Religion/Spirituality Astral Projection?

Mad Good Dro

Feb 18, 2013
question can this be achieve without the use of drugs?

i got this answer from some doofus on another site and i think it is a half-truth (just im gut instinct i suppose)

"it is possible. But it will undoubtedly make it even harder to navigate through that state of consciousness; you might wake up and/or not even remember any of it.

You can even fly while lucid dreaming, amongst other things that would otherwise be impossible, and hence why lucid dreaming is so fascinating

Being able to go lucid takes a LOT of practice. and staying lucid and bringing back what you experience while lucid, is the next challenge


Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
I used to do this shyt all the time in HS... took YEARS to learn how to do it...

Then became kind of a nuisance... to this day I still occasionally get stuck in the vibrational state every few weeks without even trying but I have too much to do as an adult to ever just sit down & do it again.

It's an amazing experience if you can learn to control it. It was frustrating trying to learn how to do it because there are so many methods but once someone broke down the actual mechanics of what causes it it became easy to achieve...

The Formula is to basically get u to concentrate on one thought while u allow your body to fall asleep...

1 Thought + Falling Asleep = Astral Projection
A Wandering Mind + Falling Asleep = Dreaming

Robert Peterson's book will always be my greatest resource & I suggest anyone trying to achieve this strange wonder go get his book it is well worth it...


Sep 4, 2013
all 23 million miles of useful land
i've been trying for months, and still nothing, I came close a few times, but nothing, i guess i wanted it too much, instead of letting it just happen.
i just remember waking up in the middle of the night to go to bathroom. i didnt go right back to sleep, instead I was just relaxed like half sleep, I heard ringing in my ears, sort of like static, or water rushing souds, and almost immediately vibration in my toes, and eventually my whole body. I remember seeing many colorful lights and heard a loud pop. shyt scared me then I woked up. It was the best feeling I ever felt. but did not astral project. it was the closest as well.
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Sep 4, 2013
all 23 million miles of useful land
i have had these but i have been too afraid to let go. you have to willingly let yourself go. you have to feel confident, that YOU are doing this, that it is YOUR choice. me, personally, i have been too afraid that i can't/won't come back and i am also creating fear in my mind, so i haven't been letting go. i can feel it start, laying flat in bed, in a comfortable, half sleep/half awake state and consciousness takes over. it's beautiful and weird and intimidating at the same time. YOU just have to let it flow.
yeah, just let go, its nothing to be afraid of, and you come back.

i been there bro, best feeling in the word.


Sep 4, 2013
all 23 million miles of useful land
Good thread. I've just gotten into this topic very recently.

I've only experienced lucid dreaming, though I'm working on my dreams to become a lot more vivid. A lot of people think LD and Astral Projection are the same thing, but the latter is a different animal altogether and you pretty much have to be on top of your game for LD and meditation FIRST before you attempt astral projection.
I didnt practice LD or meditation, and came close to my first AP not to long ago.
May 1, 2012
I used to do this shyt all the time in HS... took YEARS to learn how to do it...

Then became kind of a nuisance... to this day I still occasionally get stuck in the vibrational state every few weeks without even trying but I have too much to do as an adult to ever just sit down & do it again.

It's an amazing experience if you can learn to control it. It was frustrating trying to learn how to do it because there are so many methods but once someone broke down the actual mechanics of what causes it it became easy to achieve...

The Formula is to basically get u to concentrate on one thought while u allow your body to fall asleep...

1 Thought + Falling Asleep = Astral Projection
A Wandering Mind + Falling Asleep = Dreaming

Robert Peterson's book will always be my greatest resource & I suggest anyone trying to achieve this strange wonder go get his book it is well worth it...
Teach me breh :damn:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Teach me breh :damn:

You will NEVER need another reference/teaching book. The scariest part is the first time you get the "vibrations." Astral Projection is still pretty new but back in HS I always thought the vibrations had ONLY to do with Sleep Paralysis. Now that I've studied more & more & even Robert Bruce has evolved in his thinking of the vibrations. Vibrations are basically you entering into a different dimension... the Astral, etc... Everything is vibration, even science proves that everything is in motion. Gnostics believe everything in life vibrates and that how fast or slow something vibrates has everything to do with dimensions. So it would make sense for a dimension that requires less density for you to vibrate faster as opposed to the Physical Dimension.

Think of rims spinning... they eventually spin so fast they appear to not be spinning at all. This is what some believe the highest dimension is when your "vibrating" at a pace so fast you are actually at rest...

If you can control or find ways to "summon" these vibrations aka put your body to sleep while remaining conscious enough just long enough to pass through the vibrations as your conscious leaves with your astral/ethereal/lighter body, etc...

It sounds CRAZY when you hear it but trust me it's such a simple concept & quantum physics can kind of back it if you're close minded and need "proof."

It's beneficial for some & not for others.

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
@Christopher browns

Also... speaking of Dimensions. Hermetics teaches that there are multiple dimensions, even Science backs the idea of 9 spatial dimensions. Hermetics also teach that certain drugs such as psychedelics are just consciousness altering substances. Need proof? Look up Salvia experiences... most people report the "Pins & Needles" that feel like pricks during the experience. As someone who Astral Traveled prior to ever trying Salvia I immediately recognized the "Pins & Needles" as nothing more then "vibrating" at a different speed... it feels to similar to the astral vibrations right before you enter the astral realm so why wouldn't you "vibrate" right before you enter another realm? Most people who try Salvia make the mistake of having their eyes open... when you open your eyes your mind can't "understand" what it is seeing because psychedelics are BELIEVED to activate your 3rd Eye... so if your 3rd Eye is open & your physical eyes are open you are staring at 2 realms & your Mind can't translate it into what its lead to believe has been "Reality."

So people panic... people see Cartoons (which are just a dimension... think about it. A lot of religions believe NOTHING exists in the Physical Realm first & that every thought, act or deed is just a manifestation of something that already exists. Look at it like this... people think they created cartoons in the 1900's or whatever I don't care about the history that's not important. What's important is where did the idea originate from? THOUGHT... what is Thought? People believe its the 4th Spatial Dimension. So if nothing can exist physically first & THOUGHT is a dimension then why would it be absurd to believe there is a dimension in the Mind of God that contains what MAN CALLS CARTOONS?

You really have to understand the concept of Polarity to really grasp it. "As Above, So Below, As Below, So Above" is something I never quite understood & now that I get it I really couldn't deny God existed if I wanted to... the concept makes TOO MUCH SENSE.

I know a lot of this shyt sounds stupid & crazy because it used to sound crazy to me too but after really studying it hits home...
May 1, 2012
Also... speaking of Dimensions. Hermetics teaches that there are multiple dimensions, even Science backs the idea of 9 spatial dimensions. Hermetics also teach that certain drugs such as psychedelics are just consciousness altering substances. Need proof? Look up Salvia experiences... most people report the "Pins & Needles" that feel like pricks during the experience. As someone who Astral Traveled prior to ever trying Salvia I immediately recognized the "Pins & Needles" as nothing more then "vibrating" at a different speed... it feels to similar to the astral vibrations right before you enter the astral realm so why wouldn't you "vibrate" right before you enter another realm? Most people who try Salvia make the mistake of having their eyes open... when you open your eyes your mind can't "understand" what it is seeing because psychedelics are BELIEVED to activate your 3rd Eye... so if your 3rd Eye is open & your physical eyes are open you are staring at 2 realms & your Mind can't translate it into what its lead to believe has been "Reality."

So people panic... people see Cartoons (which are just a dimension... think about it. A lot of religions believe NOTHING exists in the Physical Realm first & that every thought, act or deed is just a manifestation of something that already exists. Look at it like this... people think they created cartoons in the 1900's or whatever I don't care about the history that's not important. What's important is where did the idea originate from? THOUGHT... what is Thought? People believe its the 4th Spatial Dimension. So if nothing can exist physically first & THOUGHT is a dimension then why would it be absurd to believe there is a dimension in the Mind of God that contains what MAN CALLS CARTOONS?

You really have to understand the concept of Polarity to really grasp it. "As Above, So Below, As Below, So Above" is something I never quite understood & now that I get it I really couldn't deny God existed if I wanted to... the concept makes TOO MUCH SENSE.

I've done salvia too I call it shrooms angry cousin cause it will smack you fast as hell.

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012

I've done salvia too I call it shrooms angry cousin cause it will smack you fast as hell.

Try Salvia (Plain Leaf) in a dark room (maybe some candles) with low music & no distractions. Put a pinch of leaf in a water pipe... torch the bowl if you have a regular lighter & inhale the smoke for 30 seconds. I usually have never made it past 20 before I'm gone. Also right before you exhale close your eyes... then watch everything you ever believed in get destroyed in front of you then put back together in the most beautiful way... :wow:

The thing about Salvia that most don't get is it builds a landscape... damn near the same landscape everytime until its the same landscape. Once that landscape is built... I'm not even gonna spoil it breh. I don't fear death at all anymore... not in the least & even though I love my life & am enjoying it, at death in my final breath will only be excitement for the next phase of life. It sounds dumb but I've seen that we're forever... we're not flesh... Life is amazing... you can enjoy the fukkery of Drake & Chris Brown & still be able to marvel in the heavens when you want... :wow:

All I have to say is I don't know anyone has done Salvia/San Pedro/DMT/Fly Agaric for real for real & stayed the same... :wow:
May 1, 2012
Try Salvia (Plain Leaf) in a dark room (maybe some candles) with low music & no distractions. Put a pinch of leaf in a water pipe... torch the bowl if you have a regular lighter & inhale the smoke for 30 seconds. I usually have never made it past 20 before I'm gone. Also right before you exhale close your eyes... then watch everything you ever believed in get destroyed in front of you then put back together in the most beautiful way... :wow:

The thing about Salvia that most don't get is it builds a landscape... damn near the same landscape everytime until its the same landscape. Once that landscape is built... I'm not even gonna spoil it breh. I don't fear death at all anymore... not in the least & even though I love my life & am enjoying it, at death in my final breath will only be excitement for the next phase of life. It sounds dumb but I've seen that we're forever... we're not flesh... Life is amazing... you can enjoy the fukkery of Drake & Chris Brown & still be able to marvel in the heavens when you want... :wow:

All I have to say is I don't know anyone has done Salvia/San Pedro/DMT/Fly Agaric for real for real & stayed the same... :wow:
Breh I took your advice and downloaded the PDF version of the book.

I read one chapter where he starts talking about focus and relaxation and I kid you not I had one of the most vivid dreams ever.

I don't have time to write my dreams down so I'm going to record myself talking about them on my iPhone on my way to work.

It was so real breh :sadcam:

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
Breh I took your advice and downloaded the PDF version of the book.

I read one chapter where he starts talking about focus and relaxation and I kid you not I had one of the most vivid dreams ever.

I don't have time to write my dreams down so I'm going to record myself talking about them on my iPhone on my way to work.

It was so real breh :sadcam:
There is that lucid dream app in Google Play that is interesting :

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Breh I took your advice and downloaded the PDF version of the book.

I read one chapter where he starts talking about focus and relaxation and I kid you not I had one of the most vivid dreams ever.

I don't have time to write my dreams down so I'm going to record myself talking about them on my iPhone on my way to work.

It was so real breh :sadcam:

If you *WANT* to speed up your progress try this... I REALLY wish something like this was available when I was in High School... it's for Lucid Dreaming but it all connects together with Astral Projection...

Follow the directions to the T... it is backed by Science... at least the science behind it. Also, the best time to attempt to project is in the morning after you wake up & you've been up for a while. At night we don't have "energy" & tend to fall asleep... & I don't know how far you are into that book but the Astral Body requires energy which is why a lot of people do Chakra work prior if they're meditating. At night you're more likely to fall asleep because you don't have enough mental energy to maintain consciousness once your body falls asleep. In the morning the Astral & Mental Body are replenished. Also, research because its been a while on paper, but I think you're supposed to stay up like 20 minutes to an hour in the morning to fully wake yourself up. If you tried to project immediately after waking up you'd either fall into a dream or back to sleep.

So when you try it after you're up for 20 minutes or whatever your Astral Body is already stimulated from just being used so it takes WAAAAAAAY less time & effort to get to the Vibrational Stage & Exit. I'm telling you... just don't freak out... the first time is DEFINITELY the scariest but afterwards its just plain and simple childlike essence of discovery, life is beautiful breh... fukkery & all... :wow:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
@Christopher browns DEFINITELY advance in dreamwork. Astral Projection is amazing but learning to control your dreams & interact with them once you've learned to make them DAMN NEAR LIFE-LIKE... no words can describe it breh... my first year of EXTREMELY Lucid Dreams was nothing like any year I've lived. I've never been so excited to go to sleep because of all the new "discovery" I was making. I've noticed the more & more spiritual practice you do... the more expression & creative things you begin to do & meditating & appreciating nature, basically becoming a more spiritual person in touch with the spiritual side of existence... your dreams become realer & realer.

Just do some research fam... it's people who have honestly cried waking up from Lucid Dreams that were so real & beautiful they didn't want to come back to this life... :lupe:

Not on no suicide shyt... :whoa:

Just... appreciation for what beauty really is... :wow:

The countless landscapes of the infinite imagination of God (or whatever you believe) is life's playground... :wow:

I've seen things breh... :wow:

Beautiful things... :wow:

I couldn't look at the world the way people teach you to look it if I tried. Life is beautiful... and that's not condescending because even the fukkery & pain of it all is beautiful. There's beauty in so many things "if you look."

For example... Ferguson. It's horrible what those people are going through on BOTH SIDES. I'm not siding with Cops no... what I'm saying is there are some innocent people who are just trying to make ends meat inside these corrupt systems that don't agree with the system but rely on it for their finances... I get it... it's difficult to stand up to something knowing your way of life is about to change. Just like there's people on the reverse end that have other agendas then the real issue at hand.

I get it...

You seen the picture of breh cop that was being yelled at by the folks of Ferguson for standing with the Cops? I get it. The look on dudes face wasn't one in agreement... it was one of utter confusion, pain, disbelief, sorrow, etc. Nobody wants to stand against what they believe in... but dude was probably a normal dude... partied, played 2k, watched Netflix, etc. He stands against the Cops & all of that is GONE... his entire way of life is GONE. It takes a LOT of strength to do that & don't get it twisted, fam did eventually walk off, but they judged him right in the beginning when they have NO IDEA what he might have been going through on the inside.

Also, the people of Ferguson's entire way of life changed & its not right, that area was not high in crime. I see a lot of pain but I also see the beauty in people finally being aware of human indecency & completely surrendering their Ego & previous way of life for something a lot of us have not found yet... PURPOSE. But just as there is good there are also those there to exploit their own causes, exploit for entertainment, exploit for finances, exploit, exploit, exploit... & they're standing on the same side of the Protestors. Many have been smoked out so that's good but just like those walking out of their government jobs in protest & walking off their jobs in malls... it takes TIME.

There's pain on both sides, there's guilt on both sides but there's beauty on both sides (not the evil cops breh... I am NOT defending none of those wicked ass cops, politicians, racists, etc... I mean more "your cousin who is the receptionist at the local court house.") with people leaving their former way of life to stand up for something & there's ugliness on both sides... the hidden agendas, the fall of these celebrities perception (look how some Nas & Kendrick fans can't mentally handle their favorite artist supporting Iggy after she is more & more exposing her culture vulture side) & I don't even have to explain the ugliness on the other end because we've seen it & shed tears over it.

But yeah breh... just makes you "perceive" life differently the "closer" you get spiritually feel me? :wow:
May 1, 2012
If you *WANT* to speed up your progress try this... I REALLY wish something like this was available when I was in High School... it's for Lucid Dreaming but it all connects together with Astral Projection...

Follow the directions to the T... it is backed by Science... at least the science behind it. Also, the best time to attempt to project is in the morning after you wake up & you've been up for a while. At night we don't have "energy" & tend to fall asleep... & I don't know how far you are into that book but the Astral Body requires energy which is why a lot of people do Chakra work prior if they're meditating. At night you're more likely to fall asleep because you don't have enough mental energy to maintain consciousness once your body falls asleep. In the morning the Astral & Mental Body are replenished. Also, research because its been a while on paper, but I think you're supposed to stay up like 20 minutes to an hour in the morning to fully wake yourself up. If you tried to project immediately after waking up you'd either fall into a dream or back to sleep.

So when you try it after you're up for 20 minutes or whatever your Astral Body is already stimulated from just being used so it takes WAAAAAAAY less time & effort to get to the Vibrational Stage & Exit. I'm telling you... just don't freak out... the first time is DEFINITELY the scariest but afterwards its just plain and simple childlike essence of discovery, life is beautiful breh... fukkery & all... :wow:
:lawd: I can't wait to try this shyt :blessed: