed::ahh::banderas:*

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds

you're being serious though


:manny: just sayin what he told me.

* Guardian Guides: The records are protected by inner beings who are known as the "Guardians of the Akashic Records". These "Guardian Guides" help you to access your "Akashic Records" while also protecting the information contained inside them. They are also the ones who will decide whether or not an individual should be restricted from access and, if so, for how long the restriction will last.

* Trivialized: The "Akashic Records" are meant to be used by individuals to heal the deep issues they have agreed to work on in this lifetime. The information is meant to be private and confidential. If individuals chose to trade records like playing cards, to entertain others with fascinating tales about past lives, or to engage in a contest of "who is more spiritually evolved", then this trivializes them... and so access to the records will be immediately cut off.
